A brand new tractor drove into Dongquan Village, and the small village instantly became bustling.

The roar of the tractor broke the tranquility of the village, attracting villagers to run out of their homes, looking at this big guy curiously.

They looked at this modern machine in amazement. It has a bright appearance, a shining metal shell, huge tires and a powerful engine that make people marvel at its powerful power.

The children gathered around the tractor, touching it curiously, with excitement flashing in their eyes.

They were full of curiosity about this new gadget and kept asking the driver various questions.

The young driver was also an enthusiastic guy. Facing the children's questions, he did not feel impatient. Instead, he happily mingled with a group of children.

"Look, this is the accelerator, this is the brake, and this is the clutch.……"As He Liang was talking, he pointed out the various parts of the tractor and explained them to the kids.

The kids didn't understand at all, but they listened with great interest.

One dared to listen, the other dared to teach, and He Liang got started right away.

"Come on, watch carefully, the ones ahead, go faster, I'll show you!"

He Liang said, shifting gears and stepping on the accelerator.

The tractor made a roar and then slowly drove forward.

"Oh! It's moving!"

A group of children cheered and followed the tractor.

Tractors are definitely the romance of men in this era, and they are popular with both adults and children!

He Liang had a lot of fun playing with them, and the family sitting in the truck bed did not stop him.

He Qiang knew very well that the old lady came back just to show off to some relatives.

More and more villagers came to watch the fun, and finally someone saw something.

"Hey, isn't this Zhou Sanmei? Why is she on the tractor?"

"Zhou Sanmei? Is this the married sister of Zhou Laosi?"

"That's right, didn't she come to our place several years ago? I remember that young man was her grandson."

"That little girl is so pretty, is she his grandson's wife?"

Finally, an old man remembered Old Lady He, so a group of villagers from Dongquan Village gathered together to discuss it.

Although the Zhou family was also rich in the past.

But after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Zhou family was moved to Dongquan Village and settled down, and gradually became no different from an ordinary family. After

Old Lady He married to Gunziwan, she didn't go home often, because the marriage arranged by the Zhou family for Old Lady He was not with Old Master He.

At that time, the Zhou family wanted Old Lady He to marry the son of a small section chief in the county as a daughter-in-law.

As a result, Old Lady He met Old Master He by chance. The two fell in love with each other and finally got married.

So in the first ten years of their marriage, Mrs. He’s relationship with her natal family was very strained.

It was only when they were older that the Zhou family members gradually reconciled, but they were still full of conflicts.

Many members of the Zhou family attributed the decline of the Zhou family to Mrs. He.

They believed that if Mrs. He had married the son of the section chief, at least the Zhou family would not be getting worse and worse.

So, when Old Man Zhou came out with his wife and saw his sister, his whole mood suddenly became excited.

"How is it possible? How is it possible to come here on a tractor? They must have borrowed it! They must have!"

Old Zhou felt that he had seen through the truth, and the resentment in his heart surged up again.

This sister had caused suffering to the Zhou family in the past, and now she still did not repent, and she also wanted to return to her mother's house to find a sense of existence.

Old Zhou was extremely disgusted with his sister's behavior. He snorted coldly and walked over slowly.

Sitting in the truck bed, reminiscing with some old villagers from Dongquan Village, Old Lady He watched her brother's figure slowly approaching, and her eyes flashed with an inexplicable luster.

Back then, it was Zhou Laosi who took the lead in ridiculing He Qiang for being lazy and having no future.

As for the brothers and sisters above Old Lady He, they have passed away.

When a person dies, the light goes out, and after being buried, those debts will naturally be written off.

But Old Lady He has always kept Zhou Laosi, the living culprit, in mind.

Even if he is her own brother, Old Lady He actually does not have a good impression.

After all, they are just half-brothers.

A son born to a concubine, and she has never peed in the same pot with her.

"Zhou Laosi is here, come and see, your sister's family has become rich, she can even drive a new tractor to visit relatives"

"This tractor is much better than the one in the village. It's brand new. It's amazing."

"Fourth brother, you will be able to enjoy happiness with your sister in the future!"

But in fact, only the villagers who really know the details know that there is actually a conflict between the two siblings.

