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Chapter 1121: Mobile phone product positioning

There are not many people in the communication company, and the entire company has more than 300 people. They are only responsible for the pager product, including marketing, advertising, and sales channels. They also need to connect with the marketing department. They only do product design. , Advertising design, market pricing, and brand marketing.

It can be said that the communication company is a subsidiary company that relies on the marketing department. Now the mobile phone business is mainly dominated by the communication company, and the marketing department has become a facilitator. How can they be unhappy?

When Du Guoying held an internal meeting, the corners of his mouth couldn't help showing a smile, and the entire internal atmosphere of the communication company reached its peak.

In the evening, Lu Feng parked the car downstairs and went upstairs. No one in the whole company got off work, and he knocked on the door of Du Guoying's office. Lu Feng saw that he was still busy and said, "How is it? ?"

"Mr. Lu, why are you here?" Du Guoying hurriedly stood up and said, "We've been working overtime these days. If you don't come to me, I still want to find you. There is good news."

Lu Feng sat on the sofa and asked, "What news?"

"It's about mobile phone promotion. I recently contacted the advertising department of the Spring Festival Gala through the person in charge of the film and television media company. This year's Spring Festival Gala still lacks a sponsorship. The price is high, but it has a great influence in the country." Du Guoying sat down and said. : "I discussed it with Mr. Zhu. He thinks that the product has not yet been launched, and it is not appropriate to invest so much in advertising now."

"Spring Festival Gala? Is it the advertisement at 12 o'clock? Wasn't that advertisement sold six months ago?" Lu Feng wondered.

"It's not punctual, it's sponsorship, it's just a few words when the host announces the news, they stipulate no more than 15 words, one word is one million, and it is mentioned once every two programs. I think it can greatly enhance the brand power. Next year's products When it goes online, it can be said that the designated supplies for the Spring Festival Gala." Du Guoying said.

Lu Feng nodded slightly and asked, "I'm here today to see what kind of people you are going to target your mobile phone to, and the direction of advertising and marketing."

After Du Guoying heard this, he stood up, picked up the landline and made a call: "Let all the heads of departments come to my office."

Ten minutes later, the office was crowded with people number 13 and 4. Everyone's eyes turned to Lu Feng, all of them seemed rather restrained. It was obvious that the boss had come to inspect the work.

"Don't be nervous, find a place to sit." Lu Feng said to them.

Du Guoying said to one of the men in his forties, "Old Zhou, tell President Lu the positioning of the mobile phone brand."

"Mr. Lu, we have collected a lot of market information in the past six months. From last year to the present, the mobile phone market has expanded rapidly in China, among which Motorola and Nokia are the main ones. Products such as Big Brother are rapidly exiting the market. Among them, Motorola's market It has the largest share, with a monthly sales volume of 10,000 units and a unit price of around 8,000 units. Nokia's monthly sales volume is also 7,000 units. The overall market, monthly shipments, are about 25,000 units."

"Based on the comprehensive judgment of the market, 1996 will be the year of the explosion of mobile phones, and the overall sales volume will reach more than 50,000 units, or even more. The current mobile phone market is still dominated by business. Take Nokia as an example. Profits are about 40 percent, and Motorola is about the same.”

"Comparing these two companies, we don't have much profit margins, so we plan to position our products as high-end products, mainly for business high-end products."

"The price can't be too high!" Lu Feng asked Du Guoying: "You have done so much market research, you must understand one truth, that is, following other people's theories, you can never surpass them."

Du Guoying nodded as if he didn't understand. Some people at the scene took out their notebooks and held notes in their hands.

"Everyone now knows that mobile phones are used for business. In this track, you can never surpass the two giants Motorola and Nokia. A few days ago, Zhu Lidong talked to people in the province and the Posts and Telecommunications Group. He raised an idea, can you open a line for making calls without paying money? ." Lu Feng said to the crowd, "Have you opened your mind yet?"

Free is always the most attractive and the most expensive.

"The boss needs business negotiation and communication, but their life is not only work, but also life. Think about it, if you want free calls, can you just buy one?" Lu Feng guided the crowd.

Du Guoying was the first to react, slapped his thigh with his hand and said, "Secretary!"

Everyone present was stunned, but Lu Feng didn't react.

"The current big boss, who doesn't have a mistress? Business is work, mistress is life, Mr. Lu, you are too good." Du Guoying's eyes lit up and said, "This is definitely a big selling point."

Lu Feng looked at him slightly embarrassed and said, "I'm thinking of my wife."

