Back to 1990

Chapter 1114: question

"This year is a critical and successful year for Jiafeng Group. In the home appliance market, we have stabilized the market share at about 30%, and achieved a total sales volume of 10 million TV sets. , is the first domestic manufacturer to push sales to 10 million units, and the VCD market continues to rise. According to the survey data, the domestic VCD market has great prospects."

"Last year's VCD demand market was 5 million units, this year it has grown to 8 million units, and we are still firmly in control of the VCD market, with a total of 3.97 million VCD units sold this year. Manufacturers that are authorized to manufacture by patents, we have hit hard this year, suing a total of 37 companies, and all of them won."

"As another pillar product of the company, the market for pagers is also booming. From last year's market demand of 12 million units, to this year's explosive growth, the national demand for various pagers this year has reached 2,500. million, and Jiaxun’s pager sales have reached 5.7 million units, accounting for 20% of the market.”

"It's just that the unit price of the product has plummeted. From the high price of five or six thousand the year before, to three or four thousand last year, to more than two thousand this year, or even a thousand yuan, the landline and telephone booths are widely promoted to pagers. Brings development, and finally prosperity.”

"At the beginning of this year, we opened up a new sales model, from the original agent, to trying the model of home appliance city. This year, we have developed five Jiajia home appliance cities, with a site area of ​​3,700 square meters. The progress in this area is slow. , and there are many competitors, among which retailers represented by Gome are very strong in the market, and they are in a state of loss in this regard this year.”

"In terms of small household appliances, the market has been further released this year, represented by products such as electric fans, washing machines, and refrigerators. The market has grown by more than 50%, but our sales have declined. After careful analysis, we believe that Behind these products, there is a lack of brand power.”

"The washing machines include Little Swan washing machines, Haier, Meiling and other brands that specialize in washing machines, while the refrigerators include Hisense, Panasonic, Siemens, Konka, and even Skyworth. The refrigerator market is still a place where domestic and foreign companies compete, and we lack Independent brands are also lacking in marketing.”

"The group has also carried out reforms this year, allowing the group headquarters to better control its subordinate enterprises, and improving the relevant systems in personnel transfer..."

For more than an hour, Wei Yandan stood on the stage and talked endlessly. If Jiafeng is an enterprise mainly focusing on home appliances and industrial chain, then this year's annual report will be particularly good-looking, and the main products are all in the market. a very large proportion.

The product quality is also well-known in the country. As a brand, the main products in terms of quality, after-sales, and technology are a few streets away from the peers. Especially after-sales, Jiafeng is the first door-to-door delivery in the country, seven-day return, fifteen Day replacement, two-year warranty.

The time has already pointed to 11:40 noon, and Wei Yandan's work report is coming to an end. She looked at the last page in her hand, took a deep breath, and said, "Jiafeng Group, the total sales volume of the whole year exceeds 10 billion yuan. In RMB, the total sales this year was 12.756 billion, the net profit was 2.438 billion, and the total expenditure for the year was US$ 1.713 billion. The overall loss."

Seventeen billion! ! !

Or dollars?

Many people present at this kind of year-end meeting for the first time breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the people next to them and whispered: "It's over, you earn RMB and spend US dollars. Is this going to close down?"

"What are you panicking about? You didn't spend any money."

"Whose money does it cost?"

"Have you seen the white man in front? The one who took advantage of him."

Many people present secretly used the exchange rate to calculate. This year, Jiafeng Group spent more than 13 billion RMB in expenditure alone. How much does it cost!

This amount of money is astronomical for individuals, but how many factories Jiafeng has built this year, how many wages, how many advanced assembly lines, how many engineers it has attracted around the world, how many laboratories and R&D centers have been established, and a careful calculation There is a place for all that money.

John's face is not very good-looking. He invested 2 billion US dollars last year. At the beginning, the budget for the R&D company was 500 million yuan, and later increased to 1.5 billion yuan, but how did the other 200 million yuan be consumed?

As Wei Yandan stepped off the stage, the morning report meeting was over. John stood up and said to Wei Yandan, "Give me a copy of the financial report and I'll take a look."

Wei Yandan looked at Lu Feng, Lu Feng waved his hand to him, and said to Feng Zhiyao, "Let's eat first, and continue in the afternoon."

