After bidding farewell to the village committee officials, He Qiang rode his mare back home.

Old Lady He saw that He Qiang had been away for so long and asked curiously:

"Did the village committee have any objections? Why did it take you so long?"

He Qiang explained,"There were too many people greeting me on the way, and I couldn't just ignore them and leave, so I just got back now."

Old Mrs. He nodded, didn't ask any more questions, and said,"Since Linghua's family is willing, I'm going to pick a day to propose marriage. What do you think about your dad's betrothal?"

He Qiang said cunningly,"Didn't you neglect other things because you had to buy furniture first? How about we just do it the way they do it in the city and get a radio with three turns and one ring? Anyway, the radio will be placed in the old house when we buy it."

Mrs. He nodded. She didn't think that He Qiang's idea was bad. On the contrary, she thought it was very good!

Save when you can, spend when you can!

The family originally planned to buy these things, but after buying them, they can solve other problems at the same time, so why not?

Although the second marriage is not a big one, they still have to entertain some relatives and friends. When the time comes, arranging the three turns and one ring can be regarded as giving enough face to the Zhao family.

He Qiang didn't think that doing so was unfair to Zhao Linghua.

After all, if the three turns and one ring were purchased in the name of He Yongjun's marriage, then the ownership actually belongs to the couple.

Although other people in the family can also use them, the ownership is after all Zhao Linghua and He Yongjun.

Otherwise, if He Qiang buys them, then Zhao Linghua can't say anything if He Qiang takes the radio and bicycle away in the future.

"Let's do it this way. We will arrange for the three-wheeled and one-ring when the time comes! Especially the bicycle. We can get a 28-inch bicycle. Put a big red flower on it and let the old man drive to pick up Miss Zhao home. We don't have to worry that Miss Zhao's family will be dissatisfied!"

He Qiang said his plan.

In the countryside these days, the show is even more grand than in the city!

In that era, the three-wheeled and one-ring was a configuration that only wealthy families in the city could consider.

After all, a cheap watch costs less than a hundred, a cheap bicycle costs more than 100, and a sewing machine costs more than 150!

As for the radio, it is not the most expensive among these big items. 100 You can get it left or right, but the problem is that this thing needs electricity!

How many families were willing to use electricity at home in those days?

Not to mention these things, all! All! Need! Industrial tickets!

It is not an easy task to collect so many industrial coupons.

City people can also save tickets by exchanging tickets.

And those workers have more or less ways to get them in the unit. If it doesn't work, they can give gifts to the leaders to get them.

But rural people are different.

They have to pay a higher price than urban people to get industrial coupons.

For wealthy families in the city, they may only need to grit their teeth and be cruel to buy these items, and there will be hope in the end.

But for the rural population, which accounted for the largest base in the country at that time, these configurations were simply a luxury. Just saving money was a huge hurdle, not to mention that rural people had no quota for industrial tickets at all.

They could only look at the plums to quench their thirst, silently thinking in their hearts, when can they have these things?

People in that era lived a simple and plain life.

Their dreams were also simple, that is, they wanted to have a watch, a bicycle, a sewing machine and a radio.

These things may not seem impressive now, but In that era, it was something people dreamed of.

In that era, industrial coupons were a very precious resource.

It was like a ticket to happiness. Only with it could you have those enviable things and gain the envy of others in society.

This was also a strong proof of family conditions and social status in that era.

In order to get these industrial coupons, people had to make great efforts.

They lived frugally and worked hard just to save enough industrial coupons to exchange for the three turns and one ring they had long admired.

Compared with the later generations who deposited money to purchase large appliances, in this era of supply with tickets, people's hard work was really unimaginable.

But people in that era, although their lives were hard, they had firm beliefs and indomitable spirit.

They worked hard for their dreams and never gave up easily. It was precisely because of the hardships of the ancestors of that era that they laid a solid foundation for a happy life for generations to come.

Especially the rural people of that era, they lost too much blood and contributed too much sweat for the industrialization of the country.

Old Lady He herself was a person who had come all the way from that poor era, so she was very supportive of He Qiang's ideas:

"It is indeed enough. If the Zhao family is still not satisfied, then they are ungrateful! Let’s buy a new sewing machine when the time comes, and don’t let outsiders gossip about our He family! This old sewing machine can only be used by Xiaohua and I on weekdays. I will leave it to Xiaohua when I can’t do it anymore. Or if you plan to change to a new one, just sell it to your sister-in-law and others."

Mrs. He reminded He Qiang and told him not to forget to take care of his family as much as possible.

He Qiang patted his chest and promised:"Grandma, don’t worry, in the future, my brothers won’t have to pick up the rags I leave behind, they can buy new ones by themselves! Our family will work hard together, and we can live a good life every day in the future!"

Mrs. He had a satisfied smile on her face. She took He Qiang’s hand and said:

"OK, OK, OK, grandma believes you have the ability! From now on, the entire He family will be handed over to you. Grandma is content with her life!"

"Grandma, our family can live so well because you have taken good care of me since I was a child! It seems to be my credit, but in fact, the most important thing is that your wise decision played a big role! Otherwise, I would have been chased to the fields by my father long ago, and how could I have waited until now to show my head?"

He Qiang's little mouth was like honey, coaxing the old lady into a happy smile.

After all, these words really touched the old lady's heart.

In the past, everyone in the village knew that the old lady of the He family had a crooked heart. She was too good to the youngest son, and especially doted on He Qiang, the youngest grandson.

Speaking of these things, who in the village did not say that the old lady was unfair in handling family affairs?

But now, in the blink of an eye, who in the village still said that the old lady was partial and unfair in the past?

Now they all praise the old lady for her far-sightedness and foresight!

Look, how partial she was in the past, how smart she is now!

At this moment, Old Lady He really believes that all the partiality for so many years is an investment for today's harvest!

In the afternoon, He Yongjun went home leisurely with the float he fished out from the fish pond. Seeing He Qiang lying in the yard, he walked over and said shyly:

"How long have you been back?"

He Qiang looked at his father in confusion, and then suddenly realized what was going on. He knew that He Yongjun was just thinking about something.

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