Back to 1990

Chapter 1089: The war starts

He Zheng ate a closed door, couldn't say a word, stood there, his face turned purple, and murmured for a while, turned his head and left on his own.

"Don't be late for tomorrow's meeting." Mayor Zhou instructed Lu Feng, then turned around and got into the car.

Vice Mayor Liu watched the car get further and further away, and just turned his head and said to Lu Feng: "If you can not offend, try not to offend. If you really want to wear small shoes for you, you won't feel well. Don't be late for the meeting tomorrow, it will definitely benefit Jiafeng. Yes, after people go back to the meeting to study and judge, Jiafeng has really become a leading semiconductor company in China."

"I see, I don't want to get too close to the city, mainly because I don't want to cause those troubles. As soon as the relationship is close, it's a meal or something." Lu Feng knew their way too well, chatting for a while at the dinner table, I know whoever and whoever, and I'll let you come with a phone call.

I went to introduce you to a lot of useless people, and then just performed a three-cup drink!

It's better to leave a bad impression, and there will be few things to do in the future. The most important thing is that whether it is Jiafeng or Lu Feng, the city can't provide what they need now.

"Then I'll go back first." Vice Mayor Liu greeted and got into the car and left.

The outside world has never stopped talking about Jiafeng, especially today, with Motorola's domestic branch officially announcing that it will sue Jiafeng Group in China, other domestic and foreign companies are also preparing to join hands to appeal, and the domestic public opinion is once again in an uproar.

The whole day's itinerary is quite intensive. Lu Feng moved his body and looked at the people in Liucheng next to him and said, "You should be busy with your own work. There should be no major problems."

Zhu Lidong walked over and said: "Mr. Lu, there is a situation, just now there was news from the United States that Watanabe Shi was the overseas head of Motorola Group headquarters. We were transferred from Fusang just for this, and this morning, some overseas banks adjusted our credit to the lowest level, including many banks in Xiangjiang."

"Just adjust, we don't take loans from overseas anymore. Even if we want to buy lithography machines from abroad in the future, we can do it through related companies!" Lu Feng said indifferently: "As for Watanabe Chi, this All kinds of things are reused, and it is considered that the people over there are blind, so they are busy with their own."

In the evening, as the sun went down, Lu Feng drove home by car, silently pondering the current situation. In addition to the support of the state, Jiafeng had to achieve greater autonomy. The most important thing was the chip issue.

If you want to mass-produce mobile phones next year, the communication chip must be mass-produced this year, otherwise it can only be postponed. With Jiafeng's current situation, the overseas industry chain should not even think about it.

Although there are few internal chips in mobile phones, there is only one simple processor, most of which are based on integrated circuit motherboards, but in terms of signal compilation, operation procedures, and circuit management, a simple processor is still needed, and it cannot even be said that it is A processor is an integrated circuit.

Today's mobile phones are just a circuit board plus signal reception, compilation, plus batteries and speakers. Even if it is so simple in the eyes of later generations, it is still high-tech. Among them, 2g signals are compiled, received, and processed. A series of 'processors' is in the way.

"The mobile phone will not be online next year!!"

Lu Feng rubbed his face a little worriedly. If Jia Feng had such ability, he would have to wait another two or three years. Lu Feng knew very well that even if he got the lithography machine back, the chip circuit design would not be a problem. Dust workshops, various tests, and a set of processes will take two or three years to complete.

After these things are produced, the main application scenarios are still computers and mobile phones after 2000. Now the processors and storage on mobile phones are too simple.

The car stopped at the door of the house, Duoduo sat at the door in a daze, holding an unknown dog in his arms, when he saw that Lu Feng was back, he glanced at him and said nothing.

Lu Feng got out of the car and asked, "What's wrong? Are you depressed?"

"It's just boring!" She said with a sigh and said, "I'll be ten years old after this year, and I'm already a double-digit old man."

Lu Feng looked at her as a young man expressing his sorrow, and walked straight back home.

Jiang Xiaoyan packed some meals back from the restaurant. Seeing Lu Feng coming back, he stood up from the sofa and said, "When you come back, let's eat. I read the newspaper this afternoon and said that many companies are going to sue Jiafeng."

"Let's sue, don't press yourself if there are too many lawsuits." Lu Feng shouted towards the door: "Duo Duo, it's time to eat."

There is too much information from the outside world and it is too complicated. Lu Feng can't handle it, and he doesn't want to handle it. Now he is reluctant to appear in public. With what he knows about some Chinese people, if he stands up by himself, in the next ten years, even Longer, he will become the object of abuse.

Sometimes he prefers to be a behemoth drowning under water, which is one of the reasons he voluntarily quit management in the first place.

Early the next morning, there was a municipal meeting. This time, He Zheng did not attend. I heard that when he reported the work last night, the deputy team leader reported it. Before the meeting, Deputy Mayor Liu chatted with Lu Feng quite gossip. Take a look at the meaning here.

Lu Feng wasn't very interested in these things. The minds of this group of people were much more sensitive than his. A sentence, an action, and an inquiry could contain many layers of meaning. In comparison, the business world seemed much simpler.

