Back to 1990

Chapter 1099: black and white face

, back to 1990

Mr. Liang's face was full of smiles, and he looked at a little brother. In his eyes, Lu Feng was just a hairy boy. After all, he was too young and too naive.

Mr. Liang is willing to believe that the background that Lu Feng has designed for himself in the past two days is too 'perfect'. In Lu Feng's mouth, his father is a traditional rubber manufacturer. Although his learning ability is average, he relies on excellent The ability to reincarnate, or go to the United States to study.

After returning to China, I thought that my father's industry was too backward, so I decided to start the electronics industry. In the future, I would not only do mobile phones, but also telecommunications. It's completely stunned, relying on his own fantasy.

Mr. Liang watched Lu Feng leave in the car, and the smile on his face disappeared. He really likes dealing with such young people. Young people always naively think that everything is completed smoothly, and don't care about the details of things. , completely immersed in his own imagination.

As long as you help him perfect his fantasy, the money is basically earned.

"Rubber King?" Mr. Liang muttered, thinking to himself that in the future, his son would not have the ability, and he would rather let him be a **** than start a business.

Lu Feng and the others returned to their residence. It was almost ten o'clock in the evening. When they went upstairs, Mr. Zhang looked around and said, "Mr. Lu, I'll go back first if I have nothing to do, and you should rest early, too. The order is not a matter of days."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang also worked hard." Lu Feng politely asked, "Isn't that Liang always looking for you in private?"

Mr. Zhang couldn't help laughing when he saw Lu Feng's exploratory look, and said, "Do you think you can find me? It's just to let me talk to you more and help you analyze it from an engineer's point of view."

"Today, the two of them sang very well together. If that one hadn't used too much force, I would have thought it was a problem of infighting within the company." Zhu Lidong said.

"These people in the business field, in order to sell some goods, have to call out all 36 strategies." Liu Cheng said seriously: "I don't like dealing with such people, it's too fake!"

When it comes to doing business, it is not President Zhang's turn to teach Lu Feng. He smiled and said, "Just rest early and continue tomorrow."

"Okay, you also have an early rest." Lu Feng said politely, and personally sent President Zhang downstairs.

When he came back and saw that Zhu Lidong was still sitting on a sofa pondering what he was doing, Lu Feng stepped forward and said, "Go to bed earlier, don't make a bang at night, it's still a mess."

"Mr. Lu, I'm thinking about something." Zhu Lidong asked quite dignifiedly: "You think this piece is reliable?"

Zhu Lidong's worry is normal, but for Lu Feng, it seems that there is no need to worry, he said, "Don't worry, this person is definitely fine."

"So sure?" Zhu Lidong was a little unconvinced.

"He still wants to go back to the mainland to build a factory. They are also ambitious people. Don't think too much." Lu Feng patted him on the shoulder and told him to go back to rest early.

The next morning, in the TSMC building, a man in his 60s sat in the chairman's office. He was dressed in a suit and had a good temperament, but his hair was gray and he was no longer young.

Mr. Liang and Mr. Cai stood opposite the desk and gave a brief report on some exchanges with Kuntai in the past two days. After listening to Zhang Zhongmou, he frowned slightly, raised his head and asked, "It's so profitable to do the rubber business now. ? Even at the price of $150, a one million order would be $150 million, and would you let a young boy who just returned to China be tossing around?"

President Liang and President Cai looked at each other, wondering what the chairman meant.

"I really got to see him. Now the world is unstable, and complete sets of products are severely restricted. If these products flow into some countries, we will be held accountable." Zhang Zhongmou expressed his worries. .

"This is indeed a problem. The background still needs to be investigated. It can cost hundreds of millions of dollars. It is not an ordinary second-generation rich, and I have never heard of it before." President Cai thought about it.

"The plan of the two of you is still very good. The other party is really a stunner. This transaction is still to be done, but remember one thing, don't always imagine that the pie will fall from the sky, and don't imagine the prosperity of your own." Zhang Zhongmou After thinking for a moment, he said, "Let's make an appointment in the afternoon, have a cup of tea and talk about something else."

Zhang Zhongmou's consideration is higher. It is very strange that such a large order suddenly falls from the sky. In addition, he has more than 30 years of working experience in Texas Instruments, and he has become a senior executive of the group. I still know very well.

When the call came, Lu Feng felt that something was wrong when he received the notice. The agreed place was not a conference room, but a tea house. This was not a place to talk about business.

Lu Feng discussed it with Zhu Lidong and both felt that something was not right, so he hurriedly called Zhang Rujing.

