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Chapter 921: Discount

The live TV broadcast came to an end, and many media outlets had already walked outside. Lu Feng stood up to tidy up his clothes, and stared at the two of Zhatai. In the live broadcast just now, the two of them had lost in a mess.

Vera was not happy that Sompa didn't criticize Lu Feng and Thong Pala. After striding down the meteor, she stood a step away and stared at Lu Feng.

Many people at the scene became nervous when seeing this situation.

"What the **** do you want to do?" Lu Feng asked in English.

"Don't be so arrogant, foreign, prone to accidents, and also, get out early, otherwise, you will be late when you want to leave." Vera always feels that he belongs to the elite level, and he always enters and exits high-end hotels. The people at are all business elites like Zhatai, looking at Tongpara and sneered: "Standing next to me, do you think you are worthy?"

"There are too many people threatening me. I am still alive and kicking. Also, I have to advise you both. As the person in charge of a branch company, it is not enough to only monopolize this trick. Once someone competes with you, it will be silly. , You can't get on together." Lu Feng said to the two of them sincerely: "Learn more, I beg you. You see hay leaks out of your shirt, hide it, a straw bag!"

"Who the **** are you talking about?"

Vera couldn't help it, grabbing Lu Feng's collar and about to start. The bodyguards of both sides rushed over and pulled them over.

"Speaking of you two, to be honest, that is, the people like the scum and Parker are a bit trickier. It is because I am not familiar with the place in life. They solve it. You two are really nothing." Lu Feng held out a finger. Said: "A week! I will warmly welcome the two laid-off workers in a week."

When there was no media, Lu Feng completely spread out in front of the people around him and told the two people that in the future, he would also need to clarify this relationship with the Schroder Group.

"Okay, let's play, see who plays it!" Vera said with a gloomy expression.

Zhatai was already stuck on the spot, Lu Feng said the name of Muzha, indicating that he already knew everything, and even Muzha might not be alive anymore.

His biggest black hand was so quietly solved by Lu Feng?

Coupled with the reluctance of some local departments to seize Guangming Electronics, Zhatai instantly felt that his hairs were standing up. Unknowingly, apart from the market and the media’s encirclement and suppression of Lu Feng, he was actually in other directions before he knew it. Break through.

Lu Feng took Tongpara and left!

Vera was very angry. In his vision, a dying struggling person like Lu Feng should now beg him to give him a bit of market share so that Guangming Electronics could survive. Even if he dared to talk to him like this, it was almost killing himself.

"Something has happened." Zhatai pulled Vera aside and said the matter briefly. Vera was also taken aback, but he didn't expect Lu Feng to do so many things quietly.

The expressions of the two were a bit wrong, they felt that Lu Feng had made a lot of people during this period, and Songpa temporarily changed his mind, probably because they knew each other.

"Can't wait any longer, the headquarters will not see results. It is the two of us who are scolded. In my opinion, we will directly subsidize and reduce prices to compete!" Chatai proposed a simple and rude approach.

The sales of Guangming Electronics are on the rise, and this approach can be suppressed as quickly as possible.

These two people have not experienced any commercial competition. The pricing power of the Thai electronic market has always been discussed by these companies. They are friends again. If there is something wrong, it will be fine for three cups.

The two are like soldiers who have never been on the battlefield. The most ruthless way that can be thought of is nothing more than fire coverage. After a little total, they decide to come to a big price cut!

Under the siege of foreign capital, Thong Pala still used two million baht to care for poor students despite the difficulties in production and operation. This made countless people feel that such people should not be harmed.

What's more, during this time, the quality of Guangming Electronics' products has gained a reputation. Compared with the arrogance of other foreign-funded store staff, the staff of Guangming Electronics are much more amiable.

In many respects, Guangming Electronics is approaching ordinary people, but Zhatai and Vera still feel that they can make a lot of money by putting on a superior posture.

In the afternoon, Toshiba and Motorola announced price cuts, up to 20% off. As soon as the news came out, it first caused a sensation in the industry. The two companies were really red eyes. Some people claimed that this was a massacre of Guangming Electronics.

In the hotel conference room, Lu Feng looked at Kevin and asked, "Is it just a price reduction?"

"Yes, it's a simple price reduction. It's very simple and rude!" Kevin couldn't hold back after he finished speaking, and let out a chuckle.

"Hahahahaha!" Lu Feng also laughed.

Although some of the company's management did not understand Lu Feng's Chinese, they laughed awkwardly.

