With the success of deep vein puncture, the work of film application, fixation, and suturing was naturally handed over to the assistant next to him.

The director of anesthesia looked at the ventilator sideways and judged the patient's anesthesia status through the waveform on it. Then he used a stethoscope to check the ventilation status of both lungs.

Every step was carried out according to the standard process. Even though he was the director of the anesthesia department, he did more and more measures.

Well, the technique was very experienced, and the director of anesthesia had good skills.

Xiao Chenguang nodded affirmatively.

He no longer needed to look at the next steps. Sometimes building trust is as simple as that.

In fact, for the chief surgeon, the role of anesthesia is crucial.

He remembered that there was a very strong director of surgery before, and the operation was so beautiful.

As a result, when he wanted to go further and failed to compete for the position of dean, he resolutely resigned and chose a new hospital.

At that time, he did not take anyone with him, but took the anesthesiologist who performed the operation with him.

Although it sounds incredible, it is true.

Later, he became the dean, and the anesthesiologist became the director of the anesthesia department of the hospital. However, even so, as long as the dean went on stage to perform surgery, the director of anesthesia still went on stage in person to cooperate with the surgery.

In the operating room, the deep jugular vein catheter had been fixed, and the director of the anesthesia department could finally increase the dose of pressor drugs with confidence.

After all, all vasoactive drugs have high osmotic pressure, and they will damage blood vessels if they go peripherally, so anesthesia is needed to be administered through deep veins.

Efficient and safe.

Xiao Chenguang stood up and came to the spotlight. Through the incandescent light, he began to check the CT film.

The technology in the provincial capital is high, and even the equipment is very advanced.

The old man did enhanced angiography, which can be reflected on the CT film under the action of contrast agent under the effect of X-ray development.

But no matter how advanced it is, compared with 1999, there is still a clear gap between this and the clearly visible machines in later generations.

Xiao Chenguang started to check along the starting part of the aortic arch.

Although the film clearly reported that it was an abdominal aortic aneurysm, Xiao Chenguang was still used to checking it again by himself to check for omissions.

The old man's case clearly stated that he had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the past, plus a 60-year history of smoking, one or two packs of cigarettes a day, which could easily cause vascular sclerosis and symptoms of aneurysm.

If it appears on the aorta, there is a type of disease called aortic dissection, which has a very high mortality rate.

And if it appears on the abdominal aorta below, it is like the situation of the old man now.

"The diameter of the tumor is almost 11 centimeters, and the blood vessels are complicated. Such blood vessels did not burst even after a fall. The old man is really lucky."

Xiao Chenguang narrowed his eyes, and based on the tomographic analysis, a 3D stereoscopic picture of the old man's blood vessels emerged in his mind instinctively.

[Aneurysm in the middle and lower abdominal aorta, with a maximum area of ​​117*102*108 mm, moderate dilatation of bilateral external and common iliac arteries, atherosclerosis and rupture of the thoracic and abdominal aorta, internal and external iliac arteries]

On the film, there are many high-density shadows scattered or attached to the wall in the blood vessels, which are bright white, and are calcification foci in the blood vessels.

Xiao Chenguang looked very carefully, not because of the old man's special identity. After all, even if the man from the provincial capital lay on the stage in person, he would not be able to get a number in the crowd he treated.

Now the cause of the disease is clarified so that the operation can be done with ease.

However, according to their plan, if it is just a simple laparoscopic hemostasis, even if the patient can get off the stage safely this time, it is estimated that he will not live for long.

Even if the 11-centimeter hemangioma is placed in the body of a young and middle-aged man, it will be over.

Only when the hemangioma on the abdominal aorta is "removed" can the operation be considered a success.

However, given the old man's current condition, would the hospital leaders outside dare to let him remove it? Or, who would dare to take such a risk?

After all, Xiao Chenguang is now in 1999. Using only laparoscope to stop bleeding of abdominal aortic aneurysm can already shock a lot of people, and it can even be recorded in the history of the medical industry.

As for using laparoscope to directly remove abdominal aortic aneurysm, for them, let alone do it, they dare not even think about it.

"Go on stage to see the situation first. If there is time to remove the tumor at the end, I don't mind trying it."

Xiao Chenguang memorized all the points that need to be paid attention to on the film.

The preparations for anesthesia have been completed, and the instrument nurse has also counted the instruments and equipment with the patrol.

The operating room is very quiet, no one speaks, and there is worry in their eyes.

Everyone present knows what this operation means.

If the operation is successful, the career is open, and if the operation fails, the road is long.

"Brother Xu, can the operation be performed?"

A man came into the operating room, wearing a washcloth, in his forties, in the prime of life, but when he walked, his body trembled, as if he was frightened.

No one laughed at him at the scene, and some even sympathized with him.

The person who came was Ge Hongchao, the deputy director on duty at the high-ranking cadres' ward tonight, who had just been transferred from the surgical system.

Originally, he was quite happy to be promoted to deputy director, but when he came to the high-ranking cadres' ward, he found that he, the deputy director, was a piece of shit.

The patients he managed had more power than him, and all he had to do was smile and be scolded and apologize all day long.

But at least it was the treatment of a deputy director, and he thought he would wait a few years and find an opportunity to transfer to another department, but this happened.

He was the most responsible for the old man's fall. If the old man couldn't get off the stage, in addition to the surgeon, he would also be the one to bear the blame.

"Hongchao, I also want the patient to get off the stage smoothly." Xu Guoqiang did not answer Ge Hongchao's question directly.

Even if Xiao Xiao was here now, he was not sure whether the operation would be successful, so he could only wait and see.

"I... know." Ge Hongchao's eyes were complicated, and his mood plummeted.

"Saving him is saving me, Brother Xu, I'll leave it to you this time."

Ge Hongchao looked at the fluctuating blood pressure on the monitor. This was still under the condition of boosting blood transfusion. As a surgeon, he knew that this operation was difficult, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

If he had known this would happen, he should have stayed with the old man...

At this time, Xu Guoqiang had already started to operate the instrument arm and was ready to start the operation.

But the position he was standing in puzzled Ge Hongchao.

Isn't this an auxiliary position? Even though he has left the surgical system now, he still has the vision he should have.

Even if he didn't understand this operation as a laparoscopic operation, he didn't know much about the position in front of him.

"Brother Xu, you did this operation tonight alone, without an assistant?" Ge Hongchao's expression was a little surprised.

He saw Xu Guoqiang busying himself like an assistant, and his doubts grew stronger and stronger.

These tasks should not be completed by a dedicated surgical assistant, so why did Xu Guoqiang do it himself?

Did he think that if he did everything himself, the success rate of the patient's smooth exit would be higher?

"I brought it, I am."

Xu Guoqiang was installing a trocar and preparing to set up a puncture card. He seemed to have no time to pay attention to Ge Hongchao, and just replied lightly.

"I have an assistant, it's good to bring it..." Ge Hongchao was just about to feel relieved. After all, for such a big operation, if there is not even an assistant, it is really hard to imagine what will happen next.

However, before he finished speaking, Ge Hongchao's voice stopped abruptly, and then he showed a stunned expression.

"Brother Xu, what did you say just now? In this operation, you are the assistant, then who is the main surgeon, from the imperial capital?"

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