"Doctor Xiao, please sign the intraoperative observation form."

"Doctor Xiao, please take a look at the surgical supplies inventory form. Are there any items that are not recorded?"

"Doctor Xiao, the special material use record form is also included in the medical record. Please check it."

Faced with the various paper handwritten signature forms in front of him, Xiao Chenguang, who was surrounded by them, was very distressed.

If this were to happen twenty years later, as the chief surgeon, there would be no need to pay attention to so many things.

The surgical records were written by assistants, and the signatures were automatically generated by the computer. The chief surgeon had only one task, which was to go on stage to control the key steps.

Remove the lesion and anastomose the incision.

As for the finishing work in the early and late stages, it was completed by other subordinates.

But now.

The life of the chief surgeon is really hard.

Xiao Chenguang stretched out his hand and found that he didn't bring a pen in his pocket. He was a little embarrassed. The nurse next to him instinctively slapped the signature pen in her hand to Xiao Chenguang.

It's really comfortable.

Xiao Chenguang was smiling and was about to sign the iron medical record folder when the nurse in front of him suddenly turned around and said, "Doctor Xiao, please put it on my back so that the pen tip won't easily damage the record sheet."

Xiao Chenguang was startled, looking at the nurse's delicate and soft arched back lines, thinking, is this the treatment of a chief surgeon?

"Doctor Xiao, I didn't expect you to be so good on top, and you're quite shy when you come down."

Seeing Xiao Chenguang standing still, the nurse smiled coquettishly, wantonly indulging the vitality of youth.

Faced with the ridicule, Xiao Chenguang raised the corners of his mouth slightly. It is said that everyone in the operating room is an experienced driver. It seems to be the same in every era from the past to the present.

Xiao Chenguang smiled and put the medical record folder on the nurse's back, signing while saying.

"To say that a powerful man must be hard at both ends, one is a fist, and the other will only be known after trying."

Although Xiao Chenguang is young, he often hangs around in major operating rooms in the future. Under the influence of what he sees and hears, his speed is at least 180 if not 200.

The "subtle" driving of the little nurse was directly hit by Xiao Chenguang's accelerator, and it peeled off the clouds like a rocket head as hard as iron and rushed into the sky.


The little nurse's face flushed instantly.

At this time, she felt trembling all over and dared not say anything.

Seeing the little nurse embarrassed, others couldn't help laughing. They didn't expect that the recognized Lich King would also be defeated on the battlefield.

The atmosphere on Xiao Chenguang's side was relaxed and full of laughter, while Chen Hu and others on the other side were dumbfounded.

What is the situation now?

Chen Hu has been the chief surgeon for so many years, but he has never encountered such treatment as signing on the back of a fragrant back.

Not to mention that he has never encountered such treatment, even his immediate superior, Sun Peidian, the director of hepatobiliary surgery, may not have encountered such a thing.

Why did Xiao Chenguang, a new doctor, receive such treatment? !

Chen Hu was puzzled.

Not only him, but also Zhao Quanshun beside him was almost shocked at this moment.

Although everyone knows that people in the operating room love to joke, there are conditions.

Only people who are respected and familiar with others will joke so recklessly.

Otherwise, I don’t know you well, let alone joke, it’s good enough to give you a smile.

Zhao Quanshun used to envy the working environment of the operating room, but his surgery has always been mediocre, so he has no chance at all.

At this time, the patient in the No. 2 operating room has been pushed out.

Xiao Chenguang was just about to lend a hand, and the others rushed forward and said, "Doctor Xiao, your hands are used for surgery, let us do this rough work of pushing the cart."

"Yes, Doctor Xiao, go change your clothes quickly, you still have to talk to the family members later."

"The patient has been awakened, Doctor Xiao, I will be responsible for watching, you and Director Wang should tell the good news of the successful operation to the family members waiting at the door."

Liu Tie stood by the patient's bedside and said respectfully.

The patient who woke up at this time, lying on the bed, heard their conversation clearly.

After learning that his surgery was over, his abdomen, which had been in excruciating pain, was now only a dull pain, and even the protruding cyst on his stomach had disappeared, his expression gradually became excited.

Xiao Chenguang smiled and said to the patient: "Uncle, don't worry, the surgery was very successful, and you don't have to worry about stomach pain often in the future."

The uncle's slightly dry lips trembled slightly, and he was about to ask, but was interrupted by Liu Tie beside the bed.

"Uncle, don't talk yet, the tube in your mouth has just been removed, and your epiglottis and glottis are a little swollen. Talk after you have rested well."

As an anesthesiologist, Liu Tie is very responsible for any patient he treats.

After hearing this, the uncle also felt a burning pain in his throat, just as Liu Tie said, so he grinned and looked at the crowd with gratitude.to express his gratitude.

"Okay, Brother Liu, I'll leave it to you to take care of the patient first. The director and I will come over after we change our clothes."

Seeing that the patient was in good condition, Xiao Chenguang didn't act pretentiously and gave up the position of the cart.

"That's right. When we set up the stage again in the future, as long as you trust me, leave this matter to me. I will ensure that the patient is safe and secure."

Liu Tie said solemnly. If he hadn't been holding the painkillers in his hand, he would have almost patted his chest to guarantee it.

"Liu... Brother Liu?"

Chen Hu, who was not far away, was completely confused at this moment.

Liu Tie in front of him could be regarded as a veteran of the anesthesia operating room. Even though he was usually gentle, a surgical rookie like Chen Hu still needed to respectfully call him Teacher Liu in front of him.

But just now Xiao Chenguang casually called him Brother Liu, and there was a feeling that he could come and go at will.

The most important thing is that Liu Tie actually accepted it with pleasure, and seemed to take it for granted.

What happened in the operating room that made everyone respect a young doctor who had just arrived?

Just as Chen Hu was lost in thought, Xiao Chenguang's hearty voice came over.

"Hey, Teacher Zhao, the operation has been over for so long, and you haven't gone home yet."

Xiao Chenguang turned his head and happened to see Zhao Quanshun in the corridor, and smiled and walked over to greet him.

"Not yet... not yet."

Zhao Quanshun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt guilty when facing Xiao Chenguang.

Chen Hu, who was beside him, just came back to his senses and saw Xiao Chenguang coming towards him.

He thought of everyone's attitude towards Xiao Chenguang, and instinctively smiled. Just when he wanted to say hello, Xiao Chenguang didn't even look at him, and walked straight past him.


Chen Hu's smile froze, and the words on his lips were choked back.

This feeling was more uncomfortable than eating a pile of shit, and it almost caused internal injuries.

Unlike Chen Hu's embarrassment, Zhao Quanshun didn't dare to look at Xiao Chenguang's eyes at this moment, as if he had done something wrong to him and was caught on the spot.

The two people with different expressions stood there awkwardly like two sticks, until Xiao Chenguang walked into the locker room, and then they relaxed.

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