With Xiao Chenguang's help, Xu Guoqiang even became more confident.

Watching his receding back, Xiao Chenguang did not continue to wait in the office.

He chose to wait in the operating room.

From what Xu Guoqiang said, the ward was already doing preoperative preparations, and they should go to the operating room soon.

In fact, for diseases like this, you should hurry up to go to the operating room. The earlier the operation, the greater the probability of a smooth operation.

The family members were very decisive and did not hesitate. This was fundamentally different from the previous operation in Yingcheng.

As for Shen Yiwei who shirked the responsibility, Xiao Chenguang had seen many such irresponsible doctors before.

No matter how well he performed the operation, he would be the first to get out of it and put the blame on others when he encountered a problem.

Xiao Chenguang once met a doctor in thoracic surgery who concealed the incident on the operating table and dragged the patient to the small intensive care unit before discovering the change in the patient's condition.

He did not participate in the rescue, but took a mobile phone to record the video on the side, and went out to blame the family, saying that the patient was fine on the stage, but something went wrong after he came off the stage to the ICU.

All the responsibility lies with the ICU, and they also very considerately guide the family on how to defend their rights and pay compensation.

This method of shifting contradictions is amazing. It was not until many years later that the family knew that there was a problem with the operation. When they wanted to find the doctor again, they found that he had gone to a private hospital and became the dean.

He earned all the reputation and money, which is very sad.

Xiao Chenguang shook his head, threw away his distracting thoughts, and focused all his energy on the upcoming operation.

At the age of 88, it is considered longevity in later generations. Although at that time, most cattle and horses had to wait until 65 to retire.

But at least being able to live to this age is also called success.

The operation is a little difficult. The key lies in the operation of the retroperitoneum. The field of view of the surgical area is a bit limited compared to other operations.

At this time, Xiao Chenguang missed the Da Vinci surgical robot of the future very much, which simulated 3D technology, automatically reconstructed three-dimensionally, and could even complete the operation by sitting on a chair and moving his fingers.

Unfortunately, it is not even the millennium yet, the level is limited, and medical equipment is hard to describe.

Should I find some time to invent a few patented technologies, even if it is to facilitate my own surgery, it is a good choice.

Sitting on the bench in the corridor of the operating room, at this point, the operating room of the Second Hospital of the Provincial Capital is still busy.

The family members in the waiting area sat on the chairs anxiously, looking at the door of the operating room constantly, hoping that their relatives' operations can go smoothly.

About ten minutes later, Xu Guoqiang's phone rang.

"Xiao Xiao, it's done. Where are you? Let's go on stage together."

"I'm at the door of the operating room."

"Okay, I'll ask someone to open the door for you. Wait for me, I'll go with the patient."

Although Xu Guoqiang was unwilling to do it before, as long as the patient followed him on stage, he would still do it himself to ensure the patient's safety.

When I think of Shen Yiwei who ran away when he saw something, this is the difference.

Soon, a group of people escorted the old man to the operating room. The director of the anesthesia department who was waiting in advance had changed his clothes and took the patient in.

When he came to the locker room, Xu Guoqiang saw that Xiao Chenguang had changed his clothes, and he was still a little worried.

"Xiao Xiao, do you think this operation can go smoothly?"

"Why, the operation hasn't started yet, and Teacher Xu backed out?" Xiao Chenguang said lightly.

"No, just now, the patient's condition has become worse. I feel that even if the patient is intubated and given pressor drugs, the operation will take up to two hours. If the patient cannot be operated, he does not need to be operated."

When Xu Guoqiang just applied to the dean and the head of the medical department, the old man's condition was not very good.

His blood pressure was low. Even with blood transfusion, his systolic blood pressure was only over 70.

Even his consciousness was a little blurred. In this case, it is not recommended to go on stage, but the words are out of the water. The person has been there, and none of the hospital leaders dared to go out to stop the operation.

They could only let things continue to develop like this.

"I guess the old man might be scared. After all, with so many people around him, even a normal person would feel that he is terminally ill." Xiao Chenguang laughed.

"It's urgent, Xiao Xiao, you still have the mind to joke."

Xu Guoqiang was a little depressed. Even though he had been doing surgery for so many years, he was still jumping in his heart when he was about to go on stage. Why didn't Xiao Chenguang in front of him look nervous at all?

"Xiao Xiao..." Xu Guoqiang wanted to say something, but he held it back.

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Xiao Chenguang patted his shoulder as usual and comforted him: "Don't worry, it's okay, I'm hereLook, go on stage boldly. "

Hearing Xiao Chenguang's confidence, Xu Guoqiang became even more nervous. If he couldn't do it, would Xiao Xiao be implicated as well?

After all, he was in the provincial capital, not only in charge of one city, but also the entire province. Even the secretary of Yingcheng had to receive him in person. It was conceivable that the consequences of not being able to do this operation would be.

I was already in this state, and if I couldn't do the operation, I could only accept my fate. At most, I could go to another hospital based on my seniority, but Xiao Xiao was still young and had a long way to go...

"Teacher Xu, what are you thinking about? Let's go. They are already doing a three-party review over there, and they will probably call us soon."

With Xiao Chenguang's urging, Xu Guoqiang didn't think much about it. They washed their hands and walked towards the reserved operating room.

"Are all the other people in the operating room here?"

"The anesthesia department director, the instrumentation department head nurse, and two senior and experienced deputy directors are following. It is considered the strongest lineup in the operating room of the Provincial Second Hospital."

"It's really luxurious. "

Xiao Chenguang nodded after hearing this. After all, the volume of surgeries in the provincial hospital was there, which was not comparable to Yingcheng Hospital, so there was no problem with experience.

He could do the surgery, but he still needed professional anesthesiologists for intubation anesthesia and medication. Now that their department director was doing it himself, some things were more convenient to communicate.

The two walked into the operating room. The three-party verification had been completed. The department director was squatting at the head of the patient's bed and started to insert the tube.

The laryngoscope was placed in the patient's mouth. At the moment of tracheal intubation, there were two anesthesia doctors around him, one pulling out the guidewire and the other inflating the airbag.

It can be seen that this is indeed the treatment of the director. If it were someone else, they would probably have to do these miscellaneous tasks themselves.

As the drugs were used, the old man's The blood pressure was hovering around 90, and the anesthesia director felt unsafe, so he asked someone to bring the deep vein puncture kit and place an internal jugular deep vein catheter in the patient.

Standard shoulder pillow, 10cm high, supine position.

Disinfect, wait for it to dry, insert the needle into the skin, move forward slightly, and bleed.

Watching them cooperate with each other and operate smoothly, Xiao Chenguang, sitting in a corner, couldn't help but sigh.

The provincial capital hospital is still experienced, deep vein catheterization is already a routine operation, and the technique is skilled, unlike their operating room in Yingcheng, where deep vein catheterization is still a new technology.

Sure enough, the higher the platform, the more things you come into contact with, this is the gap between the medical level of the provincial capital and the prefecture-level city.

"The road ahead is long and arduous."

Xiao Chenguang thought to himself.

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