Back to 1990

Chapter 1103: Mr. Liang was fired?

Since the afternoon, the three parties have been on constant phone calls, pulling back and forth. It seems that the most difficult moment of negotiation has come, and the price has been grinding down little by little. In the end, Lu Feng talked about one hundred and fifty dollars. I felt like I was about to cry and said that the price should be reported, but there is a requirement for this price, that is, it is necessary to sign a letter of intent to ensure that it will no longer contact other manufacturers, and sign a non-disclosure agreement to keep the price confidential.

Both contracts set a huge amount of liquidated damages. This liquidated damages is a single item, only for Lu Feng's company, and has no restrictions on TSMC.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the three of Lu Feng had a simple dinner at the hotel, and now they are waiting for them to get dressed. Liu Cheng sorted out all the quotations from Texas Instruments, and Zhang Fengxia faxed it from the United States at that time. At the same time, she also Will act as a middleman on Nokia's side.

In the office of the chairman of TSMC, Mr. Liang briefly explained the matter. The contract drawn up by the lawyer had already been placed on the table. Mr. Cai looked at the contract in front of him with a smile and said, "This time it's done. , as long as these two contracts are signed, they officially cut off their relationship with other manufacturers, and it is time for us to harvest."

"This is a good start. Now the competition between major manufacturers is very fierce. If you want long-term development, you still need to cooperate with stable companies." Zhang Zhongmou smoked the flue.

"With these hundreds of millions of funds, we also have a buffer opportunity to talk with other companies slowly. It would be best if we can negotiate." Mr. Liang enjoys the future.

The atmosphere at the scene was very good. After all, the first large order is about to be taken. As for the means, it doesn't matter. When any company is just starting, it will use some special means, and talk about it when you succeed. Come out, that is the honesty of the entrepreneur and the proof of the hero.

Lu Feng was like this, and so were the others.

The next morning, Lu Feng and his party went to the large conference room of TSMC. Many ceremonies were arranged on the spot, and a local TV station even conducted an interview.

There is a red carpet at the door, all kinds of sprays are sprinkled all over the floor, and a huge background board is set up, which reads the signing ceremony of the preliminary intention of strategic cooperation between Thailand Nandi Technology Company and TSMC.

A beautiful girl stood in front of the camera, holding the microphone and said in a slightly praised tone: "Amazing roar, you can see where I am, here is the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between TSMC and a large technology company in Thailand. We are very good in foundry, what is the cooperation today? It is the overall outsourcing of core components of mobile phones.”

"I just got news from Mr. Liang from the Marketing Department that we will sell a complete set of the highest-end 2g products. This will be a qualitative change. Then let's interview the chairman of Nandi Technology, Mr. Kuntai."

"Sawadika!" Lu Feng folded his hands facing the camera.

"Sawadika, Mr. Kuntai, hello, we would like to know why you chose TSMC and what high-end technology attracted you?" the host said proudly.

Lu Feng really wanted to say, only if I have a choice, the ghost will come here, but he still smiled: "Because it is very powerful, it has already surpassed the first-class level, our Thailand is particularly strong in tourism and fruit, but chips On the other hand, with TSMC, we will be able to produce mobile phones when we go back.”

"Your Chinese is really good. I feel that strength is the first choice for you, but I am curious, why is your Chinese so good?"

"Because my mother is from China, I have a mother." Lu Feng bared his big white teeth at the camera and said again: "I have a mother!"

"Thank you for the interview."

After greeting each other, Lu Feng walked towards the stage. The host on the stage announced that the signing ceremony had officially started. Lu Feng stood in the back row, Zhu Lidong signed as the representative, and the other party was the representative of President Liang.

Zhu Lidong subconsciously wanted to write his name, but it felt wrong. He turned his face to look at Lu Feng, Lu Feng immediately understood his predicament, lowered his head and whispered, "Write a few words!"

Zhu Lidong coughed, turned around to sort out his expression, wrote a random letter, closed the document, and handed it over to the other party, Mr. Liang said that he was happy to cooperate, but Zhu Lidong didn't know what was going on, so he blurted out: "Mom A comparison!"

"Ah?" Mr. Liang was obviously confused by this sentence.

Lu Feng hurriedly said, "Aka means cooperation and happiness."

"It's very similar to one of our dirty words." Mr. Liang smiled and said, "Male Gobi, Ma Le Gobi!"

Lu Feng shook hands with Zhang Zhongmou, and the other party looked at Lu Feng and said politely, "Male Gobi!"

The scene seemed to be a disaster scene of greeting each other, Lu Feng had to endure it, Liu Cheng stood behind and gritted his teeth hard to prevent himself from laughing.

