After being punished by his own mother, He Yongjun's face froze.

He just used Tian Han as a shield.

After all, there was no way he could really learn how to do accounting.

And it has always been Old Lady He who has been in charge of the household accounts. It is not his turn to do accounting.

But now what Old Lady He said has forced He Yongjun into a corner.

His wife hasn't even married yet, but she is about to lose her rights as the future housekeeper.

And the most outrageous thing is that not only can he not be the housekeeper, but his future daughter-in-law has to do it.

Where can Zhao Linghua save face?

He Yongjun felt that he couldn't explain to her!

""Mom, haven't you always been the one to settle the family accounts? Why do you suddenly want Xiaohua to come? You've been doing well for so many years, there's no need!"

He Yongjun was a little panicked, and hurriedly complimented his mother on her virtuous housekeeping.

As the daughter-in-law, Wu Shuhua also hurriedly expressed her opinion at this time:

""Grandma, I've never managed a household before. I still have a lot to learn about this. Why don't you let Mother Zhao take care of it after she gets married?"

Although it was a second marriage, He Yongjun and her were childhood sweethearts, so they had an emotional foundation.

If she just watched the whole thing by herself, who knows what Zhao Linghua would think of her as a daughter-in-law after she got married.

If the future mother-in-law who married into the He family whispered in He Yongjun's ear, wouldn't she have died unjustly?

In the end, it would turn into a battle of who has a higher family status, even if she wins, what does it matter?

Wu Shuhua didn't want to cause a family turmoil because of such things.

"Xiaohua, let your grandmother take care of this account. Don't worry, Linghua is not that kind of person."

He Yongjun said to Wu Shuhua seriously.

But Mrs. He saw through her son's tricks at a glance and said unhappily:

"What accounts do you think our family can have for me to manage? I mean letting Xiaohua manage the accounts for the family business!

These are all earned by Qiangwaer with his own ability, and you, a foolish father, just need to enjoy the good life.

As for how to settle the accounts, Xiaohua should definitely do it!

When Linghua comes home in the future, it’s okay if she wants to take over my work, but some things are the accounts of Qiangwaer and Xiaohua’s own small family, and they can’t be mixed together.


No matter what kind of person it is, it’s just the right opportunity to talk it out, so that Zhao Linghua won’t have any thoughts that she shouldn’t have in the future.

He Qiang’s things belong to He Qiang, and the He family’s things belong to the He family.

The scope of Mrs. He’s tolerance for Zhao Linghua is that she is only allowed to deal with her and He Yongjun’s small family.

The money that He Qiang gets from the brick factory and other places can only be managed by Wu Shuhua, and Zhao Linghua can’t interfere!

""Mom, don't worry. No one can take Qiang'er's things. As his father, I will definitely protect them for him! Don't worry. Although Linghua hasn't been in contact with you for many years, she is not a bad person. She doesn't have so many evil thoughts and will never reach out for anything!"

Seeing his mother's firm attitude, He Yongjun realized the seriousness of the problem and expressed his attitude.

He Qiang saw that the atmosphere was a little tense for a while, and hurriedly said,"Grandma, we have to trust Dad about this matter. Although he doesn't have any great ability, he at least knows what he is doing. How could he be careless about such a thing? Don't worry too much that Mother Zhao will have evil thoughts in the future. Dad will definitely handle this matter." He Yongjun listened to his son's words with a wonderful expression.

What a mess. What do you mean he doesn't have any great ability but at least knows what he is doing?

Is this the image of me in your mind?

He Yongjun couldn't help complaining to his son,"Isn't it possible for me to bring you up?"

Old Mrs. He glanced at He Yongjun and said unhappily,"How much help did your eldest brother and second brother give you? How much money did you get from me again? That's your ability?"

He Yongjun was exposed and looked embarrassed, so he had to pretend to look around to hide his embarrassment.

As luck would have it, He Tiantian, who was playing with the little rabbit in the dam after dinner, came into the house again.

He Tiantian asked innocently:"Grandpa is so old, does he still ask grandma for pocket money? But didn't mom say that we can't ask for pocket money when we grow up?" When his granddaughter asked this, He Yongjun's ears turned red.

Wu Shuhua was speechless, and winked at his daughter and said:"Niuniu, you haven't fed the little pony with grass today. The little pony will not be nice to you when it is hungry."

