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Chapter 1091: create a market

Everyone at the scene had already sensed that the man in front of him couldn't hold back and wanted to start working. This time, it didn't seem that simple.

"There is no market, to create a market? How much does it cost? Besides, this market is not created." Zhu Lidong tried to explain to Lu Feng what a market is, a complete market, from the production end to various Supporting enterprises, and then to the consumer market, the complexity is even more complicated than the industrial chain.

"We don't need to pay, let the state pay. Our country advocates three links, water, electricity, and access. Since last year, many provinces have started to open up expressways, such as Shanxi's Taijiu Expressway. I heard that it will open to traffic next year. I think the three-way link is a more traditional development route, let's speed it up and add a communication to realize the four-way link." Lu Feng said to the crowd.

"Now the installation of landline phones has been accelerated, and the number of telephone booths in the city and the public telephones in the canteen are gradually increasing." Zhu Lidong reminded: "These are already very convenient, and if you want mobile phone coverage to achieve signal coverage, you will invest a lot. Money for infrastructure.”

"Currently, there are only hundreds of base stations in the city, and they are also expensive. They are all imported as a whole. We don't have 2G technology. The domestic switch manufacturer seems to be a small company called Huawei. Various communication standards It's a mess." Liu Cheng was also technically rejecting Lu Feng's idea.

Lu Feng knows that Huawei is developing its own switches, and has already achieved results. As for the signal tower, it can be imported. As long as there is a signal in the city, it can realize efficient calls on mobile phones, and the market will not be small.

"Forget about that, how do we create a market? It is impossible for us as a company to push the country to invest in communication infrastructure on a large scale, but we can cooperate with some wealthy provinces, use some first-tier cities as experimental points, and then cooperate with the local post and telecommunications bureau. , build some signal towers to achieve signal coverage in the urban area, and then sell mobile phones!"

"It is impossible for a single company to sell mobile phones to create a chip market. After our mobile phones have achieved a certain market position, we will open up our technology, delegate all our things to small and medium-sized enterprises, and let others pirate us. As long as a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises Manufacturers can produce screens and motherboards, then the market will be fully competitive. Under the fierce competition in the market, there will be low prices. Low prices mean that the price of mobile phones will plummet. Ordinary people can also afford mobile phones. When the country sees the itinerary of mobile communication The market, not much, only has tens of millions of users, then the national communication infrastructure will be activated!"

"At that time, everything will develop benignly, and we will be able to sell chips."

Everyone present was stunned when they listened to this plan, and spared such a big circle, just to sell a chip? Lu has always been obsessed with chips.

"Mr. Lu, in fact, we make a lot of money by selling mobile phones. There is no need to go through those steps." Zhu Lidong reminded.

"What do you know? It's good to make monopoly profits. We don't want to make money in front of us. We need to find a way to rectify the market. Only when the country is good and the family is good can the market be good. I've been doing this for the past five months." Lu Feng said solemnly.

Five months?

Everyone felt a lot of pressure in an instant, and many people didn't know why he did this. He was completely selfless and dedicated to others, just for those small and medium-sized enterprises that pirated themselves.

"Mr. Lu, there is another problem, that is, other people in the province do not necessarily cooperate with us. This is too huge and needs to integrate the situation of many parties." Wei Yandan put forward his opinion: "It is only the integration of partners, in the province. , Post and Telecommunications Office, it will take more than five months."

"It's okay, I'll take care of this problem. Guangzhou is not happy, but other places are happy. Don't worry, I know someone!" Lu Feng said firmly.

Sitting on the side, Du Guoying was shocked by Mr. Lu's big wave of his hand. Not only people in the capital, but also overseas, there are connections in every province.

"Mr. Lu's connections are so simple, it's definitely a relationship between iron buddies!" Du Guoying couldn't help but sigh.

"Fuck! He.... Forget it." Zhu Lidong didn't want to talk, he secretly broke into a cold sweat for Huang Youwei, and he didn't know how to toss him this time.

When everyone saw that they wanted to do it, they would definitely not be able to stop it. Now, the board of directors can indeed limit Lu Feng's power. The question is who dares?

Several people who have been with Lu Feng for many years know that as long as he is not allowed to do it, it will not take long for Lu Feng to start another company, and he is afraid that Jiafeng will be hammered first.

"What about the motherboard at the core of the mobile phone? And the 2G signal receiver or something." Liu Cheng asked a key question: "These are all imported from overseas, and we can't even buy a single hair overseas now."

