Wu Guowei, who was defeated in the confrontation again, followed He Qiang and his daughter to the hotel in a very shameless manner.

If he was in his prime, such a small hotel in the county would not be qualified to entertain him.

But now, he has no room for picky.

After entering the private room, Wu Guowei began to inquire about his son-in-law's current strength.

As for his family, Wu Shuhua had already made it clear on the way.

In Wu Guowei's opinion, He Qiang was able to get to this level from a farmer, which was actually quite capable. Even he looked up to him in his heart.

But in terms of momentum, Wu Guowei felt that he still couldn't lose.

Even if his daughter's heart has flown to his son-in-law, he, as an old father, has to stand guard for his daughter.

He is Xiaohua's strongest backing!

Wu Guowei pulled his son-in-law He Qiang to sit beside him and asked directly:"He Qiang, what kind of connections did you use to pick me up this time? Tell me so that I can have a better idea and make a decision when I want to repay you."

His eyes were direct and sharp, as if he wanted to see through He Qiang's eyes to see the depths of his heart.

He Qiang seemed to see through his father-in-law's thoughts, so he simply showed off his muscles and said proudly:"Dad, I did use some connections to successfully pick you up this time. After all, the person who messed with you back then now has a high position in the provincial capital. To pick you up, some people must have confidence in their hearts, otherwise they dare not let you go."

Wu Guowei's heart sank. He knew that this must be complicated, so he asked:"He Qiang, don't fool me. I know you have a lot of connections, but people in the army are not so easy to contact. Tell me honestly, what kind of connections did you use? Don't think that I have been in that village for so many years. Now that I have come out, I can still use some connections."

Hey, you don't want to owe your son-in-law a favor, right?

No way!

He Qiang had seen through everything!

He wanted to show his strength as a father-in-law to his son-in-law in the matter of"connections".

Helping him repay the favor obviously means that he doesn't want to accept too much favor from his son-in-law.

Why is the father-in-law so worried about being soft-hearted?

Hey, isn't it just to be able to stand up straight?

This reminds He Qiang of the way his father-in-law always looked at him in his previous life.

Isn't that the kind of condescending and arbitrary order-giving that comes from the"debt" that He Qiang owes? He was forced to separate from his wife and daughter, that was to repay the debt of his idleness, laziness, and inability to provide good material conditions for those years.

In the end, his daughter hated him for the rest of her life, and even refused to recognize him as her father when she grew up, that was to repay the debt of her father's serious illness and inability to pay for medical expenses.

He suffered such a loss back then, so how could he let his father-in-law do the same thing again?

""Dad, you don't have to repay the favor. You are my father-in-law, isn't it my duty to pick you up? Just relax, and don't mention anything about repaying a favor for me. Xiaohua will be unhappy if you say that! Don't you treat me as an outsider?"

He Qiang said, looking at his wife with a wronged look on his face.

Wu Shuhua also cooperated quite well, and the husband and wife sang along,"Dad, He Qiang is not an outsider, why make it so distant! In the past, there were so many people who came to your house to ask for help, and you liked to settle accounts with them. In your eyes, He Qiang is the same as them?"

Wu Guowei listened to his daughter's complaints and thought to himself, I really want to treat him as an outsider!

But this is just a thought. If his daughter really heard it, what would happen?

With the sweet energy of the young couple now, wouldn't his daughter be furious?

"I was thinking that since He Qiang asked someone to do such a big thing, it would be very troublesome to repay the favor! Since you said so, I won't interfere!"

Wu Guowei said, with a look of regret in his heart.

Seeing this, Wu Shuhua couldn't help but complain in a low voice:"You were just picked up. It's kind to want to help He Qiang, but your old friends must be reliable. Do you really want to let you stay in the countryside for so long?"

Wu Guowei's face froze when he listened to his daughter's complaints.

There was no way to refute it!

Wu Guowei frowned, trying his best to maintain his"dignity" and retorted:"You can't think like that. In those years, everyone could not protect themselves, and it was even more difficult to save people. The reason why I didn't die in the cowshed was because those old friends secretly helped that villain succeed."

Wu Shuhua disagreed with his father's words. After all, it has been 78 years today, and two years have passed since that turbulent era.

