After the loan was settled, Lu Tianpei arranged for someone to go to the farm machinery factory to complete the formalities in the afternoon. The people from the farm machinery factory also helped drive the tractor to the Agricultural Bank.

This was not the era of parking shortage in later generations. The Hushang-50 wheeled tractor ordered by He Qiang drove to the Agricultural Bank without worrying about where to park. It was okay to just block the gate. He Liang had received the notice before and came to the county in the morning on a tractor from the village. He had been shopping before and came to the Agricultural Bank to wait at around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Now that he finally saw the tractor, his eyes were shining.

Looking at the blue shell and the huge rear wheels, He Liang's hands were like touching a rare treasure.

His eyes were full of tenderness and love, as if this tractor was the most important thing in his life.

He Qiang smiled and teased his second brother, saying,"You are probably not so gentle even when you touch your sister-in-law, right?" Facing his brother's teasing, He Liang did not refute, but said seriously,"What are you talking about? Can your sister-in-law compare with a tractor? Even if you sell her, you can't afford a tire! This is our family's treasure!"

He Liang's words are full of love and cherishment for tractors.

Men's love for"mounts" is engraved in their genes.

As a rural person, He Liang's aesthetics are obviously not passenger vehicles such as jeeps and sedans, but heavy-duty functional vehicles such as tractors.

He Liang has envied tractor drivers since he was a child, and he is really envious of this decent and popular job.

And since he went to learn to drive a tractor, the pleasure of driving has made him unable to stop.

Now, their brick factory finally has its own tractor, how can he not be happy! ?

For this Shanghai-brand tractor, He Liang is like seeing the car of his dreams.

He circled the tractor again and again, carefully observing every part and every detail.

The precise mechanical structure, the shiny body, and the huge tires all fascinated him.

Listening to the humming sound of the tractor engine, He Liang seemed to be able to feel the surging power contained in the tractor.

This is a good car!

Just by listening to the sound, he knew that this tractor was more than one level better than the one in the village!

"Wow, listen to the sound of the engine, it is like a steady old ox, calm and powerful, this is really a good car!"

He Liang was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

This tractor is an important property of the family, and it is also the support and guarantee of his future life.

With this tractor, his family's brick factory will not worry about sales in the future.

Although their second room has a small share, and they have to share it equally with the eldest brother, but that is also their own industry!

A blue brick costs two cents, and you have to have connections to buy it. Selling it for 10,000 yuan is 200 yuan. After deducting the cost, he will get at least 10 yuan in his hands.

My goodness, how much grain does this kind of field have to harvest to make enough 10 yuan?

And how much effort and sweat does it take?

But to sell blue bricks, he only needs to drive the tractor and deliver the goods, and that's it!

Compared with farming, driving a car is called work?

You can make money by sitting. Where can you find such a good thing in the past?

I dare not even think about it!

As for whether it can be sold, He Liang is not worried at all.

It's really that the market for blue bricks is too hot these days!

"Brother, this treasure will be handed over to you in the future. When you make a lot of money, you can buy one for yourself in the future!"

He Qiang began to brainwash his second brother, hoping that he would work hard for the family business in the future.

The carrot thing must be given well, otherwise there will be insufficient motivation to work.

He Liang's eyes lit up when he heard it. When he thought about owning a tractor of his own in the future, his whole spirit changed!

He seemed to have seen himself driving a tractor and running back and forth between brick factories.

At that time, he would become a real boss and no longer have to worry about his life.

"This family said that the truck bed will cost more than 10,000 yuan, and the interest on the installment for 20 years is 30,000 yuan. Why did Xiaohua find a prodigal man like you? You also fooled others to buy it, so that they can't afford the installment when the time comes!"

Wu Guowei looked at He Qiang's brother fiddling with the tractor, and he didn't like this guy anyway!

He Liang was very unhappy to hear this, but after all, this was He Qiang's father-in-law, and he was too embarrassed to say anything to the elders. He just frowned to express his dissatisfaction

"Dad, you have been a factory director, don't you know that only input can bring output? Without this tractor, how can you sell the bricks you produce? Can you still carry the loads to sell them yourself? Customers come to your door to place orders, you can't let them pick up the goods themselves, right?"

