Back to 1990

Chapter 1104: Fraud the reserve price!

After leaving the building and getting in the car, Liu Cheng was surprised: "They really turned their faces and didn't recognize people, it's exactly the same as we imagined."

"Normal, there are many such methods in the domestic market. People with little experience can't even find their homes." Zhu Lidong has obviously seen this kind of thing in China.

"Then we can turn around and find other manufacturers." Liu Cheng wondered.

"Now we are because of the fake. If it is true, other manufacturers know that you have been tricked here, and they must not slaughter you? Who knows what kind of price the other side will charge, and it will naturally increase the price. , the price is definitely high, and the ordering has to be pushed back, who knows if other manufacturers will give a reserve price tomorrow, you turn around and run over." Zhu Lidong explained: "So, big companies are all stable. Partner."

"It's nothing more than a buyer's market or a seller's market. Since it's an acting, I have to accompany him to perform the full set. Let's go back first." Lu Feng instructed the driver to drive.

Arriving at the hotel, Lu Feng called Zhang Rujing as soon as possible and explained the matter briefly. I hope he will call President Liang and Zhang Zhongmou to help him talk. Lu Feng knows it is useless, but Zhang Rujing will not go. It seems very wrong to intercede.

The process to go still has to go.

Zhang Rujing's phone call was naturally useless, the other party pulled out a bunch of crooked ideas to deal with it, and the matter was gone.

Three days passed in a flash. Lu Feng slept in the hotel for three days. Feeling that the time was almost up, he called Mr. Cai and hoped to meet again, or to sit down and have a good talk.

When Mr. Cai received the call, he naturally agreed in an arrogant tone. On the phone, he said to give Lu Feng another chance. Mr. Cai believed that Lu Feng must have been tormented for the past three days. After the major manufacturers responded, he only had There is such a way to go.

Lu Feng washed briefly, changed his Akha clothes, and put on his makeup. He called Zhu Lidong and Liu Cheng over and asked, "Are you ready?"

Liu Cheng and Zhu Lidong flipped through the folders in their hands, nodded and said in unison, "It's all complete."

"Let's go, give me my folder." Lu Feng reached out and took a folder. He opened it and opened it. In addition to a few sheets of paper with product data printed on them, there were also a few sheets of paper below, in pure English, which were quoted from Texas Instruments. The single, the time marked above is yesterday.

The price on the quotation is two hundred and twenty dollars!

After packing up everything, the three went downstairs and went straight to TSMC headquarters.

After arriving at the scene, there was still no one to welcome him. Lu Feng and his party went upstairs and waited in the conference room for half an hour. During this time, President Cai was drinking tea in the office. I know it well, it's just to discredit his brother.

The tea in the cup was drained in one gulp, so Mr. Cai slowly picked up the internal phone on the table to inform him, and asked several vice presidents to go to the conference room to prepare for negotiation, put down the phone, he simply packed his things, and walked out door.

The door of the conference room opened, Mr. Cai walked in unhurriedly, glanced at the three of Lu Feng, walked over and threw the folder on the table and asked, "Have you thought about it?"

The others pulled out their chairs and began to take their seats, looking at Lu Feng and the three with contempt, completely different from the enthusiasm they had when they first arrived.

"I didn't think about it, I just wanted to come and talk again. I hope you will pay attention. This order is very important to us, and it cannot be ignored for you." Lu Feng looked at him. Shen said.

"Hehehe!" Mr. Cai sat down with a chuckle and said, "It seems that you haven't thought about it yet, so let's see, it's not easy to see you, we can make more concessions in terms of price, and the price of a single product is two hundred and sixty US dollars. , but you need to pay 70% of the total payment in advance as a deposit."

In Mr. Cai's view, he took the initiative to lower the price, and the other party should be happy at this moment. After all, they have nowhere to go, but they only require a higher deposit.

But he didn't see any potential joy on Lu Feng's face. From the moment he entered the conference room, he always felt that something was wrong. The state of these people seemed to be slightly different from what he imagined.

Lu Feng stared at him with a bit of sarcasm, and said calmly: "I still hope you can achieve the previous price, to be honest, the stability of your products is not small compared to the world-class manufacturers. , the previous default has made us very uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable? What's wrong with being uncomfortable?" Mr. Cai looked at him without fear at all. He lost his confidence. The whole person seemed a little annoyed. If you can get it from outside at the right price, what are you doing with us?"

