Back to 1990

Chapter 1098: you are my brother

, back to 1990

After lunch, everyone took a brief rest and went straight to the other party's headquarters building at around two o'clock in the afternoon.

After the meeting, they entered the conference room after a simple exchange of greetings. The other party's formation was not small, there were seven or eight people, each holding a blue folder in his hand, and he looked like he was waiting for the battle. He asked with a smile whether it was suitable for food and accommodation, but President Cai said nothing.

"Mr. Kuntai, you also visited our factory yesterday, and you have a good understanding of the strength of our company. As a world-class integrated circuit company, I believe that if you are not satisfied here, then I am afraid that no company can let you Satisfied." Mr. Liang said proudly.

"On the issue of price, we also reported to the chairman last night. He is still willing to help small businesses. If you can sign an order of this level, the price is still negotiable."

"That's right, this one is not for short-term trading, but mainly to have a long-term customer." Mr. Cai said aside, with a smile on his face.

When Lu Feng heard this, he always felt that something was wrong. Yesterday, President Cai's attitude was very strong, but today he suddenly changed the direction of the wind. Such a quick change made Lu Feng feel that something was wrong, and his eyes turned slightly towards Zhu Lidong and Liu Cheng. Zhu Lidong obviously also felt that something was not right.

"I still want to thank you. The price is one aspect, and the specification of the product is another aspect. We have made a document, you can take a look at it, and hope that the parameters in all aspects can reach a high standard. After all, this will be our first batch. As for the mobile phone, I still hope the quality can be guaranteed." Lu Feng stretched his hand to Liu Cheng and took the folder.

After handing it to the other party, Mr. Cai looked at it. The content is two copies, traditional Chinese and English. The standard data of the product is required in accordance with Ericsson's production standards, and the emphasis is on the stability of the product.

Lu Feng is very clear that for them, the most difficult thing is stability. Compared with Europe and the United States, there is still a huge gap in production technology and technology.

Looking at the content, Mr. Cai frowned inwardly. Various parameters and standards were very professional. He raised his head and glanced at Liucheng. Some people didn't believe that people who could write such professional content came from a small family in a poor place.

Mr. Liang asked in a low voice, "How is it?"

"The standard is very high, and the requirements for random inspection are very high. Ericsson doesn't want to do it!" Mr. Cai replied in a low voice.

Mr. Cai said that it is not outrageous. Even standard products produced by an assembly line need a certain degree of robustness. The lower the robustness, the better the quality of the product, but with their current capabilities, of course they can meet Lu Feng's requirements. The standard, but ten pieces are produced, and the compliance rate is at most 40%.

To put it in a simple analogy, with the same standards as the assembly line, every hundred pieces of things produced will have various problems.

It's like a car, a hundred cars, there will definitely be a lot of problems in one car, all the problems are concentrated in this car, but this is unavoidable, this is the time to consider the manufacturer's assembly and overall quality control , these things are by no means a new manufacturer can do.

Mr. Cai raised his head and looked at Lu Feng and said, "If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Kuntai's standard should come from Ericsson, right? Don't worry, our price is definitely lower than Ericsson's, and the delivery standard is definitely the same as that of Ericsson. Ericsson is in line, and as for random inspections, there is no problem with this.”

Anyway, now that Lu Feng has made outrageous requests, he will just agree to it.

Hearing that the other party was so happy, Lu Feng showed a smile on his face, and said, "You are indeed a big manufacturer, it is a pleasure to talk to you. As for the price, the price of a single set of finished products is 150 US dollars, no problem. ?"

"This price is really unattainable." Mr. Liang said hurriedly: "According to the current market price, it is basically around US$300. Even Nokia and Ericsson have independent patent rights. At most $200, so our price is $280."

Lu Feng did not accept the price of 280. The cost of Nokia and Ericsson was less than 100 US dollars.

It is quite difficult to negotiate the price reduction. Mr. Liang and Mr. Cai believe that if the price is lowered too quickly, the other party will definitely think that there is still room, just like buying clothes to bargain, the two sides must pull back and forth piece by piece, and when the final deal is made, buy a house Think you got the lowest price.

The two parties quarreled in the conference room all morning. After various price concessions, the price was finally reduced to two hundred and sixty dollars. It was already dinner time. Mr. Cai sat there with a bad face, and closed the folders in front of him. Dao: "We are here to help the development of small businesses and for your sake. Don't think that I am Mr. Haohao, Mr. Kuntai, you have gone too far."

"We also thought that the price was too high, and did not give a sincere price." Lu Feng stood up and replied.

