Back to 1990

Chapter 1092: the eve of departure

When Mr. Zhang heard that he needed help with something, he asked, "What's the matter? As long as I can do it, feel free to speak."

"Actually, it's not a big deal for you. We were going to produce mobile phones next year, import some core components from overseas, and we can do the rest by ourselves. Now you know the overseas situation we are facing, but mobile phones cannot Without production, the mainland needs this market." Lu Feng said worriedly.

"Then what do you mean, let me help you purchase a batch of core components?"

"If you do it, the risk is too high. Now we are watching closely from the outside. I decided to go out and purchase by myself. You can help lead the lead. If you have an identity, you don't have to worry about it. When the time comes, we will have a Thai passport and pretend to be Thai. ." Lu Feng said very naturally.

"Huh? Thai people?" Mr. Zhang felt a little weird and said, "It's not easy to pretend, it's really not good, you can hire a few Thai people to come forward."

"Don't worry about such a big deal. Besides, you can still rest assured of my acting skills." Lu Feng was quite confident.

"Acting skills?" How could Mr. Zhang hear about it? It's unreliable, but Lu Feng brought it up, so he could only agree and say, "As long as it's good for the country, I'm willing to do it. Where do you guys plan to go from here? purchase?"



"It's best to leave within a week. The large order we want to discuss, the amount of goods of one million, can be settled in US dollars after all the goods are delivered in the next year."

Mr. Zhang was also surprised when he heard the millions of goods. In the current market in mainland China, all the goods have been delivered. He was afraid that it would be sold for more than ten years. There will be explosive breakthroughs, 3g technology is already operating in the laboratory, and if everything goes well, it will be commercialized in five or six years at most.

"Don't worry, I have a good idea of ​​how much I buy. The market is not very good now, but in a few years, I can still sell one million mobile phones. I still have confidence." Lu Feng said with certainty.

Although Mr. Zhang didn't know where his confidence was, he was a businessman, and he didn't need to be a technician to explain these simple truths.

"Okay, then I won't say more. It's easy to introduce this kind of thing. They also need sales. With such a large number of customers, I believe they are happier than us. When the time comes, give me the information about the relevant companies. Just fine."

The two discussed on the phone for a while, and Lu Feng hung up the phone. So far, everything has been going smoothly. With the contacts Lu Feng has accumulated over the past few years, this is relatively easy.

In the eyes of the outside world, Jiafeng Group has gone downhill amid a series of abuses and denunciations. Many people have found some data, and the sales of small household appliances under Jiafeng Group have declined. There is even a sense of victory. Radio sales plummeted by 90 percent.

No one has ever counted how many people in the 1990s yearned for the outside world. They just know that no matter whether they are from the city or the village, as long as they go abroad, they are the most promising people in their family. If you go, or you can't mix yourself outside, after you come back, you will talk about how the moon outside makes a living, and the key is to be prosperous.

Lu Feng sometimes looks at those newspapers and magazines, and he also feels that this is really an era where 'monsters' are rampant. A group of people desperately want to be made in China, but they are constantly scolding domestic production, domestic products are cheap, counterfeit goods are rampant, and even At one point, it got to the point where it was all fake.

This is destined to be an era of great controversy. People are fed and clothed, and they see the bigger world outside, and their mentality is frantically pulling in their anger and sorrow.

In three days, a company named Nandi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. was established. The chairman's name is Kuntai, and there are eight management workers.

At home, Lu Feng simply packed his things, Zhu Lidong and Liu Cheng stood by and wanted to help, but they didn't know how to do it.

"Everything is done, and the ticket for the day after tomorrow has been booked. I have to go to the city tomorrow and talk about it. The fewer people on this trip, the better. The more people there are, it is easy to cause trouble. How about you two, you have experienced this kind of battle, Mr. Liu Knowing the technology, Mr. Zhu is in charge of negotiating the price, we just need to go three times." Lu Feng threw a shirt into the suitcase.

"Go to Bangkok first, and there will be a brand-new passport there. My name is Kuntai, and I have two names, one is Kunba and the other is Kunya. We are a family-owned business. The company is called Nandi Electronics, which has just transformed. I used to sell rubber pillows. In order to prevent people from finding out that we don't speak Thai, I can speak Mandarin. We are Akha people in Thailand, so we can't speak Thai. There are very few people in this group. I don't believe they can find them. People who speak Kakashi, so we can talk nonsense." Lu Feng said naturally.

"What nonsense? Why is it nonsense?" Zhu Lidong suddenly felt that this trip would not be so easy.