Some people at the scene couldn't help laughing out loud, Du Guoying smiled awkwardly and said: "No one pays money to his wife now, a mobile phone of 7000 to 8000 yuan must be matched to a mistress, this consumption relationship is too good, gender consumption will always be The best track, but only if the condition of free calls is met."

Lu Feng has nothing to say about this market positioning. After all, it is indeed impossible for ordinary people to spend a year's salary to buy a mobile phone. The biggest spending power is still on the boss.

"When setting prices, we must target the largest group in the market. If there are not many big bosses, we must target the group with an annual income of 30,000 to 50,000, which is the middle class. For them, it takes more than two months. It is still possible to buy a mobile phone with salary." Lu Feng said to the crowd, "It is very important to give some petty bourgeois superiority in products."

"What is the final market price?" Du Guoying asked.

"What is the approximate cost?"

"It depends on the sales volume. If we can sell 50,000 mobile phones a year, the cost will be 6,000 yuan, mainly because the price of the 2G signal motherboard is more than 1,000 yuan, and other buttons, screens, batteries, and chargers. A series of domestic prices are not cheap, and the cost can be reduced after scale, but the biggest cost is the cooperation with the post and telecommunications group." Du Guoying thought for a while and said, "It depends on how Mr. Zhu talks to there. ."

"First set a price of 6,800, and I will discuss with the Post and Telecommunications Group." Lu Feng said solemnly.

A group of people chatted from product positioning to cost accounting until after nine o’clock in the evening. If 100,000 mobile phones can be sold every year, the cost of mobile phones will only be less than 3,000 yuan. But if they can’t be sold, the cost will go up. It has a very strong relationship with the Post and Telecommunications Group.

The post and telecommunications group in Guangzhou proposed that Jiafeng should bear part of the cost of newly added signal towers and various lines. In addition, the other party will definitely talk about free calls. These are hidden costs.

After ten o'clock in the evening, Lu Feng drove home. Before leaving, he instructed Du Guoying that the advertisements on the Spring Festival Evening could be put up, and the price was set at 6,800. He didn't expect the mobile phone to make money. Accessories can bring back a lot of profits.

The main thing is to take the amount, as long as the amount is up, he has a way to make money!

Jiang Xiaoyan had already gone home. She was sitting on the sofa watching TV and yawning. She glanced at Lu Feng and said, "Isn't the board meeting over, what are you doing?"

"I just can't finish meetings, what can I do, steal people!" Lu Feng slumped on the sofa and asked, "Aren't you going to sleep yet?"

"I just want to see what kind of person someone can steal back." Jiang Xiaoyan turned off the TV, stood up and walked upstairs, saying, "When you go back to your hometown, bring Duoduo with me and leave me here alone. Have a quiet year."

"I can't take her, so I have to go to Jiangsu first. You really won't go back during the New Year?" Lu Feng stood up and followed, and asked, "I haven't been back for two years."

"If you don't go back, I know what it's like to go back. If you don't want to take her with you, just stay with me." Jiang Xiaoyan went into the room and lay down.

Lu Feng took off his clothes, got on the bed and sighed, "Okay!"

The mobile phone business is the goal of the entire group. The marketing department and the communication company must strengthen cooperation. Lu Feng also knows that Du Guoying arrived late and his position in the group is not high enough, so Zhu Lidong, Liu Cheng, and Du Guoying were brought in. Come here and have a few days of meetings.

In this battle of mobile phones, you can only win, not lose!

No matter what the inside of the board of directors looks like, the domestic mobile phone market must prosper. Lu Feng repeatedly emphasized at the meeting that even if Jiafeng is torn apart next year and he ends up being out, domestic mobile phones must also rise.

They need to cultivate the status of domestic mobile phones in the hearts of consumers. Even if they fail, the environment will be much better if they start a business again. Let them not think too much. Don't think too much. If they do well today, they may be swept out tomorrow. thing.

At the meeting, Lu Feng also specifically emphasized the issue of middle and high-level management. In particular, Goodley had frequent contacts. Regarding the dissemination of some messy remarks within the group, he should be fired if he should be fired. In special times, the means should not be soft.

On December 28th, the weather had completely turned cold, and the snow was blowing in the north. The company had done almost everything that should be done. Lu Feng held meetings in the company for more than ten consecutive days, and Goodley gave the directors several times. The bureau responded that he interfered with the management.

No matter whether it's open face or swearing in the back, it can't change the situation. Lu Feng feels that it is time to leave, but before leaving, he has to make a harassing call!


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