How can an old friend forget someone for two years?

Did the old friend secretly work hard to survive?

It's all self-consolation!

That's not true at all!

Wu Shuhua felt that his old father was just trying to save face and was suffering. Even so, he still talked about helping He Qiang repay favors. Those old friends were unreliable, so how could he repay them?

It would take a lot of twists and turns to restore his own reputation!

So Wu Shuhua chose to support He Qiang without hesitation.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to repay favors for He Qiang, and he would encounter resistance in restoring his reputation. How could he have the nerve to ask He Qiang to help?

Wu Shuhua felt that she was really worried about her old father, and thought that she might as well let her father go back to Gunziwan with them in the future, and not think about resuming work. That way everything would be simple

"What's your attitude? How can you not believe what your father said?"

Wu Guowei blushed when he saw this. He was looked down upon by his precious daughter, his only relative! Upon hearing this, Wu Shuhua changed the subject and said,"Dad, you should think about your future plans. If it's difficult to resume work, you can go back to Gunziwan with us. Now He Qiang wants to build a brick factory and needs someone to go there. How old are you?���It's not time for me to retire yet, so I'll just help you as your son-in-law."

Wu Guowei was almost unable to hold back when he heard this.

How could he agree to this?

He felt very aggrieved. He had dedicated most of his life to the revolutionary cause, but he was reported by a villain and was sent to this remote place for reform. He was unwilling to accept this!

Now that he could finally wash away the stigma on his body, how could he give up going to the countryside to be an individual business owner?

He was still thinking about getting back everything he had lost!

"What are you talking about! Now that I can get out, I naturally have to go back to the provincial capital to communicate with the organization. At the very least, I have to restore my relationship with the organization. I have to wait for the organization to arrange my work. How can I have the time to help He Qiang?"

Wu Guowei had a determined look on his face, as if he was a soldier with firm beliefs and was determined to do things.

He Qiang sneered in his heart when he saw this.

He understood Wu Guowei's state of mind at the moment.

This stubborn old man was just trying to compete with him secretly!

He Qiang knew that Wu Guowei didn't want to be outdone by his peasant son-in-law, and he was determined to get back everything he had lost.

However, He Qiang was not someone who could be easily messed with.

Although after his rebirth, the things that Wu Guowei did to him in his previous life would not happen in this life, he planned to settle old scores across time and space.

Not to mention that he would make Wu What about Guowei? He just wanted to slap Lao Deng in the face in this life, and watch him give him gold coins unwillingly!

He thought: Didn't you, Wu Guowei, hate me for not striving for progress in the previous life? Okay, then I will strive for progress in this life, to the point that you will be panicked! I will strive to the point that even you, the old father- in-law, can't compare with me!

Lao Deng, wake up, you are the one who owes the debt in this life, just watch me and your daughter live happily for the rest of my life!

Even if you think my son-in-law has a nose that is not a nose and eyes that are not eyes, you have to endure it!

"Dad, I'll ask you about restoring your relationship with the organization later! But we have to think about the current situation in the long run. The villain who reported you back then is still working, and his position is not low."

He Qiang's words made Wu Guowei's expression become serious.

Wu Guowei asked with a sullen face:"What position has the villain Huang Xing climbed to now?"

He Qiang didn't say anything, but cast his eyes on Zhao Debiao.

He left in a hurry at that time, and didn't ask too much about his father-in-law's enemy. He only knew that he is now in a high position in the province.

Since we have to think about it in the long run now, it's not too late to listen together.

Zhao Debiao also cooperated and explained:"Currently Huang Xing is the deputy director of the Water Resources Department, with the treatment of a full-level director. He is in charge of rural water conservancy and hydropower projects. He had the opportunity to be transferred to a city in Yunnan Province to be a mayor before, but he didn't move. He must have made a lot of money over the years."

In later generations, when people mention water conservancy positions, they think of various"exile positions".

Things like"guarding the reservoir"’、‘Hydrological observation’、‘"Watching the dikes" sounds like a boring, unprofitable, and hopeless job.

But that was in the new China.���Things after entering the industrialized society.

