Back to 1990

Chapter 1090: change history

A few days passed in a flash. Compared with the top management of Jiafeng Group, facing the pressure of public opinion at the social level, Lu Feng seemed to be at ease.

Jiafeng Group is only left in a few surrounding countries in the overseas market. Many domestic Motorola companies have begun to aggressively attack mobile phones, killing Jiafeng’s unborn mobile phone in its infancy.

In addition to communicating with senior management occasionally, Lu Feng basically pays attention to the lithography machine for the rest of the time. As Jiafeng's domestic sales have not been greatly affected, the hearts of many shareholders are finally put in. in the stomach.

John called Lu Feng and said on the phone that Jiafeng's development has stabilized now. After they negotiated, they felt that the price of 3.5 billion US dollars to invest in Jiafeng was too high. 2 billion US dollars to acquire a 35% stake.

In addition, the capital situation of Jiafeng Group has improved a lot. As long as it does not expand blindly, there is a large amount of money lying in the company's account. Now that Jiafeng Group has been established for many years, there is still no dividend for shareholders. It is hoped that a dividend will be distributed at the end of this year.

Lu Feng directly rejected this matter, and said on the phone that Jiafeng would have to face international risks and needed funds to deal with unknown risks.

Lu Feng knew too well what the other party was thinking. Now he was just testing it. During the phone call, Lu Feng asked him to help him pay attention to the lithography machine, but he didn't say anything else.

A few months passed in a flash, and it was Mid-Autumn Festival in a blink of an eye. Lu Feng’s parents called and asked him if he would go back. Lu Feng just gave the family some money and comforted the second old man on the phone, but there was no other news. During the several phone calls with Zhang Fengxia, Lu Feng comforted her and let her feel at ease to raise the baby, nothing here.

Although Zhang Fengxia repeatedly said that she was rich, Lu Feng still transferred US$500,000 through the bank card account she left in Hua Sha.

The domestic high-level executives want to make semiconductors very strong, but the reality is easier to sober people. There is no market at all. The private economy does not need such things as chips. As for selling to foreign countries, no one will buy it no matter how cheap it is, except There is no other way but to take money to prolong the life of semiconductors.

Lu Feng had several phone calls with Minister Niu. Lu Feng understood his heart very well, but the problem was that the market was blocked outside, and the country could not operate independently. With maintenance, this feeling of powerlessness is exhausting.

Some things can be done and overcome, but there is no market, what should we do? This thing has a threshold, and it can't be pushed out by sales.

Lu Feng knew that feeling of powerlessness. Based on his understanding of semiconductors, the development of domestic semiconductors in the 1990s was not bad in the last generation, but it was suspended because of market and blockade issues. After all, how long will subsidies be subsidized? There is no end to this road.

You must know that, like Lu Feng, he is not alone in raising semiconductors in other industries, and he is definitely not the first. The famous Shougang Group was booming in the 1990s, with an annual net profit of more than 5 billion, even if it was like this The Big Mac finally stopped working on the semiconductor project.

In any era, there is no shortage of people who dare to go against the current. When the future has not changed, it can only be said that those people have all failed.

During the Mid-autumn Festival, a full moon is extraordinarily round. Sitting in a seaside villa to see it, it is really a bright moon on the sea. At this time, Jiang Xiaoyan set a table outside according to the custom of his hometown, and took moon cakes, fruits, and yellow watches. Begin offering to Luna.

Lu Feng moved a small ponytail and sat at the door watching the bright moon. There was a slight breeze in the air. Now the south is a pleasant season.

"Dad, the moon is so round." Duoduo pointed at the moon.

"Yeah, it's so round, it's like a thousand years ago and a thousand years later." Lu Feng said with emotion: "As long as it reaches fifteen, it will always be so round."

When Jiang Xiaoyan heard this, she turned her head to look at him, and said, "It's a big holiday, why are you so emotional? Do you still have to memorize a poem?"

"It's just that I suddenly felt a little emotional. The moon used to be like this. I came. The moon is still like this. So I'm not here for nothing?" Lu Feng said in a rather depressed mood.

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Xiaoyan said to Duoduo, dumbfounded; "Look at your dad, be careful he blows up the moon tomorrow."

"Since I'm here, it can't be in vain. Even a speck of dust blown by the wind in the long river of history should bring about a little change!" Lu Feng muttered and hugged Duoduo beside him. , said: "I decided to let PHS withdraw from this stage."

"Little Smart?" Duoduo asked curiously, "What?"

"A mobile phone used for excessive use, remember, your dad is a great person. If after many years, this world will be no different from the original world, it means that your dad has also failed to go upstream." Lu Feng He patted her on the back and said, "Go eat moon cakes."

Duoduo brought a piece of moon cake with stuffing, with flowers and words printed on it, the stuffing inside is five kernels, but there are long red and green silk, things that later generations will despise, but now they are common. People's high-end goods.

