He Qiang's generous attitude made He Yongjun feel dazed for a moment.

Not long ago, he was still working hard for his son, but now, in the blink of an eye, he has become inferior to his son.

He Yongjun felt a little unreal for a moment to receive such a valuable gift as musk.

Sadness and relief filled his heart. He wanted to say something nice to his son but couldn't bring himself to do it. After a long while, he muttered softly:

"Your father hasn't retired yet, so why should I ask you to subsidize me? I can do it myself."

Seeing that his old father didn't appreciate it, He Qiang felt fed up and said,"Isn't it enough for your son to show filial piety to you? You don't want me to show filial piety, right?"

He Yongjun was very happy when he heard it, but his expression remained unchanged and he said stubbornly,"You can maintain your good life like now, which is the greatest filial piety to me. You can keep this musk. It's so valuable. It would be great to keep it for emergency use in the future."

The older generation is always like this. They have experienced too many ups and downs, seen too many joys and sorrows, and are always worried that something unexpected will happen in the future.

They have experienced various difficulties and challenges such as war, famine, plague, natural disasters, etc., and each time they have made them feel the impermanence and hardship of life.

Although life is better now, they still maintain that diligence and frugality, and are still worried about the uncertainty of the future. But they have never relaxed their hearts, for fear that their family will encounter changes and return to farming life.

They know that anything in life may change, so they try their best to reserve all the supplies that can be used in case of emergency...

This is not groundless worry, but no one can foresee that the country after the reform can undergo such earth-shaking changes, and directly leap into the industrial age.

So He Qiang knew that it was impossible for He Yongjun to take the initiative to speak.

"All right, if you don't want it, I'll just sell it. The money I get will be counted as part of the three turns and one ring. If I say it's a gift to you, it's a gift to you."

He Qiang said it directly, with a look of finality.

This son-in-chief style made He Yongjun want to use his former prestige to teach this rascal who dared to climb the roof and tear down the tiles, but the next second, he reacted, now is not the past.

The situation at home has changed a long time ago. The idle rascal has become the most capable person in the family and even in the village. He is no longer the guy who annoyed him every day.

"I don't know when you will change your wasteful behavior! Such a good thing, but you have to sell it now!"

He Yongjun muttered to himself, but his words revealed a meaning of"whatever you want to do".

Obviously, He Yongjun had already agreed in his heart, but his arrogant mood made him pretend that he couldn't control you and let you do whatever you want, so as to"indulge" his son's wasteful behavior.

Grandma He looked at her son's shyness, but rarely did she protect her grandson and scold him. Instead, she smiled at the interaction between the younger generations, her eyes full of happiness.


The next day, He Qiang woke up happily and heard some noise outside the door.

He went out to check the progress of the new house, chatted with a few soldiers, handed them cigarettes, and went to the old house to have breakfast.

"When does your father-in-law plan to come to our place?"

Old Mrs. He asked He Qiang who was eating fermented steamed buns.

""I said before that I would call the village committee to inform them once I was settled, but now it seems that I haven't chosen a house yet."

He Qiang explained.

Wu Guowei would definitely not come to Gunziwan to live. After all, he had been in the countryside for so long, and he finally got out. How could he be willing to continue living in the countryside?

So it was agreed before that he would rent a house in the county.

For an old comrade like him, renting a house is definitely no problem. It depends on whether he likes the houses in the county.

"Your father-in-law said that he held a high position before?"

Grandma He asked He Qiang again,"Is he an easy person to get along with?"

The old lady was still a little worried that her grandson would suffer at the hands of his father-in-law, and even thought that if this really happened, she would try to compete with him when the two families met next time.

But obviously, Grandma He did not expect that He Qiang, the son-in-law, was so bold that he could compete with his father-in-law without her having to show up.

He Qiang said to Grandma He with a smile,"Grandma, my father-in-law is a good person, and it's a pleasure to get along with him!"

"It's OK as long as you get along well. We are such good grandsons. It's normal for them to like you."

Mrs. He had no doubts and smiled.

