The terrain of Simian Mountain, after He Qiang continued to go deeper, the altitude began to increase continuously.

He Qiang led the mare and walked up almost all the way.

The mountains are long and the terrain is complex. If he didn't have supernatural powers, He Qiang would definitely not enter this uninhabited area.

It is precisely because of the terrain of this area that no one has set foot on it, which has preserved many wild animals, and the country in later generations designated it as a nature reserve.

After He Qiang had lunch, he went deeper and sensed many more animals!

Like the silly roe deer, he encountered two along the way.

However, in He Qiang's current situation, he has already hunted the lower-value targets such as silly roe deer according to demand.

He is not short of meat now, and there is no need to kill the roe deer to increase the burden on the mare.

If it is a musk deer, He Qiang will definitely not let it go.

On the first day of entering the uninhabited area, He Qiang discovered many wild animals. He even found a lot of civets.

This thing caused quite a stir in later generations. At that time, many people thought that the virus that swept the country in the early 21st century was caused by eating this thing.

But later it was discovered that the truth was even more outrageous. The real murderer who caused the storm was actually a bat.

He Qiang thought about the ugly appearance of the bat and really didn't understand who would eat that thing.

As the sun set, a fire cloud appeared on the horizon.

He Qiang found a suitable place and used his supernatural power to build a temporary camp.

He planned to go out at night, so it was a good choice to cook and kill the evening. He built an earthen stove with stones, lit the firewood picked up on the road with a match, put the casserole on it, brushed it with lard, poured in rice, and started cooking.

On the other side, the boneless rabbit meat was marinated in a bowl.

At this time, the fire in the stove was not big. He Qiang used chopsticks to stir frequently to prevent the pot from burning. After the water boiled, he covered the lid and started to simmer.

The little mare was not tied to the pillar on the side, but she was still very obedient and ate the green feed silently.

Although the connection of the"contract" was not deep, it was effective after all. In addition, it was fed well, so He Qiang didn't worry that the little mare would run away.

Simmer over low heat. While waiting, He Qiang went to play with the little pony.

When the heat was almost right, he put in the marinated rabbit meat, bacon, sausages, and bird eggs picked on the road, and then sprinkled some wild onions to enhance the flavor.

At this moment, the aroma of the ingredients in the casserole was constantly pouring out.

At noon, He Qiang simply ate some roasted field mice and dry food. At this moment, his homemade version of the luxurious upgraded clay pot rice had aroused his appetite.

After rebirth, his cooking skills improved by leaps and bounds. After all, the dry food was always difficult to swallow at noon in the mountains. Naturally, he thought of the food in his previous life and started to cook.

At the beginning, He Qiang often cooked the rice and roasted the meat black, but practice makes perfect. As he practiced more and more, he was able to master the heat.

This clay pot rice was the first time He Qiang tried it, but fortunately, the seasonings were all prepared by Wu Shuhua, so the taste would not be too bad!

Finally, when the time was up, He Qiang opened the lid of the casserole with great anticipation.

The aroma hit him in the face.

He Qiang looked at the clay pot rice in the pot and felt that he couldn't wait!

He poured a little soy sauce and sesame oil on it.

He Qiang couldn't wait to mix the rice with chopsticks.

Looking at the rice that was soaked in soy sauce and showed a brown luster, he blew a few breaths and put it directly into his mouth.

Hot, fragrant, and delicious!

The hot feeling spread throughout his body in an instant, and all kinds of feelings came like a flood that broke through the dam.

Every bite is so fresh and delicious, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

He Qiang exhaled and chewed happily.

It felt like he was tasting the most delicious delicacies in the world.

The little horse tilted his head and looked at He Qiang who was grinning while eating.

Obviously, he didn't understand why the shit shoveling officer had such a ferocious expression.

Because Wu Shuhua's seasoning ratio is very good, the pickled rabbit meat tastes great.

This pot of clay pot rice is obviously a success!

At this moment, He Qiang even regretted not bringing some baking soda up the mountain, otherwise he would mix a cup of fruit soda to go with the rice, wouldn't he be floating in the air?

"You can't drink alcohol, but you have to drink something."

He Qiang knew that his family would definitely not allow him to bring liquor into the mountains. Even though Old Lady He knew that He Qiang could drink a lot, drinking would always affect people's judgment. Even if it was fruit wine like mulberry wine, the family never allowed He Qiang to take it with him when he went into the mountains.

Safety is obviously something that cannot be taken lightly.

He was eating the clay pot rice with a grunt, and the rice in the pot was soon at the bottom.

In the end, He Qiang even ate the rice crust at the bottom of the pot.

This made He Qiang very full. He originally planned to take action at night, but it was obviously impossible.

After eating, He Qiang didn't want to move at all.

In the end, he simply lay down on the elastic tree bed and took a nap.

The tree house was completely sealed. He Qiang can stay closed and not be afraid of being attacked by wild beasts.

Anyway, even tigers and black bears will definitely wake He Qiang up before breaking through the tree house.

As night falls, the whole forest seems to come alive.

The chirping of insects and birds fills the ears, and there is even the sound of wind blowing through the woods, making the leaves rustle.

Although it may feel very noisy, He Qiang, who lives in the countryside, has been familiar with these noises since he was a child. Instead, he felt like he was hearing a lullaby and felt sleepy, so he simply fell asleep.

Although it was the first time for He Qiang to spend the night in the wild, he slept quite peacefully.

If it weren't for the restlessness of the little mare, who swung her tail and hit him in the face, He Qiang wouldn't even wake up.


After waking up the mare, He Qiang immediately released his perception ability.

This also allowed him to discover the situation.

There was a big thing outside the tree house!

Judging from its physique, He Qiang felt that it should be a black bear.

Good guy, after waking up from a sleep, he actually found that the black bear was right next to him. It was exciting to think about it!

He Qiang had seen many video images of the last campers before their death.

Some were attacked by black bears, and some were attacked by more fierce brown bears.

Those scenes were terrifying just by watching the video on a mobile phone. Now He Qiang has become a personal experience. To be honest, his heartbeat still accelerated slightly.

Although he is very confident in his ability, physiological reactions are inevitable.

"Ha, do you think I am one of those guys who are looking for death and delivering food to you? Since you are so blind to come here, don’t even think about leaving! From now on, you will work hard for me like a slave!"

He Qiang showed a weird smile and took out a handful of berries from the backpack.

Black bears are omnivorous animals, so after using the"contract", these berries are still attractive to them.

According to He Qiang's observation, after using the"contract", the plants will amplify their attractiveness to their eaters, so there is no need to worry that the black bear will not take the bait!

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