Xiao Chenguang and others left the operating room and quickly transferred the patient to the small ICU on the eighth floor of the hospital.

The family members accompanied him all the way until they were stopped by the nurse at the door.

The main reason is that the ICU stipulates that no one can stay in the room to prevent cross-infection from outsiders.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of the patient. You will go to the general surgery department to sign the supplementary medical orders."

Due to the rescue of the patient, many oral medical orders were not given in time. According to regulations, they can be supplemented within 6 hours without violation.

Therefore, Xiao Chenguang asked the family members to go back and sign first and complete the necessary procedures.

At this moment, the family members saw that the patient's operation was completed and his life was stable, which was a world of difference from the previous dangerous rescue.

In my heart, I was even more grateful to Xiao Chenguang.

Therefore, every word he said was unconditionally executed by the family members, without any nonsense.

After entering the ICU, Xiao Chenguang saw that the patient who had passed the bed was now lying on the ICU bed with his eyes closed.

Various instruments on the left were maintaining her life. At this moment, a tube was inserted into her mouth. As the ventilator was running, her chest rose and fell regularly.

Thinking that there would be a series of difficulties to overcome next.

Severe infection, high fever, DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation), and even multiple organ failure.

Xiao Chenguang felt a headache.

Now the only thing to be thankful for is that the operation was successful and the patient is still young.

As the saying goes, young people are more resistant to troubles, which is probably the case.

Xiao Chenguang squatted beside the patient's bed and pinched the drainage tube that was specially left in the patient's body. As long as the drainage is unobstructed and the amount is not large, it is estimated that it can be removed in a few days.

At this time, a person hurried into the small ICU.

It was Wang Jingang.

The old man was panting, obviously jogging all the way.

He glanced at Xiao Chenguang next to him, and had no time to speak, but hurried to the bed and personally checked the patient's condition.

It's not that he didn't trust Xiao Chenguang's ability, but when he learned about this, he was so anxious that he almost died.

What sin did he commit in his previous life?

Just as the general surgery department had changed, reality gave him a blow.

Pregnant woman rescue, on-site cesarean section, hand-pressing the heart, every piece of information, like a sharp blade, stabbed directly into Wang Jingang's heart, and kept stirring.

In this situation, let alone Shengli Hospital, even if a large hospital in the provincial capital encountered it, I'm afraid they would be at a loss and in a mess.

The reason why Wang Jingang rushed here after hearing the news was that he was afraid that if the patient had any problems, he, as the director of the general surgery department, could handle it in the first place.

But what he didn't expect was that Xiao Chenguang brought the pregnant woman back to life with his personal ability alone.

Looking at the patient lying on the bed safe and sound, Wang Jingang couldn't help but praise Xiao Chenguang.

"Xiao Xiao, you are awesome!"

"You really saved someone from the hands of the King of Hell this time."

"No, it's just a coincidence, and the rescue was timely." Xiao Chenguang said truthfully.

Wang Jingang nodded, but he felt something was wrong.

As Xiao Chenguang said, the rescue was indeed timely, but the current situation was not an ordinary rescue. It is estimated that if it was a few minutes later, the patient and the child would not be saved.

Even if it was discovered in time, but in an emergency like today, the disease was directly placed in front of Wang Jingang. Would he be able to save it?

Wang Jingang shook his head and threw this self-humiliating idea behind him.

"By the way, let me tell you that the hospital has agreed to raise your surgical authority to the highest level."

Seeing that the patient's condition was stable, Wang Jingang told Xiao Chenguang what he had done at the hospital.

But Xiao Chenguang was more concerned about the department's problems.

"Then the general surgery department..."

"The dean has said that all affairs of the general surgery department will operate normally during the period when laparoscopy is carried out."

"That is to say."

"Yes, the department will not be disbanded for the time being."

Speaking of this, Wang Jingang felt relieved. It seems that these days, for him, it can be said that a heavy burden is on his shoulders.

"That's great."

Xiao Chenguang nodded. It seems that there will be no surprises in this matter.

After all, for leaders, especially at the level of dean, reputation is sometimes more important than money.

Of course, this does not rule out the boss who wants to take a kickback of 20 million for an MRI.

After all, that is a minority.

"Xiao Xiao, then where should we start next?"

The operations that can be performed by laparoscopy basically include all the operations in general surgery, but Wang Jingang himself has only performed the simplest hernia repair and appendectomy.

As for more difficult operations, he is not sure, so he asked Xiao Chenguang.

Xiao Chenguang thought for a moment and said, "Since we have decided to use laparoscopic technology, we should proceed step by step and start with the simplest one."

"Okay, Xiao Xiao is still calm. "

Wang Jingang was secretly relieved about Xiao Chenguang's decision.

He was actually a little worried, afraid that Xiao Chenguang would deliberately choose some difficult operations to show his ability.

When the time comes, Xiao Chenguang will be the main surgeon, and the general surgery department will not even have someone who can assist. Wouldn't that be embarrassing?

"Well, Director, let's start with gallbladder surgery. "

Uh ⊙∀⊙!

Wang Jingang's eyes widened instantly and he looked at Xiao Chenguang.

Although cholecystectomy is a second-level surgery in traditional surgery, it is also the ceiling of all second-level surgeries.

As long as there are a few other symptoms, it can jump to a third-level surgery.

Even the radical resection of gallbladder cancer performed by the hepatobiliary surgery department before, in the final analysis, is also a gallbladder removal.

But because the liver is involved, the cancerous cells invade the surrounding lymphatic tissue in large quantities, so that it becomes a difficult fourth-level surgery.

Such an uncertain surgical procedure is the simplest in Xiao Chenguang's eyes.

Can't you start with appendectomy...

Wang Jingang complained in his heart.

But he also knew Xiao Chenguang's character. Since he was the person in charge of laparoscopy, he must have made the decision after careful consideration.

"Xiao Xiao, I understand your good intentions."

"You must have chosen such a challenging operation as cholecystectomy in order to make general surgery have better attainments in laparoscopic technology. ”

Xiao Chenguang: “? ? ?”

Looking at the light in Wang Jingang’s eyes, Xiao Chenguang began to sweat.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, can’t it be done with hands?

Why did it become a challenging operation for Wang Jingang?

The reason why he chose cholecystectomy as a new laparoscopic technique is mainly because the gallbladder is less important than other organs.

After all, it is just a bag for storing bile, and its physiological structure and function are replaceable.

Other organs, such as the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, are important organs that support the functioning of the body. If surgery is performed, extra care must be taken.

Obviously, Wang Jingang also understood this.

So after discussion, the two finally chose cholecystectomy as the starting point of this new laparoscopic procedure.

“Xiao Xiao, just let it go, I will take care of the source of the disease and the expert surgery. ”

Now that the procedure has been determined, Wang Jingang will go all out to complete it.

This is what Xiao Chenguang admires most about him.

“Okay, Director.”

“Then let’s start our counterattack by cutting the gallbladder this time.”


After explaining the precautions to the nurse, the two left the ICU. As the door opened, the room was full of people.

“Doctor Xiao, you are finally out. I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

Reporter Liao came up excitedly and said respectfully to Xiao Chenguang.

“Hmm?” Xiao Chenguang raised his eyebrows and looked at Liao Changgong in confusion.

Unlike the slightly perfunctory interview last time, this time, Xiao Chenguang could clearly feel Liao Changgong’s heartfelt respect.

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