In the evening, after dinner, He Qiang went to the backyard to check on the livestock at home.

It's okay for bamboo rats and rabbits to eat ordinary feed, after all, they are captive meat animals.

He Qiang is mainly concerned about the recent situation of the little mare.

This is the number one labor force in the family!

Although he prepared a lot of fodder for the little mare before he left, the weather caused serious heat loss, and the taste of the fodder would definitely deteriorate.

Sure enough, the little mare felt He Qiang's return and immediately became a little restless. It used its hooves to dig the ground of the pigpen and made a small neigh to express its dissatisfaction to He Qiang, the boss. There was a hint of resentment and grievance in the voice, as if saying:"Master, why did you come back just now? My stomach has been rumbling for a long time."

Doing farm work at home every day, but eating stale fodder, this made the little mare who was used to eating fresh"irrigated" green feed extremely uncomfortable.

The loyal number one employee was full of resentment because of the poor food recently.

He Qiang stroked the little mare's neck and soothed her emotions:

"I'll take you to the mountains for a good meal later. Just bear with it for tonight!"

The mare snorted, obviously missing the delicious fresh 'irrigated' grass.

He Tiantian was forced into Wu Shuhua's arms and kept twisting. Her little body was like a slippery fish, desperately trying to break free from Wu Shuhua's arms.

"Dad, Dad! Niuniu wants to go too, Niuniu wants to go too!"

He Tiantian hasn't seen her old father for many days. At this moment, she wants to stick to him and hug him with her little hands. Wu

Shuhua hugged her daughter tightly and refused to let go.

She felt a little jealous because He Qiang had taken He Tiantian to the mountains several times, but she herself had never been there once.

"You haven't taken me to the mountains, but Niu Niu has been there several times."

Wu Shuhua's tone was filled with complaints, grievances, and a hint of coquetry.

He Qiang looked at Wu Shuhua with a smile and tears, and looked at his wife with a doting look, and said helplessly:"Why are you arguing with a child? Your husband will cherish you in the future, be good, don't make trouble!"

Wu Shuhua refused to admit it. She said stubbornly:"Niu Niu is going to play, I can help you. How could I make trouble!"

He Tiantian was dissatisfied and waved her little fists, trying to break free from Wu Shuhua's arms, and shouted angrily:"Niu Niu didn't play! Niu Niu also helped Daddy!" The little girl's voice was full of grievances and dissatisfaction. She felt that she was ignored, and at this moment she was showing her anger with her teeth and claws.

Unfortunately, neither of the two adults cared about the little girl's anger.……


He Qiang scratched his head.

Why did he need help? He already had the mare and the silly bear Fantong to carry the load. He was already good at cooking. If he took Wu Shuhua into the mountains, he would have to distract himself to take care of her.

The main thing was that with Wu Shuhua around, it would be inconvenient for him to use his supernatural powers to cross the terrain, and it would be very troublesome to travel in the mountains.

Besides, he couldn't explain to Wu Shuhua how he tamed a black bear and kept it in the mountains!

But his wife had objections, and He Qiang had to comfort her. She was pregnant, and she was the sacred animal of the family!

"I will take you with me. When you give birth to a child, I will take you with me when I go up the mountain in the future, okay?"

He Qiang simply said nonsense to Wu Shuhua.

""Where's Niu Niu, where's Niu Niu!"

He Tiantian shouted loudly in a soft and cute voice, holding up her chubby little hands, trying her best to show her presence. Her pair of bright, black eyes were full of anxiety and expectation.

He Qiang was so touched by his daughter's appearance, how could he bear to let her down?

One sheep was to be driven away, and two sheep were to be let go. He Qiang nodded frantically and said,"Let's all go, let's go to the mountains together as a family in the future!"

After all, when the second child is born, the alpine ranch plan will have been completed long ago, and then it will be like taking Wu Shuhua into the mountains to hunt together.

Anyway, after going a few more times, Wu Shuhua will feel bored, and naturally he will not mention it again.

After sleeping in the same bed for many years, He Qiang still knows his wife very well.

Now just perfunctorily do this, and it will pass the test!

Sure enough, after listening to He Qiang's promise, Wu Shuhua smiled and said happily,"That's about right!"