""Sister, you said you would come, so why did you borrow a tractor? Isn't it troublesome to pay back the favors you owe?"

Zhou Laosi came to the tractor and started to make fun of it.

This made the surrounding villagers a little stunned.

But after thinking about it, they felt that it was indeed the case.

After all, these days, privately owning a tractor seems like a fantasy.

Zhou Laosi said that it was borrowed, which is more reasonable.

After all, tractors are now owned by villages.

Many villages can't even afford to buy tractors.

"This tractor is not something you can borrow from somewhere. It belongs to our He family. Where else can you find such a good tractor outside?"

Old Mrs. He looked at her brother and refuted him indifferently.

As soon as she said this, there was a burst of exclamations.

"Did you really buy it yourself?"

"That's impossible. How can an individual afford a tractor?"

"Even if you don't eat or drink for decades, you still can't save enough money to buy a tractor!"

There were doubts, surprises, and envy.

Various discussions were clamoring.

Facing the noisy discussions, Zhou Laosi's face became more and more ugly.

""Sister, you've already gone back to your parents' home. There's no need to pretend for the sake of face. You said this is the He family's tractor, then what can the He family use to buy it?"

Zhou Laosi frowned and questioned his sister.

This also puzzled the villagers of Dongquan Village.

Yes, how could farmers save so much money to buy a tractor.

Seeing this, Grandma He said arrogantly:"You think it's not possible, that's just because you are short-sighted! My good grandson is capable, and my father-in-law is also capable. Now he and he have co-founded a brick factory in the county. What's so strange about buying a tractor by the way?"

This explanation immediately shocked everyone.

My goodness, does this mean that not only did they buy a tractor, but they even set up a brick factory?

How much money do you have to make? All the villagers couldn't imagine what that would be like.

They were envious.

But Zhou Laosi was different.

He had never seen his sister live so well.

"With your grandson's careless appearance, can he open a brick factory? Sister, you dare to tell any lie for the sake of face, right?"

Zhou Laosi's eyes were red, and he was panting heavily, trying to expose his sister's lies.

But although what Grandma He said was nine true and one false, Zhou Laosi could not refute it at all.

Because the only false thing was that the joint venture brick factory was false, and the brick factory was actually owned by the He family. Wu Guowei, He Qiang's father-in-law, was just a figurehead.

"It is not up to you to decide whether it is a lie or not."

Old Mrs. He sneered at her brother's helpless and furious look, and then said to the villagers:"The brick factory will continue to burn bricks in Gunziwan, and will need a lot of raw materials in the future. If the villagers want to make some money, they can dig some soil from the fields and sell it to us. The price is absolutely fair and affordable."

To make bricks, you need to dig soil from the fields. It is definitely not a good idea to keep digging in one field. This will not only reduce the fertility of the farmland, but also ruin a piece of land.

So Grandma He thought of the folks from her mother's side.

It doesn't matter where you collect the raw materials?

You can collect them in Gunziwan.

Before the output increased, there was actually no shortage of raw materials. Now it is nothing more than providing welfare to these old folks in Dongquan Village.

So for a while, the villagers didn't care about the conflict between the siblings, and came forward to ask about the price of the transaction.

For a while, Zhou Laosi was completely left aside and no one cared.

He Qiang looked at this old relative who scolded him for being useless, and a scornful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that his grandmother was busy, He Qiang simply walked over and said,"Uncle, this man has been here for so long, isn't it time to give him some water?"

Zhou Laosi looked at He Qiang, his nose was crooked with anger.

You, a junior, are teaching me how to do things?

Zhou Laosi wanted to get angry, but was stopped by his wife on the side.

"Old Zhou, they came all the way here, so why shouldn't we entertain them well?"

When Old Zhou heard his wife say this, he was immediately furious.

He really wanted to turn around and leave, and he didn't plan to entertain his sister's family at all.

But Old Zhou's wife realized the importance of He Qiang's family and tried desperately to repair the relationship between the two families.

Faced with the invitation of the elders, how could He Qiang not cooperate if he agreed to it and still angered Old Zhou?

So He Qiang called out to Wu Shuhua and others behind him:

"Xiaohua, tell grandma that our uncle asked us to come to his house for a visit!"

