Back to 1990

Chapter 1097: Isn't this a scam?

, back to 1990

This transaction is very important to both parties. If Lu Feng can't get the order, it will be almost impossible to operate later. For TSMC, this order is very important. Everything is difficult at the beginning. .

Lu Feng and the three basically stayed in the room all morning. Liu Cheng sorted out some relevant technical indicators, and then used these high indicators to lower the price against the other side.

Zhu Lidong called Zhang Rujing, hoping to talk face-to-face about the other party's cost and the other party's price.

Only Lu Feng was sitting there smoking a suffocating cigarette. If he couldn't come up with a plan to suppress the other party in the past few days, he would be very passive in the negotiation.

After thinking about it, Lu Feng felt that only Nokia could help him now, but he didn't know if Nokia had found out that he had cheated them.

I found Elmi's office and called on the landline. The secretary picked it up and asked for her private number, which took a while to pick up.

"Which one?"

"It's me, Lu Feng, it's been a long time since I heard from you. How are you doing recently?" Lu Feng asked rather warmly.

"Lu Feng?" There seemed to be some surprise on the other end of the phone. Elmi didn't want to have too much contact with this person right now, and there weren't many opportunities to use Lu Feng later, not to mention the things he did in Europe. Do more harm than good.

"Just like that, busy with work every day, what's the matter with you?"

"I just missed you, I'll give you a call to chat." Lu Feng could hear the other party's perfunctory behavior.

"I'm fine, I'm sorry, I'm going to sleep here. I'll call you when I'm free, okay?" Elmi said to her phone while sitting in the cafe.

"What time is it now? It should be evening on your side, right?" Lu Feng hurriedly said, "It's not asking you to help me with European affairs, or just chatting."

Elmi felt a little relieved when she heard this, and said, "Well, if it was someone else, I'm afraid I wouldn't accept it, but you are a special case!"

Lu Feng inquired about the recent development of Nokia. Now the cooperation with Ericsson is very good. Nokia's mobile phone business has grown by leaps and bounds.

On the phone, Elmi was still very grateful to Lu Feng. The two help made her become the core of the group. It is estimated that she will get the incentive stock next year, and her father will operate again, hoping that she can join the board of directors.

It's just that for the things that Lu Feng did in Europe, in order to avoid danger, her father told her to contact Lu Feng less. To put it bluntly, if those bad things were done by Europeans or Americans, there would be no problem at all, don't do it. Said to have coaxed a group of leeks out of money, the capitalists here don't know how many banks have been turned over, and they are still happy.

After chatting on the phone for more than ten minutes, Lu Feng mentioned the matter of making his own mobile phone and asked, "Who is your partner?"

"Are you going to produce a mobile phone?" Elmi immediately sensed the business opportunity and replied, "I can help you, if you lack the core accessories...... Forget, I may not be able to help you, now there are many The International Association has privately issued documents against you and is not allowed to provide you with sophisticated equipment and components."

"Which associations?" Lu Feng asked.

"For example, the Global Mobile Communications Association, which I just attended in Barcelona this year, and many international organizations have issued relevant documents. I have to say that you are indeed quite famous in various global associations, financial industry, and aviation associations. This time A private meeting also put your photo on the big screen." Elmi quipped: "It's like a star-like existence among high-end corporate executives around the world."

Lu Feng knew that the Mi Congress would block him, but he didn't expect such a big movement. These associations that ordinary people have never heard of on weekdays would play a big role at a critical time.

For Lu Feng's sake, Elmi said: "It's not a problem to delay this matter. After all, the company needs to develop. I suggest you go to the International Court of Justice as soon as possible. If you need to lose money, you will lose money."

"The International Court of Justice?" Lu Feng snorted disdainfully, "Why don't you just go to jail? I don't mean to ask you to help directly, I just want to know who will help you produce the core components."

"We have been cooperating with Texas Instruments. You know, if you want to be involved internationally, you have to pay some protection fees, right?" Elmi said helplessly.

"So there is such a way?" Lu Feng said with emotion.

"It doesn't count. Texas Instruments' craftsmanship is still one of the best in the world, but when choosing, the same craftsmanship will definitely give priority to the United States." Elmi explained.

"Then I see, you can give me the phone number over there, and I'll handle the rest myself."

After Elmi gave a number, he hung up the phone. Lu Feng looked at the number he had written down, and he already had an idea in his mind. He didn't call according to this number, but called Zhang Fengxia who was in the United States.

