Back to 1990

Chapter 1122: arrival

Lu Feng searched at home for a long time and couldn't find the phone number of Huang Youwei's office, so he had to call the person in charge of the Suzhou factory and asked him to find Huang Youwei's number.

In Huang Youwei's office, a meeting has just ended. Today's task is considered to be complete. It has been almost two years since he was transferred. Huang Youwei has lived up to expectations and has made very good results in the economy.

The province still recognizes his ability very much. It has brought a lot of smiles to Huang Youwei's old face. After a few years of work, he is likely to be the youngest provincial leader in the province. It can be said that he has a smooth career. .

The phone on the table rang, Huang Youwei picked it up and said, "I'm Huang Youwei, who is this?"

"Hello, Secretary Huang, it's me, Xiao Lu!" Lu Feng said with a smile on the phone.

"Xiao Lu? Which Xiao Lu?" Huang Youwei thought about it quickly in his head, but he didn't remember any surname Lu.

"You are really a noble person who forgets things. It's me, Lu Feng, that Lu Feng from the Jiafeng Group." Lu Feng knew that Huang Youwei had been smooth sailing in the past two years, and he was a big leader, so it was normal for him not to remember.

Hearing that it was Lu Feng, the smile on Huang Youwei's face softened a lot, and he asked cautiously, "Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's not New Year's Eve, I want to visit you and bring you some souvenirs. We are also old friends. Since we are old friends, we should move around more." Afraid that the other party would refuse, Lu Feng then said, "I went to Beijing to hold a few meetings this year. The Science and Technology Commission, the Business Administration, and some leaders of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and State Land and Resources all said that they need to increase economic development and think of ideas. , use your brain, take a step."

Huang Youwei originally wanted to hang up the phone, but after hearing what he said, it seemed that he could have a chat. Who doesn't need a little resource in life?

What's more, Huang Youwei also knows that the current Jiafeng Group is not the Jiafeng Group of the past. When Schroders Group invested, he had already seen that Jiafeng was going to get out of control, but he was too lazy to remind it.

"Mr. Lu has been very busy in the past two years. Meetings are held everywhere. Anyway, Jiangsu is also the place where you made your fortune. In the future, you should mention it more at some important meetings." Huang Youwei said with a smile.

"It's natural. I may be passing by your side recently. If you have time, you can sit down together. It just so happens that I have a very good project to talk about." Lu Feng said to the phone.

"Very good project?" Huang Youwei was a little suspicious and asked, "This is very good, for whom?"

"Of course it's for both of us. You can rest assured that this time is absolutely reliable. We want to help Jiangsu build an information high-speed network. For big cities, running water, electricity, and roads are already basic conditions, but in In terms of communication, it is still impossible to become a big province, let alone an international metropolis like Hong Kong, Shanghai is no match, communication has become one of the rigid standards of developed cities.”

Lu Feng bragged about the importance of communication on the phone. As long as the communication is smooth, the economic development will take a high-speed road, and the communication between people will be more convenient. In business competition, the advantages will be more prominent, and it will be easier to attract enterprises to come.

If the previous Lu Feng told him this, Huang Youwei felt that this person was cheating again. He must have acquired the land first, then mortgaged it, and then let the local government pay for him to build a factory, and then he started to recruit workers for research and development. Now it is different. Jiafeng already has a very strong capital, and also has a very large accumulation in the field of communication.

To put it bluntly, back then, it was a poor boy who showed his big white teeth to blow his dreams, but now it is Gao Fushuai who brought a group of engineers to invest in construction, which is naturally different.

"You can come and chat. We haven't seen each other for a long time. To be honest, I miss you a lot. Come to meet and chat." Huang Youwei warmly invited.

Lu Feng didn't feel anything about Huang Youwei's attitude changing so much. He just said, "Okay, I'll contact you in advance if I go."

The two of them were polite and hung up the phone. Compared to their intimacy many years ago, the two of them are more like business at the moment. No matter how they used to stick to each other, from that small place all the way to now, everyone is no longer what they used to be. Own.

No matter how good friends have experienced enough growth, they will become unfamiliar. Maybe both of them have achieved their own achievements and have enough social status. It wasn't that one just took office and the other was anxious to open a factory.

Some friendships are forever buried in the years and can never be returned.

Lu Feng didn't have time to sigh about these things. He has long understood the true meaning of life in two lifetimes, and loneliness is an adult's most intimate friend.

In two days, the company's affairs were settled, and Zhu Lidong had to negotiate with Guangzhou about the task of free calls. If the province really couldn't talk about it, let's talk about Shenzhen, which would be Jiafeng's biggest market weapon.

