"Now that our family is well off, you can earn more than 1,000 yuan from your honey this year. Even if the production decreases next year, you can still earn several hundred yuan, right? The lotus roots and fish in the fish pond can also be exchanged for money. You don't have to continue walking in Wangshan. It's too dangerous."

Although He Yongjun was dissatisfied with his son's squandering of money on weekdays, he still cared more about his son's safety when the time came.

"I definitely won't do anything that I'm not sure of. Nothing happened to me when I was in the mountains recently. Although I'm going to be gone for a few days, I'll definitely find a good place to spend the night. So it's not that dangerous if you really think about it."

He Qiang was talking nonsense. It's not that he couldn't go into the mountains on his own.

But the problem is, how sad will his family be then?

Living again, He Qiang felt that there was really no need to make his family sad because of these things.

Especially since Grandma He is old, the most taboo thing is to have something piled up in her heart.

He Qiang agrees with a point of view that an old man can be healthy only when he is in a good mood.

In her previous life, Grandma He had no illness or disaster, but because she was worried about his future, she eventually died on a winter afternoon.

This has always been something that He Qiang blamed himself for.

But that's how people are. Once they get bad to a certain extent, it's difficult to cheer up.

So he lived a muddle-headed life in his previous life, but there was still no change.

But now that he is living again, He Qiang hopes to make up for all the regrets of his previous life.

Xiaohua can't let him be taken away by his father-in-law, and the old lady had better live to be 100 years old!

Wu Shuhua said with a distressed look on his face:"The family is already very content now, let's just live a good life like this, you don't have to work so hard."

I used to dislike He Qiang for being too lazy, doing nothing but going home to eat.

But now I am really worried that He Qiang will work too hard and get into trouble in the mountains.

"Don't worry about me. If I didn't have a gun, I wouldn't have had this idea. Safety is absolutely no problem. And I will take the horse with me, so I won't be short of food and drink. As for tigers and black bears, don't be afraid. I have a gun to deal with them. I'm just afraid that they won't come!"

He Qiang advised his wife.

Although he used a negotiating tone, He Qiang's attitude was very firm.

"Three days, at most, I'll be back then, okay?"

He Qiang promised.

"How about I go with you?"

He Yongjun suddenly said.

He Qiang shook his head and rejected it:"Dad, I'm used to being alone in the mountains. If you come, I will have to distract myself to take care of you!"

The corners of He Yongjun's mouth twitched. He actually dared to despise him.

Seeing that He Qiang had no intention of giving in, Mrs. He thought for a while and said:"Then remember to come back in three days. If you are late, I will let the militia look for you."

He Qiang said nonsense:"I will leave marks on the way. At that time, I will tie a circle of grass on the tree every few sections of the road. If there is no tree, I will dig a cross pit on the ground to ensure that I don't get lost. It's just for insurance, otherwise I don't tell others about the marks I make in the mountains."

Old lady He also hoped that these marks would not be useful, but what if there was an emergency?

At night, Wu Shuhua hugged He Qiang, feeling a little depressed.

He Qiang coaxed her to sleep for half the night.

The whole family was worried about him going into the mountains, and He Qiang had to try his best to reassure them. If this happened a few more times, they would get used to it.

After all, they were also worried when they went into the mountains before, but as time went by, they felt relieved.

Early the next morning, He Qiang brought his equipment, loaded with bacon and sausages, and three days of dry food.

Old lady He felt that He Qiang had the conditions to make a fire and cook in the mountains, and even gave him a bag of rice and a small casserole for his good grandson to take with him.

He Qiang was actually quite satisfied with this arrangement.

After all, his time in the mountains was really no different from an outing. He had the conditions to eat better, so there was no need for him to refuse

"Grandma, you and Xiaohua wait for me at home, don't worry too much, I will definitely bring back a lot of good mountain products when I come back!"

He Qiang said goodbye to his family and led the mare up the mountain.

The pony, who had not been weaned yet, followed along.

The already well-trained pony followed He Qiang and hopped happily on its hooves. It was obvious that in its eyes, going into the mountains every day was a very happy thing.

"Little pony, grow up quickly, so that you can work officially!"

He Qiang squinted his eyes, looking at the strong little pony, wondering if the little pony would be stronger than the original breed when he grows up.

After all, the little bees eat the nectar of linden flowers, which not only improves the quality of honey, but also significantly improves their vitality.

At that time, the little bees drove away the black bear with their explosive combat effectiveness!

The mare has been eating green feed after"irrigation" during lactation, and the quality of milk produced must be very good.

When the little pony grows up, he may be able to surpass the physique of the southwestern horse.

After all, He Qiang has been eating"irrigation" for a long time. The fruits and physique have become much stronger.

When he came to the linden forest, He Qiang observed the bees.

The flowering period of linden flowers has come to an end.

He Qiang plans to harvest this last batch.

After that, the bees will have to collect honey for the winter.

The honey at that time will also be mixed honey, and He Qiang is no longer interested.

Of course, He Qiang can continue to irrigate other plants to allow the bees to continue to produce high-quality honey, but this is obviously unnecessary. He Qiang plans to store the recent strange stone energy for later use in the"contract".

Compared with the sale of high-quality honey, He Qiang is always thinking about The astonishing prices of top-grade meat livestock in the future.

If you want to do something, you have to do it big!

In the future, someone will hype up high-quality meat livestock, and He Qiang won’t even need to advertise himself, he can use comparison to open up sales. But with honey, you can’t go after others. Even if it’s really of good quality, He Qiang has to manage the brand himself. He thinks it’s better not to expand the scale and just eat it at home in the future.

After collecting the honey, He Qiang went to the berry forest again, and caught a few voles and a rabbit, intending to use them as today’s rations.

Compared to sausages and bacon, He Qiang Qiang prefers fresh meat.

After preparing hundreds of pounds of fodder for the mare, He Qiang led the mare and officially began the journey into the uninhabited area.

At least 90% of the unexplored areas of the entire reserve are waiting for his visit. In this area, even in the future, there are various national protected animals, including giant pandas, black bears, red pandas, etc.

Even the South China tiger, which became extinct in the wild in the future, has left its footprints in this reserve.

According to the historical trajectory, there may really be South China tigers in this mountain today!

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