Back to 1990

Chapter 1072: reception

"The Internet access fee is more than a thousand?" Lu Feng couldn't believe it. It was 1995, and the telecommunications network had already been rolled out in big cities. It was not the time to ask someone to find a relationship when installing a phone a few years ago.

"Yes, if you are not in a hurry, you can wait. I heard that the Internet access fee will change next year." The shopping guide and Lu Feng underestimated the gossip.

Isn't that right, China Unicom was split off in 1994, and now everyone is talking about the separation of Posts and Telecommunications. Everyone on the street knows it. It is already well known within Posts and Telecommunications, and they are ready to compete for more users before the separation. In 1996, the cost of accessing the Internet dropped again and again. Until the separation of post and telecommunications in 1998, this internal battle officially turned into a market battle on the bright side. In 2000, China Mobile was separated, and a three-pronged approach was formed. Domestic fixed-line telephones , the price war of mobile phones has just entered a head-to-head battle.

"Okay, not bad, help me get the card." Lu Feng waved his hand.

"You can do it yourself, or we can do it yourself. If you do it yourself, it will take a day or two. We have it ready-made, and you can add 500 yuan." The poor money owner, these mobile phone stores have this kind of service, as long as you have money, you can immediately insert the card and make a call.

"Okay!" Lu Feng felt that he was being pinched in his hand like a big head.

After paying the money and grabbing the phone, Lu Feng first called Zhu Lidong to ask about his current situation. He thought of calling Zhang Fengxia. After a bit of calculation, she was probably sleeping now, forget it.

Lu Feng wandered around and saw a lot of mobile phones. The prices are basically in the range of 6,000 to 8,000 yuan. Compared with the price of tens of thousands of yuan, the decline is still relatively obvious. The price will usher in the darkest moment, because Wu Ying introduced PHS technology from Fusang in 1996.

In the next few years, when PHS was chasing after these mobile phones, Lu Feng actually had an idea about cutting Hu PHS, but he did not have a good relationship with Fusang. If he signed a few years ago Authorization is still possible, as for now? I am afraid that if I go, I will be arrested.

Jiafeng Group's technological breakthroughs in the field of semiconductors are still spreading enthusiastically in China, and the news has also begun to be distributed overseas. When the news reached Shimo Watanabe's ears, his whole person seemed particularly unbelievable.

"What did you say?" Watanabe Shi looked at the assistant and asked.

The assistant was frightened by his reaction, and said in a low voice: "Jiafeng Group announced yesterday that it has achieved breakthroughs in a number of technologies in the semiconductor field. Their domestic media are reporting on this matter. Here is a detailed report."

The assistant put the copy copy in his hand on the table, and Watanabe Shi grabbed it and looked at it. From time to time, he raised his head and asked if it was true, are you sure it was true?

He couldn't believe that Jiafeng had made breakthroughs in these key areas. At this speed, Jiafeng's entry into the world semiconductor industry chain is a sure thing, which means that Jiafeng has direct competition with companies such as Sony and Panasonic. Advantage.

In addition, he is very clear that Lu Feng has a lot of means in the price war. This is a huge blow to the local companies in Fusang. The only thing that is fortunate is that Jiafeng does not yet have the ability to design chips. Without production capacity, everything is still in time.

"Do the companies in Silicon Valley know?" Watanabe asked, putting down the copy book in his hand.

"This...I don't know very well." The assistant said embarrassedly.

Watanabe Zhi asked her to go out. No matter what time it was in the United States, he contacted Intel's group vice president first, but no one answered the call, and he changed the other party's home number.

After more than an hour of anger, the phone was finally connected, and the voice on the other end was dazed and roared with displeasure: "You better be **** up, or I'll screw your head off, who? ?"

"Mr. Barrett, I'm Shizuo Watanabe, the head of Motorola's overseas business department in Fuso. I'm sorry to bother you, but the matter is really urgent. I just got the news that Jiafeng Group has made a breakthrough in the chip field and has mastered the Technology in several key areas, such as circle, corrosion, and coating, is very threatening to us, and I guess they have now moved towards higher areas such as chip design, storage, and information reading."

Watanabe Zhi talked about Jiafeng's situation, and even added fuel to it. The other end of the phone quickly woke up, got up from the bed and asked about the overall situation, and asked Watanabe Zhi to wait until the morning time on the US side to report to him. Goldman Sachs, and also talk to the Motorola executives.

In China, Lu Feng did not take the actual position. Instead, he felt a lot more relaxed. He found a housekeeper to clean up the house, and then called Jiang Xiaoyan and asked her to live here first. I couldn't make it clear on the phone, so I had to say, "I'll go to your factory and tell you."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Feng went out and drove straight to the factory.