"What does he mean at the teahouse? Didn't you hear anything?" Lu Feng asked towards the phone.

"I really don't know, should I find a more relaxed place to communicate better?"

"I think it may be a chat. The other party should feel something. You must also participate in the afternoon. If there is anything that needs to be corroborated, help me prove it." Lu Feng has already guessed what will happen.

After explaining the situation, Lu Feng hung up the phone and said to Zhu Lidong and Liu Cheng, "Don't go there in the afternoon, the more people there are, the easier it will be to see flaws. The chairman may guess that my identity is wrong. Chat for a while."

Zhu Lidong was also surprised when he heard this. He really didn't think about it that much, and sighed: "It's really an old fox playing a little fox, and the tricks are constant!"

Liu Cheng hadn't reacted yet, and looked at the two with slightly confused eyes. What happened?

For the first time, Zhu Lidong also felt that Lu Feng's brain responded quickly, and he figured out the situation within an hour after receiving the news. He was still not suitable for this kind of high-intensity gameplay.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the two Dabens parked downstairs, Lu Feng went downstairs and saw the car walk forward to open the door, saw Mr. Liang's face with a smile, and said with a smile, "Brother, we meet again, today You have to speak more for me in front of the chairman."

"What about your two subordinates?" Mr. Liang found that Lu Feng was the only one.

"The two of them are sick. After all, they are not acclimatized. They were not feeling well last night. They have already taken medicine and rested in the room." In fact, they don’t need them at all.”

"Hahahaha, yes, after all, you are a top student studying abroad." Mr. Liang praised.

Along the way, the two of them chatted quite speculatively. Mr. Liang also brought Lu Feng a collection of cigars. With a cigar, like this guy next to me, driving a Mazda, I'm never going to be in the same game with us in this life."

"Hahahahaha!" Lu Feng couldn't stop laughing when he heard this, holding his cigar in both hands, "The one who drives the Mazda is Xun!"

"People like you are stupid people wherever they go. Don't worry, Mr. Kuntai, I will definitely help you today. People like Mr. Cai are not even worthy of Mazda." Mr. Liang Smoking a cigar is very sincere.

"Don't worry, I will never treat my brother badly. This deal is done. Go to Thailand and play whatever you want." Lu Feng said proudly.

The two chatted very happily. They walked all the way to the bottom of a teahouse. The teahouse was quaint and seemed to imitate the old one. The parking boy had already opened the car door. Follow upstairs.

A large private room on the third floor is decorated with antiques, red sandalwood tea tables, and first-class purple sand tea sets.

"Mr. Kuntai, you sit first. It is estimated that Mr. Zhang will arrive in a while." Mr. Liang greeted Lu Feng and sat down.

Just two minutes after sitting down, Mr. Cai walked in. When he saw Mr. Liang, Mr. Cai's face became gloomy. The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere at the scene was tense.

Mr. Liang glanced at him sideways, snorted coldly, took a sip from the teacup in front of him, and said, "Aren't you coming today?"

"Why don't I come? If I don't come, you can sell the products cheap, right? The surname is Liang, I tell you, I'm not easy to mess with, you really want to make me anxious, I It's hard, I tell you, don't think I'm a good gentleman." President Cai put down his harsh words.

"Everyone depends on their abilities. When you stepped on me last year, it wasn't the way you are now. Fengshui took turns." Mr. Liang snorted disdainfully, "I tell you, I will step on you today, how?"

"Do you want to fight?" Mr. Cai rolled up his shirt sleeves and was about to rush Mr. Liang was not cowardly, he stood up to fight, Lu Feng sat there smoking a cigar butt, watching the two of them Ren is so good at acting, he doesn't know if he should stop him.

The two of them didn't fight, they just turned over old accounts face-to-face. It was nothing more than those bad things between the two departments. I don't know if it was true or not.

The **** of the cigar couldn't be smoked anymore. Lu Feng threw it in the ashtray, stood up and stopped Mr. Liang, persuading him, "We don't care about him, don't quarrel, it's no fun."

President Cai stared at President Liang fiercely, and scolded with one finger: "Mother Gan Lin!"

Mr. Liang was appeased by Lu Feng. He glanced at Mr. Cai and said nothing. A woman who looked like a foreman walked in and said, "President Zhang's car has arrived."

Mr. Cai turned his head and walked downstairs without saying a word. Mr. Liang hurriedly said: "Mr. Kuntai, you don't have to worry for a while, I'm here, don't worry, we'll go to meet Mr. Zhang first, and we'll act as soon as possible."

At this moment, Mr. Liang looks like a good big brother, as if he can get the best interests for Lu Feng.

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