"I can't buy it in foreign countries, but I can't buy it in China? Leave it to me, Mr. Zhu, this time you will come with me. Let's get some fake passports and go to the other side. They have strong production capacity and they don't sell them. In the mainland, we will become Thais, and it happens that we have a relationship in Thailand, so there is no problem with this." Lu Feng seemed to have already thought about everything.

Zhu Lidong felt that his face was wrinkled. It was still this set of things, and he hurriedly said: "Mr. Lu, I have made a lot of appearances in the past few years, and I have shown my face in the media. Maybe people there know me."

"It's alright, just put on a disguise and put on makeup. Besides, the photos you reported were all staged. I looked at them a few days ago. Good guy, you may not know your mother when you meet her." Lu Feng teased. road.

Everyone laughed. This matter was settled by Lu Feng. Wei Yandan was responsible for contacting the province on the mainland side. It is best to negotiate cooperation and set up a special project team. In the future, this project team will become a separate subsidiary.

At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job in the research of the mobile phone market, conduct research on signal requirements, call quality, price and other aspects, and also do a good job in contacting supporting companies and purchasing.

The group had a meal at the restaurant at noon. When they came back in the afternoon, Lu Feng took a nap for a while. The first thing he did when he woke up was to call Thailand. As for myself, as for contacting Sirami, it is not appropriate to make a direct phone call for this matter, after all, she is currently fighting with Maha.

Lu Feng thought about it for a while and decided to call Sirami first, and chatted about family affairs. After the call was connected, the person in charge of answering the phone picked up the phone. After transferring a few times, Sirami only answered the phone.

"Mr. Lu, I didn't expect to receive a call from you. I'm so happy." Sirami's voice came from the other end of the phone, but she spoke Thai with an interpreter next to it, which seemed quite formal.

"I've always remembered you, are you okay?" Lu Feng asked.

"Everything is fine, life is much better now..." Sirami said on the phone, the material life is absolutely fine, as for the spiritual life, the two of them tacitly did not mention it .

After chatting on the phone for half an hour, Sirami invited Lu Feng to come over as a guest when she had time. She still missed Lu Feng very much.

After hanging up, Lu Feng called Charun again.

"Sawadika......." The phone murmured.

"Director Zhalun, it's me, Lu Feng, do you remember?" Lu Feng asked.

Zhalun, who was half lying on the boss's chair in the office, sat up instantly, and said with some overjoyed: "Mr. Lu? Is that Mr. Lu from Jiafeng Group?"

"Yes, it's me, old friend, long time no see!" Lu Feng said politely.

"I didn't expect you to remember me. I thought we would never have contact again from now on, yeah, long time no see, how are you? I saw some news that you were wanted internationally? If you think this world If it’s not safe, come to me, I can protect you.” Cha Lun said excitedly.

"Uh..." Lu Feng said a little embarrassedly: "I'm very safe, I called Sirami just now and I think of you, time flies so fast, it's more than a year in a blink of an eye. , and a lot has happened.”

Lu Feng talked nonsense, while Cha Lun kept expressing his longing, and he also said that he had found his other I am very happy now!

When Lu Feng heard the news, his first reaction was not a sense of relief, but an involuntary feeling, this is a scumbag!

"Congratulations, congratulations, firstly, I want to catch up with the past, and secondly, I have something to do. I'm not good at moving around in the world right now, so I need a few Thai passports. I wonder if it's convenient for you?" Lu Feng asked.

"This matter." The other party slapped his mouth, and it seemed more difficult to handle.

Hearing this, Lu Feng continued: "By the way, I mentioned you when I was chatting with Sirami just now. Looking back on the state at that time, we are also considered a special fate."

"That's that, that's not a problem, how many people are there?"

Lu Feng explained the general situation, then hung up the phone, the passport was arranged properly, and then called Zhang Rujing again.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Rujing, who is that?" A slightly magnetic voice came from the other end of the phone.

"President Zhang, it's me, Lu Feng from Jiafeng Group." Lu Feng said to the phone.

"Mr. Lu, as soon as we parted from Paris, a few months passed in an instant. I'm afraid there will be good news for you to call me this time?" Mr. Zhang's voice seemed excited.

"Yeah, I've talked a lot with the leaders of the Science and Technology Commission these days. How could I have done something small for you? It must be a big scene. I didn't look for it in the city or in the province. Go to the capital to find it, they have officially spoken, and you are absolutely welcome to come, and there are various subsidies, so that you can come back with 10,000 hearts." Lu Feng reported the good news.

"With the assurance of this level of leadership, I feel more confident. I will arrange to go back this morning."

"It's not too early. I still have something to do. You have to help me."


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