"I came to you, just want to take a look." Lu Feng opened the folder in front of him expressionlessly, glanced at the paper below, and said solemnly: "Based on the quality of your products, I think one hundred and fifty The US dollar is a very suitable price, if you don't give in, there is no need to continue the negotiation."

Lu Feng was too stable, sitting there as stable as Mount Tai, his words seemed to be denying these people on the opposite side, and he might give up the deal at any time.

Mr. Cai thought that he should be begging for himself at the moment, but things did not develop in the direction he imagined, and his heart became more and more uncertain, his eyes flashed a little panic, and he didn't know what happened.

"I tell you, you'd better think about it. This time, I can give you a price of two hundred and sixty-six. I will talk about it next time. There are not many choices, and I gave up starting a business because of this, and I really despise you." President Cai used his words to irritate Lu Feng, he felt that Lu Feng should be angry and might just give up starting a business in the mobile phone industry.

"It's you who broke the contract first. In doing business, you have to be honest. This is the most basic thing. You can't even do that!!" Lu Feng was suddenly very angry, patted the table with his hand, and then picked up his hand. 's folder, pointed at the other party and scolded; "To cooperate with you is to insult me."

After Lu Feng finished speaking, he stood up and left angrily. The papers in the folder were scattered all over the table. Zhu Lidong and Liu Cheng stood up and followed without a word.

President Cai was completely panicked. He watched Lu Feng leave and sat there wondering which link had a problem. A man next to him said, "Why is he planning to quit? Wasn't he cheated? , too much anger."

"I think he's here to vent his emotions, calm down a bit and come back."

Several people discussed various possibilities. One of the women looked at a piece of paper scattered in front of her. She recognized an English name on it, Texas Instruments.

The woman picked up the piece of paper in front of her and glanced at it, and hurriedly handed it to the vice president next to him. The vice president was stunned when he saw the content, and said to President Cai, "This is a quotation from Texas Instruments!"


President Cai's face was full of disbelief. He took it over and glanced at it. It was indeed a quotation from Texas Instruments. He hurriedly stood up and looked for the remaining pages. After reading it, he kept muttering that it was impossible. Absolutely impossible.

But the fact is, the above is clearly written, from the product to the quotation, to the fax time and location, it is very detailed, and the Nokia logo is also written on it.

Mr. Cai was stunned. How could this be possible? A manufacturer as big as Texas Instruments is full of orders every year. How could it be possible to spare a million orders for a small business? And I still went back and found that the price didn't go up, it went down instead.

The door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open. Mr. Cai was startled and threw a few pieces of paper on the table. Lu Feng walked in with great strides, glanced at several people, and then put his own documents. Folder and tidy up all taken away.

The two sides didn't say a word during the whole process. Mr. Cai wanted to ask if he had not disconnected from other manufacturers at all, but he had breached the contract first, and it was not important at this moment. If this matter was true, he would have lost the opportunity.

After Lu Feng left, President Cai thought about it and thought about Zhang Rujing for the first time. It is very likely that Zhang Rujing played an important role in it.

He didn't dare to delay any longer, stood up and hurried out of the conference room, called the chairman, and told everything about it. Zhang Zhongmou was also surprised when he heard this. Nokia is indeed the biggest partner of Texas Instruments. I don't even know how much is in there.

On the phone, he asked President Cai to call Zhang Rujing first and ask.

Lu Feng went back to the hotel and got into the room, tore up all the documents in his hand and threw them into the trash can. Zhu Lidong looked at him and asked, "What's the next step?"

"Wait!" Lu Feng sat on the sofa and said, "Wait for them to come to us. Now they are absolutely messed up. They are looking for where the problem is. When they can't find it, they will come to us."

"Look for us, and then we talk to them?" Liu Cheng asked.

"Can't talk, take advantage of his emptiness and kill him! At this time, we must not show the slightest meaning of talking, we must squeeze out their lowest price." Zhu Lidong said on the side: "The last one is the ultimate move, But how can we make them panic, we have to design it well."

"It's simple, walking is the best plan." Lu Feng said to Zhu Lidong: "In the past two days, we will arrange a business plane to fly to Finland, and then find a few people to pretend to be the planes. On the day of departure, let the arranged people make trouble. , don't let the plane take off."


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