During this period of time, Lu Feng has been urging the R&D department to put DVDs on the market as soon as possible, to show new growth points to the board of directors a few years ago. It is required that the first mobile phone be listed at the beginning of next year.

Before Liucheng said that it will be listed in the middle of next year, it is based on the supply of overseas parts. Now Jiafeng can't buy anything from overseas, so it is naturally shelved indefinitely.

The next morning, after breakfast, Lu Feng called Zhu Lidong directly and asked him to come to his house for a meeting today. Since he no longer holds any actual management positions, calling his home to discuss matters is a compromise.

Before nine o'clock, Duoduo was sent to the school, Jiang Xiaoyan went to the factory, and cars came one after another at the gate of the villa. Zhu Lidong, Wei Yandan, and Liu Cheng were all present.

More than a dozen people made the villa seem crowded. Lu Feng was wearing big pants and slippers, watching them smiling, what is corporate control, that's it!

"Have you all had breakfast? There are fried dough sticks, soy milk, etc. in the kitchen. I didn't eat a simple bite. First, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Just sit and be your own home." Lu Feng sat on the sofa, holding a cigarette in his hand. He said casually: "I called everyone to come here early in the morning, just to chat, chat a little, and sit down."

Everyone present knew in their hearts that the so-called idle chat was just the next move of the group. In the past few months, he was basically in a semi-retirement state. The top management did not understand why he gave up management rights in the first place, even if it was Zhu Lidong. I've talked a few times in private, but I can't say why.

In fact, it was on the one hand that he did it to Schroeder Group. On the other hand, he also wanted to test whether he could control the management. If he resigned from the management immediately, Lu Feng would definitely realize the equity without any hesitation. Overheat and start over.

It is also a test.

Everyone sat down after they had eaten and drank. Lu Feng looked at them and said, "I called you here to talk about the company's development. What did you say?"

"Mr. Lu, the R&D company issued a scientific research pioneer medal last month. At the same time, this year's subsidy has come down. The city attaches great importance to it. Regarding the technological breakthrough of semiconductors, it has given a scientific and technological progress award. The Science and Technology Committee said that it will lead us and other domestic 909 project to cooperate, I have also been running in the past few months, preparing to set up several R&D centers, and cooperate with several science and technology universities to recruit talents." Liu Cheng introduced.

"Very good, standardized development, semiconductors are on the way, don't worry about when they can be produced, anyway, we have the technology, and I have had several phone calls with Minister Niu recently. The most fundamental node is the market problem, even if it is produced. , no one is using it!" Lu Feng looked at the crowd and said, "You can't put chips on the 28th bar, right?"

Zhu Lidong thought for a while and said, "This is indeed a problem. If it cannot be realized in the market, then this investment is a bottomless pit that will never be able to return to its original capital."

"In the past, we could rely on overseas markets, and semi-finished products like wafers could be OEM for overseas companies, but now we can't." Wei Yandan said.

In fact, many chip companies started out as foundry and gradually upgraded. Lu Feng also thought the same at the beginning, but he did not expect such a big response from overseas.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, semiconductor investment is so large, if it can't be profitable in the short This can't be explained to the board of directors, this is not something ordinary people can afford, even May lead to Jiafeng bankruptcy.

Zhu Lidong still knows Lu Feng well. If this road is really impossible, he will not be so calm, but the lack of a market is not something that can be easily solved. Instead, he is now afraid of what the madman will do. thing.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Lu Feng took a sharp puff of cigarette, twisted the cigarette **** into the ashtray, and said, "Mobile phones are to be produced, chips are also to be produced and sold, and there is no market, then create a market, if History destined us to face this kind of difficulty, then change history, and at the beginning of next year, the mobile phone will be launched!"

There is nothing, so the mobile phone is scheduled to go on sale early next year?

Zhu Lidong hurriedly said: "I heard Mr. Liu say that the 2g thing is signal compilation. That piece of integrated circuit has not been done yet. We can't produce it now, and we don't have it in China."

"Isn't it in China? Did you say it? There is in China!" Lu Feng said to the crowd: "In 1996, we got a mobile phone, and in 2000, we will realize the prosperity of the domestic chip market. We rely on our mobile phone to promote domestic chips, storage, and processing. The market for appliances is booming.”

Although Wei Yandan and Du Guoying didn't quite understand it, they were shocked at the moment.

Liu Cheng frowned and said: "In a few years, even if the gods came, it would not be possible to develop so fast?"

"Mr. Lu, even if the mobile phone sells well, it will not promote the domestic processor, storage, and chip market." Zhu Lidong felt that the bull's head was wrong. This thing is not produced by anyone who wants to produce it. The threshold is too high.

"Don't worry, as long as there is money to be made, copycat machines will explode!" Lu Feng said to himself.


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