As expected, pregnant women will become stupid. They even forget to breastfeed the baby... He Qiang complained silently in his heart. After a night's rest at home, He Qiang got up early the next day.

After breakfast, he led the mare to the mountain.

Old Mrs. He said with concern:"You are planning to go into the mountains again right after you come back. Don't you want to take a rest?""

"Now I can't help with other things if I stay at home, so why not go into the mountains and have a look, maybe we can gain something?"

He Qiang said casually.

He has been away for so long, it's time to see the changes in the mountains.

Maybe the berry forest and the basswood forest will brew some surprises for him during this time. Besides, he has accumulated a lot of energy from strange stones recently, which is enough for him to develop his alpine pasture again.

After saying goodbye to his family, He Qiang quickly came to the mountains with the mare.

After not going into the mountains for a long time, the mare was in high spirits after returning to the forest. The little pony was even more happy to play in the woods.

Soon approaching the basswood forest, He Qiang's perception captured a group of targets from a distance.

As the vague emotions in the perception came, He Qiang knew that it was his old friend, the golden monkey family.

This group of cute The guys haven't seen He Qiang for a long time. Because they have established a vague"contractual" relationship with him and sensed that he has returned to the linden forest, they all happily came to him to reminisce about the past.

Since migrating to the linden forest, because of He Qiang, they are no longer threatened by natural enemies and they all live very comfortably.

Moreover, because the linden forest was"irrigated" by He Qiang, the food produced here also made the golden monkeys reluctant to leave, and they obviously intend to settle here completely.

Looking at the old friends around him, He Qiang also showed a happy smile.

Recently, he has been busy competing with his father-in-law in the city, or socializing. Now he can finally return to the mountains and feel the pure and primitive nature.

""Little guy, your little heart seems to have grown a lot!"

He Qiang flicked the little male monkey's 'little heart' in a mean way, and took out a handful of dried fruits as compensation in the face of the other party's innocent expression.

These were sent by Song Guoqiang to supplement Wu Shuhua's nutrition, but there were some that Wu Shuhua didn't like to eat, so he stuffed them into He Qiang as snacks when he went up the mountain.

Men are women's leftovers and trash cans. He Qiang has long been aware of this. Whatever Wu Shuhua stuffed into him, he would take it. Anyway, if he didn't eat it, he could give it to the animals in the mountains. If the golden monkeys don't eat it, they can feed it to the rice bucket. If the rice bucket doesn't eat it, there are still those pigs to eat...

The poor and helpless little golden monkeys suffered harassment from He Qiang. Although they got compensation, they were obviously not very interested in these dried fruits.

It is estimated that the seasoning was added too much, which made these cute guys look very disgusted.

After all, they eat the 'irrigated' food from the linden forest every day, so it's not surprising that they have become picky eaters.

""Okay, little guys, go and play by yourselves!"

After playing with the golden monkeys for a while, He Qiang began to inspect the situation in the linden forest.

Because the species that He Qiang"irrigated" here were fewer and more single, there were not many species that chose to migrate to the linden forest, mainly birds, insects, and a small number of small animals that preyed on insects.

Primates like golden monkeys did not have new residents.

He Qiang did not care about this. Anyway, he used this linden forest to produce honey in the beginning, so even if no new animals moved in, it would not affect him.

However, due to the increase in insects, the harm to the linden trees has also become prominent.

But so far, the living environment of the little bees has not been affected.

This group of little bees is natural. Eating the 'irrigated' nectar of the lime tree every day, they have become stronger and stronger recently, and can no longer be described as little bees!

This group of little bees are like fighter jets among bees. Even when facing their natural enemy, the hornets, they do not need to rely on the sea of bees tactics to kill the enemy like before.

Nowadays, these little bees no longer have to worry about natural enemies and can expand their population to their heart's content.

The nest that was separated before has now taken shape, and the original nest has now expanded in size.

Moreover, He Qiang discovered that a third new hive is being built. Although it is only as big as two fists, it is obviously a very good momentum. The production capacity of lime tree honey next year can obviously be doubled.

"We have to find some natural enemies of these pests. Birds alone are not enough. Otherwise, it will affect the growth of the linden trees and cause great losses."

He Qiang felt that he should go to the Environmental Protection Bureau to get a salary. After all, he has made great contributions to ecological protection. He prepared a lot of fresh green fodder for the mare.���He Qiang stayed in the linden forest and went to the berry forest.

