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Chapter 922: Break through

As soon as the news from the three parties came out, the business community was shocked. This is desperate.

There are many good things that have already been called around, rushing to tell friends, to ask friends around to prepare to watch the excitement, and some people have started to think about it. At such a low price, as long as the brand is not weak, you can take these things a year later. Sell ​​it out and make a net profit of three or four layers!

It's just that the start-up funds are relatively large. Someone has begun to call friends to pool money to stock up a batch of Motorola and Toshiba pagers and mobile phones.

The next day, the sky was still dark, and the doors of the two houses were already full of people. In comparison, Guangming Electronics was not so attractive.

With the opening of the rolling shutters and the official opening of business, an unprecedented scene was shown in front of everyone. Every customer in front of the retail store had a large order. The last time it took 500 pagers at a time, and the door opened less than an hour. Sales have broken through one billion.

In comparison, there is no such a large single customer sales volume in front of Guangming Electronics, but the original price is not high, and now the 40% discount is even lower. There are long queues in 70 stores, even the three that opened just the day before. Ten stores are also crowded.

This incident is too much trouble, many bosses come to watch the excitement, after all, it can drive Motorola and Toshiba to this point, Guangming Electronics can be regarded as dead.

"They are now preempting potential users, lowering the threshold and allowing more passenger traffic to enter, but people who buy these things will have one day to buy them, and then it is time for you to die."

"Let me see, Guangming Electronics will die before that day."

"You don't really think that Tumpala is a returning engineer, do you? People also have capital behind them, and they burned it, but they don't have the same level as these two."

"Now this market, I really don't understand, but one thing is certain, that is, discounts are more than a week, people are not new, this kind of panic buying will not appear again."

"You said who will pay for the two? Toshiba and Motorola's news media have spent money during this period, and Guangming Electronics' street patrol cars and various billboards have also been smashed in. If you don't fight it, you will die. It will never count. Finish."

"I think it won't take a few days. Both of these are branches. It is estimated that the 30 million US dollars will be almost burned. Chatai and Vera can't get a rebate?"

Several people laughed, this is already an open secret.

One morning passed, 30 Motorola stores were sold out, and 50 of Toshiba stores were sold out. Sales in the morning have exceeded 3 billion baht. This figure is absolutely shocking. No company can be in Thailand. In this market, such a large-scale sales can be achieved in half a day.

From the side, it also reflects Motorola's local brand appeal.

Both Chatai and Vera were dumbfounded when they saw this sales data. The sales this morning was equivalent to 100 million U.S. dollars. Their sales were 30% off, and 30 million U.S. dollars was gone.

"Who can afford to pay this way?" Zhatai can't bear it anymore. He regrets it a little bit now. He had known that he had been shot at Lu Feng by the scum. No matter what, he was indecisive and he was indecisive. Situation.

It's too late to say anything now, and I don't even know if there is any scum left!

The first task is how to give feedback to his superiors. If he continues to suffer such a loss, Zhatai can't bear the loss at all. Even if he killed Lu Feng, he would have been fired at that time.

On the phone, Vera and Chatai were a little anxious!

"Why don't you announce that it's sold out in the afternoon, I'm wondering, where are so many people? Sold out for half a year." Chatai couldn't figure it out on the phone.

"The scalpers are hoarding goods. We are now announcing that they are sold out. There will be a lot of products on the market. The sales task for next year is not easy to do." Vera sighed: "But don't persuade us. Sell ​​one hundred million, and one person can only sell the same product once, to beat the scalper."

"Okay, three hundred million have been rounded out, not bad for this one hundred million."

At noon, the two stores announced the new regulations again, and others changed them day by day, and they changed it at noon.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Feng sat in the meeting room looking at some summary data in the morning, and said, "It's okay, it's a bit profitable!"

"Mr. Lu, our profits here cannot be calculated domestically. We have to pay taxes, and the freight is also more expensive. Today I asked them to roughly calculate, including personnel, venues, transportation fees, costs, and mess. We are losing about 20% now." Kevin said solemnly.

"Isn't it double the profit? Why do you lose so much?" Lu Feng was surprised.

“It’s right to double the profit, but the expenses have been too big recently. One hundred stores, staff salaries, marketing and promotion, these are all actually taken from the account, not the profit of the product, but the company’s finances. For the account, that money is the money that goes to the head office." Kevin said: "Overseas companies all settle accounts like this, because no one knows what will happen in this country tomorrow, so the input costs are all a one-time expenditure, even if it is tomorrow. This country will let us go, and we will leave with the funds and we will not lose money."

"This account, if you calculate it like this, it's really a big loss." Lu Feng sat up straight and thought: "No wonder the amount is limited in the afternoon, and they hurt too!"

