At Gunziwan and the entrance of the brigade, the He family was waiting for He Qiang and his friends at the home of the brigade leader Liu Qiang.

"The sun is about to set, why hasn't it come yet?"

He Yongjun was fidgeting as if there were needles on the bench. He kept looking out the door to see if there was any sign of a tractor on the road.

Old Mrs. He was lying on the recliner and said slowly,"He Liang has only been using it for a short time, so it's normal that he's a little slow in driving back."

The two brothers He Aiguo and He Jianguo had been impatient for a long time, especially He Aiguo, who was looking forward to it!

After all, it was his own son driving, so of course he hoped to see him sooner.

It was almost eight o'clock now, and the sun would have completely set after a while.

"Oh, look at that dust!"

Zhao Linghua was sitting at the door. Looking at the situation outside, she couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

The whole family swarmed over.

Not only He Qiang's family, but also the villagers who were busy on the road before the sun went down.

The sound of the tractor engine gradually became clearer, and many villagers who were already hot stretched their necks to look.

Looking at the smoke and dust flying on the road, they immediately knew that a big guy was coming on the road.

And the people who came back to Gunziwan at this point could hardly be anyone else except He Qiang and his party who were driving home!

When the tractor kept making a buzzing roar and drove into Gunziwan, it immediately caused a sensation.

This is a private family buying agricultural machinery. This is the first time in Gunziwan since the founding of the People's Republic of China!

Who could have imagined that a family could buy agricultural machinery with their own money? Those were all purchased by the village and were collective assets!

But now, this tractor is indeed a private asset!

My goodness, it was only at the beginning of this year that they got rid of the era of big pot meals, and now even private individuals can afford tractors!

The villagers ran to watch the excitement one by one, and marveled at the Shanghai brand tractors.

""Oh, Captain He's tractor is really impressive, it looks much better than the one in the village." A villager said enviously.

""This is incredible, this tractor is truly incredible!" Another villager echoed,"Oh my God, Captain He's family can actually afford a tractor, how rich they must be!"

"It's so beautiful, it's really enviable!" Another villager opened his eyes wide, wishing he could be the one driving the tractor.

"That’s right, if I could drive a tractor home, I would wake up laughing at night." A villager apparently had the same idea.

"You may not be able to sleep every night to guard the tractor!"Someone said jokingly, causing everyone to laugh.

But in the eyes of others, if you really have such a treasure at home, you may have to guard it nervously every day, right?

Facing the villagers' blocking of the road, He Qiang was not angry, but listened to their discussion happily.

It is said that if you don't return home when you are rich, it is like walking at night in fine clothes. Now there is such a great opportunity, there is no reason for He Qiang to leave in a hurry.

And He Liang, who was driving the tractor, obviously had the same idea. At this moment, his back was straight and his mouth was about to smile.

"Xiaoliang, you will be the one driving the tractor in the future, right? No wonder you went to the village to learn from Master Liu before!"

An auntie tried to get close to He Liang. She was related to He Liang through his mother's side, and was also a relative of the He family.

Upon seeing this, He Liang immediately said proudly:"Yes, I will be a tractor driver in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted a lot of envious sighs.

The driver is one of the eight major officials, a good job that many people are jealous of. Now the He family has arranged one for their own family. What can people say about this?

Everyone is envious.

The auntie smiled ingratiatingly and said:"Xiaoliang, will I have the chance to ride on your tractor in the future?"

What's the use of riding a tractor?

There is not much place to farm in the village these days. What we really want is to use the tractor to help transport things!

The situation at the moment really proves the saying that if one person succeeds, the whole family will prosper!

He Liang, who was once inconspicuous among the descendants of the He family, is now fawned over by the villagers because of his identity as a driver.

Looking at the eager eyes of the aunt, He Liang felt so happy.

However, He Liang did not really get carried away and act on his own.

He took this opportunity to show off, but he knew in his heart that the real person in charge was He Qiang!

Looking at the inquiring eyes of his second brother, He Qiang said directly to the villagers:"This car is not actually mine. My father-in-law borrowed money from the bank to buy it after building a brick factory. Otherwise, how could my family have the money to buy a tractor!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of the villagers suddenly changed unpredictably.