From a distance, He Qiang felt the presence of the rice bucket.

However, the guy stayed in the same place without moving. I wonder if he was taking advantage of his boss's absence to slack off.

He Qiang was very dissatisfied with such shameful behavior. After entering the berry forest, he went straight to the place where the rice bucket was to check the situation.

Sure enough, the rice bucket was lying on a soft lawn, basking in the sun and taking a nap, and he didn't even notice He Qiang coming.

He Qiang could feel the satisfaction of the rice bucket from the connection of the"contract".

Obviously, letting this guy stay in the berry forest is like a mouse falling into a rice warehouse.

During the time when He Qiang was away, the rice bucket was very happy. He ate unlimited food every day. If he caught prey, he would eat meat. If he didn't catch prey, he would eat berries, insects and other foods.

The berry forest had been"irrigated" by He Qiang several times and was well developed. The food resources here were so rich that there was no worry about food and drink.

Where has the rice bucket enjoyed such a fairy-like life of eating every meal?

""Pah!" The sleeping glutton was suddenly attacked, and his fat buttocks were severely whipped. The pain directly woke up the sleeping black bear.

""Woo woo!!"

The glutton opened his mouth and roared, the sound was deafening.

He ground his teeth angrily, and when he opened his mouth, his sharp canine teeth were exposed, and he was going to use his big mouth with amazing bite force to teach the guy who was blind enough to disturb his sleep a lesson.

His nose moved, sniffing the smells around, wanting to see who was so bold as to disturb his sweet dream.

However, when the glutton smelled that familiar smell, the whole bear froze suddenly.

If the glutton could speak, perhaps he would definitely shout tremblingly at this moment:"Old, boss, why are you back?……"

Xiongxiong was so scared that his ears shrank.

He obviously knew that he was going to be in trouble.

He Qiang looked at Fantong expressionlessly. At this moment, the man and the bear were facing each other, and the atmosphere fell into silence.

At this moment, Fantong was like a child who was caught by an adult for doing something wrong. He lowered his round bear head for a while, and his pair of green bean eyes looked around and seemed at a loss.

"Do you still want to retire alive? Do you still have any sense of responsibility as an employee? Do you still regard the company as your own home? Is this how you go to work? I think you are planning to pay your debt with bear bile!"

He Qiang scolded Fan Tong.

Fan Tong lay there obediently and took the scolding, not daring to breathe.

""Where's the backpack? Where did you throw it? Find it back quickly!"

He Qiang cursed and gave instructions to Fan Tong.

Of course, Fan Tong didn't understand human language, but because he had a 'contract' connection with He Qiang, he understood what he meant and immediately went to find the backpack he had thrown away.

After He Qiang put the backpack on Fan Tong again, he took him to patrol the berry forest.

After He Qiang's upgrading and transformation, the berry forest is larger in area than the basswood forest.

The animal ecology here is also obviously more comprehensive. Although the smell of the large predator Fan Tong has made some territorial predators dare not approach, there are still many small and medium-sized predators that are attracted to settle here.

There are even more herbivores and insectivorous animals.

The group of wild boars driven here by He Qiang to graze seemed to have entered a paradise. Generally.

All the areas here have been"irrigated" by He Qiang, and all the vegetarian rations in the wild boars' food are in it.

Plant tubers, roots, rich berries, and even various insects are so many that the pigs can't eat them all!

Those little piglets have grown up a lot in just a few days!

As for the black bear Fan Tong, the wild boars have recently become accustomed to each other under the leadership of several big pigs.

Both parties are animals that have a"contract" with He Qiang, and they do not invade each other, which is quite harmonious.

Now that He Qiang has brought the black bear to visit, several big pigs even hummed and rubbed their heads against He Qiang to show their affection.

However, the little piglets seem a little afraid of He Qiang because they have no contract.

If it weren't for the leadership of the big pigs, the little piglets might have already hidden themselves.

"Not bad, not bad, they are growing well, we can kill them and eat their meat later, if they grow bigger they won’t be tasty anymore."

He Qiang touched the old sow, but he was thinking about how to kill their piglets.

The old sow didn’t understand what people said, and she happily continued to use her pig head to nudge He Qiang…

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