"It's me, Lu Feng!" Lu Feng said after the call was connected.

"Why did you remember to call me?" The other end of the phone was overjoyed and said, "Did you miss me too? It just so happened that I missed you too."

Hearing the surprise voice on the other end of the phone, Lu Feng suddenly felt guilty, cleared his throat and said, "Yes, how are you doing recently?"

"It's good, it's just that I eat a lot. Anyway, I have money and time, and you're not here, but I recently applied for a graduate student at Columbia University. I'm very bored, so I just find something to do. You've been busy lately. Not much? I was quite worried during that time, but when Sister Xiaoyan told me that you were all right, I was relieved." The picture on the phone was chattering like a bean in a bamboo tube.

"When did Xiaoyan call you?" Lu Feng felt something.

"Just a while ago, let's talk nonsense, talk about things in the factory, let me tell you, I just finished the review a few days ago, the baby is healthy, the doctor said that the due date is at the end of April or the beginning of May, but it's a pity that you can't come. , I'm quite scared by myself, after all I've never given birth to anyone..."

On the other end of the phone, she was talking nonstop, and it could be heard that she was holding back a lot of words. Last month, she met her former classmate and found out that she was pregnant, but she disliked her for so many years, but she didn't make much money. Instead, like a housewife, Zhang Fengxia said that she no longer contacted that classmate.

It's all trivial matters. What's the weather like? What delicious food is there? When it rained, I forgot to bring an umbrella. Lu Feng seemed to be on the phone with the former Jiang Xiaoyan.

When she was out of town, she had time to talk, and she wished that a few cockroaches would come to her house and have to tell her again.

After talking on the other end of the phone for ten minutes, Zhang Fengxia seemed to sense something and asked, "Do you have something to tell me?"

"It doesn't count. I just need an overseas phone call. I'm not in the mainland right now." Lu Feng simply explained the matter again. He simply wanted her to help play the role of the head of the Texas Instruments marketing department, and faxed it over there by the way. A quotation and product introduction from Texas Instruments.

"Okay, I happen to have something to do, and the school will take some time." Zhang Fengxia readily agreed, but there was a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"I can't take care of you over there, why don't you go back to China? It's fine as long as you don't tell your parents." Lu Feng also felt a little embarrassed.

"I'm fine. When you go back, you have to worry about me. The company is at a critical juncture. You don't have to worry about me, you can just take the time to think of the child's name." Zhang Fengxia consoled her heart and comforted her. .

"You can come back after I've been busy for a while. I miss you a lot too. By the way, I dreamed of you some time ago." Lu Feng wanted to comfort her, so he made up a dream.

There was a smile on Zhang Fengxia's face on the other end of the phone. After chatting a few words, she sighed into the phone, and hung up after a few more tired words.

Lu Feng sat there looking at the phone, recalling Zhang Fengxia's joy, feeling rather dull, he lit a cigarette and smoked halfway, stood up and left the room.

He found Liucheng in the hotel's living room and said to him: "You think about a piece of information, Texas Instruments' quotation table, and product introduction, all in English, it's best to give it to me before three or four o'clock in the morning, and make it like A little!"

"Is the afternoon negotiation still going?" Liu Cheng was a little bored. After the afternoon negotiation, he might have to eat and drink in the evening. What time was it when he came back, he still had to do this thing?

"Of course I'll go, just come back early. I've made all the plans, don't worry, I'll definitely win them this time." Lu Feng said confidently.

At noon and Zhang Rujing, a total of four people were eating in the private room of the hotel restaurant, and Lu Feng spoke out his thoughts.

"It's very simple, just use Texas Instruments to press them and ask them to quote first in the afternoon. No matter what price they say, we say to think about it first. Mr. Zhang can try to reveal that we are also in contact with Texas Instruments. The second time When negotiating, bring the documents faxed over there and show them a little, if the other party can't come down with the price, we will express our willingness to sign with the other party, and they will definitely not give up the order." Lu Feng is very sure.

Liu Cheng and Zhu Lidong nodded, agreeing with the plan, and Mr. Zhang looked at Lu Feng and said, "Isn't this a scam?"

"What kind of fraud? This is already very honest to President Lu." Liu Cheng said seriously.

"Yes! If you take the goods and don't give the money, that's called cheating." Zhu Lidong added.

"What you said is called robbery?" Mr. Zhang didn't feel right. Why did these people talk about this so lightly?

"This is a negotiation method. It's very common, eating and drinking." Lu Feng casually avoided the topic.

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