Back to 1990

Chapter 1115: Goodley

This 200 million fund was transferred to other accounts and used to pay for the cost of the lithography machine industry chain. Only Wei Yandan, Su Yourong, and Lu Feng knew about the scene.

Everyone at the scene looked at Lu Feng. Seeing that Lu Feng didn't speak, they looked at Wei Yandan. Wei Yandan felt a little stunned and felt that this matter could not be said. After thinking about it, he said, "There is no problem with the accounts. More than one billion, I believe it must be used where it should be used, check it again, I believe there will be an answer."

"On behalf of the board of directors, I have to criticize." Lu Feng took over the conversation, looked at Wei Yandan and said, "Finance can't just be calculated in the general ledger, and some funds must be listed. Later, we must strengthen the management of such matters. The fund of 100 million is a large amount, and it is definitely not wrong if it is wrong. If it is less than a few hundred thousand, or millions, it may be a personal problem, and such a large amount is unlikely to be a personal matter."

"Yes, yes, after the meeting of the board of directors, let the finance department check the details again." Wei Yandan said hurriedly.

This matter has already been concluded, but everyone knows in their hearts that I am afraid that 120 million is not so convenient to disclose to everyone.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was slightly subtle. Lu Feng picked up the glass and said, "Victory is ahead. We have gone through this extraordinary year. I believe that the light is ahead. Let's have a toast."

After lunch, there was an hour of rest. Feng Zhiyao wanted to go back to his room to rest. A man in his forties hurried over and called in Chinese, "Mr. Feng, we Can we chat?"

Feng Zhiyao turned his head to look at this man. It was none other than the man who was with John the whole time. He rarely spoke, and most of the time stared at Lu Feng.

"Do you speak Chinese?" Feng Zhiyao asked in surprise.

"Of course, after all, we have to deal with Jiafeng Group. If it's convenient, let's go there for a cup of coffee. I think such a big company as Jiafeng Group can't let Lu Feng have the final say, shareholders and directors should be more Great power," said the man.

Feng Zhiyao was a little upset when he heard this, and said, "I don't have time, I'll go back and lie down for a while."

"Well, just a few minutes, please!" the man invited.

The two sat down in the leisure hall not far away, and the man introduced: "My name is Goodley, I believe that Mr. Feng should have a good understanding of the role of the board of directors, mainly to select management and make decisions in the major direction of the company. , but Jiafeng Group has suffered too much loss in recent years, not to say that Mr. Lu is not good, there is a saying in your country that if you listen to one side, you will be dark, and if you listen to both, you will be clear."

"A person's ability is limited, and there must be things that cannot be taken care of or taken into account. The establishment of the board of directors should allow more decision-makers to come in and draw a more correct path from all aspects, but you also I see, there is a disconnect between the current group management and the board of directors."

"What I mean is very simple, not to let Lu Feng ignore the company completely, but to listen to other opinions more. We believe that Jiafeng's investment in integrated circuits is too large. Although it has achieved certain results, it can be The problem is that the current international environment is not friendly to Jiafeng, and integrated circuit technology is in a state of rapid development. Once R&D cannot be converted into production capacity and profitable, it will be a huge waste."

Goodley analyzed Jiafeng Group's mobile phone business, the possibility of semiconductor business landing, and the scale of the domestic market from all angles. They judged that instead of losing money now, it is better to wait for a better international environment and be able to cooperate with foreign capital and step on the giant. on the shoulders, it will be easier to succeed.

I have to say that Goodley's rhetoric is very tempting. From a corporate point of view, it is not a problem to spend money recklessly. It is much more effective than it is now.

Feng Zhiyao doesn't know much about integrated circuits, but he simply said his thoughts, and Goodley took the opportunity to propose a big dividend. This year's financial report has shown that if Jiafeng does not invest in semiconductors, it will be a healthy leader in the field of home appliances. , a profitable behemoth.

Therefore, the money is put in the account. With Lu Feng's control over the management, he may do something. It is better to distribute dividends first. When the company needs it again, the members of the board of directors will invest the money back.

Feng Zhiyao didn't know what to say with Goodley's rhetoric. Feng Zhiyao always starts from the direction of kindness to everyone. If Lu Feng is here, he must ask him, the money is here, the other party doesn't trust him, let him go. In his pocket, he still doesn't trust the other party.

On the other side, John also invited Su Yourong to the Sunshine Hall on the top floor after the meal. John told Su Yourong the same way, Su Yourong smiled after listening to it and said, "Dividends have to be taxed, so instead of tossing around like this, Why don't you save some tax."

