Fast and steady, this was the first impression Xiao Chenguang gave to everyone when he was suturing.

At this time, Shi Cong, who was closest to the operating table, was even more shocked.

The lightning-fast black silk thread became shorter and shorter in Xiao Chenguang's hand. In just a blink of an eye, the inner incision had been sutured.

She stretched her neck and kept looking into the operation area without affecting Xiao Chenguang's operation.

She was immediately shocked.

Every stitch on the muscle layer was as delicate as a work of art, and every stitch and thread was just right, beautiful and firm.

Even the stitches were in order, like rows of fences on the road, neatly arranged on both sides of the incision.

"Is this the continuous lock-edge mattress suture method?"

The director of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery was also paying attention to Xiao Chenguang.

He could tell at a glance what suture method Xiao Chenguang was using.

It was just that this suture technique used for skin transplantation or gastrointestinal tract stump closure was used by Xiao Chenguang for incision anastomosis because of its good hemostasis effect.

It was a bit of a waste of resources.

But before he could react, Xiao Chenguang finished the last stitch, then clamped the thread reserved for the first stitch with a needle holder and gently pulled it.

The originally loose suture line instantly tightened and contracted, and the entire incision was like a metal zipper about to close, as the two sides of the muscle layer gradually aligned, and finally fit tightly together.

Seeing this, the director was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

As a surgeon who has been doing sutures for so many years, he has done countless things to suture incisions.

But for him, even if he had done many perfect sutures before, they all seemed eclipsed in front of Xiao Chenguang's continuous suture.

This was not a person doing sutures, but a precision instrument showing him his nobility and extraordinaryness.

Unlike their amazement, Xiao Chenguang gradually frowned.

His skills and experience were still there.

It was just that the operation of his hands obviously couldn't keep up with his thinking.

It seemed that his future training had to be put on the agenda.

Although for a small operation like the one in front of him, ordinary hand-eye dexterity was enough.

But if he really had to do some more sophisticated and complex operations.

For example, coronary artery bypass grafting and microvascular anastomosis, his current operation would be slightly insufficient.

Xiao Chenguang had seen an old professor become world-famous for suturing eighteen stitches on a few millimeters of blood vessels.

This was equivalent to threading a needle on a blood vessel as thin as a hair, and the most important thing was that there should be no anastomotic leakage.

This required extremely high hand strength and precision.

Like many level 4 operations, the difficulty was not how to cut, but how to sew.

If the suture is done well, the operation will be twice as effective with half the effort. However, if the suture is not done well, not only will the operation have to be repeated, but the patient's life may also be lost.

While Xiao Chenguang was suturing and planning future training projects, the originally narrow field of vision in the surgical area suddenly doubled.


Xiao Chenguang was startled, and glanced around, and found that the two directors, one on the left and one on the right, were standing on the stage with retractors to help him with the operation.

What's going on?

"We are idle anyway, so we can help."

"That's right, that's right, there is strength in numbers."

The two directors spoke one after another.

However, the director of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery was like an ancient martial arts fanatic at this time, as if he had discovered a peerless secret book, and looked at Xiao Chenguang's suture eagerly.

On the other side, the deputy director of the Department of Obstetrics did not even blink, and even stuffed his entire head into the patient's abdominal cavity.

From the looks of it, they were not just there to help.

However, Xiao Chenguang knew it in his heart, but the other staff in the operating room did not know it.

They were dumbfounded at this moment, watching in disbelief as the two department directors personally helped Xiao Chenguang with the hook.

How much face did it take to send out two director-level hands to help him set the stage.

I'm afraid that even the business dean didn't have this treatment.

Seeing this, Xiao Chenguang shook his head, didn't say much, and started to sew again with full concentration.

It must be said that the director-level hook is quite reliable.

As the field of vision increases, the operating space also expands, and Xiao Chenguang can operate more easily.

This makes his suturing speed rise to a higher level again.


The two directors were shocked again.

Originally, they thought that the speed just now was already Xiao Chenguang's limit, but they didn't expect it to be faster.

Threading the needle and threading, matching the skin, every step was so fast that it even produced afterimages, making the directors' eyes almost unable to keep up with Xiao Chenguang's rhythm.

Then the muscle layer, fascia layer, subcutaneous fat, and every incision were closing quickly.

In an instant, only a faintly visible black suture thread was left hanging on the patient's abdominal circumcision.Without careful observation, you can't even tell that there was a 10-centimeter incision here.

"The suture is so beautiful!"

"Not only beautiful, but the hemostasis effect is also top-notch. Didn't you see that the blood pressure on the patient's monitor has stabilized?"

Everyone looked at the hair-thin sutures on the patient's abdomen again, like a work of art. Even after the patient's incision healed, the directors were reluctant to remove her sutures.

"Your name is Xiao Chenguang?"

Shi Cong, deputy director of the obstetrics department, looked at Xiao Chenguang with burning eyes.


"When your department is disbanded, are you interested in coming to the obstetrics department to help me?"

"Help you graduate students?"

"Uh, not help me..."

Shi Cong was choked by this sentence.

She really thought that this caesarean section was done too well, coupled with the new surgical procedure and the suture technology demonstrated by Xiao Chenguang.

She couldn't help but make an invitation on the spot.

After all, the rumor that the general surgery department was about to be disbanded had spread throughout Shengli Hospital.

She also felt that Xiao Chenguang was a talent. As the deputy director of the department, it was not difficult for her to personally invite a resident doctor to the obstetrics department.

However, the result of speaking out was that she was criticized to pieces.

After hearing Xiao Chenguang's answer, the director of the thoracic and cardiovascular surgery department trembled all over, as if he was in great pain.

He coughed violently twice to suppress his smile.

This Shi Cong is the same. No matter how straightforward he is, he would not speak like you.

If Xiao Chenguang had not been good-tempered, he would probably have scolded him.

But then again, if he had not had a good relationship with Wang Jingang, he would have had the urge to poach people just now.

After this episode, the patient's sutures were all completed.

There were no more alarms on the monitor, and every value was normal.

Looking at the patient who was still unconscious on the operating table, Xiao Chenguang knew that this was not only the result of the unmetabolized anesthetic.

More importantly, the patient's heart stopped beating for too long before, and the trauma was severe, and the amount of blood loss was large, so the recovery would definitely be much slower.

"Why not wear a ventilator for a while longer?" The anesthesiologist suggested.

"Yes." Xiao Chenguang nodded.

Fortunately, Shengli Hospital in 1999 already had its own small ICU.

Although there were only 4 beds, like the emergency department, there was no doctor dedicated to the department, and even few nurses.

But at least it was not.

In this case, the patient must stay in the ICU for a few more days, and after consciousness is restored, the ventilator and tube will be removed and returned to the general ward.

"Are you ready to leave?" asked the anesthesiologist.

"Wait a minute."

Just as everyone was preparing to pack up and take the patient for transfer, Xiao Chenguang found disinfectants and personally disinfected the patient's incision over and over again.

It was not until the sterile cotton pad of the incision was replaced again that it was considered over.

"This guy is so young, but he's so steady."

The two directors looked at each other and saw each other's astonishment.

If this guy was an experienced old expert who could rescue, perform surgery, suture well, and was careful, they could understand him.

But Xiao Chenguang, no matter how you look at it, is not more than 25 years old.

Or even younger.

Where did he get these abilities? Was it innate?

At this moment, the directors were getting more and more curious about Xiao Chenguang.

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