The smell of gunpowder on both sides was full of gunpowder, Mr. Cai turned his head and left, Mr. Liang hurried over to smooth things out, and said with a smile on his face: "I'm sorry, he's not in the right mood, that's how he does technology, I believe your engineer knows better, It's all a matter of words, let's eat first."

Mr. Liang has a good personality, and he is very good at taking care of people's emotions. He constantly appeases Lu Feng, and sometimes pulls Mr. Zhang up to say a few words, quite a feeling of his own.

"I hope you can understand more. We are doing our best to get the price down. I told you yesterday that he applied for this project from the chairman's side. Now that the investment is so big, the first batch of products will lose money. Money, he can't explain it." Mr. Liang followed Lu Feng's side, patiently speaking like a little follower: "Since I'm Mr. Zhang's friend, I will definitely try my best to help you lower the price, which is also worthy of The word friend, but there is a cost issue here."

Zhang Rujing was constantly mentioned by Mr. Liang, and he was embarrassed to remain silent any more, and said, "Mr. Liang still takes care of small businesses, and we can discuss the price again, so there is no need to get angry."

"I am also a part-time worker. This price still needs to be reported. How much the final transaction price is actually has nothing to do with me. I am in charge of the marketing department, and I can sell it. Whether this project makes money or not, that is Mr. Cai's business." Mr. Liang said to Lu Feng quite mysteriously: "In the end, the price is not good, and the project is at a loss. I am sullen."

After Mr. Liang finished speaking with an expression that you understand, Lu Feng smiled and thought to himself, do you really think I am a three-year-old child?

The communication with Mr. Liang was quite smooth. During lunch, the other party also said a lot of 'heart-to-heart' words. Opening and shutting up was to give Zhang Rujing face. Although Zhang Rujing was only a consultant at TSMC, he can now Not a marginal person, with more than ten years of work experience in Texas Instruments, played a very important role in the communication and exchange between the two companies.

Talking happily at the dinner table, Lu Feng talked to the happy place and proposed that if the order was negotiated at the ideal price, he would definitely give Mr. Liang a solid red envelope.

"It's not a good thing to receive gifts. That's what I should do. As a friend of President Zhang, that's what it should be." President Liang looked slightly drunk, resting his chin with one hand, and dazedly toward the landing. Feng asked: "We are all our own, so you can tell the truth, which manufacturers are still in contact with now, and what is the price? I will try to push you down as much as possible."

This meal was eaten from 6:30 in the evening to more than 8:00 in the evening. Lu Feng was very moved, and said with an accent: "Mr. Liang, you are a good person, I am the best person. I like to deal with you like this, just two words, frank! I am also talking with Toshiba, after all, it is not far from them, the United States is too far."

"What's the price at Toshiba?" Mr. Liang hurriedly asked.

"I also used a lot of relationships. Let me tell you this, I went to Thailand and found me. I can handle everything for you. I can get two hundred and thirty dollars for all kinds of relationships." Lu Feng also said. I talked about going to Fusang for a long time, and I talked about nose and eyes.

"Two hundred and three? This is too low!" Mr. Liang was surprised by this price. Generally speaking, the price is between two hundred and three hundred, unless the relationship between countries is particularly good. , with assistance in nature.

"Otherwise, I want to find a relationship. I also want to see more. To be honest, the products of UU Reading are really good." Lu Feng praised the craftsmanship of Fusang, and added What craftsmanship, blowing wildly.

Mr. Liang nodded slightly, and after chatting for a while, he turned the topic to another place. Dinner was eaten until nine o'clock in the evening. Mr. Liang had to take Lu Feng and a few people to take a sauna, but Lu Feng refused.

At the entrance of the hotel, the car was already parked in front of him, and Mr. Liang wrapped his arms around Lu Feng's shoulder, looking very intimate, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Kuntai, tomorrow, the chairman will invite you to dinner. Mr. Zhang helps you and keeps the price down. Only you and I know about it. As for why you help you so much, it's not all about Mr. Zhang. I think you can see it in the past two days. I have been Think that Cai is always a bastard."

"He's a real bastard!" Lu Feng followed his words.

"I just like you!" Mr. Liang patted Lu Feng on the back with satisfaction: "Rest early, don't worry about tomorrow's negotiations, it's mainly the chairman's decision!"

Lu Feng thanked him for a long time, as if he had met a benefactor. Before getting into the car, he pulled Mr. Liang's hand and said excitedly, "You are my brother. I am a relatively simple person. I used to be in the rubber business, and I am a rough man. It's more straightforward, people like you, I recognize you as my brother, I have made a lot of money in my life."

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