After inspecting the berry forest, He Qiang communicated with Fan Tong.

Although the silly black bear started to slack off after He Qiang left, he still patrolled back and forth between the pasture and the berry forest.

The bison that He Qiang caught did not encounter other natural enemies and lived a comfortable life.

"Have you recently sensed the smell of a beast like you?"

He Qiang conveyed his meaning to Fan Tong in his heart through the contract.

Fan Tong let out a low howl and reported to He Qiang what he had seen recently.

Of course, he did not encounter any large beasts, only many animals smaller than it.

Although it was a pity, He Qiang did not feel surprised.

After all, large predators have a strong sense of territory. Unless there is a shortage of food or estrus, they generally will not disturb each other.

Considering the limited time today, He Qiang did not go deep into the area where the deep mountain ranch is located, but planned to open up a new"irrigation area".

Recently, he saved a lot of money. The energy of a few days is enough to open up an irrigation area of several hundred square meters.

This time, he plans to plant some cash crops first.

However, medicinal materials are still not He Qiang's first choice.

Under normal circumstances, the quality and price of medicinal materials are relatively stable, and the key to price fluctuations comes from supply and demand.

For example, the top-grade medicinal materials are sold at high prices, which are mostly hype, not because of any peerless elixir.

He Qiang knows very well that his ability can be used to grow precious medicinal materials such as ginseng, which will have a good effect, but once that thing involves wholesale, he will be exposed.

Top-grade ingredients have a special ecological environment, natural style The taste can fool people.

After all, many top-quality ingredients on the market are really created by special environments.

Moreover, the environment cannot fully explain it, and you can also learn from Xiaori’s marketing tricks, do some artificial massage, drink natural spring water, feed red wine and so on to continue fooling people.

Everyone thought it was quite reasonable, so naturally there was no idea to delve into it.

After all, ingredients are just a pleasure for the appetite, but medicinal materials are things that can cure diseases and save lives. The effect is too outstanding, and the output is stable. How can this not attract other people’s attention! ?

Therefore, He Qiang never planned to touch the medicinal material business.

This time, He Qiang is the cash crop in the irrigation area. The plan is to cultivate Sichuan pepper first.

There are many of these things growing naturally in the mountains, and they are also one of the spices that people in the southwest love very much.

People say that pepper is the king of spices, but in the southwest, everyone recognizes Sichuan pepper the most.

This thing has the bonus of irrigation, so it naturally has the potential to become a top spice.

In later generations, even salt has products that cost thousands of yuan per pound, so it seems that there is nothing wrong with him making some Sichuan pepper that is more expensive than silver.

At most, when promoting it, they can say that it was picked by unmarried girls. If not, they can add some BUFFs, such as picking it manually on the edge of a cliff. It is sold so expensively because they have to provide large insurance for their employees!

"A pound of first-grade dried Sichuan peppercorns costs more than three yuan. It is a bit difficult to sell them at the same price as silver now. But after the market opens up, I will have the final say on how to sell them. It is not impossible that the price will be higher than gold by then!"

He Qiang thought about the top-grade ingredients that were like coquettish sluts in the future, and made a decision in his heart.

He had to make a penny from the rich people's money!

It's no fun to cheat the poor, so if you want to cheat, cheat the rich!

""What are you doing? Have you eaten too much recently and can't walk? If you don't hurry up, I'll deduct your salary!"

He Qiang scolded the rice bucket that was carrying the prickly ash tree on his back. The rice bucket howled in grievance.

It was too heavy.

Although the prickly ash tree is also a shrub, it can grow to several meters high. Even if the one He Qiang tied to it is only a little over three meters, it is still very heavy.

What's more, the branches and leaves of the prickly ash tree are covered with thorns. Every step it takes, those sharp thorns will poke it on its back. Compared with it, Lian Po's carrying a thorn to ask for forgiveness is nothing.

"Bullshit! Who told you to be lazy at work recently? Now you have to carry the prickly ash tree. That's all the work you owe! You don't work and want to stay in the berry forest and eat buffet every day? You are so beautiful!"

He Qiang scolded Fan Tong in a bad mood.

Fan Tong immediately whimpered in grievance and followed He Qiang obediently.