Liu Cheng walked out without saying a word. During this year, many people in the group attacked him. Many people thought that the R&D company was burning too much money, especially some 'meaningless' money-burning, which made them think it was a waste All money.

All kinds of bitter words came out at the scene, and everyone walked side by side in groups of three and five, whispering to each other. Yang Fuqun was followed by several executives from other departments, and one of them asked in a low voice, "Why is the R&D company so hot? Money? Others like Konka, Skyworth, and Changhong don’t cost so much.”

"Who knows, tens of billions of funds can be smashed to death when piled up in piles." Yang Fuqun snorted coldly: "In the global R&D center, foreign engineers are really popular and spicy, I heard that they dug one. Toshiba's small team built a R&D center in Tokyo for others. The salary of the person in charge is as high as 50,000 a month, which is still US dollars. This is still the tip of the iceberg. The R&D center in cooperation with Nokia is burning money at a speed comparable to bribery. Lord Yan."

A few executives smacked their tongues secretly when they heard this. They didn't expect that the company's top management would spend all their money on these things. Another hurriedly asked, "It's definitely not about developing TVs, right? What's that?"

"Speaking of semiconductors, there were seven large-scale R&D centers established at home and abroad last year, not counting the small teams poached from some foreign-funded companies. Tell me how the money was spent?" Yang Fuqun said angrily.

"Fifty thousand dollars? That's... 400,000 a month?" When the people next to him heard the number, their eyes were green. It is to live a luxurious life, but compared with others, it is equivalent to ten days' wages?

"What is a semiconductor?" Another asked curiously, "It's so expensive!"

"To put it simply, it is to integrate and shrink the diodes and various circuits in the TV. It is many times thinner than a human hair. It must cost money to develop these things. As for whether the money is really spent, or is it replaced? The way out, who knows? After all, I haven’t seen foreign R&D centers and personnel with my own eyes, so I can’t chat with them and ask how they work hard for hundreds of thousands of wages a month!” Yang Fuqun said angrily. With a sound, he strode forward.

Look at me, I look at you, and look at each other. They feel that they are already at the top of the company. After all, Wei Yandan and Zhu Lidong are below them. Now it seems that they are far from snooping on the way to make money at the top. , it's still 108,000 miles away.

This statement by Yang Fuqun spread quickly during lunch time, and everyone was shocked by the huge loss. Coupled with this statement, they had to think in other ways.

In the private room, Lu Feng watched everyone say some scenes, and as the food was ready, Lu Feng picked up a half glass of red wine and said, "Everyone has really worked hard this year, although the company is still in a state of loss, but we have made huge gains. The progress of the company, especially in terms of research and development, last year was still poor in terms of integrated circuits, and this year not only has a production line established in the Tianjin plant, but also has many patents in terms of technology."

"This is a huge step. I believe that in the near we will be able to produce all the chips and store them by ourselves. As for this glass of wine, I will pay tribute to Mr. Liu first, hard work!"

Lu Feng stood up and touched a glass with Liu Cheng, then they both drank and then had a drink with the others. The atmosphere at the dinner table began to liven up. Except for John, everyone seemed very happy.

"The R&D company's expenditure this year is indeed too large. We cannot afford such expenditure. However, the previous rigid expenditure has been invested in. As long as this situation is maintained, the budget for next year will not be too high. The mobile phone is about to go on sale, and if I can produce a full set of products later, the cost will be greatly reduced, and the profit will be very considerable." Lu Feng said to everyone.

"Mr. Lu's proposal is very good. The prospects of mobile phones are very good in the world, but you said that Jiafeng's mobile phones will be available in the market next year." John looked at Lu Feng and asked, "How do you guarantee the project? If it fails to land, the previous investment will be wasted.”

"It can be produced next year!"

"How to produce? Where did you get the core 2g motherboard?" John asked, staring at Lu Feng.

When Liu Cheng and the others heard this, they immediately froze on the spot, feeling that something was not right, Lu Feng looked at him and laughed, put down the wine glass in his hand, and said, "This matter has not been resolved, but I can guarantee that it will be over. It will be resolved in a year.”

"After the New Year? Where did you come from?" John looked at Lu Feng with interest and said, "As a major shareholder of the company, I should have the right to know any actions of the company. Can you tell me that the originally scheduled R&D company ten Five hundred million US dollars, excluding corporate publicity, daily expenses, building buildings and other projects cost 100 million US dollars, where did the remaining 120 million dollars go?"


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