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Chapter 1073: Introduce yourself

Lu Feng readily agreed. It happened that he was free during this time, and he took the opportunity to take a rest. In the past few years, he owed Duoduo and didn't spend much time with her. Now he spends a month to spend more time with her.

Regarding the international response, Lu Feng can guess that it is inseparable from ten, and things in Europe cannot be concealed. Coupled with the announcement of technological breakthroughs, the second half of the year will be the most difficult time for Jiafeng in the world. It should be at this time. On the contrary, it needs to be quiet, preferably quiet, as if Jiafeng is not his company.

When the sky is falling, there are tall people supporting him. As long as he lies flat, some will take advantage of him.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, at the entrance of the primary school, the children filed out, and the security guard stood beside him to maintain order. Even though he hadn't seen each other for a long time, the security guard recognized Lu Feng, waved his hand at Lu Feng, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu , Duo is here."

Lu Feng looked over there, and sure enough, he saw a lot. He walked over and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, it's all right." The security guard said with a smile.

Looking at Duoduo, Lu Feng took her schoolbag and asked, "It's a vacation? Your mother is busy during the summer vacation, do you want to stay with your father?"

The father and daughter were chatting, and the security guard stood by and watched. A woman came over and asked, "Have you seen my child? Has the fourth grade, third class come out?"

The uncle looked back at her and said angrily, "I'm a security guard, not a nanny. You ask me, who should I ask?"

"Hey? You old man." The woman muttered a few words and walked inside.

Lu Feng took Duoduo into the car, took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Xiaoyan's office, telling her that Duoduo had decided to follow him, and the two were going back to the villa to live.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Feng looked at the co-pilot Duoduo, reached out and touched her small head, and said lovingly, "Dad, I've been busy with work all the year round. This summer vacation is the time to make up for you. Feel free to say anything if you have any requirements."

"I don't want to do my homework!!!" Duoduo called out immediately.

Lu Feng looked like a loving father. He stared at her when he heard this and said, "Don't be too presumptuous in front of me! You're scared like a ghost in front of your mother. I'll take you to eat a hamburger."

Start the car and speed away towards KFC.

At the gate of the villa, the reception team leader waited here for an afternoon and saw Lu Feng, but he couldn't get in touch at all. After asking the security guard, he found out that they had gone out in the morning, so he had to continue to wait.

Until the sun went down, the scorching sun had faded, and the small hand of the breeze brushed against his face, making every pore feel comfortable. Lu Feng's car stopped at the door with one brake. Feng got out of the car and looked at it.

"Hey, wake up!" Lu Feng pushed him and asked, "Which family do you belong to? Sit here."

The man woke up, raised his head and saw that Lu Feng was about to cry, so he hurriedly stood up and said, "Mr. Lu, I am from the planning department of our company, you may not have seen me, it is the second-level department of the group, my name is Sun Linlin, Now that the above is going to come to inspect, a reception team has been set up, and I am the team leader."

"Isn't this good, what are you looking for me for?" Lu Feng stared at him, with a bad feeling in his heart.

"It was Mr. Wei who asked me to find you. This is how it happened..."

"Okay, let's go into the house and talk." Lu Feng opened the door and took out the Duoduo schoolbag. The little guy was still holding a bucket of oranges, drinking happily.

This team leader Sun is also an honest person. He went into the house and talked about it one by one. After listening, Lu Feng nodded, picked up the phone on the desk and called Wei Yandan's office.

The other end of the phone answered, "Which one?"

"It's me, Lu Feng, Mr. Wei, what do you think of me? The donkeys in the production team don't dare to do that, right? If you send someone over, you will be rehired? Besides, how do you do the work?" The phone scolded: "I can't do this thing? The headquarters feeds thousands of people, all of whom are dry?"

Wei Yandan listened to the angry scolding on the phone with black lines all over her face, and she wanted to tear up Sun Linlin directly. He didn't even say a word.

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, it's not like that. It's true that I encountered a problem. He came to ask me, and I said to him casually, if you were here, would it be a problem? I didn't expect this silly boy to be really I ran to block your door, because my work was not in place. In fact, I also think it is best for you to take the lead. It can show that our company attaches great importance to this inspection. How can we show our attention? Why don't you come forward, you are the founder, you are very familiar with the inside of the company, you are responsible for the reception, and they also feel that their faces are bright, what do you think?" Wei Yandan expressed a high emotional intelligence.

"What you said also makes sense." Lu Feng couldn't refute this, he said, "However, when it comes to internal talent, we must strictly control, don't let me take care of everything, and bring up capable people. The one who solves the problem, not the one who blames the problem.”

"Yes, yes, I must pay attention to it in the future, or I urge you to serve as the leader of the reception team this time." Wei Yandan said sincerely.