He Qiang didn't have so many scruples, and he retorted to his father-in-law without any hesitation.

Wu Guowei felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

How could he not understand these principles?

It's just that he couldn't accept such a high cost.

After all, there are many other options for buying tractors, some of which are thousands of yuan cheaper.

For example, a Fengshou brand tractor only costs 8,500 yuan. pieces, plus the ordered truck bed and some accessories, plus three years of interest and fees, the price is only a little over ten thousand, isn't it enough for transportation?

But He Qiang chose this year's new tractor. The Shanghai-brand tractor looks good, but the question is, do you need to use a cannon to kill a mosquito?

Wu Guowei has been a factory director for his entire life, and he has always adhered to the principle of diligence and thrift in his work.

He believes that you should save as much as you can, and not spend a penny more than you should.

Especially since he was defeated in that special era because of material shortages in order to seek benefits for the factory employees, he was even more reluctant to let He Qiang spend this money in vain.

In his eyes, that new tractor is not necessary at all.

Although this Shanghai-brand tractor is a bit expensive, it has good performance, strong power, and high transportation efficiency.

"You know that only input can bring output, but do you know that excessive cost affects profits? You have thrown away all the money that could be earned, and you still come to teach me a lesson!"

Wu Guowei was so angry with He Qiang that he was mad at him, and it was obvious that he was also furious.

Knowing that I am right, even if you are my father-in-law, I don't have to give in to you!

Seeing this, He Qiang was not scared at all. Instead, he argued:"You only think that this tractor is expensive, but have you ever thought that this Shanghai-brand tractor, although a little more expensive, has better performance, stronger power, better transportation efficiency, and better quality? No money for maintenance? No gas for the extra distance?"

He Qiang said this because of the reputation of various tractors in later generations. The quality of the Shanghai brand has been unanimously praised!

So it is really impressive.

Wu Guowei didn't know how to refute He Qiang for a while.

The main reason is that he is not sure about the prospects of the brick factory.

If the business is really booming, then stronger transportation capacity can indeed generate greater economic benefits.

But what if the business is not good? Would n't that be like using a cannon to kill a mosquito?

Wu Guowei wanted to say something, but when he thought about cursing his son-in-law's career like this, he would probably be blamed by his precious daughter in the future. In the end, he swallowed the words forcefully.

"You have so many crooked ideas, I am too lazy to talk to you!"

Wu Guowei turned around and walked into the bank again.

He was too lazy to argue with He Qiang.

When he restored his relationship with the organization and returned to his post, this kid would regret it!

"Comrade He, what do you plan to do with this tractor? If necessary, we can find someone to help you drive it back to the village."

Lu Tianpei said to He Qiang with a smile.

Such a rare injustice... No, high-quality customers are rare these days. We must maintain a good relationship. Maybe there will be more business in the future!

"No, I'll ask my brother to drive it away later."

He Qiang declined Lu Tianpei's service.

He Liang said proudly at this time:"I will drive this tractor in the future, and President Lu doesn't need to help arrange someone!"

Lu Tianpei smiled and said:"Okay, if you have any other needs, you can also tell me now. For high-quality customers like you, our bank will definitely serve you with the greatest enthusiasm!"

Lu Tianpei had at least received short-term training in a bank in Hong Kong, and he had a clear understanding of the bank's service industry.

At this moment, there are still waiters in restaurants beating diners in the country, but Lu Tianpei already knows how to manage customers.

He felt that his decision to come to this backward county to be a branch president for promotion was probably the most correct choice in his life.

He had a hunch that there were many more stories between him and He Qiang, a client!

"Manager Lu, I'm afraid we will have many opportunities to cooperate in the future!"

He Qiang thought of Tao Xiufang and wondered if he should call her to ask about it.

He left the village committee's phone number, but the village hadn't received any calls in the past two days.

Lu Tianpei narrowed his eyes, rubbing his hands unconsciously, like a fly rubbing its hands, and said with interest:

"Oh, it seems that Comrade He has many more business plans to discuss later. I welcome you anytime! But if it is convenient, can you tell me what kind of cooperation it is?"

