He Qiang got out of the car and followed Zhao Debiao to the village committee's station.

Shigang Village was not as good as their Gunziwan. The village committee's office was built directly in the adobe house. The village committee building in Gunziwan was still a blue brick house after all. With Wu Youhua and the previous few relays, it was still a bit stylish.

This Shigang Village was really poor.

The land here was barren, the crops were not good, and the villagers lived a very difficult life.

Father-in-law Wu Guowei was sent to this village, which was also a hardship.

But it was also conceivable that after all, the rural area specially selected for Wu Guowei to be sent down would definitely not be rich.

At this moment, the village committee had gathered many cadres.

Shigang Village had been informed before, and knew that it was imperative to release the people this time. They came here today because they were uneasy and wanted to take the opportunity to make up for the relationship and try to make He Qiang and his wife put aside their past grudges.

But obviously, He Qiang was determined to vent his anger on his wife.

He Qiang didn't care what Wu Guowei's attitude was. As long as Wu Shuhua was still angry, those who participated in Shigang Village back then would have no good life.

He Qiang walked into the village committee office, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

His eyes were firm and his face was gloomy, and it was obvious that he came with ill intentions.

The cadres nodded and bowed to welcome him to the first seat, trying to say something nice to ease the atmosphere.

He Qiang didn't look at them well, and sat down with Wu Shuhua expressionlessly, not even bothering to look at these people.

"Comrades, have some tea, have some tea."

An old man who looked to be in his sixties, holding a teapot with a flattering look on his face, personally came to pour tea for He Qiang and the others. There was a hint of nervousness and fear in his eyes, and the teapot in his hand was shaking a little. He carefully observed the expressions of He Qiang and his wife, and was obviously very concerned about their attitude.

He Qiang did not turn his face to the village chief of Shigang Village, but just sat there indifferently.

His attitude was very clear. He did not intend to do anything today, but he obviously did not intend to pretend to appease these guys.

Wu Shuhua did not say anything either, and obviously did not have a good impression of the people in this village.

She knew that the situation in that era was special, and many people did that to please the higher-ups.

But it was done, and you followed in persecuting others for your own good. Now that the persecuted people have turned over, isn't it natural to come back and settle accounts?

It's all the choice of the times..

Wu Shuhua's heart was filled with emotion, and she recalled the sufferings she had endured.

In the first two years after her father was taken away and sent down, the amount of oppression and contempt almost made them collapse. The pain and grievances are still vivid in her mind. She knew that this old man was not the only one who had persecuted her father, but he was indeed the one in the highest position, so she felt disgusted when she looked at the village chief of Shigang Village any more.

In that special era, too many people were persecuted for various reasons. They lost their freedom, dignity and happiness, and even their lives.

And this village chief came from that era and sat in this position. What qualifications does he have to try to evade future reckoning?

So the two of them didn't even have the interest to drink a sip of Shigang Village tea.

The other village cadres in Shigang Village looked at He Qiang and his wife, who had no intention of communicating at all, and their eyes were secretly worried.

"Everyone, hurry up and bring Comrade Wu Guowei here, his daughter and son-in-law are here to pick someone up today."

Zhao Debiao reminded.

He must stay with He Qiang and his wife to keep an eye on them and prevent any accidents.

Even his right hand was always on the holster, just to be ready to deal with emergencies at any time!

This time he left the barracks, but he was authorized by his superiors to use his gun in an emergency!

"Well, comrades, actually Wu Guowei had already received the notice yesterday, and he was mainly busy packing his things, and he hasn't finished packing yet."

The head of Shigang Village explained awkwardly.

Zhao Debiao frowned and asked,"Why don't you pack for him? Why did you delay until now?"

Seeing that the head of the village was not in a good position to explain, another village cadre bit the bullet and said,"It's mainly because your father-in-law didn't accept our help, and he planned to pack up all the furniture and tear down the thatched house he lives in. I guess he's demolishing the house now.……"

Demolish the house!?

He Qiang was stunned.

Even Wu Shuhua didn't react to what this was going to do.

But He Qiang quickly thought of a possibility.

