The radical resection of gallbladder cancer, which was about to be completed, was delayed for a long time because of the broken needle and thread, which needed to be re-anastomosed.

But this time is nothing for an operation that lasted more than ten hours.

But Sun Peidian was very annoyed at this time.

When he heard that Wang Jingang was re-performing laparoscopic surgery next door, the joy of completing the radical resection of gallbladder cancer suddenly became dull.

How dare Wang Jingang perform laparoscopic surgery at this critical juncture?

What qualifications and confidence does he have to do this?

Although Sun Peidian sneered at laparoscopic surgery, thinking that it was a sensational and meaningless operation.

But it is a new technology that has just been introduced in recent years. Once it is successfully carried out by general surgery, Wang Jingang will definitely get extra points if he competes for the position of director of general surgery, which makes the originally set thing have a little uncertainty.

Even if it is only a little, it is unacceptable to Sun Peidian.

"Is it true? Laparoscopic surgery is being performed next door?"

"It's a laparoscopic incisional hernia repair + intestinal adhesion lysis. Who has such ability? I guess even Director Wang of the General Surgery Department can't do it."

"Just now, I heard from the nurse that it wasn't Director Wang who performed it. It was a young doctor. From what I heard over there, it seems that the operation was successful."

"How is it possible that a young doctor can perform laparoscopy? This is a type of operation that even many directors dare not try easily."

"Do you think it was done by experts invited from the province or the capital? As long as they are good at surgery, they can hire experts to perform surgery outside the hospital regardless of age."

In Room 1, there are also some doctors from other departments who come to visit and learn.

Most of them are relatively young, so they are more receptive to new things.

Although the nurse just said that the surgeon next door is a young doctor, they think that is only compared to Director Wang Jingang who is about to retire.

After all, those who can perform laparoscopic surgery at this time are all beyond their reach.

"Do you want to go and see it together?"

The young doctors were thinking differently and whispered.

They had never seen a laparoscopic surgery in person, but they had heard that the general surgery department had performed a laparoscopic surgery before, but the final result was not very good.

But people are always curious creatures. Now when they think of the new type of surgery that does not require laparotomy being performed next door, this novelty is even greater than the current radical resection of gallbladder cancer.

After all, the operation in front of them took too long, and all those who were interested gradually lost their patience.

In addition, Sun Peidian's disgusting style, like to curse and throw instruments at every turn, if they were not for learning, who could tolerate such a temper.

At this time, Sun Peidian on the stage was still angry about the things next door, and some people in the audience had already begun to think about quitting.

"Director, even if the general surgery department can carry out laparoscopic surgery, so what? At best, it can only patch up and loosen the intestines. It's just a thing to attract people's attention. Let the general surgery department use it to perform a level 4 operation. Once it is done, it will definitely be exposed. At that time, the patient may not be able to get off the stage."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the operating room was not right, Chen Hu stepped forward to help Sun Peidian out of the predicament.

After all, the latter is the director of the hepatobiliary surgery department. If Chen Hu wants to pursue a career in the future, he must first establish a good relationship with his immediate superior. This is a compulsory course in the workplace.

As the saying goes, the county magistrate is not as good as the current manager.

In the past, there were people in the department who relied on their strong backers and did not take the director seriously. As a result, when it came to the transfer, the director just refused to sign.

In the end, the money was spent and the relationship was found, but the matter was delayed again and again, and the matter was not done until the backers withdrew.

The originally arrogant guy turned into a grandson. He dared not even fart when he saw the director. Over time, he became useless.

Chen Hu encountered too many such things, so he chose to be the first to speak out as the director.

It must be said that Chen Hu's choice this time was right.

His words instantly calmed down the anxious Sun Peidian.

It also silenced the slightly noisy operating room.

Chen Hu was right. No matter how novel the laparoscope was, it could only be used for a small operation.

Like the radical operation of gallbladder cancer in front of him, the organs were severely adhered, and it took a lot of time to open the abdomen and manually free it.

A small laparoscope, with only two long-handled metal instruments, wants to simulate the operator's hands to operate, which is undoubtedly a pipe dream.

The real touch, flexibility, and wide surgical field are all irreplaceable for laparoscopic surgery.

Level 3 and 4 complex operations cannot be performed, and level 1 and 2 operations are faster than direct laparotomy with a laparoscope.

Just like a general appendectomy, the chief surgeon only needsIt takes half an hour to complete.

And the patient can get out of bed the next day after the operation, and can be discharged from the hospital in five days.

This is the confidence of the old directors in performing major operations.

May I ask, can the same operation be done by laparoscopy?

Everyone shook their heads slightly, and the answer was obvious.

"Old Zhao, tell me the truth, is the young surgeon mentioned by the nurse just now an expert in laparoscopic surgery that your director secretly invited from outside the hospital?"

Chen Hu did not let others out, but dragged Zhao Quanshun out of the operating room.

For him, no matter what expert it is, he can meet him once and build a relationship. If he needs help in the future, at least he can get familiar with him.

"Chen Hu, don't make fun of me. You know what general surgery is like. The director is almost worried all day long, so how can he have the energy to invite people from outside to perform the operation."

Faced with Chen Hu's inquiry, Zhao Quanshun rejected it without thinking.

If Director Wang had the ability to invite experts from other hospitals, the first laparoscopic operation would not have failed.

"Who could that be? I'm familiar with most of the doctors in your department. Except for Director Wang, it seems that no one has the ability to perform laparoscopic surgery."

Chen Hu was a little curious. Although he disdained laparoscopic surgery, he should know that there was such a talent in the hospital.

"Could it be Xiao Chenguang?"

A person suddenly flashed through Zhao Quanshun's mind.

The young face always had a smile on it, as if facing autumn water, giving people a sense of tranquility and peace.

But he immediately shook his head and got rid of this absurd idea from his head.

No matter how good Xiao Chenguang is, it can't be him.

At the age of just graduating, it's already very good to be able to learn to perform a major operation.

As for laparoscopic surgery, in his opinion, it is impossible to master it without a few years of hard work.

"Who are you talking about? Xiao Chenguang? The young man who pushed the patient with you during the previous operation?"

Chen Hu obviously heard Zhao Quanshun's mumbling.

A sarcastic smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Old Zhao, have you become stupid in general surgery? You can't even tell the difference between an expert and a rookie."

If a young doctor who just graduated came towards him, Chen Hu would definitely ignore him.

In his words: What level are you? Are you worthy of my greeting?

During the conversation, the door of the operating room No. 2 slowly opened.

Seeing this, Chen Hu hurriedly went to meet him with a flattering smile on his face.

The next second, a young doctor walked out of the operating room, but Chen Hu's smile froze instantly, and he was stunned on the spot.

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