Some were disappointed, some were surprised, and some were even secretly delighted.

But He Qiang changed the subject and said,"The tractor is mainly used for the production work of the brick factory, but if it's on the way and there's space on the car, it's only right to give the villagers a ride. However, He Liang and I both work for my father-in-law, so I can't decide how to use this car at will. I hope the villagers can understand!"

Seeing this, He Liang also hurriedly said,"Yes, although I'm a driver, I'm also an office worker and can't make decisions for the boss. I'll help if I can, and if I can't, I hope the villagers can understand! It's getting late, it's time to go home for dinner, everyone please make way!"

Although he was still savoring the feeling of being the center of attention, He Liang knew that if he continued like this, things would not be good.

He knew very well that his current 'status' was all thanks to his younger brother He Qiang! Now that he was in the spotlight, it was time for him to slip away!

He couldn't make things difficult for his younger brother.

The tractor passed through the crowd and finally stopped at the entrance of the brigade.

The dirt road reserved by the team was not very spacious, and He Qiang was afraid that He Liang might accidentally drive into the fields and not be able to drive to his doorstep.

In fact, He Liang felt a little nervous, so he simply borrowed the donkey to drive the tractor downhill into an open space at the entrance of the brigade.

Behind the entrance to the open space was the home of the brigade leader Liu Qiang, so there was no need to worry about anyone in the team getting angry and causing trouble.

At this time, the entire He family, who had been waiting for a long time, finally gathered around.

He Yongjun didn't even look at his son, he just walked over briskly and stood in front of the car to look at the tractor

""Great, really great!"

He Yongjun kept repeating as he watched, his eyes full of joy and his mouth wide open.

Grandma He supported He Qiang and asked him about his health,"Are you tired after being out for so many days?"

He Qiang felt the care from his grandmother and felt very happy.

"Not tired!"

He Qiang approached Grandma He and said obediently:"Grandma, the tractor has been solved, and the brick factory has been registered. We are just waiting for it to be built and started." After hearing this, Grandma He smiled and said:"Okay, okay, okay! Let's go home first! Have dinner first."

He Qiang turned his head to glance at his old father and two uncles behind him, and asked in a low voice:"Are you not waiting for them?"

"Look, their eyes are almost glued to the tractor. How long are you going to wait for them? When they are no longer interested in the tractor, they will know to go home."

Mrs. He's tone was full of disdain, but her eyes were full of joy and her face was full of pride.

""Xiaoliang, take us for a walk, hurry up!"

He Yongjun urged his nephew.

And it was not only He Yongjun, the other two brothers also thought so, and they all fell into the truck bed.

Although the three brothers have grandchildren, they are still full of interest in the tractor, a big treasure.

"Sit down, everyone!"

Although He Liang was hungry, he was very excited and obviously didn't plan to leave now.

Seeing this, He Qiang had no choice but to walk over and say hello to the captain Liu Qiang and his family.

""Qiang boy, come and sit more often when you are free. Your sister-in-law, brother-in-law and Quanyou often talk about you!"

Liu Qiang had a kind face. He didn't have the airs of a team leader at all. He was just like an elder who cared for the younger generation.

Liu Quanfu also took the opportunity to pull He Hui and whispered:"Qiang boy, your brother-in-law doesn't have much ability. I will rely on you in the future. Will you take me with you?"

He Hui also echoed the words:"What are you talking about? Qiang boy is one of our family. When has he not thought about us? He reserved your mountain specially for you!"

Liu Quanfu said apologetically:"Yes, yes, I am not good at talking. Qiang boy, don't take it seriously with me. Anyway, if you need me to do anything in the future, just let me know!"

He Qiang smiled as he watched the Liu family finish their performance, and then said politely:"We are all family. We can make money together. Sister, I will go back today and come to visit you later!"

The polite words must be spoken openly, and Liu Qiang's family had indeed helped the He family a lot in the past because of their past friendship and He Hui's face.

Especially when He Qiang was able to get a leisurely position in the big pot era, it was also a big favor.

Although when the mountains and forests were divided into plots, the benefits had long been greater than the past favors, but this is how it is in the countryside, and it is inevitable to encounter these things when you have to deal with relatives and friends.