"Grumbling, gurgling, babbling, plus our local accent, just say what you mean." Lu Feng ordered.

Zhu Lidong and Liu Cheng looked at each other, although this matter sounded so unreliable, they could understand that Lu Feng had done a lot in this regard, so he could only nod his head in agreement.

"After returning from this trip, I will immediately adjust the production line. As soon as the core components arrive, they will be put into production immediately, and the year-end board meeting will be held in more than two months. I hope you can give a share to the board of directors. Satisfied answer." Lu Feng sat down and said to Zhu Lidong, "If you want to make mobile phones, make communications, and compete with companies like Motorola, then you will need to provide funds for the competition. Next year, in the marketing budget, you will need to increase research and development. You have to increase the amount of money in the bank, what are you doing with so much money in the bank? Right?"

Zhu Lidong looked happy when he heard this, but it was his turn, and the budget was ample, then it would be different.

"Let's go back and clean up, and hand over the work that should be handed over. It is estimated that we will be going for a week." Lu Feng ordered.

After the two left, Lu Feng threw the suitcase aside. In the evening, Jiang Xiaoyan called back and said that she had a dinner party in the evening.

Jiang Xiaoyan's villa has been delivered, and the decoration has been completed. Now they live in one place, they don't know what the relationship is, and they don't know how to choose, so they do nothing and maintain the status quo.

The next day, at ten o'clock in the morning, Lu Feng drove to the municipal office, went upstairs and knocked on the door of Vice Mayor Liu's office. Well, there's no need to make a trip in person."

"I'm mainly afraid that I can't explain it clearly on the phone. Recently, the company needs to develop. I have to go out." Lu Feng walked in and said, "Isn't my passport still frozen? Let's deal with this matter."

"Oh, what's the matter? What are you doing out? It's not very safe outside. Besides, I'm not in charge of customs." Deputy Mayor Liu said in a rather embarrassed way, "I'd better try not to go out."

"You can't go out, who can do this?" Lu Feng asked.

"Tell Mayor Zhou, and you have to explain what you are going out for? You can't run away." Vice Mayor Liu joked slightly.

"Where can I go? Dive into a prison abroad? Is he in the office now?"

"Here, I'll take you there."

Deputy Mayor Liu took Lu Feng to the door of the office, knocked on the door and said in a low voice, "I won't go in."

"Come in!" A deep voice came from the room.

Lu Feng opened the door and walked in. He saw Mayor Zhou sitting there, wearing glasses as if he was approving something.

"As for me, recently, because of the company's development, I'm going to go out. Isn't my passport frozen? Can I unlock it?" Lu Feng walked to the table and asked.

Mayor Zhou closed the folder in front of him, raised his head to look at Lu Feng and said, "This is your home? If you say it is, you will open it? The court is opened by your home? Stay in the country honestly."

"I'm not going out for a walk, it's for the development of the company. This matter is relatively involved. UU Reading still hopes to handle special cases. Besides, I just want to run. Where do I run now?" Lu Feng looked With his business-like appearance, he said angrily: "Are you looking to make up for me? When Minister Niu came before, he didn't say anything nice about you. Are you waiting for me here?"

"What are you talking about? I'm that kind of person? It's just that I can't do this. Your business is more complicated. I suggest you go to the foreign affairs department to inquire, issue a certificate, and seal it. All departments are fine. , I will definitely do it for you." Mayor Zhou looked at Lu Feng and said.

"At that time, the **** Apple 20 came out. Let me tell you, this matter will determine the development of the communication industry in China in the next few years. Are you sure you want to stop me here?" Lu Feng looked sullen and said solemnly: " Okay, I'll call Minister Niu now."

"The Science and Technology Committee doesn't care about this, let's fight it!" Mayor Zhou looked like he didn't care, how could he turn the world upside down under his own hands? Still can't handle you?

Lu Feng didn't talk too much. He picked up the phone and called the Science and Technology Commission. On the phone, he explained the necessity of this trip. He heard that Lu Feng cooperated with powerful provinces to sell mobile phones and promote the domestic communication industry. Suddenly, I felt that the plan was feasible.

The phone was on the speakerphone, and Minister Niu said on the phone, "This is a really good thing, and it has great enforceability, but there is nothing we can do in the city."

"Then what should we do?" Lu Feng asked helplessly.

"You can only find it in the province. Let me call the province."

"No need, no need." When Mayor Zhou heard that he was going to call the province, he hurriedly smiled and said, "Minister Niu, I'm just playing with him and making sure the work is in place, so let's talk to the province. Say hello and prepare a case, he will definitely be leaving tomorrow, and the call will be very fast."


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