Minister Niu was very satisfied with the development of Jiafeng. He affirmed this development method at the meeting, but he also believed that it would be impossible to hire foreigners to engage in business by throwing money at it. Yes, and strive to allow some colleges and universities to offer courses in this area, so that enterprises can connect with universities.

As long as this type of major becomes popular, there will be many students rushing to the industry one after another, striving to increase the learning and exchange of semiconductors between schools, enterprises, and higher levels.

At the same time, it will determine the leading position of Jiafeng Group in the semiconductor industry, reduce or exempt certain taxes, and provide subsidies for research and development. In the future, it will promote the cooperation between Jiafeng and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and also encourage Jiafeng to set up more R&D centers in China. These R&D centers can It is completely free, with some local expenses, some subsidies from the Science and Technology Committee, and some subsidies from special funds.

It is also hoped that Jiafeng Group can play a leading role and actively promote the industrial chain. After mass production is achieved, it is best to distribute wafers, corrosion, packaging and testing, and other links to various enterprises, and form a complete domestic market. industry chain.

When it was Lu Feng's turn to speak, he said that in the current international environment, if Jiafeng's chips want to be mass-produced, it will take five years at the earliest. This is still under the circumstance that the international blockade is not serious. If you can't buy the machine, you won't be able to produce it in the next life.

Minister Niu seemed quite helpless, but he kept saying that everyone should overcome it together!

After the meeting ended, everyone went to the restaurant. Lu Feng was standing outside smoking a cigarette. Vice Mayor Liu came over and asked for one. After taking two sips, he said with emotion, "It's not easy for you!"

"It's not easy. I chose it myself. If I lay flat and earn money, I'd be rich by now." Lu Feng smoked the chimney.

"You are already very rich. By the way, have you calculated how much assets you have?" Deputy Mayor Liu suddenly asked curiously.

"There are five grains in the sun, and seven feet of sleep at night. It's pointless to calculate those things. I said that I don't feel anything about money, do you believe it?" Lu Feng turned his head to look at him and asked in a rather wicked way.

He smiled and smoked a cigarette without speaking. For Vice Mayor Liu, this was definitely a sarcastic remark. He had to think about it in his life. He never had the feeling that Lu Feng said.

"Speaking from the heart, I don't think you can succeed in semiconductors." Vice Mayor Liu said to Lu Feng: "Now the economy is the main focus. On the whole, the large manufacturing industry is popular, and the external suppression is so severe, it is difficult to what!"

"Yeah, there are wolves in front and tigers in the back. I'm in a dilemma right now. Speaking of my heart, I'm really **** tired." Lu Feng smacked his cigarette and frowned, "Hold your breath, I really am. Between Americans and Europeans, I'm like a monkey, but I'll be fine, it won't take long!"

Deputy Mayor Liu raised his eyelids and was stunned when he saw Lu Feng's firm gaze. If he was an ordinary citizen with less information, he might believe it firmly, but Lu Feng knew no less than him about the current situation. Still believe in the future.

This made him a little surprised. The more he knew, the less he dared to say what the future must be like. The variables were too great.

"hope so!"

"Is the case sued by Motorola being fought here?" Lu Feng asked casually.

"Don't worry about this, you don't need to worry so much, just go in and eat." Deputy Mayor Liu threw the cigarette on the ground, pulled Lu Feng, and walked towards the restaurant~www.wuxiaspot. com~ In the afternoon, the first case of a foreign company suing a domestic company for infringement was accepted by the Shenzhen court, and the news at home and abroad was overwhelmingly publicized immediately, as if it was about to enforce the law under the camera.

At the same time, Motorola and other manufacturers began to attack the mobile phone business that Jiafeng has not yet produced. There are rumors that Jiafeng Group's mobile phones have major problems in the test environment, and the radiation exceeds the standard by a thousand times.

For a few days, Lu Feng was at home, bought a computer for Duoduo, and played with her at home. The little guy has reached the age of being a long man, and he has grown by one centimeter in a month.

"Dad, the newspaper is scolding you again, saying that you have no **** about giving birth to a son." Duoduo took the newspaper and showed it to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng glanced lazily at it, and threw the newspaper aside and said, "Then I wish his son all bullshit, you should practice the piano later, or your mother will yell at you when she comes back. "

"Dad, why do you think these people scold you?" Duoduo sat on the sofa looking rather annoyed.

Lu Feng glanced at her sideways, obviously she was also affected. In school, he used to like to say what my father did. After school started, it seemed that she would not mention it again.

"Children, commerce is a kind of plundering of resources, why did ancient times suppress commerce and emphasize agriculture? Because ancient commerce was not creative and service-oriented, only predatory and monopolistic, when only the latter two remained in commerce, then Competition is cruel, business competition is just a little something, low-end, fight, steal, spread rumors, price war, high-end, differentiated competition, service or product improvement, crowd-cutting targeted services, and high-end, buy shares Control, acquire Xue Zang, cultural suppression or make rules." Lu Feng said to her with a smile.


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