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Chapter 1088: call me anytime

Everyone got on the elevator and went all the way to the office area. They mainly met the docking team of the headquarters in the R&D company, and praised the model of Jiafeng Group. The R&D company is independent, and there will be no layman to guide the expert.

With a simple understanding of the group's subsidiaries, Minister Niu said to Lu Feng: "Your sense of crisis is very good, the core material supply, and technology, in the irreplaceable direction, are in your own hands. Although the development model is a bit of a burden to move forward, it is steady and steady, one step at a time."

"This is also the experience I have accumulated in the last company. I founded a food company before, which was very restricted in terms of raw materials, or even monopolized. As long as a food company has a good supply barrier for raw materials, it will absolutely master the local Snack food industry." Lu Feng introduced: "We can be asset-light, cooperate with overseas companies, and assemble in China, but it's hard to live under the control of others."

"This is very good, but at the same time as your own development, you must also help the industry to develop. As I just said, in the future, in the DVD and mobile phone industries, we need to open up. Only when the industry is prosperous can companies go further. With profits, they can invest in more For advanced technology research and development, we can only be one step ahead.”

"At the same time, we need to strengthen communication, cooperation and active learning with overseas enterprises." Minister Niu said to Lu Feng: "We are also willing to support domestic private enterprises to become bigger and stronger. In this regard, we will strengthen support in the future and set up special subsidy policies. , strengthen the attraction of overseas talents, which needs to be done together.”

"This plan is really good. I think it's better to give overseas R&D personnel better treatment, solve their children's schooling, family housing and other problems, so that they can relocate to China with peace of mind, so that they will not be easily excluded from overseas. There is also the problem of overseas Chinese." Lu Feng thought for a while and then continued: "I attended a semiconductor exhibition in Paris some time ago, and I met an engineer who wanted to come back and wanted to make a contribution. And a mature team."

Minister Niu heard the spirit of the whole team, looked at Lu Feng and asked, "Where are you from?"

"On the other side!"

"It's a good thing, this matter can be handled specially. It's definitely a green light all the way. You tell him, let him come back with a sense of relief, even if he does nothing, as long as their team can make something, the country can invest." Niu the minister assured.

Lu Feng could tell that he wanted to draw people over to the country, so he hurriedly said, "It's the Jiafeng Group, and then set up a subsidiary company."

"Also, you can contact me directly about this matter, and ask the secretary to give you my contact information later." Minister Niu ordered behind him.

It was noon in the blink of an eye, and he asked a lot of things on the way to the restaurant. He Zheng also said that he had no idea about Mayor Zhou, so he showed himself first.

At the door of the hotel, Mayor Zhou walked in with him, and He Zheng stared at Lu Feng at the door, obviously displeased with a flattering person like Lu Feng.

"Being a man, it's about the same." He Zheng turned his head and went inside after he said meaningfully.

Deputy Mayor Liu came over and said in a low voice, "Please help Mayor Zhou, don't always take credit for yourself, people were a little unhappy just now, saying that you are not a good person."

"How long have you known me, you still don't know me?" Lu Feng took out a cigarette from his pocket and said, "How long has he been here? If you want to contribute to the semiconductor industry, it is also your contribution. Bar?"

When Vice Mayor Liu heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he personally took out a lighter and lit it for Lu Feng, and said, "You are a great man!"

"Don't worry, I know what I know." Lu Feng replied with a smile.

"But don't be so blunt. Take him with me. I'll give you some news, and he won't be around for long." Deputy Mayor Liu smiled with connotation.

"Oh?" Lu Feng actually heard the inside information and said, "Congratulations in advance."

"Don't congratulate me, I can't get in. This location is not an ordinary city, and a vice-mayor will never become a regular one." Deputy Mayor Liu looked at the time and said, "Let's go in, and go to the R&D company in the afternoon. Time is tight. They will go back tomorrow afternoon."

Lu Feng nodded, threw his half-smoked cigarette on the ground and entered the restaurant. Everyone was already seated. He Zheng and Mayor Zhou surrounded Minister Niu on the left and right, taking the opportunity to talk about their work.

"Take Jiafeng Group as the handle, cover the surface with points, and form industrial development. This is our next job. At the same time, we will do the work of scientific and technological workers. With Shenzhen as the window, we will attract global talents. In the future, we will build an overseas talent base." Mayor Zhou took a look at He Zheng and said seriously: "There is a plan to organize these things, especially after the team leader He came, he gave us a lot of advice."

"It's mainly because Mayor Zhou planned well, and I just put forward a little idea." He Zheng cooperated.