"Are these two pigs? The pigs can't do this. Do you think Watanabe will be **** off by these two things?" Lu Fengyi smiled and said: "Let's lower the price, and new It’s time for the product to go on the market. The previous radios and home appliances were all messed up.

"Arrangements have been made in this regard, and it is expected that two new products will be available tomorrow, and the prices will be slightly higher because there are discounts now." Kevin replied.

"Since you want a discount, let's do something. Let's call Helping Domestic Products, and then start to build a separation wall to find a way to turn customers into repeat customers. Uh... use the point system, one baht for one point, to It can be converted into money for consumption. My suggestion is to eliminate VCD activities. Firstly, we only have VCD. Secondly, even if there is a pirated version, the interface is wrong. This thing has a natural moat."

Lu Feng writes and draws on the blank text, mainly TV sets. When TV sets are sold, they have to be equipped with audio and VCD. Therefore, the biggest discount this time is the TV set.

Any preferential activity is essentially circling people, drawing in a group of customers who were originally waiting at the door, and paving the way for a second consumption, whether it is points, inflated coupons, half price for the second cup, it is the same. Yes, do everything possible to make you a second consumption.

However, Zhatai and Vera obviously didn't understand this. They just cut the price simply and rudely. No branch head can do this kind of money-spending behavior.

Guangming Electronics’ stores are already crowded with people, and there is no mobile Internet now, otherwise it’s definitely a hot list on the whole network. Countless people gather here, some are in tears, some are moving themselves, telling the story of Tongpara to the people around them. .

In the evening, the data was summarized. Compared with yesterday, the single-day sales doubled!

In the room, Lu Feng looked at the newly released data, nodded to express satisfaction, and said: "I have done everything that should be done, and then let's see how it erupts."

The next day, the Thongpara incident continued to ferment, and the media was still controlled by Chatai and Vera. Only occasionally, a paragraph about Thongpara was seen in some small magazines.

But in the streets and alleys, Guangming Electronic’s propaganda is everywhere, and red arches have been erected in front of the gates.

People began to boycott foreign-funded products, and some even rushed into Motorola's stores and yelled at the staff inside.

The two price cuts were too harsh, and there was already a long line at the door. Someone was going to take the opportunity to gather around. When the event was over, he would sell them at the original price.

Guangming Electronics stores have also begun to have parties, and TV sets have become a hot commodity. Everyone who has bought something will put a stamp on the receipt, and then bring the receipt. The amount on it is the points, which can be used as money. .

For a while, all of Bangkok seemed to be short of TV sets, cell phones, and pagers. Toshiba was selling crazy goods, Motorola was also selling goods crazy, and Guangming Electronics was out of stock for a time.

Everyone is crazy overdrawing potential consumers, and this game depends on who can't sustain it.

20% off!

With such a large shipment volume, 20% of the profits have disappeared out of thin air. How can Chatai and Vera afford it?

They have become accustomed to making money at the original price, and discounted it as if they were losing money. All morning, sales broke through one billion million baht was gone in half a day! "Zhatai looked at the data on the report, and his heart trembled. He has a mission goal this year.

Vera also received the report in the morning. It is false if it is not distressed. If you continue to do this, you may not be able to complete this year's task, but the more this is the time, the more you need to see who is more able to resist.

Vera picked up the phone and called Chatai.

"I'm telling you, no one can stop now, you have to remember that we have 30 million dollars in our hands to burn, but he can't burn it." Vera comforted Chate and at the same time comforted herself.

"I'm just afraid that this year's mission will not be completed. I really don't know where so many people came out of thin air and bought them like crazy." Zhatai sighed and said, "I don't look at it, there is no use other than upset."

"They are also losing money, and I went to take a look today. The sales are very good. Their profits are not high. If they reduce it by another round, the sales will increase. I think they can't hold it." Vera said slightly. Xian insidiously said: "It's better to increase the bargaining chip. It won't be a problem if the stalemate continues. How about a blitzkrieg?"

"How to fight?" Chatai wondered.

"30% off, they add up a series of after-sales, there is no profit, we still have a profit!"

Zhatai thought for a while and felt that it made sense. Long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain. If he consumes so much, he is afraid that he can't hold it, so it is better to get a big one.

The two companies urgently planned a set of superimposed preferential schemes. After the announcement, the business community exploded. Is this going crazy?

In the meeting room, Kevin briefly talked about the situation. Now they are going to play with the big ones, will they accompany them?

Lu Feng was smoking a cigarette and asked, "Has the thirty million paid?"


"Play, right? I'll stay with them to the end and raise them. We get 40% off!"

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