When He Tiantian heard this, she was shocked and ran to the backyard in a hurry.

"Ahem, I'll go to the house to review how to do the accounting first!"

He Yongjun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and then ran into the house in a panic after saying a word.

"You are so old, but you are getting worse."

Seeing this, Mrs. He shook her head and sighed.

He Qiang sat on the side and ate melon quietly, sitting lazily in a chair and enjoying the comfort after dinner.

""Qiang Wa'er, Qiang Wa'er!"

Liu Quanyou's loud voice came from far away. Soon, F4 gathered in the yard.

"" Why are you here so late at night?"

He Qiang came out of the house and asked the three curiously.

Sun Jifa didn't say anything and cast his eyes on Tian Jun, and Tian Jun was also shy and didn't speak.

Finally, Liu Quanyou told the purpose of his visit:"You have brought the tractor back, how can you not take us to play?"

People in later generations drove for a ride, and people now have similar interests.

The tractor was the most beautiful"baby" in the countryside at that time, and it was normal for Liu Quanyou and others to be jealous.

"I don't ask to learn how to drive a tractor. If you want to ride, go to my second brother during the day. He will be out driving, so you can follow him all day long."

He Qiang thought it was nothing, and waved his hand with an impatient look on his face, wanting to send the three childhood friends away.

"That's different! During the day, your brother goes out to do business, not to take us out to play!"

Sun Jifa was not happy, and scolded He Qiang:"Do you still have brothers in your heart!"

He Qiang looked at Sun Jifa with suspicion, feeling that there was something wrong with this kid, frowned and muttered:

"Tell me honestly, you have nothing to say. What's the fun if you can't drive a tractor?"

Sun Jifa was furious:"How can it be the same? It must be fun to show off by riding a tractor. How can you show off by following your brother!"

Liu Quanyou also nodded frantically and agreed:"That's right!"

He Qiang looked at the three people, trying to analyze some information from their expressions.

They grew up together and were very familiar with each other. He Qiang immediately noticed something unusual about Tian Jun.

The kid's eyes wandered, and he looked like he had something on his mind.

"Tian Jun, if you don't say anything, you think I don't know that you have something on your mind, right? Tell me, what do you want to do? You don't even tell me the truth, and you want me to take you to show off?"

He Qiang pouted, with an attitude that if you don't tell the truth, don't expect me to let you go.

Sun Jifa betrayed his good brother in a very shameless way, and said to Tian Jun:"Then you can't blame me, He Qiang has seen it, just confess it."

Tian Jun was so angry that he cursed:"You are talking nonsense, He Qiang is deceiving me, how can he know if you don't tell him!"

After hearing this, Liu Quanyou looked at Sun Jifa with disgust and scolded:"Why are you like a fool!"

Sun Jifa:"???"

He Qiang clicked his tongue and said,"Alright, we grew up together wearing open-crotch pants. As soon as your asshole sticks out, I know you're going to poop or pee. There's no such thing as deception. You just gave yourself away."

Sun Jifa straightened his back and said to Tian Jun confidently,"Look, did I give you away? It's obviously your own problem. Can you blame me?"

Liu Quanyou turned the gun around and looked at Tian Jun and said,"That's right. How can you be so stupid that you don't even know how to pretend!"

Tian Jun was so angry that he didn't want to talk to these two idiots. He looked at He Qiang shyly and stammered,"

"When can you take us to Xiaogang Village this afternoon?"

He Qiang asked curiously,"Why are we going to Xiaogang Village? Are we going to get something there?"

Tian Jun looked around and didn't dare to look at He Qiang. He felt like a thief.

Sun Jifa couldn't stand Tian Jun's nagging and directly exposed Tian Jun's past and said:

"This guy went to Xiaogang Village with his father, and ended up falling for an educated youth there."

He Qiang was surprised and asked in confusion,"How could he meet a female educated youth? Didn't they all return to the city?"

After all, people like Wu Shuhua are very rare.

In the past few years, educated youths were eager to return to the city, but they had to stay in the countryside to work in the production team because they had no transfer orders.

Now that they are allowed to return to the city, how could there be single female educated youths who continue to stay in the countryside?

Isn't this a serious violation of the laws of reality!

But soon, He Qiang guessed a possibility, and looked at Tian Jun with a shocked face and said,"You actually fell in love with someone else's wife? Tian Jun, this is not a good habit. Listen to my advice, don't give up a forest for a tree! With your conditions, you can find any kind of woman in the future, don't be annoyed!"