The water conservancy department since the founding of the country is by no means a small transparent unit like in later generations.

The water conservancy department at this moment must be viewed from the perspective of the pre-industrial era.

In the agricultural era, water conservancy facilities were directly linked to the political achievements of officials, and the people's food was irrigated with water.

The priority of various water conservancy projects will not be low in the environment of food shortage.

Moreover, today's water conservancy projects are not only used for agricultural purposes, but also for industrial use!

So it is probably true that Huang Xing refused to go to Yunnan Province to be the mayor.

After all, they are all at the level of a full-time department. Even if you become a mayor, you will still be at the level of a full-time department after being promoted for a few years. At most, you will be promoted to the top leader and secretary.

But compared with the cities in Yunnan Province, staying in the wealthy Tianfu Plain, the water conservancy department of the provincial capital is not without the opportunity to be promoted.

One has a better future, one has a better financial prospect, one depends on chance, and one really falls into the pocket.

It is not difficult to guess what Huang Xing, a villain who relies on reporting to get promoted, will choose.

Obviously, Wu Guowei could also figure out the connection. He gritted his teeth and said,"How could such a treacherous villain be allowed to take such a position! This is a mistake that needs to be corrected!"

Seeing Wu Guowei so angry, Zhao Debiao had to comfort him and said,"So far, what we have said is just speculation. Before the organization decides to investigate Huang Xing, he is innocent."

"He is innocent!"

Wu Guowei shouted and slammed the table.

Obviously, talking alone could not relieve the anger in his heart, and he needed to use actions to vent his inner depression and grievances.

He was really caught off guard back then, and more importantly, the person who messed with him was Huang Xing, the subordinate who nodded and bowed to him back then!

Seeing his father-in-law so angry, He Qiang couldn't help but ask curiously:"Dad, although many people were persecuted back then for some unfounded reasons, you are in a confidential unit, and those places should not be so chaotic, right? How can you let those people mess around?"

Wu Guowei was embarrassed for a moment.

In fact, the handle he was held on to back then was indeed somewhat"real", and the other party used this as a breakthrough to make a big deal about him. Not to mention the special era, even in normal times, it is indeed a very serious matter.

It's just that because of the special era at that time, Huang Xing took advantage of the situation and usurped a high position, which made him unacceptable.

"Dad, please tell me! If you don't explain clearly, how can He Qiang help you? A blacksmith must be strong himself!"

Looking at his father's expression, Wu Shuhua thought that he was really driven out of office because of something wrong with him, and he was very anxious. If there was really a problem, then it would not be about restoring his reputation, but about how to land safely!

At his daughter's urging, Wu Guowei stammered and talked about the past.

"At that time, our factory was actually short of funds! The workers in the factory had no food to eat, and many engineers were short of supplies. I couldn't just watch them go hungry, could I? I used the conditions in the factory to find some business outside and supplement the income for everyone in the factory.……"

Wu Guowei's face turned red as he spoke.

Although he said so, and the factory director Wu Guowei did not embezzle money, it does not mean that he set up a big pot and everyone can get away with it!

In the environment at that time, in the era of planned production, if a factory director took the initiative to do work outside the plan, it was also an act of stealing from the country!

You say you want to seek benefits for all the employees in the factory, so you can make decisions at will?

Have you asked your superiors for consent?

Have you asked the Planning Commission for consent?

You want to eat more and you can eat more?

Who do you think you are?

Ordinary people across the country have quotas and limits, but you want to eat more and take more?

If you are not committing a crime, who is committing a crime?

Not to mention that turbulent era, even in the first few years after the reform and opening up, there were people who were imprisoned for such crimes!

So if we really want to be rational, Wu Guowei's downfall at that time was unjust, but it was also reasonable.……

"This... So Huang Xing is really a piece of shit. He ate the food in the pot and sent the cook to jail in a blink of an eye. Is he still a human being? Did he ever think about other compatriots who were eating with him? He sold out everyone for personal gain and made life difficult for others. This is really a beastly behavior. Is he the third child in the family?"

After hearing this, He Qiang could only sigh that his father-in-law was really a good man in vain, and his heart was filled with anger towards people like Huang Xing.

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