He had come into contact with so many strange people and things in his later life, so he had some guesses in his mind, so he asked the village official:

"That thatched house was built by my father-in-law himself, right?"

The village cadre nodded awkwardly and said,"Yes, that is the house your father-in-law built himself."

It was indeed so.

He Qiang immediately understood the purpose of his father-in-law's actions.

He simply didn't want to leave anything useful in this village.

He might have to wait until all the things he couldn't take away were burned before he was willing to leave.

This stubborn old man!

Wu Shuhua obviously understood his father's intentions. A trace of haze flashed in his eyes, and the strength of his grip on He Qiang's hand suddenly increased.

Obviously, Wu Guowei had a lot of resentment towards the people in this village!

"It's not a good idea to just wait like this, why don't you let your father-in-law keep the things and go back with us today, and then we'll have someone take the things away later?"

Zhao Debiao suggested to He Qiang in a low voice.

After hearing this, He Qiang looked at Wu Shuhua and whispered,"I think we should do it this way, otherwise it will be noon if we delay any longer."

Seeing this, the old village chief on the side said enthusiastically,"Then have lunch here before leaving, and let us entertain the comrades."

A trace of disgust flashed in Wu Shuhua's eyes, and that disgust seemed to be dissatisfaction and hatred towards the old village chief and the entire village.

She was too lazy to pay attention to the old village chief, and just wanted to take her father away from this sad place as soon as possible, so she nodded to Zhao Debiao and said,"Then let's have someone take my father's things later, and let my father go home with us first!"

Speaking of going home, Wu Shuhua's thoughts were erratic, memories came to her mind, and her heart was up and down.

At that time, her father was taken away and sent down to the countryside, leaving her and her mother to depend on each other.

The hardships of life did not defeat this strong mother and daughter, but fate played a cruel joke on them. She was obviously the only daughter in the family, but she was still forced to go to the countryside for reform.

Not long after, her mother died of depression and left her. Wu Shuhua didn't even get to see her mother for the last time. She was filled with endless sadness and guilt for this matter.

If she hadn't met He Qiang in the end, she couldn't imagine whether she would have a home to return to in this life.


After a lot of trouble and waiting for a long time, He Qiang finally saw a familiar figure appear in his sight.

Seeing him carrying a lot of things, He Qiang pulled the excited Wu Shuhua beside him, stood up and walked over.

"You are my daughter's husband?"

Wu Guowei looked at He Qiang and looked him up and down.

He Qiang was also observing Wu Guowei.

"Yes, this time I came with Xiaohua to pick you up."

Looking at Wu Guowei wearing straw sandals and his clothes full of patches, He Qiang was already a little eager.

"I haven't agreed to your marriage with Xiaohua yet."

Wu Guowei frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Although he had wasted so many years in the small mountain village, he was still very stylish in front of his son-in-law.

With his experience in his previous life, He Qiang had almost guessed his father-in-law's thoughts. He didn't care about it at all, and even walked to the jeep leisurely.

When Wu Shuhua saw He Qiang walking away at this time, he complained to his old father dissatisfiedly:"Dad, what are you talking about! What's wrong with He Qiang bringing me to pick you up? You still say this? If you don't agree, do you still plan to let me remarry?"

Wu Guowei was immediately deflated, and hurriedly explained to his daughter:"Aren't I testing this kid! You had no one to rely on before, now you have to let this kid know that you have my support! Only in this way can he treat you better in the future!"

Wu Shuhua was too lazy to listen to her father's crooked logic, and snorted:"He treats me well! After you left, he became my support. You should be grateful to him. Without him, I would have died long ago."


Wu Guowei was dumbfounded.

It was over. This girl had already been on different sides with him. Her heart was completely devoted to her son-in-law!

The old father's kindness was being taken for granted!

""Dad, you should change your shoes first. Don't your straw sandals hurt your feet?"

He Qiang came over with a pair of brand new leather shoes in his hand.

Wu Guowei looked down at his worn-out straw sandals and blushed.

With this interruption, Wu Guowei could no longer muster up the momentum he had before. He simply ignored He Qiang and turned around to walk towards the jeep, throwing all the bags on his body into the car.

""Let's go!"

Wu Guowei urged.