The two of them sang together, and their mouths were very humble, but when they talked about specific things, they all played a 'minor' role in it, as if they participated in everything.

"Science and technology is the primary development force. If the work in this area is solid, there will be tangible rewards." Minister Niu said.

"For solid matters, the one I have had the most contact with is Deputy Mayor Liu, who has had the most contact with entrepreneurs like us." Lu Feng took the opportunity to interject.

When Deputy Mayor Liu heard Lu Feng mentioning himself, his face suddenly brightened, and he waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, it's all right, it's just to implement the city's policies."

"Of course, it's me who is the most tired!" Lu Feng turned the conversation, turned to himself shamelessly, and said to Minister Niu, "Especially in the three aspects of capital, technology, and talents, I don't know how to work hard. It took me a lot of hard work, looking for it at home and abroad, and putting many things on one company, it is really too difficult."

Vice Mayor Liu, who was originally smiling, froze. Mayor Zhou, Vice Mayor Liu, and He Zheng stared at Lu Feng without a smile on his face.

"What's the problem? You can't ask you to look for money and people. As long as we can help, we will help you." Minister Niu said hurriedly.

Now he only hopes that the semiconductor industry will take root as soon as possible. As long as the market is formed in the country, it will be good. Even if the market is relatively weak and there is a spark, they will have a place to blow it and work hard, otherwise it will be useless to be in a hurry.

"Lithography machine, this thing is more strictly controlled for us overseas, and the price is high. If you want to let the chip land, the lithography machine is indispensable. I have been worrying about this during this time. If you have any difficulties, just ask Say, I'm welcome." Lu Feng said towards him.

"The Science and Technology Committee will help you find out about this, and I will notify you as soon as there is news." Minister Niu assured.

"Okay, thank you so much. With a leader like you, I put my heart in my stomach. People say that the King of Hell is good, and little devils are difficult to deal with. I didn't believe it before, but now I completely believe it. No wonder you can As a leader, being responsible for us entrepreneurs wholeheartedly is really touching." Lu Feng said this and raised the wine glass in his hand: "I toast you."

He Zheng was sitting on the side with an extremely ugly expression on his face. Lu Feng repeatedly called him in front of the leader, which made him very unhappy.

Minister Niu knew in his heart of these people at the dinner table that the meal was neither salty nor bland. After lunch, it was lunch break. Lu Feng opened a room in the hotel and took a nap for a while, as long as his business was done , As for things in the city, it's not that important.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, everyone gathered downstairs, got in the car and went straight to the R&D company. According to the predetermined process, they introduced the past and present life of Jiafeng R&D company, from TV to chip industry.

In the evening, Minister Niu was sent away, and there was only one symposium left in the morning. Before leaving, Lu Feng got the phone number, and the other party specially instructed that if there is any problem, just call, and if it can be solved, it will definitely be solved.

Lu Feng looked at the phone number in his Vice Mayor Liu knew what kind of virtue he was, and he stepped forward and said, "People are just polite, so don't call for anything, you know? "

"I'm not a fool, don't worry." Lu Feng put the business card in his arms.

He Zheng was standing not far away, smoking a cigarette. Lu Feng was unhappy no matter how he looked at him. He whispered to Mayor Zhou, "Is this person a little crazy?"

When visiting the R&D company in the afternoon, Minister Niu mentioned that Jiafeng R&D Company should communicate more with the relevant units of the 909 project plan, integrate technology patents, learn from each other, and at the same time apply to Jiafeng for a special subsidy equivalent to the 909 plan. Especially in the direction of research and development, especially in the construction of research and development centers, subsidies for equipment, subsidies for talents and other directions.

The 909 Project has been in operation for many years, and there are no projects that have been implemented. It is obvious that Jiafeng Group should be regarded as a key training goal. With such an obvious action, no matter how stupid Mayor Zhou is, he knows that this inspection is not easy.

Since Jiafeng's status has been raised so high, why is he flirting with the leader of a small inspection team?

"Young man, what's wrong?" Mayor Zhou said to him, "You, take care of yourself first!"

"I... I take care of myself?" He Zheng was stunned, feeling that something was not right, and said, "Mayor Zhou, we agreed before..."

"What are you talking about? When you do your job well, you have to lean down like a bull and serve the company well. Didn't you hear Minister Niu just now that technology is the primary productive force, and engineers are the engine, and you should love them like a giant panda. ." Mayor Zhou looked like a businessman, and his face changed so quickly that Lu Feng, who was standing by the side, was amazed.


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