"Mr. Su, this money is very unsafe in the company's account. This is all of us money. This year, more than 100 million US dollars are unclear. Next year, there may be more." John leaned on the chair. He continued: "In the research and development of integrated circuits, let me tell you this, the difference between Huaxia's technology and the international first-class level is at least ten years. This cannot be solved by money. It requires not only money, but also time and talents. Cooperation in market, policy and other aspects.”

Su Yourong didn't understand international and integrated circuits, so he took out a lady's cigarette, lit one, looked at the translator next to John, and said, "Tell him, I don't understand technology, I understand money, you can't take me The money you deserve fools me, if you really want to be sincere, you should share your excess earnings with me."

John frowned slightly when he heard this: "What excess return?"

"That is, the excess income of emptying Jiafeng and then selling the empty shell to the United States, the big dividend is of course possible. After I get the money, I also have to participate in the subsequent internal equity acquisition, and sell it to American companies. At that time, the price of my equity cannot be lower than yours, and there is a financial group behind me, so I can add leverage to play with you." Su Yourong breathed a cigarette and said, "You can't let me get out of the way on the eve of the doubling of the stock. ?"

"I hope Jiafeng Group is good. The problem now is that Lu Feng has too much control over the management. This company will become a Siemens-like company in a few decades, not three years later, you know what I mean? "John's tone was quite unpleasant, his whole person seemed restless, he took a sip of the coffee in front of him.

"I'm in finance, and I don't understand this. You said just now that in order to balance the management and strengthen the control of the board of directors, it is necessary to arrange for individuals to enter. I support this matter, if it is a big dividend!" Su Yourong shakes shook his head.

Su Yourong thought the same as Mr. Feng, Lu Feng and John are the two most powerful forces in the group, and as a minority shareholder, if you want to gain benefits, you must have a sense of presence and take care of everything.

Arranging individuals to enter the management team will make Lu Feng uncomfortable, and offend a series of senior executives such as Wei Yandan and Zhu Lidong. Su Yourong's strategy is that he can offend him, but he can't offend him to death. , and then look at the performance of both of you.

Who can maximize my interests, I will stand on whose side.

After an hour of conversation, John felt that although the woman in front of him did not understand technology-related things, she knew money well. Such a person is also very good. As long as he has enough interests, he can stand by his side. John is also quite polite. I left a business card for future phone calls.

Lu Feng was in no mood to rest. All the middle and senior managers who attended the meeting were rumored that Lu Feng took more than one hundred million dollars from the company. For a time, Lu Feng had a feeling of backing.

The afternoon meeting was about to start, and everyone entered the venue one after another. Lu Feng sat in the side hall next to him smoking a cigarette without saying a word. After a while, Liu Cheng opened the door and walked in, closing the door and saying, "I asked A few people said that it was spread by Yang Fuqun, and now everyone is talking in private, and most people are guessing how much dividends will be distributed this year."

Lu Feng took a sharp puff, twisted the cigarette **** into the ashtray, and said coldly, "Can this person turn it off?"

"Now at this juncture, firing will make people talk behind their backs, and he is also an old employee. Now he is the sub-in-charge of the DVD project team, so there is no big mistake." Liu Chengpo for embarrassment.

Fired a senior engineer just because of some nonsense in private, which was a big blow to the rest of the group.

"Can DVD be released this year? Hasn't the research and development progress been completed?" Lu Feng asked.

"It has been completed. It is currently in trial production. It is estimated that it will be officially put into production in January." Liucheng replied.

"Now that it's done, let him be transferred, don't stay in the R&D company, and transfer to the group headquarters, and give him the position of vice president of the sub-department." Lu Feng ordered.

Liu Cheng still wanted to intercede for him. After all, there is nothing wrong with this person's ability, but now the key point is that it is really uncomfortable for him to do this kind of nonsense. He can only nod and agree. He talked and asked him to talk less about the useless things. After he was transferred to the headquarters, he would be transferred back after a while.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone returned to the venue again, and the host went on stage as usual. Wei Yandan made an overall report in the morning. In the afternoon, only one or two important department heads were needed to talk about it.

Following the host's invitation, Zhu Lidong stepped onto the stage and began to talk about the situation of the Marketing Department this year. As the report ended, there was sparse applause, followed by Du Guoying.

"Due to time constraints, the reports of the main departments will end here, and the reports and situations of each department will be made into documents and placed in front of shareholders and directors. Come down and discuss, and if the board thinks there is no need for personnel changes, move on to the next item."


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