On the other side, Wu Shuhua saw the look on her husband's face and knew that he must have bad intentions.

But Wu Shuhua was too lazy to remind He Qiang to restrain himself. After all, she knew which side she was on.

Soon the He family returned to Zhou Laosi's home.

In the yard, Zhou Laosi's little great-grandson was playing with a spinning top. When he saw the delicate He Tiantian, he was stunned.

It is human nature to love beauty. Even children know that other children are cute and good-looking.

Zhou Laosi's great-grandson ran over and wanted to play with He Tiantian, but the little princess made him cry with just one sentence.

"I don't want to play with you, you're so ugly!"


Zhou Laosi's great-grandson ran into the house crying.

Seeing this, Zhou Laosi's face turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

But Zhou Laosi's wife smiled and didn't care.

"Come, sister, come in and have some water."

But Mrs. He did not appreciate it. Instead, she walked into the room coldly and said to Zhou Laosi:

"Where are Zhou Tao and Zhou Hai? Are they still working in the fields?"

Faced with his sister's inquiry, Zhou Laosi thought it was a waste of time to say half a word.

But Zhou Laosi's wife Wei Hong smiled and explained:"I'll go and call them back. Sister, please sit in the house for a while, I'll be back soon."

Soon, not only Zhou Laosi's grandsons Zhou Hai and Zhou Tao came back.

Even Zhou Laosi's son Zhou Weiguo came home.

The whole Zhou family gathered together, and Grandma He was finally satisfied.

""Old Four, I, as your elder sister, am not saying this to you! Xiao Hai and Xiao Tao are both so old, why are they still farming and doing these hopeless jobs? Don't you know how to find something for them to do?"

Grandma He suddenly scolded Zhou Old Four harshly.

This sudden change of attitude caught everyone off guard, especially the Zhou family, most of whom were stunned.

But only He Qiang knew that these were the words that Zhou Old Four used to scold him.

And now, Grandma He repeated these words to Zhou Old Four's descendants exactly as they were!

This hearty slap in the face made He Qiang couldn't help but want to applaud the operation.


It can only be said that I have underestimated Grandma He's temper in the past. Only now did He Qiang realize that this old lady with a kind face on weekdays could easily irritate people if she really wanted to.

Old Zhou As expected, Zhou Laosi's face turned pale and he was shaking all over.

Why did he let his grandson stay in the fields to work?

Is it because he doesn't want to?

No, it's because he doesn't have enough connections and strength.

Otherwise, who wouldn't want to change to a stable job and eat the government's food?

Now that his pain point has been poked, Zhou Laosi's eyes are a little red.

The younger generations didn't dare to get involved in the war between the two siblings, so they had to suppress their inner emotions and watch the show silently.

He Qiang took the opportunity to add insult to injury and said,"Uncle, you can't do this either. Who will farm in the soil all their lives? What's the future like that? Can you afford a tractor after farming for a lifetime?"

Hearing about the tractor again, Zhou Laosi was so angry that he wanted to jump up and down. But Wei Hong asked He Qiang and others with a shameless face,"Sister, don't keep us in suspense. Now that your good grandson is so talented, can you also think of a way to let the two cousins have a good way out?"

At this time, Mrs. He said with a look of surprise:

"What, let us help the two brothers Xiaohai and Xiaotao find a way out? I saw that when Lao Si mentioned Qiangwaer, he seemed to be very relevant. Why didn't he arrange any jobs for the two brothers Xiaohai? This shouldn't be the case!"

Old Mrs. He continued to speak in a sarcastic tone.

This made Zhou Laosi sick.

He ridiculed He Qiang just to make Old Mrs. He realize how wrong her decision to marry Mr. He was.

Of course, he naturally boasted a little when he said it, which was inevitable. Why did you take it seriously? At this time, Zhou Laosi wished he could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

""Sister, you know the situation at home. The old relationships no longer work. How can the fourth son find a job for the family? He even had to work in the fields to pick up crops!" Wei Hong did not hesitate to expose her husband's past.

In the face of actual interests, what does her husband's face mean?

Even if his face was swollen, it was a good thing to let this sister help find a job for her grandson!

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