After the signing ceremony was completed, we had a meal together at noon. Lu Feng said at the dinner table that he would explain to other manufacturers as soon as possible that it would take a while, but he would not leave here. put on the market early next year.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was very warm. President Cai disappeared. Zhang Zhongmou kept praising Lu Feng for being a hero when he was young. He also talked about the future of the mobile phone market. This market is huge, as long as it occupies more than 5% of the world market, that may be the richest man in Thailand.

Lu Feng was very happy to eat this meal. Whether it was President Liang or President Zhang, they were flattering him and depicting the future of a mobile phone king. Obviously, these people understand the ideas of young people in the early days of entrepreneurship. Blow a little and you can fly into space.

After returning to the hotel in the afternoon, Lu Feng drank a little too much, and when he arrived at the door of the room, he said to Liu Cheng and Zhu Lidong: "Take a good rest these few days, and think about things carefully, Mr. Zhu, you have time to calculate the cost. The price and the situation in the market also need to be pondered more.”

At the beginning of October, for the north, it was already late autumn, and the boom in the south had faded. Apart from staying in the room every day and pretending to be busy, Lu Feng took time to go around the city. TSMC's docking staff kept calling to check on the progress. , On the 12th of October, after ten days, Lu Feng finally replied, saying that he had made it clear to the several manufacturers he contacted, and the other party had also retained it, but the price was still inappropriate.

On the phone, both parties agreed to negotiate the contract the next day.

In a conference room, Mr. Liang looked at Mr. Cai with a smile on his face. The work of the two had already been handed over. He stood up and said, "Then I'll give myself a vacation first, and leave the rest of the work to Mr. Cai."

"Don't worry, it's not easy to play with him? I hit a nail here, and then I went back to find those manufacturers, and I can't kill him?" President Cai said with a smile: "I'll see him tomorrow."

Mr. Liang always had a smile on his face. Finally, he could rest for a few days. He was going to book a flight ticket to go to Europe for a vacation. His annual leave has not yet been taken.

The next morning, the three of Lu Feng sat in the car to pick them up and went downstairs to the headquarters. They entered the conference room under the reception of the staff. Compared with the warm welcome they received last time, this time they felt a lot colder and bigger. There were only three people in the conference room, and there was not even a glass of water on the table.

Liu Cheng said in a low voice, "It's so **** quick to change your face, you don't even have basic benefits."

"The last time I came here was the first-class Dahongpao, and it was the VIP reception hall." Zhu Lidong complained aside.

"You two stop talking!" Lu Feng said solemnly.

I waited in the conference room for more than ten minutes, and no one paid any attention. Lu Feng stood up and walked out the door. He asked a clerk.

"I'm a customer, I'm Party A!" Lu Feng said a little unhappily.

"What's wrong with Party A?" Mr. Cai's voice came from the corridor next to him: "Party A has to wait, too. If you don't want to wait, then you can go. Who left you?"

Lu Feng turned his head and saw that he was walking over with a few people. He looked him up and down and asked, "Where's Mr. Liang? Where is my brother? I won't talk to you."

"Don't talk to me? I'm You can only talk to me now. Mr. Liang has already left. I was in charge of this project. He robbed me of the project. Can I bypass him?" President Cai walked to the door and pushed the door hard and walked in, yin and yang said strangely: "I advise you to sit down and talk with me, maybe I can give you something cheaper."

"It's cheaper? I said yes, one hundred and fifty dollars!" Lu Feng said angrily.

"That's the price he negotiated with you. I don't recognize this price, so it would be a loss to sell. The letter of intent did write a figure of one hundred and fifty dollars, but in the sixth explanation, it was the preliminary intent price. ." Mr. Cai stood in the conference room, looked at Lu Feng and asked, "Let me tell you this, the agreement of intent you signed ten days ago is void."

"Are you kidding people? Are you playing a black and white face here?" Lu Feng stared at him and asked.

"Oh, you Thai guy still understand black and white? Let me tell you, no, Mr. Liang was fired, and the current price is still the price I gave before. As far as I know, no matter what the price is. Which manufacturer is it, it will not be less than two hundred and fifty dollars, plus the shipping fee, plus you go back and find them again, it is estimated that it is not less than three hundred dollars." Cai looked at the landing very bluntly. Feng said: "If you can sign, I can give you a price of two hundred and fifty, including shipping."

Lu Feng stared at the arrogant look on his face, the whole person was furious, turned his head and said to Zhu Lidong, "Go!"

"If you walk slowly, you can call those manufacturers again. If they don't raise prices, I'll be a water spinach." Mr. Cai seemed to have expected Lu Feng's attitude, and watched him walk away towards the person beside him. The assistant said: "He will come back, and he will be much more docile next time, just wait!"


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