In fact, Fan Tong has a thick bear skin, and the thorns on the prickly ash tree only make it very uncomfortable, not to the extent of injury.

In addition to Fan Tong, no one else can do this.

After all, the mare's skin is not that thick. Besides, the mare is the diligent number one employee, how could He Qiang let her do such hard work?

He is a conscientious entrepreneur!


After working in the mountains for a long time, they transplanted only three Chinese prickly ash trees in total.

And Fan Tong was so tired that he fell down.

Seeing that he had exhausted Fan Tong's physical strength, He Qiang allowed him to go off work.

It was getting evening, and he should prepare to go down the mountain to go home for dinner.

So He Qiang returned to the linden forest, led the mare, put the grass prepared to take home for the livestock into the backpack and started the return journey.

But after walking for a while, a target suddenly jumped into He Qiang's perception.

The size was obviously smaller than that of a roe deer, which made He Qiang's heart suddenly jump.

He remembered what his eldest brother and others had said before, that they saw musk deer in the mountains.

"Could this be the musk deer that Big Brother and the others saw earlier!?"

Without any hesitation, He Qiang activated his supernatural power and tied it up tightly.

This guy was originally just alertly looking for food, but was suddenly entangled by the rising vegetation and was caught off guard and tied up like a dumpling.

Although the musk deer struggled desperately to escape, it was ultimately unsuccessful.

The flexible plants bound its limbs tightly, leaving him with a lot of strength but unable to use it.

He Qiang walked over with the mare, his heart full of expectations.

Although in terms of size, the guy he tied up is very likely to be a musk deer, but it is not certain, it may also be other animals.

"If this is a forest musk deer, I will be rich again."

He Qiang rubbed his hands excitedly, and at this moment, he was full of expectations as if he was waiting for the lottery.

If it is not a forest musk deer, then it is just an extra meal of meat, and the value of the leather will not be much higher, but if it is a forest musk deer... then you can get musk!

As a precious Chinese medicinal material, musk is a rare product with a very high market price.

Although He Qiang does not know the price of musk in this era, there are too many discussions about musk in later generations.

It is more expensive than gold, which is the most profound impression of everyone.

Gradually approaching with the little mare, you can see a patch of grass falling to the ground because of the struggle of this little guy. Crooked.

Closer and closer!

He Qiang pushed aside the knee-high weeds in front of him, widened his eyes, and finally saw the true face of the guy.

The guy had coarse and dark brown fur, and white hair from the chest to the neck. It looks like a deer but has no horns. Its appearance is similar to that of a roe deer, but it has a pair of fangs protruding from its lips.

There's no escape!

It's a musk deer!

He Qiang saw this guy, whose scientific name is Musk Deer, many times when he was watching short videos in his later years.

That pair of fangs is the characteristic of male Musk Deer!

This time it's settled.

He Qiang secretly congratulated himself, his luck was really great!

Musk is only found in male musk deer. If you catch a female, it would be a waste.

""Woo woo!"

Lin Musk's dark eyes were filled with horror as he looked at He Qiang, the uninvited guest, and he let out a series of wailing sounds.

"Hahaha, now I feel comfortable. Let me see your baby, little deer!"

He Qiang walked towards the musk deer, making a strange laugh, which gave people the feeling that a strange uncle was about to do something unspeakable to the beautiful girl.

Although the poor and helpless musk deer struggled frantically, it could not escape He Qiang's clutches at all.

The weeds that tightly bound the musk deer pulled its hind legs apart under He Qiang's control.

Although the posture was extremely indecent, He Qiang watched with relish.

There was a sac between the little ding Ding and the belly button of this little musk deer, which looked bulging.

He Qiang's eyes lit up. This sac was the small sac for taking musk.

Looking at the bulging appearance, I'm afraid that a lot of musk was stored in the sac.

As a person who believes in the theory of sustainable development, He Qiang did not intend to kill the musk deer to take the musk.

After taking the musk, He Qiang planned to take it back to the berry forest to raise it first, and then take it back to the alpine pasture later.

Although musk deer are solitary animals, He Qiang has plenty of ways to raise them in the natural environment!

"Little deer, although you are just an animal, you still have to be clean, right? How can you not clean up so many dirt? Come on, today, Boss He, I will do a good deed and help you remove dirt for free!"

