He Qiang was no longer surprised by his father's arrogant character, so he just smiled and said to his father:

"You should learn how to ride a bicycle recently, because you will have to take Miss Zhao home by yourself."

He Yongjun was delighted at first, but then his dignity as an old father made him frown and scold He Qiang:"What nonsense are you talking about? You haven't even started yet!"

He Qiang pouted and said:"Grandma is planning to find someone to read her fortune and calculate the time to propose marriage, and she hasn't even started yet? I will start calling her mom later! Don't blame me for not reminding you if you make a fool of yourself. If you bring someone into the field, you will be laughed at by the whole village."

"Do I need you to remind me? I'm just giving someone a ride!"

He Yongjun said stubbornly.

In fact, He Yongjun still knew how to ride a bicycle.

It was just that after Grandpa He passed away, he borrowed bicycles from the village less frequently to go out of the village, and He Qiang was worried that he would inevitably become unfamiliar with it.

Since his father thought it was okay, he didn't bother to say anything more.

Anyway, the village committee has bicycles, and it is completely fine for He Yongjun to borrow them to practice if he needs them. With the current reputation of the He family, the village committee will definitely agree.

During dinner in the evening, He Yongjun asked He Qiang:"Have you discussed the brick factory with the village committee in the afternoon?"

He Qiang nodded:"It has been agreed that the gravel dam at Menqian Beach will be used to build the factory. When the bricks are baked, it will be convenient to pull them anywhere with tractors."

He Yongjun thought about the location of Menqian Beach and nodded. He felt that this piece of land was indeed good.

"By the way, the village committee asked Xiaohua to work in the women's group in the team. Do you want to do that?"

When He Qiang said this, He Yongjun even forgot to move his chopsticks.

"What?! Let Xiaohua work at the Women's Association!?"

He Yongjun exclaimed in a startled voice, as if he had just been disconnected from the Internet and was now reconnected.

In fact, the content of He Qiang's words was indeed too explosive, and even Mrs. He felt a little strange.

"Isn't Miss Liu a member of the Women's Association's dispatched team in our team? Does the village committee want to add a new position, or is it……"

Wu Shuhua was, after all, a lady from the city. Although she was somewhat surprised by the decision of the village committee, she was more keenly aware of a huge problem in this information.

When Wu Shuhua said this, the whole family reacted immediately.

These days, you can't just eat the food of the state, let alone become a cadre.

Although the members of the Women's Association do not have a real state cadre establishment, they are management positions under the village committee after all, and are full-time positions!

These days, as long as you can get a stable job, even workers will fight for it, let alone being an official?

A small official without a rank is still an official!

Therefore, increasing the establishment sounds a little unrealistic, so the only thing left is to replace other people's positions.

Isn't this taking away other people's jobs? This is equivalent to offending people to death.

"What are those people in the village thinking? How can they come up with such a bad idea?"

He Yongjun frowned, thinking that someone was trying to mess with their He family.

He Yongjun was very upset, and he felt that this matter was very tricky.

Increasing the establishment was impossible, and replacing other people's positions would cause conflicts. Is this a typical conspiracy?!

Irritability filled his heart, and He Yongjun, who never smoked in front of his granddaughter, couldn't help but take out a cigarette and light it up.

He Yongjun thought about the current situation, and his heart was full of a sense of crisis.

He felt that this was not a good thing, and many things started from a sign.

As a person who came from that era of struggle, He Yongjun felt that there would be a lot of trouble in the future.

While He Yongjun was thinking, Old Lady He took out the unique fierceness of Sichuan women and cursed:"Wu Youhua, that dog, really thinks that our He family is stupid. If Xiaohua takes the position of Liu Qiang's wife, won't his family hate us to death? Is it because he is jealous of our family's good life and doesn't want our family to live in peace? No, I'm going to ask that dog how dare he do it!"

Don't worry about the ladies at this time!

The ladies have lived in the countryside for so many years, and they have learned all the skills they should learn!

He Tiantian shrank her head, and pulled her father's sleeve with some fear, wanting to hide in her old father's arms.

He Qiang looked at the excited family and hurriedly explained:"The village committee is planning to transfer positions. The women's committee members of the village committee will retire after the new year. At that time, let Xiaohua work in our team and use up that position in the village."

After hearing this, Mrs. He calmed down, but she was still dissatisfied and said:"Being able to work at home has ended up being a round trip of more than two hours every day. How can others not be resentful?"

He Yongjun also thought this was the truth:"If Xiaohua really goes to work, wouldn't it be that our family has driven her away? Will Liu Qiang be able to save face at that time?"

After hearing this, Wu Shuhua also said to He Qiang:"Forget it, it's too offensive."

Although He Qiang didn't care much about this job, he still had to explain it to his family, otherwise they would look at the village committee with a strange look in the future.

"The village committee meant that if they went to work with Captain Liu's family, there would definitely be no problems, so I didn't agree immediately. It all depended on Xiaohua's opinion. After all, I don't think it's necessary to offend people for the sake of twenty yuan a month. Our family doesn't lack this little money."

He Qiang continued to explain.

After hearing this, Mrs. He was completely satisfied.

He Yongjun changed his attitude and whispered:"If the village committee can really do a good job in Liu Qiang's family work, I think it's not impossible to consider it! The work of the Women's Association is so leisurely, and the income is guaranteed regardless of drought or flood!"

They were unhappy before because this matter offended people. They thought that the village committee just let Wu Shuhua take over the post and didn't care about the subsequent impact, so they were so angry.

But now that the village committee has stepped forward to do the work, they are not the bad guys.

After all, if the matter is not resolved well, where will the village committee put its face?

In order to manage the villagers well, they will not allow Liu Qiang to make trouble.

So He Yongjun thought that this matter was a good thing.

After all, Wu Shuhua has never had a proper job at home, and it is undoubtedly a good thing to be able to get a stable job in the country.

Moreover, his daughter-in-law works in the Women's Association, and he, as a father-in-law, will also be proud to tell others!

Old Mrs.

He's attitude was no longer dissatisfied as before, and she just said to Wu Shuhua:"Xiaohua, you decide on this matter.

Even if you don't transfer to another post, you can actually work in the village.

When the time comes, just let the youngest buy you a small bicycle.

After you have a child, you can go to work.

Wu Youhua should still be willing to give you this face.


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