He Qiang said vaguely:"If it can be done, it is also a business of purchasing means of production with loans, but it depends on the seller's intention."Means of production again?

He just bought agricultural machinery, and now he plans to borrow money to buy other means of production. How big is his plan?

If this is the case, he will have to doubt He Qiang's repayment ability.

The risk rating needs to be reassessed.

He Qiang saw Lu Tianpei's face and knew that he was worried, but He Qiang was too lazy to explain now.

After all, there was still no news. If he really waited for Tao Xiufang to give a definite answer, he would contact him again. I believe Lu Tianpei would never refuse.

After all, the prices of those imported machinery and equipment from abroad are too different from those of regular ordering channels. Even if He Qiang does not pay back the money, the bank can still make a steady profit by selling the machines!

"President Lu, we will meet again later, so let’s not talk about this for now!"

He Qiang planned to go home, so he simply got on the truck bed.

Seeing this, Lu Tianpei nodded and said goodbye,"Okay, I won’t send you off. I will arrange for someone to go with your father-in-law to the county to look at houses, and rent an affordable and comfortable house. Don’t worry about it."

He Liang started the tractor, shifted gears and slowly drove into the lane. After getting familiar with it for a while, he began to speed up.

Lu Tianpei watched the tractor gradually disappear at the end of the road, and couldn’t help but sigh softly:"These days, there are really not many such stupid...high-quality customers!"

The little assistant on the side came over and prepared to call Lu Tianpei in to handle the business. As a result, after hearing what he said, he couldn’t help but laugh and said:"President, is it really good to say that customers are stupid behind their backs? Now I’ve heard it all. How are you going to give me benefits to shut me up?"

Listening to the delicate Sichuan accent, Lu Tianpei couldn’t help but recall the ecstasy of this little assistant at night. He turned his head and looked around, and finally slapped her on the hill.


The assistant exclaimed, and immediately put his hands behind his back to protect the attacked parts, with tears in his eyes.

President Lu's breathing quickened, and he laughed and said,"Benefits? Then I will reward you with special training tonight. I will personally be your mentor, so you must study hard!"

"President, you must cultivate him well!"


On the other side, He Qiang rode a tractor all the way back to the hotel.

Wu Shuhua had been waiting for a long time, and when she saw her husband returning on a tractor, her eyes were full of surprise.

"This looks really impressive!"

Wu Shuhua looked at his own tractor with his eyes full of curiosity.

"It’s more than ten thousand yuan, of course it’s impressive!"

���Qiang said in a boastful tone.

A trace of heartache flashed in Wu Shuhua's eyes.

After all, the family will have to bear a debt of about 30,000 yuan in the future.

With their current income, it will take a long time to pay it back.

Wu Shuhua naturally knew that He Qiang wanted to have more money to invest in production, but he was still a little worried. After all, the brick factory business looked prosperous, but business was risky after all. If there was a loss, the burden would be huge.

"He Qiang, when the brick factory makes money in the future, we should pay off the loan as soon as possible, so that we can feel at ease."

Wu Shuhua took He Qiang's arm and asked for his man's opinion in a low voice.

After all, they had been through so much together recently. Wu Shuhua had completely regarded her man as her backbone. In such matters, even if there were different opinions, He Qiang's attitude would prevail.

"Don't worry, our family will only get richer and richer. It will be a loss if we pay off the loan!"

He Qiang comforted his wife, and then winked at He Liang, indicating that it was time to set off!

The tractor's engine roared, carrying the family on the return journey.

Feeling the breeze on his face, Wu Shuhua's mood also calmed down.

He Qiang looked at Wu Shuhua's quiet and pretty face, his eyes full of confidence.

The glory of the He family will start a new chapter from now on.

After all, the economy will take off soon!

How can the interest on that loan compare to the future economic growth?

Just like those people who took out loans to buy houses in the early 21st century.

It seems that they have gritted their teeth to pay off the mortgage for several years, and their belts have been tightened, but as housing prices take off, the mortgage has not increased, but the housing prices have increased several times!

This tractor is of course different from a house, but with this tractor, you can earn more than one house!

He Qiang is the winner!

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