It's almost January, Lu Feng looked at Jiang Xiaoyan on the sofa and asked, "Are you sure you won't go back?"

"Forget it, let me spend the year with peace of mind, I don't want to have too many troubles." Jiang Xiaoyan flipped through the newspaper and said, "Why do I feel unreliable with your free phone?"

"It's a last-ditch effort to be reliable. Maybe I'll be kicked out of the board next year. I'll have to rely on you to support me." Lu Feng said with a cigarette.

"Very good, after so many years of tossing and working for nothing, I will support you. It's not that I haven't raised you before." Jiang Xiaoyan said with a hint of secret joy.

Lu Feng turned his head to look at her, he couldn't understand one thing, why all women wanted him to go bankrupt and then support themselves, Jiang Xiaoyan was like this, Su Yourong was even more so.

Perhaps for a woman, there is nothing more seductive than controlling a powerful man.

Naturally so?

Just like the nature of a man, he pulls the women of the good family into the water, and persuades the dusty women to follow the good.

Lu Feng sighed inwardly for a while, and went upstairs to rest silently. A week later, he arranged for a private jet, and informed Huang Youwei that he would arrive today, and then went to the airport.

After arriving at the airport, he did not stop for a second, directly boarded and took off, and sat in a luxurious private jet. Lu Feng also sighed that it is good to have money.

As the plane landed at Nanjing Airport, there was already a team of welcome people waiting at the scene. As Lu Feng got off the plane, a delicate-looking woman walked over and said, "Mr. Lu, it's been hard work along the way, and I am grateful to Secretary Huang. I have entrusted to meet you, I am the deputy mayor of Nanjing, my surname is Wang!"

"Hello, hello!" Lu Feng stretched out his hands and held them together, "I'm flattered by coming to the airport to greet him."

In addition to the deputy mayor Wang, there was also an office director, and the others were the atmosphere group. After taking a few group photos on the scene, they got into the car and went straight to the collapsed hotel.

Inside the car, Lu Feng looked at the beautiful and generous deputy mayor and asked, "How are the sales of mobile phones here?"

"In the past, there were more big brothers. Now, most of them are Motorola. I feel that more and more people are using mobile phones in the past two years." Vice Mayor Wang pondered for a while and asked, "I can easily ask Come on, are we here to build a factory, or to engage in research and development?"


Lu Feng was stunned when he heard this, and hurriedly said, "Didn't Secretary Huang tell you? I'm not here to build a factory. We have a factory in Suzhou. This time, we still hope to reach a cooperation with the province and speed up the process in the province. Speed ​​up the construction of mobile communications.”

Deputy Mayor Wang lost interest a lot when he heard this, nodded and said, "I thought Lu was always here to open a factory. How do you plan to cooperate in communications?"

"That's right. We will launch a mobile phone next year. We hope to cooperate with the province. The local post and telecommunications group will increase the signal tower and improve the signal coverage. We can bind the product to the local post and telecommunications group for sales." Lu Feng explained. road.

"That is to say, if you want to sell goods, let us lay out the infrastructure, right?" Vice Mayor Wang is less interested, and now she even regrets running to pick up Lu Feng, knowing that she would just send a deputy office director like this Just come.

"Can't say that, we can pay a certain such as the cost of the signal tower, we can bear part of it." Lu Feng explained.

When Vice Mayor Wang heard that it was such a deal, it was obvious that the business under his jurisdiction did not improve much, let alone attracting investment, and he no longer wanted to say anything.

Seeing her sitting there without saying a word, Lu Feng also shut up. After all, this matter is meaningless from the perspective of a deputy mayor, but from the perspective of the province's economic drive, it is different. .

The car was speeding, and Vice Mayor Wang suddenly said, "Do you intend to relocate the factory over there in Suzhou?"

"The cost of relocation is too high, and the industrial facilities there are still very mature, and if you relocate within the province, it is easy to gossip." Lu Feng said politely, moving from Suzhou, I am afraid that the mayor of Suzhou will not be affected by it. scolded to death.

When the car arrived at the hotel, Deputy Mayor Wang said a few words of greetings and said that he had to leave in advance. Lu Feng was not surprised. After she left, he went upstairs by himself.

At the same time, a meeting was going on in the provincial conference room. The head of the meeting was a man in his 60s, with a national character face, looking rather majestic. Huang Youwei was sitting in the left row, opposite the post and telecommunications. Group leader.

"Comrade Youwei has made it very clear just now about developing intra-provincial communications and promoting economic development, so what are your opinions on the post and telecommunications?"

"I don't agree!" A split man in his fifties was the first to say: "This is a typical violation of state-owned assets. For a private enterprise, let's build more infrastructure. We have invested the cost and made profits. But it was earned by private enterprises.”

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