Wu Guowei lost the first round of confrontation with his son-in-law. He didn't want to stay in this broken place anymore.

At this time, a group of village cadres gathered around again.

They all had obvious pleading in their eyes. In the end, the old village chief stepped forward and took the lead and said:

"My dear comrade, we didn't think about your father-in-law's problem at the time. The environment was like that in those days. There was nothing we could do.……"

He Qiang sneered, not bothering to pay attention to these village cadres.

So you can't suffer any loss, so you want others to suffer, right?

You get all the good things, who do you think you are?

""Let's go!"

He Qiang took Wu Shuhua's hand and got into the car.

Seeing this, the village cadres wanted to chase after them. The old village chief even knelt on the ground and shouted:

"Comrade, please try to persuade your father-in-law. We were forced to do so at the time. We all know we were wrong now. Please forgive us.……"

Zhao Debiao took out a pistol from his holster without hesitation and shouted in a deep voice:"Be quiet! If you come over again, I will think you have bad intentions!"

A group of village cadres stopped in their tracks, and their expressions were as uncomfortable as if they were constipated.

He Qiang didn't care about the movement behind him at all, and took Wu Shuhua to the jeep, leaving the old village chief crying heartbreakingly behind him.

When he came to the car and saw his father-in-law sitting in the back seat, He Qiang tactfully walked to the passenger seat, intending to let the father and daughter have a good chat along the way.

As a result, Wu Shuhua grabbed He Qiang's clothes and whispered,"Why are you sitting in the passenger seat?"

He Qiang was stunned, looked at his father-in-law with a dark face, scratched his head and said,"Aren't you planning to have a good chat?"

Wu Shuhua waved his hand and said,"Dad has so much space in the back row for his things, let's squeeze in the back and let him sit in the front row." Wu

Guowei's mouth twitched, and he whispered,"Actually, it's okay for me to squeeze in the back."

Wu Shuhua urged,"Dad, go to the front quickly, I'll let He Qiang hold me."

He Qiang smiled so hard that his mouth was crooked after hearing this, and he looked at his father-in-law's stinky face and felt proud.

Wu Guowei saw his daughter's firm attitude, glared at He Qiang, and whispered,"Don't squeeze Xiaohua."

He Qiang held his head high and said,"Dad, don't worry, I held Xiaohua on the way here, there is absolutely no problem." Wu Guowei's mouth twitched, and he simply kept silent and went to the front row, out of sight, out of mind.

Zhao Debiao, who was sitting in the driver's seat, pretended to look around the scenery the whole time. After Wu Guowei got in the car, he whispered:

""Everyone, hold on tight, we're leaving now!"

The jeep drove steadily into the dirt road in the mountains, and the family finally set out on the return journey.

Along the way, Wu Guowei was confiding his daughter about his experiences over the years, and when they were moved, both father and daughter had red eyes.

When they arrived at the county town, Wu Guowei did not go to eat immediately, but asked Zhao Debiao to drive the car to the hotel.

At first, He Qiang was still wondering what Wu Guowei wanted to do, until he asked Wu Shuhua to take all the clothes he had bought before and walk into the room. He Qiang then understood that it was because the old man who wanted to save face wanted to change his clothes!

Thinking of his father-in-law's previous worn-out straw sandals, He Qiang couldn't help grinning.

Don't want to lose face in front of your son-in-law, right?

Sure enough, soon after Wu Guowei appeared in front of everyone wearing a brand new outfit, his spirit was different.

"Xiaohua, it's amazing that you still remember dad's size after all these years!"

Wu Guowei looked at his daughter tenderly, and then glanced at He Qiang casually.

The eyes of the father-in-law and son-in-law met, and immediately a fierce spark was rubbed out.

He Qiang knew that this was a"provocation" from his father-in-law, so he planned to fight back.

Unexpectedly, Wu Shuhua was the first to speak:"Dad, if you want to thank someone, thank He Qiang! I didn't think about these things before, but it was He Qiang who told me to go buy it with him, and he gave me the money. Otherwise, how could you have all these new clothes and new shoes."

Wu Guowei:"……"

Lost, lost again...

There is no place for the old father in the heart of the beloved daughter...

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