Compared to Lu Feng's comfort, Wei Yandan was going crazy. He held four meetings in the morning, three of which were related to the inspection team. The municipal people came to look like an uncle, and the prepared reception plan was overturned. There was a lot of noise all morning. The team leader in charge of the reception team was a vice president, and he was scolded and cried by the municipal leaders.

It was almost noon, and there was a man in his forties sitting in the conference room. He wore a white shirt and trousers. He looked like a high-ranking person.

"Let me tell you, this is not only about you, but also about showing our place. We can't be stingy, we can't be extravagant, we can't be too flamboyant, but we can't be too shabby. Where, what standard, how many dishes, what wine, and who to accompany, you have to think clearly." The man instructed Wei Yandan and the others.

"Deputy District Chief Li, we have never done anything like this before. People want to come to inspect, just to see. What standard do you want, we will arrange it." Wei Yandan said to the man.

"You arrange yours, we arrange ours, let's work together to do this well, we can't just do the work, just like cooking, not only delicious, but also good-looking, we are responsible for safety, road clearance , provide a venue, you can do this reception well, that five-star hotel is not suitable, and there is to do a good job of publicity, slogans and so on, you must remember one thing, that is, Jiafeng can have today's results, yes Under the leadership of the city and the strong support of the district, it is only today."

"You need to work **** the planning of the inspection route. You have all the technicians ready, and they will meet them, then show the results, explain the principles, and dig out if there are any stories. It is best to introduce a person, he Don't be afraid of difficulties, stand up to pressure, and achieve success, understand?"

Wei Yandan was dumbfounded, looked at the reception team leader who was crying next to him, and said embarrassedly, "Deputy District Chief Li......."

"Mr. Wei, what do you mean by that sub-word all the time?" Deputy District Chief Li choked directly.

"I'm sorry, what I want to say is that you may not understand, we are the headquarters of the group, and the R&D company is the R&D company. I really don't know about the R&D company. I have to inform another president about this, and the results of this time. Most of them are made by overseas R&D centers, and they may not be able to come." Wei Yandan explained.

"Look, you see, it's all about problems, so you know how to shirk. Is this what it looks like to solve the problem? People will come the day after tomorrow, tell us this!" Deputy District Chief Li stood up and was very annoyed.

Wei Yandan was embarrassed. Knowing that this matter could not be solved in a while, she had to say, "It's lunch time. We will eat first, and prepare lunch for you. We will discuss it in the afternoon."

Deputy District Chief Li took a few people downstairs. Wei Yandan looked at the deputy head of the reception team beside him and said, "Don't be wronged, this is difficult."

"Mr. Wei, we showed the R&D company that plan last night. The people there are sneering, show They scolded me, and I was scolded from both ends, according to Deputy District Chief Li. Ideas, the R&D company can't do it at all." The team leader felt like his head was about to explode.

Wei Yandan stood there with a stern face, she knew that this was not something ordinary people could do. For several docking jobs, a person who could control the field was needed. According to the plan just said, she went to the research and development company herself, and it is estimated that Liucheng would not give it to herself Look good.

"You can go to President Lu after dinner. He can handle this matter. If you find him, you will say that the company will re-employ temporarily. You must follow the procedure and let him connect with the Deputy District Chief Li." Wei Yandan pointed to him. way.

In the cafeteria of Huasha Factory, Jiang Xiaoyan was sitting in the private room and eating, while Lu Feng was sitting next to him, holding a bowl and gulps, and said, "You are a good cook. The cooks at our headquarters are tasteless."

"What are you doing here all morning?" Jiang Xiaoyan put down the tableware and said, "I'm busy with your business."

"I found that I have been free since I left the management. The villa has been cleaned up, so you can go back and live. I am boring to be alone. I really can't. I can also be a consultant for you. By the way, I bought a mobile phone. Lu Feng took it out of his pocket and put it on the table. "This thing costs 10,000 yuan less."

"It's already very good. The signal is stronger than that of the big brother. I have it too. Isn't your company going to produce mobile phones, and then the price will be down." Jiang Xiaoyan chatted casually.

"It's about next year. If you don't want to live with me, I'll take Duoduo over." Lu Feng suggested.

"The child will not be with you." Jiang Xiaoyan said lightly.

"Do you have to ask, is she on summer vacation today?" Lu Feng asked.

Jiang Xiaoyan nodded and said, "I'll pick you up at four o'clock in the afternoon, just in time for you to pick me up."


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