He Qiang chuckled, and in the horrified eyes of the little musk deer, he directed a slender plant to drill into the mouth of the sachet.

This plant controlled by He Qiang was specially selected by him, and there was no risk of scratching the little musk deer. Especially under the control of supernatural powers, the process of extracting musk was even safer than manual extraction.

After all, compared to those thick and hard sticks, the flexible plant under the control of He Qiang did not even need to stretch the mouth of the sachet to extract musk using clever strength.

This greatly increased the safety of extracting incense.

After all, the musk deer's sachet is an important organ for it to produce musk. If the inner wall is injured or infected, it will affect the production of musk in the second year.

Musk is more valuable than gold, and any less is a huge loss.

In the future, the population with a monthly salary of less than 10,000 yuan will account for more than 90%. Because the sachet is damaged during the process of extracting incense, it affects the production next year. The loss can be a month's salary for a poor worker!

"It's quite a lot!"

After taking out all the musk, He Qiang weighed the musk in the plastic bag in his hand and felt that it was quite a lot.

Looking at the musk that looked like soil, He Qiang felt that they all seemed to be shining with golden light.

After tying the bag and putting it in his pocket, He Qiang happily took the forest musk back to the berry forest, used his supernatural power to build a cage for the musk deer, and prepared some hay and water for it before setting off down the mountain.

Although this hassle prevented He Qiang from returning home before the sun sets, the harvest of musk was worth it.

When He Qiang led the little When the mare walked out of the hilltop, it was already very late, and even the outline of the hilltop was about to be completely swallowed up by the darkness.

As the sun continued to set, the colors in the sky became darker and darker.

The remaining sky was almost completely dark, and only the few rays of afterglow were still shining tenaciously.

The He family had been waiting anxiously for a long time, and it was almost eight o'clock.

He Tiantian was sitting in the yard. She was not in the mood to play with the little rabbits at the moment. She asked her mother listlessly:"Why hasn't Dad come back yet? I want Dad to take me riding a horse!"

Wu Shuhua forced a smile and comforted his daughter:"Dad will be back soon, Niuniu, be good, wait for Dad quietly, and then Mom will let Dad come back to praise you!"

After hearing this, He Tiantian immediately nodded obediently and said:"Niuniu is the best!"

After comforting her daughter, Wu Shuhua couldn't comfort herself.

The worries in her heart were growing wildly like weeds. Wu Shuhua frequently looked up outside the yard, hoping to see her husband.

She sat at the door, looking at the dirt road outside the yard from time to time, her heart full of uneasiness.

Time passed minute by minute, and night gradually fell, but He Qiang still didn't show up.

Wu Shuhua's heart beat faster and faster, and she began to think wildly, worrying that something had happened to He Qiang.

Just as she was about to look for He Qiang, she finally saw a familiar figure appear on the dirt road in the distance.

He Qiang was walking slowly towards her, leading the mare.

Wu Shuhua's heart surged with joy and relief, and her tears almost flowed out. At this moment, she could no longer sit still, so she stood up and rushed towards He Qiang.

"Slow down, slow down, be careful with the child!"

He Qiang loosened the reins and rushed over, fearing that Wu Shuhua would fall.

After hearing this, Wu Shuhua ran over even more recklessly and got into He Qiang's arms.

It was rare to see Wu Shuhua take the initiative in public. He Qiang felt soft in his heart and whispered to his wife to comfort her:

"Okay, okay, I'm back."

Wu Shuhua buried her head in He Qiang's chest and complained to her man in a low voice:

"Why did you come back so late today? I was so worried."

Before He Qiang could say anything, He Tiantian's angry baby voice came from a distance:

"Ah, Mom, wait for me, wait for me!"

The couple looked up and saw He Tiantian running towards them with her short legs.

The little girl was so anxious that she was about to burst into tears when she saw the loving couple.

Finally, she ran to her old father, and He Tiantian grabbed her mother's trouser leg and jumped:

"Mom, you are so embarrassed. You are so old and you still need daddy to hold you. Daddy wants to hold Niuniu, mommy, don’t snatch her away!"

Wu Shuhua was unhappy and pouted,"This is my husband, I should hold him!"

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