"Of course they hurt. We are in our own company. They work part-time. They have sales tasks every year. They return to the head office to assess the net profit. If they do well, they will naturally have a lot of bonuses. If they do not do well, they will have to leave. A loss, these two people can't bear Hu." Kevin too understands the urination of the heads of these overseas branches.

"We haven't waited to fight, we have won?" Lu Feng lit a cigarette and laughed: "Weak!"

Kevin saw that Lu Feng was a little fluttering, and he thought to himself, that you are dying of finances, and Thailand is relaxed, but the finances of the group headquarters are almost crazy, and the 3.5 billion US dollars have not been paid, but they have been transferred away. thirty million.

In the afternoon, people clearly felt that Motorola and Toshiba became less and less emboldened. Some scalpers who hadn't stocked up enough stood at the door and cursed. Whether it was today's upgrade or the temperature drop at noon, they all came too suddenly.

It's like seeing the two masters of the world begin to use their internal strength and prepare to destroy the world with a blow. As a result, the front is huge, and the back is directly pulled.

In the evening, Lu Feng felt that the two of them really had no tricks, and they simply accepted a TV interview directly through a radio station.

"I really want to know how you feel about the reactions of Bright Electronics, Motorola, and Toshiba today?" the host asked.

"I actually said during the live TV broadcast that day that my company has been disbanded, and I just stay here to relax. Their group of companies is just to scare people. They can blackmail small companies with some international names. They are actually paper tigers." Lu Feng commented.

"Do you think that the two sides have now decided the winner? Or the market has made a choice."

"The market is a big girl who can be dressed up. Whoever is strong will marry. As for the winners and losers, when they say they are fighting a price war, they have already lost. You don't even look at the two branch companies. What stinky fish and shrimp, Zhatai, Vera, it’s not good to say that the level of these two people may not be enough to be a small supervisor." Lu Feng said to the female translator beside him: "No matter how big a capital enterprise, You must have a conscience, and it’s fine to attack us. Connecting with patriots like Mr. Pala is simply frantic. I tell you, don’t care how much money they put in, they must lose.”

Lu Feng talked endlessly in the phone interview, cursing that Zhatai and Vera were deflated. As the publicity funds of the two companies began to decrease, he began to maintain his face in the media. Some are unsustainable.

In the evening, some news and television stations began to broadcast this radio interview, and began to truly evaluate the corporate disputes in the past few days.

In the office, Zhatai was smoking a cigarette, listening to Lu Feng's words, he gritted his teeth with hatred, and it didn't take long for him to be a foreigner arrogant?

Even if there were 10,000 hatreds in his heart, Zhatai had nothing to do now. He was like an octopus before, and every tentacle had a way to kill Lu Feng, and now it was almost a boiled fish.

In such a loss, the company's vice president is afraid that they will not do it. They will definitely not be able to bear such a big responsibility. If the branch company gets hundreds of millions of dollars in debt, Chatai is afraid that he will really survive.

The night outside was very exciting, but it was a pity that Chatai didn't care about it. After thinking about it, he still called Vera.

"What will we do tomorrow? If we continue to do this, we really can't afford it!" Zhatai said a little decadently.

"Spend some money and find someone to kill him!"

"Done him? More than a month ago, now? I'm afraid we will be killed first." Zhatai thought to himself that Lu Feng still has a bottom line, at least he didn't find anyone to threaten him.

"How could this happen, he is a foreigner, how can he get to this point in a short time!" Vera yelled hysterically.

"Report it!" Zhatai sighed, already admitting his fate.

After hanging up the phone, I directly called Shi Watanabe, and he was ready to be scolded. After the call was connected, I briefly said the matter. It was nothing more than how cunning Lu Feng was. trap.

"Bageya Road!!"

"Trash! Total trash!" Watanabe Shi was already lying down, and when he heard the news, he yelled at him. He felt that there was no movement in the past two days. It turned out that he was doing things behind his back.

"Are you a pig brain? You **** a big international brand, go with him to cut prices, fight price wars, pigs hear me scolding you, pig brains feel that they are humiliating it, if you know what a brand is, you can't do it If something like this happened, just lost thirty million dollars? Don't **** do it, resign me immediately!"

Shiki Watanabe's head buzzed, how could there be such a stupid person under his hand who gave him 30 million dollars to buy media, appropriately lower the price for market squeeze, and crush the opponent in public opinion.

As a result, a major international company went to fight a price war with a newly established company!

Shi Watanabe rubbed his face with his hands. He felt like he was crying stupidly by this thing. He took a deep breath and didn't care about sleeping. Now that Guangming Electronics breaks through, he may be unstoppable. He must explain this clearly to Wall Street. .

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