Tian Jun jumped up and down like a cat whose tail was stepped on,"Fuck, when did I like someone else's wife, don't slander me! She is a serious single and has never had a boyfriend!"

He Qiang was stunned, then said:"It doesn't make sense, then why didn't she go back to the city?"

Tian Jun immediately explained:"She was sent out to the countryside by her family. She shouldn't have gone, but her parents were partial to her and asked her to replace her brother. At that time, she was not given a penny. She was just sent on the train with her quilt and clothes."

He Qiang frowned when he heard it.

This sounds even worse than Wu Shuhua.

Although Wu Shuhua's conditions were not good when she went to the countryside, at least she had someone at home waiting for her, and at least she had hope for the future.

Tian Jun was attracted by this female educated youth who went to the countryside. I'm afraid she didn't count on her family. Isn't this the same as being abandoned?

"So she didn't want to go back to the city? That doesn't make sense. Even if she wanted to break off relations with her family, it would be better for a girl to go back to the city than to stay in the countryside, right? Find a man to marry, have a quota of commercial grain, and even if she doesn't work, it's better than living in the countryside."

He Qiang couldn't understand why this female educated youth stayed in the countryside. The main reason was that this decision was not very wise.

"Mainly because it was during the most difficult period when she went to the countryside, an old widow felt sorry for her and took her in. So she decided to stay in Xiaogang Village to take care of her in her old age."

Tian Jun said, and there was even a certain brilliance in his eyes.

Obviously, in his eyes, this female educated youth was shining.

But He Qiang thought about how this female educated youth was so grateful, and felt that it was not surprising that Tian Jun would do this.

After all, in this day and age, how many people can do this?

"If you like her so much, why don't you just ask her to propose marriage? You can take the old widow home with you, it's not like you can't afford to support her, so why go through so much trouble? Why do you have to make me take you there on a tractor to show off?"

He Qiang complained about Tian Jun in a bad mood.

As the only one in F4 who got married, and who got his wife by himself and fell in love freely, He Qiang bluntly said that he was a modern love saint.

Chasing girls, this is his strong point.

He Qiang, why should he chase girls these days?

She is not a girl who grew up in a family with good material conditions.

In the current situation of this female educated youth, it would be a blessing to have a husband with capital in the countryside to share the pressure of life, isn't that something she wishes for?

He Qiang felt that Tian Jun had taken a wrong path.

"Isn't the time ripe yet?"

Tian Jun hesitated and refused to tell more of the truth.

Sun Jifa on the side couldn't stand Tian Jun's shyness and said to He Qiang:

"The female educated youth didn't fancy Tian Jun at all. She said that she would only talk to him if he drove a new tractor to pick her up. She didn't have that intention.

Tian Jun got angry and yelled at Sun Jifa,"You're talking nonsense. How do you know she doesn't fancy me? Are you the worm in her stomach?""

He Qiang was speechless.

What Sun Jifa said was indeed correct.

The female educated youth obviously had a plan in mind, which was to prevent Tian Jun from borrowing the village tractor, and she specifically mentioned a new tractor.

Normally speaking, in a rural area, no matter how wealthy a family is, it is impossible to get a new tractor.

And in rural areas, those who normally have tractors will not replace them unless they break down.

These days, the main feature of these machines is that they are sturdy and durable, and it is impossible for a village with a tractor to buy a new one easily.

This is basically to make Tian Jun give up that idea completely.

The difficulty of this statement is the same as that of a sow climbing a tree, which is basically impossible.

But Tian Jun chose to ignore it.

Obviously, he was blinded by love.

He Qiang looked at his childhood friend for a long time without saying a word

"Just tell me when you can arrange for the brothers to go to Xiaogang Village!"

Seeing that He Qiang didn't say anything, Tian Jun couldn't hold it in any longer and urged his good brother to give an answer. He Qiang sighed, not wanting to hit Tian Jun's confidence, so he said:"To chase a woman, you have to be patient and thick-skinned. You can't just listen to what she says? It's not that the tractor thing can't be arranged, but for someone like you, even if it is arranged, it won't work. Why bother?"

Tian Jun said unconvincedly:"How can it not work!"

He Qiang had a plan in mind, and said mysteriously to Tian Jun:"I have a plan, I guarantee that you can catch up with her!"

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