He Qiang is so promising and more capable than most people in the city. Even if Wu Guowei, the father-in-law, had a high status before, it is unreasonable for him to dislike such a son-in-law.

Mrs. He had no idea that He Qiang had secretly provoked his father-in-law several times.

Now He Qiang's old father-in-law is holding back and waiting for the day to resume work!

After breakfast, Mrs. He took He Qiang's hand and said,"Don't go to the mountains today, accompany me for a walk."

He Qiang was stunned after hearing this, then grinned and said,"Okay, I'm not going anywhere today, I'll just accompany grandma for a walk."

He Tiantian listened on the side, her eyes shining and said,"Niuniu will go too, Niuniu will go too!"

He Qiang agreed readily,"Okay, okay, I'll take you there, I'll take you there."

Wu Shuhua pursed her lips and stared at her man.

He Qiang suddenly felt his scalp tingling and a chill came over him. He turned his head and looked at his wife.

Suddenly, He Qiang realized.

His wife felt neglected!

"Xiaohua, how about you come with us today?"

He Qiang asked tentatively.

"Well, go ahead. Anyway, there is nothing for me to do at home recently."

Wu Shuhua didn't even bother to refuse politely and agreed directly.

He Qiang saw this and thought to himself that it was a close call.

He almost offended his wife. If he really ignored Wu Shuhua's decision not to let him go out with her and left her alone at home, she would not be able to sleep peacefully tonight. She might even have to sleep at the foot of the bed... Considering

He Qiang's family status, sleeping at the foot of the bed is already a very scary thing!

"It just so happens that Niu Niu hasn't come with me to visit my relatives for a long time, so let Xiaohua take her there to meet some people today."

Grandma He said to Wu Shuhua.

Wu Shuhua thought for a moment and said,"I remember that the last time I went to visit your relatives, Niu Niu was less than one year old, right?"

Grandma He smiled and said,"Yes, Xiaohua, you have a really good memory."

He Tiantian blinked her eyes and asked in a baby voice,"Why doesn't Niu Niu remember it?"

Grandma He smiled and hugged He Tiantian into her arms and said,"Niu Niu was very young at that time, you certainly can't remember it, and you haven't been there since then." He Tiantian looked confused, and she obviously didn't understand why she didn't remember anything when she was a child.

But soon, He Tiantian's attention shifted to her old father.

Because He Qiang had finished breakfast

""Let's go, let's go ride a tractor!"

He Qiang called to his daughter.

He Tiantian immediately raised her hands excitedly and cheered:"Great! Let's ride a tractor! Daddy, I want to ride a horse!"

The little girl wanted to summon a mount, but she didn't expect that her old father would refuse her request today.

""Niuniu, be good. Daddy will help grandma today, so you go with mommy!"

He Qiang explained to his daughter.

He Tiantian was a little disappointed, but she still answered honestly,"Okay, then Niuniu, go with mommy."

Wu Shuhua was quite resentful when he saw his daughter's reluctance.

This little girl is getting less and less cute!

The family went out in a mighty manner and headed straight for the open space at the entrance of the brigade.

He Liang had been waiting in the car for a long time. When he saw Grandma He coming, he immediately greeted her respectfully:

"Good morning, grandma."

Grandma He smiled and nodded to He Liang, saying,"Good morning, good morning. Drive slowly and steadily on the way there today. Don't worry, there's plenty of time."

Speaking of driving, He Liang became excited!

Facing Grandma He's gaze, He Liang held his head high and assured,"Don't worry, grandma, I'll make sure I drive steadily and quickly! I'm familiar with the road to Dongquan Village!"

Seeing the confident look on He Liang's face, Grandma He was also very happy. Instead of criticizing him, she encouraged him:

"Then drive well. Today, grandma will see how well you have learned."

Although she particularly favors He Qiang, He Liang and his brothers are her grandchildren after all.

In the past, no one in the family had a promising future. Grandma He saw it and was anxious.

Now, not only is He Qiang capable, but he can also lead the family to prosperity. Even He Liang, a half-filled and clunky boy, can now stand up straight in the village. How can she not be happy?

