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Chapter 1078: fight

The scene was full of people, and Lu Feng kept his eyes on the man. After returning to his position, he said a few words to the people around him, and walked over again with a look of joy on his face.

"Beauty, go out with brother for a while, brother will show you something good." The man asked with a hilarious smile.

"No time!" The woman raised her head and said angrily.

"Don't be empty, you look so good-looking, **** it, this figure is really good." The man started to move his feet as he spoke.

The woman pushed his hand away and scolded, "Please leave!"

After the man was gathered, his face was instantly annoyed. Just as he was about to make a move, he felt that there was a gaze staring at him all the time. He raised his head just to meet Lu Feng's gaze, and said unhappily, "Look at Nimabi?"

After being scolded, Lu Feng became angry, and said solemnly: "I have eyes on me, I don't break the law when I look at people, people don't pay attention to you, and you are shameless. I?"

"What the **** do you say again? Try talking back again?"

Liu Cheng couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "Dude, it's almost done, is it bad to go home and sleep after drinking some wine?"

"Fuck you!" The man didn't hesitate at all. He picked up the beer bottle on the table and smashed it towards Liu Cheng. The wine bottle whizzed past Lu Feng and Liu Cheng and smashed on the chair in front of him. broken.

Lu Feng and Liu Cheng were terrified by the way the other party did not agree with each other. The two of them hurriedly stood up, and the other party had already rushed up.

The explosion of the beer bottle instantly overwhelmed all the noise at the scene. At that moment, everyone looked towards this side, only to see the man rushing towards Lu Feng, raising his fist and smashing it towards Lu Feng.

The other party drank a lot, and his body was not stable. Lu Feng hurriedly stepped back and knocked the table behind him to the ground. The bowl and plate were smashed to the ground. No, stand up quickly and step back.

"Fuck him to death for me, I will buy your life with money!" The man shouted, and rushed over with another beer bottle.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Liu Cheng hurriedly said to Lu Feng, "Mr. Lu, run first!"

Just as Lu Feng was about to turn his head and run, a man suddenly rushed in from outside the door. He flew up and kicked Lu Feng directly on the back. Lu Feng was staggered and rushed forward.

Immediately after, the five or six people at the table next to him also stood up one after another, and the melee was about to break out. Lu Feng was kicked several times, and just got up from the place, a man next to him with a stool in his hand hit the place where he just fell.

Liu Cheng was chased and beaten by two or three people. The scene was in a mess. There were too many opponents, and his fists were no match for his four feet. Lu Feng stood firm and ran out.

As soon as he ran out of the door of the hotel, he bumped into someone head-on, and almost fell to the ground. When Lu Feng calmly looked at it, he directly bumped into Mayor Zhou's arms.

"Mr. Lu, what's the matter?" As soon as Mayor Zhou finished speaking, a beer bottle flew over and blossomed on his head.

The dozens of people behind Deputy Mayor Liu were stunned by this situation. After a few seconds, everyone rushed in and blocked in front. Seven or eight people inside were smashing their chairs like wolves. Deputy Liu The head of the district was smashed a few stools and met Hong directly.

Where would these leaders fight, they were beaten out of the door at nine o'clock in less than half a minute.

The man who started the conflict with Lu Feng held a beer bottle in his hand and pointed to Lu Feng and said, "Isn't Nima looking at it? A scumbag, dug out your eyeballs, believe it or not?"

Lu Feng was kicked several times, but it was the leaders who were injured the most. Seeing this, Lu Feng said, "Come on, come on, try to dig one, you have the guts to dig all these people out and give you cattle. Forcing, rich, right? Rich and arrogant?"

"You have to force one more sentence, grass!" The man was about to rush up as he spoke.

The person next to him grabbed him. There are too many people here, and it is not suitable for him to do anything. After holding the man, he said harshly: "Do you know what Hou always does? You all deserve the **** to die."

Mayor Zhou covered his head with his hands, and the others gathered in a group to ask about the injury. Deputy District Chief Li covered his head and nobody cared. Someone had already called the police at the scene.

"Come on, try it out, don't **** say, what are you doing to me? You're messing with these people." Lu Feng said to Mayor Zhou and the others.

He Zheng and a group of people were watching, Mayor Zhou was about to eat people at the moment, and the people on the opposite side also felt that something was wrong. The group of people in front of them were all white shirts and suit pants. They didn't look like ordinary people. has begun to retreat.

"Call Director Chen and give him five minutes to arrive at the scene." Mayor Zhou covered his head with his hands, looked at He Zheng and squeezed a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm laughing, this must be the case. severely punished."

