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Chapter 1079: Wassenaar Agreement

When Liu Cheng heard this, he didn't know how to answer. As long as he understood the predicament that Lu Feng was about to face, everyone would be a headache for him, but at this point, he had no way out.

Perhaps this is the price Jiafeng has to pay for its impact on high-end manufacturing. As Lu Feng often said at conferences a few years ago, if I only want money, I don't have to.

At night, the inspection team returned to the hotel where they were staying to rest. A group of people had a brief chat in the hotel room. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is basically impossible for Jiafeng to falsify in terms of technology. Judging from the information presented It is relatively complete. Whether it involves technical patent infringement is not something they can judge.

"Since they dare to declare, it shows that they have the confidence. There is no need for fraud in this kind of thing. Now my thinking is that it is not easy for us to come here. Is it too much of a loss to go back like this?" He Zheng looked at the crowd and asked road.

Everyone immediately understood what He Zheng meant. It wasn't about making money, but wanted to make some credit. In the future, he would be promoted much faster than others.

"It's hard to do this, right?" the deputy team leader whispered.

"If it's two days, it's not easy to handle. The beating that Mayor Zhou received tonight was really good. You think, now that the technology has broken through, the next step is industrialization. If a guiding opinion is given to the semiconductor industry in Shenzhen, Jiafeng Group and the city agree that it is good, so it will come." He Zheng expressed his thoughts.

Everyone nodded, this was indeed an opportunity to perform, He Zheng saw that everyone agreed, and slowly calmed down. This was created by everyone. What he wanted was to point out the engineers of Jiafeng alone, on the key points. If you make another breakthrough, let the local newspaper report it well, and go back with this credit, then it will be completely different. When the leaders come next time, they will definitely accompany them.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening. After He Zheng asked everyone to go back to the house to rest, he called Mayor Zhou's secretary to inquire about the injury.

Mayor Zhou picked up the phone and said, "It's so late, Team Leader He hasn't rested yet. He's thinking about me, it's hard work."

"I don't have anything to worry about, you'll be fine. As for me, I'm going to call tomorrow to report the situation and tell you in advance." He Zheng said to the phone.

When Mayor Zhou heard this, he immediately reacted. He had to report to himself several times in advance. This is obviously something.

"Then I'll take care of the group leader He's words. It's not easy now. If you have any ideas, just say it. We should do the reception of the inspection team." Mayor Zhou struggled to sit up and leaned on the bed.

"Can you have any ideas? I just do what I should do, but after reading it today, I feel that there is a lack of guidance on future industrialization. If you want, we can write something in these days, and also, I think, Jiafeng Group has not done well in some areas of the chip, and I need some guidance to do some interviews or something, what do you think?" He Zheng asked on the phone.

"If it's publicity, it's okay. This kind of thing is mutually beneficial, right? The city still wants to support it. You can come to my office tomorrow for an interview." Mayor Zhou replied.

He Zheng knew in his heart when he heard this, the matter was settled, he smiled and agreed again and again, let him cultivate well, and then hung up the phone.

It has been almost 24 hours since many companies in Silicon Valley spoke out against Jiafeng Group. As it has spread across the ocean and has reached the inland, many newspapers adjusted their pages immediately after receiving the news and put this news at the top Edition headlines.

In the United States, a number of Silicon Valley technology companies and Wall Street investment companies held meetings, submitted several proposals on technology security, and directly held meetings with the technology security department, with multiple departments participating in the meeting.

At the meeting, the heads of a number of Silicon Valley high-tech companies said that this matter is extremely terrifying. Ensuring the leadership of high-end technology is the way of survival for American companies, and Jiafeng has made a very bad start and must not hesitate to All costs are contained, otherwise other countries will follow suit.

One more good peak in this world is not scary, what is scary is one more example.

Since Jiafeng is a Chinese company, this matter quickly attracted the attention of high-level officials. Among the Silicon Valley companies represented by Motorola, companies proposed in the plan to sanction Jiafeng Electronics in the semiconductor field.

The original idea of ​​this plan was put forward by Watanabe Shi, and he also proposed to block the high-tech that Huaxia entered, otherwise a good peak would be destroyed, and other companies would come out.

These opinions were all included, and after a preliminary meeting, a general direction was established. Sanctions were imposed on Jiafeng Group and Lu Feng himself, and a global high-end technology alliance was formed. The notorious Wassenaar Agreement in the international scientific and technological circles was thus formed. prototype.

Everything unfolded slowly with the progress of history, except that in addition to the Wassenaar Agreement, there was one more Chinese.