He Liang happily helped He Qiang to help the old lady get on the truck bed, and then quickly climbed onto the driver's seat.

The moment He Liang showed his skills, a figure flashed through He Qiang's mind in a trance, and at the same time, a sentence echoed - waist and horse are one!

Fortunately, He Liang was getting on the car instead of getting off, otherwise he was really worried that he would fall to the ground.……

""Hold on tight! Let's go!"

He Liang shouted, shifted the gears and drove off, looking very high-spirited.

Old Lady He sat in the truck bed, also smiling, and her temperament was much more flamboyant.

Before she married into the He family, she was also a lady born in a wealthy family.

She was raised by others.

Before, the money He Qiang made from the mountains every day was not enough to make Old Lady He interested.

Or Old Lady He felt that the time was not right.

Now that the tractor has finally driven home, it can be said that the time is ripe! Even

Old Lady He, who has been calm all her life, now wants to show off to the villagers. With the opening of the brick factory imminent, Old Lady He knows that the He family's soaring momentum can no longer be stopped. This time, it's time to be completely proud!

That's why He Liang drove the tractor to take her to meet those relatives, just to let everyone see how glorious He Qiang is now!

When the tractor drove onto the country road, the villagers who helped to build the road came to greet the family one after another.

He Liang did not receive any instructions, but silently changed the gear to a lower gear and reduced the speed.

No one in the car urged, but took this opportunity to chat with the villagers who came over to talk.

Old lady He sat on the truck bed, just like the old ladies in the"Rural Intelligence Station" in later generations, talking to the villagers in a flurry. Come.

He Qiang didn't even try to steal the limelight from Old Lady He. He sat quietly aside the whole time, acting as a well-behaved junior.

Although the old lady looked happy every time he saw her in his previous life, it was not until now that He Qiang realized that the old lady actually had pursuits in her heart. The importance she attached to the family background was actually engraved in her heart. It was just that she had no hope before, so she buried the idea completely in her heart.

In this life, he let Old Lady He see the hope of the He family's rise, so Old Lady He was finally able to stop playing the image of the rural old woman.

He Qiang could see that Old Lady He had now turned back into the young lady she used to be. She can now start to let her temper run wild.

For example, today, she would never have been able to show off to her relatives in such a grand manner in the past.

But now it is different. With the confidence given by He Qiang, the old lady can be a little more unrestrained.

However, He Qiang is actually very happy about the old lady's behavior.

Because He Qiang knows that the reason why Old Lady He is so angry with those relatives is because of him.

That time when he carried He Tiantian to visit relatives, it was because one of Old Lady He's cousins ridiculed He Qiang a few words, which made Old Lady He quarrel with him at the table.

At that time, He Qiang���He Qiang still remembers the sarcastic words of his cousin, and has not forgotten his expression.

The old lady is now eager to take him back to show off, but in fact, she also wants to clear his name.

"Well, it’s not enough to just show off, I have to make some people regret it!"

He Qiang muttered to himself.


"Old Zhou, your sister's family is getting more and more prosperous now. People everywhere say that they are rich. Their relatives are now making money as well. Why don't you apologize to your sister?"

In Dongquan Village, an old woman complained quietly to the old man lying in the yard smoking.

After hearing this, Old Zhou slammed his pipe on the armrest of the recliner and shouted angrily:"You believe everything you hear. You know nothing about women! If that second-rate guy can have any future, I will just fry fish with my hands!" After being scolded, the old woman whispered:"Yes, yes, you have a good vision, but after a lifetime of wandering around, your children still have to farm. Not only your children, but your grandchildren have to farm too. When will this life end?"

Old Zhou kept silent after hearing this. At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside.

The old woman stopped a villager curiously to ask, but the answer he got shocked him a little.

"What? My sister is driving a new tractor into the village?"

The old woman's cry startled Old Zhou, and the pipe in his hand fell to the ground.

"Where did the new tractor come from? Impossible!"

Old man Zhou's eyes were full of disbelief.

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