Anyway, He Qiang has a scale in his heart, and there is no problem with taking relatives and friends to drink soup, after all, there is no end to making money.

But if relatives and friends want more, it depends on their performance.

Anyway, He Qiang would not do anything self-sacrificing.

If these relatives became arrogant after drinking the soup and lost their ability, he could make sure that they would not have any soup at all. Anyway,

He Qiang knew very well that these relatives who could help, knew themselves and knew what was going on were his good relatives.

If they could not help him and had no self-control, he would not think like Old Lady He that they were all relatives and he should just put up with it.

After saying goodbye to Liu Qiang's family, He Qiang followed Old Lady He back home.

He Tiantian had not seen her old father for a long time, and when she saw him at this moment, she rushed over with tears in her eyes.


He Tiantian walked with her short legs, her voice trembling as she ran, and a long sound came out.

He Qiang picked her up with a doting look on his face, hugged her and gave her a deep kiss, saying:

"Do you miss your daddy?"

He Tiantian hummed,"Yes!"

Wu Shuhua was quite envious and reminded his daughter in a low voice,"Come down first, and stick to your daddy after dinner!"

He Tiantian tilted her head and hummed,"No, I want my daddy!"

He Qiang smiled from ear to ear,"Then let Dad hold me, let's go and eat!"

He Tiantian had already eaten, she just wanted to act like a spoiled child in her old father's arms.

Second aunt Zhao Hui brought out the food from the stove and said with a smile,"I knew you were coming back today, so I made your favorite dishes."

Now the whole He family revolves around He Qiang. Everyone is happy to be nice to this most capable person.

He Qiang looked at the table full of his favorite dishes and couldn't help but salivate.

Grandma He looked at her adorable grandson eating with relish and couldn't help but talk about his recent situation:"Your new house is already under construction. The soldiers in the army are really hardworking. They work more efficiently than the masters. It looks like your new house will be completed before the autumnal equinox."

He Qiang swallowed the food in his mouth and tried to speak again, but he choked accidentally and patted his chest.

"Eat slowly and have a drink of water."

Zhao Hui handed the water to He Qiang and patted his back to relieve his anger.

Old Mrs. He also said with a distressed look on her face:"Don't rush to eat, there is still a lot of time, at most you can light a candle later."

He Qiang took several sips of water, and after relieving his anger, he thanked his second aunt and said:"Is there enough money at home? We have to find someone to build a brick kiln later."

Old Mrs. He smiled and said:"Your uncle and second uncle have to pay too. The family is not relying on you alone. Don't worry, the money from the brick factory will not affect it, it will definitely be enough."

He Qiang nodded, agreeing with what Old Mrs. He said:

"The brick kiln must be built as soon as possible. This is more urgent than my house. The sooner it is built, the sooner I can make money. When I have money, I can build a better house."

After hearing this, Mrs. He was full of approval and was quite satisfied with her grandson's mind.

Only with such clear thinking can he lead the He family to a prosperous road.

A weak soldier makes a weak general. Mrs. He knows too well the importance of the leader of a large family.

The more clever He Qiang is, the more she trusts him.

When the brick factory is completed, she plans to officially announce He Qiang's status at home.

The only long-cherished wish she has left in the second half of her life is to be able to protect He Qiang while she is still alive and to completely confirm He Qiang's leadership position in the He family.

As for her three sons, Mrs. He has no hope at all.

"My dear, you have to give more advice to the people at home in the future, their brains are not as quick as yours! Don't be afraid that it is difficult to say anything just because they are the elders. If anyone dares to show your temper in a serious matter, just tell me!"

Grandma He admonished He Qiang with a loving face.

He Qiang smiled and replied obediently:"Grandma, everyone in the family is of one mind now, and we can discuss everything. You can rest assured. When the brick factory is repaired and we start selling to make money, our whole family will live a prosperous life!"

Grandma He smiled from ear to ear. She liked He Qiang from before because of his little mouth that could coax people. Now he can coax people and has the ability, which makes her even more happy.

Thinking of the good days in the future, Grandma He's eyes showed a glimmer of longing.

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