In Europe, many countries jointly established an investigation team to formally investigate the overseas branch of Jiafeng Group, and the court issued an international arrest warrant for Lu Feng, and the extradition documents were sent to China. Those in charge of foreign affairs who read hundreds of pages of content were dumbfounded Yes, the number of crimes listed in it is astounding.

The other party demanded to arrest Lu Feng in Huaxia first, freeze all the assets of Jiafeng Group, and transfer it to the High Court of London within five working days. He will be tried at the EU headquarters and compensate millions of victims in several countries.

The foreign affairs department did not dare to delay, and immediately reported the matter. This time, Lu Feng really broke the sky. The public security department contacted the Shenzhen police overnight to determine whether Lu Feng was in the country. On the phone, they asked not to let Lu Feng go.

Major airlines immediately froze Lu Feng's passport.

Early the next morning, it was the most ordinary day for everyone, and it was the same for Lu Feng. He woke up at seven o'clock and had breakfast. He was sleepy and complained, "I have nothing to do today. , Mayor Zhou's gang was beaten, and they have rested for the past two days, so why did you wake me up so early?"

"Get up early and feel good!" Jiang Xiaoyan glanced at Duoduo while eating and said, "Don't let her play with the computer. It's time to do your homework today. You have nothing to do at home with your children."

"Should I accompany her to do her homework?" Lu Feng heard that the task was the first and the second.

Sitting on that face, Duoduo looked unhappy, and looked at Lu Feng as if to say, we are living here well, why did you call her here?

"Don't be upset, watch TV for a while to see if there are any cartoons." Lu Feng ordered.

Duoduo turned on the TV, and the local channel that jumped out was broadcasting the news. The hostess said to the camera: "Overseas news, yesterday, the Wall Street Journal published an interview with many Silicon Valley companies, including the CEO of Motorola, The other party said that the recent announcement by Jiafeng Group that it has achieved breakthroughs in a number of core technologies in the semiconductor field is an infringement of the technology patents of many companies."

"A number of US technology companies said that Jiafeng Group has been established for less than six years. In order to become a leader in the semiconductor field, it requires decades of technical accumulation, and such short-term breakthroughs will either infringe other The company's patent rights, or false propaganda, they hope to have a dialogue with Jiafeng Group, which is not only the Jiafeng Group's own business, but also a global technology trust crisis."

"Many of the responsible persons mentioned Mr. Lu Feng, the founder of Jiafeng Group, and said that Lu Feng has a bad reputation and has been doing some deceitful things. They do not doubt Jiafeng Group, but target Lu Feng. There is no problem with Jiafeng Group, they are warmly welcomed, and the global semiconductor industry will send flowers and applause."

After reading Duoduo, he looked back at Lu Feng and said for a few seconds, "The people on TV seem to be scolding you."

"He's just a host, don't talk nonsense, it's foreign devils doing things." Lu Feng said angrily.

Jiang Xiaoyan watched the TV, looked back at Lu Feng and put down his asked, "Why are there so many things abroad?"

"Where did this go?" Lu Feng leaned on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

"I don't know what you are doing for a day, just take it slow, a good life is nothing but tossing around." Jiang Xiaoyan muttered, she didn't understand Lu Feng, she made money in her eyes, and lived her own life. All right.

"You have to mess around. If you don't mess around, you'll have people hit the ground with a hammer." Lu Feng looked at the two of them, got a vaccination in advance, and said, "If you can't bring much, find a nanny. If you don't get it right, you'll have to go in for a few days."

"How many days do you go in? Why do you want to go in again?" Jiang Xiaoyan didn't know how many times he had been caught in, and asked Lu Feng, "What's the matter? Just because of the patent right?"

"No, it's about money. You don't know what's going on in our country. Who have you seen arrested for patent infringement?" Lu Feng took a sharp puff and said, "It's about money."

"What's the money? You're not short of money." Although Jiang Xiaoyan usually didn't want to pay attention to him, but if something happened, she couldn't help but feel anxious.

"It's the overseas company that made some money, don't worry about it." Lu Feng waved his hand and said, "Go to work, I'll stay at home."

Where does Jiang Xiaoyan still have the heart to go to work? If you are domestic, you can find a relationship or something. This is all international, so what to do? Seeing Lu Feng's helplessness, she said angrily, "You just lack people to take care of you. It’s okay to know people, the more you play, the more you play, it’s all played internationally.”

"Oh, keep your voice down. It's early in the morning. It hurts my head because of the noise." Lu Feng was half lying on the sofa and continued smoking.

The two quarreled for only five minutes, and a police car stopped at the door of the villa.


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