The leading men scolded and wanted to run away. How could so many people run away? They were surrounded by circles. In less than ten minutes, seven or eight police cars came roaring, and the door opened. A man in his forties got out of the car and ran over. , The whole person was shocked when they learned the situation at the scene, and immediately arrested several people.

"Send you to the hospital." Director Chen hurriedly said.

Mayor Zhou's head was no longer bleeding, and he wiped it with a tissue, not wanting to delay the dinner at night, and said, "No need, we must severely punish such incidents to ensure the people's sense of security. If this matter can't be handled, Well, you submit your resignation to the city, and I tell you, the people are keeping you, not for you to do nothing!"

"Yes, yes, it must be severely punished!" Director Chen lowered his head and said.

"It's not just about this matter, but we have to investigate the past. They are so arrogant, but it is not something ordinary people can do." Lu Feng said from the side: "Enterprises also need a good business environment, and hope Director Chen has a good trial."

"It's for sure. We don't want to see such a thing happen."

Mayor Zhou and a few people walked to the restaurant. Although He Zheng kept saying that it was okay to eat, but Mayor Zhou kept saying that it was all right. Everyone entered, Lu Feng supported his waist with his hands, looked at Liu Cheng and asked. : "Are you alright?"

"It's alright, it's just a few punches. If the scoop is opened, it will be troublesome." Liu Cheng said with some fear.

Several people were pressed into the police car. The man who started walking in front of Lu Feng was stopped by Lu Feng with his hand. The other party was already awake a lot now, and his eyes were still not good when he stared at Lu Feng.

"What are you looking at?" Lu Feng looked at him and said, "I tell you, you are also lucky. If you put it a few years ago, you would not have been so lucky."

The other party looked at Lu Feng with disdain, and said, "I can squat for a few days at most, don't let me meet you again."

"Okay, you have to come out and talk about this first." Lu Feng didn't talk nonsense with him, he had seen a lot of this kind of idiots doing earthwork, but now he doesn't bother to go into such muddy waters.

Several people were pulled into the police car, and Lu Feng walked inside with a blank expression.

The meal at night was rather dull. Mayor Zhou apologized several times at the dinner table, and was secretly afraid. Fortunately, it was from the Science and Technology Commission.

"Mayor Zhou's health is very important. For tomorrow's inspection, let's put it aside for a while and recover a little bit." He Zheng said to Mayor Zhou.

"It's okay, I can accompany me tomorrow." Deputy Mayor Liu said hurriedly.

"Deputy District Chief Li and President Lu are both injured, so it's better to see a doctor first." He Zheng is very considerate: "Actually, Jiafeng's technology is almost understood now, I believe Jiafeng has completely broken through the technical blockade. , we are not in a hurry for this time, I just reported the work by phone these two days."

"Then let's do as Team Leader He But tonight, I hope you don't mention it." Mayor Zhou said embarrassedly.

"Don't worry, there are hooligans everywhere." He Zheng said with understanding.

The dinner was over before nine o'clock in the evening. The hospital where everyone went to overnight, Lu Feng was fine, he sat in the same car with Liu Cheng and took him home first.

"Mr. Lu, should I accompany me or not?" Liu Cheng looked at Lu Feng next to him and asked, "There are quite a lot of company affairs."

"It's fine if you are busy with your own work. You still have to pay close attention to research and development, and strive for the mass production of chips next year. Now, which field has the greatest demand for chips, you can produce which field. As for chip design, you don't have to be too constrained by the issue of patents. We need to get out of the laboratory as soon as possible." Lu Feng ordered with a cigarette.

"Okay, I'll try my best, but there is good news. DVDs will be mass-produced by the end of this year, and all experiments in the R&D center are stable."

"Good thing!" Lu Feng took a puff of cigarette, thinking about the day silently in his heart, and said, "The storm is coming. By then, Jiafeng's situation will be even more dangerous than the beating just now."

"It will get better." Liu Cheng suddenly remembered something after speaking, and hurriedly said: "If you want to produce mobile phone chips next year, you must buy a lithography machine this year. This thing is very slow to order, and Finland has advanced lithography. It takes two or three years for the machine to arrange the order.”

"Buy a second-hand one, I'll contact you about this matter. Fifty to sixty percent of the equipment imported from abroad can be used in chip production, and then the introduction of a half-set of equipment with a lithography machine as the main equipment, basically It's no problem." After Lu Feng finished speaking, he closed his eyes and rested on his seat. After a while, he muttered, "I'm afraid that as soon as the chip is produced, trouble will come."


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