From what Sun Lin said just now, Lu Feng said that these people could not hold back the municipalities at all. If they were forcibly pressed on the R&D company, it would involve a lot of energy from the R&D company to deal with it.

"Okay, the salary can't be less, I'll go there tomorrow, hang up!" Lu Feng hung up the phone and looked at Sun Lin who was standing opposite. No matter how stupid he was at this moment, he knew he had said something wrong. He stood there with his head down and motionless.

Lu Feng could have imagined that when he returned, he would be demoted at light level, or fired at worst. Although this person could not speak, at least he was honest and would tell everything before and after. Sometimes honesty is the greatest virtue.

"Okay, don't stand still. I'll be the team leader tomorrow, and you can be the deputy team leader. If there is any problem that can't be solved, report it to me in time and go back." Lu Feng signaled that he could leave.

Sun Lin nodded and left without saying a word.

There were more children in the family, and it became lively immediately. There were a lot of messes upstairs and downstairs. After a while, the old friendship with the children next door was restored. The TV at home was turned on to play cartoons. Lu Feng also bought a Taiwan VCD, all kinds of discs on the other side of Xiangjiang casually watch.

Duoduo was really reluctant for a while, even a few children didn't want to go home, and at nine o'clock in the evening, they were still watching "The Holy Gambler" by Lu Feng.

In the building, Jiang Xiaoyan went home at seven o'clock in the evening. Sitting at home alone always felt empty. In the past, she was annoyed by this little guy and wanted to clean up for a few days.

Seeing the clock on the wall walking ticking, Jiang Xiaoyan was not sleepy. After thinking about it, she suddenly wanted to call Zhang Fengxia to ask how she was doing. She just called a while ago to tell her her phone number.

The night was extraordinarily peaceful. The storm struck at midnight, and Lu Feng and Duoduo slept extraordinarily sweetly. The next morning, the rain cleared, and the whole world was washed and refreshed.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Duoduo got dressed and was about to run out to play, when Lu Feng called him back.

"As for me, if there is a temporary matter, you can either stay with your mother in the factory and watch them produce washing powder, soap, lipstick, etc., or follow your father and me to my group headquarters to talk about international affairs. "Lu Feng sat on the sofa and smoked a cigarette with Erlang's legs crossed. Instead of giving the little guy two choices, he would pretend to compare with the little guy.

"Me and Dad!"

"It's still your father, otherwise how can you be your father?" Lu Feng felt her admiring gaze, stood up, changed his shoes and went out the door.

Arrived at the company at 9 o'clock, and several people from Deputy District Chief Li had already arrived. The dispute was fierce in the conference room on the sixth floor, and the time was tight. Today, we must make a reception plan.

In the conference room, Sun Senlin sat there with his head down, Liu Cheng sat next to him without saying a word, and the remaining seven or eight people didn't even dare to speak out, looking at the plan in his hand was a little helpless.

"Mr. Liu, you have to learn to overcome any problems. You can't see the R&D team. What are they doing? You really can't do it. Find a few foreigners and let them stand behind. It's just a matter of shaking hands." Deputy District Chief Li instructed. on.

"There's no way to do it." Liu Cheng waved his hands again and again and asked Sun Senlin next to him, "Mr. Lu will take over the work of the reception team today, right?"

Sun Lin nodded.

"No matter who comes, this is the plan. We must have an international When we show it on TV, we need to look good and show it in an all-round way. This time it is also to show what kind of building we are. The city is for people all over the world to see." Deputy District Chief Li tapped on the table.

Liu Cheng didn't say a word, just waited for Lu Feng to come.

Yesterday, Lu Feng's re-employment procedures were all completed, and the badge was also completed. As soon as he returned to the office, someone gave it to him. He walked in here and looked around, and he was curious about everything. The people around were also very enthusiastic about this little girl. , of course, mainly because her father is the founder of the company.

"Which floor is this reception team's office area?" Lu Feng asked the clerk next to him, "First call someone over for a meeting, let's get to know each other."

"Mr. Lu, they are all in the small conference room on the sixth floor. Deputy District Chief Li is also there, as well as President Liu of the R&D company." The clerk replied.

"Then I'll go directly." Lu Feng glanced at Duoduo and said to her, "Don't run out of the building, I'm going to a meeting."

"I know!" Duoduo replied simply.

When the atmosphere in the conference room was about to freeze, Lu Feng pushed open the door and walked in. He glanced at the scene and asked Liu Cheng, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten." Liu Cheng raised his head and replied.

Lu Feng sat on the main seat while talking, and said to everyone, "Introduce yourself. Now I will take over the work of the reception team."

Seeing Lu Feng coming, Deputy District Chief Li said, "The plan implemented by your company is already on the table."

"What's your name? Introduce yourself." Lu Feng stared at him and asked, then lit a cigarette.

Deputy District Chief Li was stunned when he heard this, how could Lu Feng speak as if he was ordering his subordinates.


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