"Then tell me! Are we still good brothers?"

Tian Jun urged He Qiang impatiently, his eyes full of desire.

He Qiang asked,"What do you think of your qualifications?" Tian

Jun said without hesitation,"Not bad, I've been to junior high school, and learned accounting and high school courses from my dad. Huilan's education level is not as good as hers, which is only junior high school education."

Sun Jifa said contemptuously,"It's useless, look, Qiang found a wife after graduating from elementary school, and Xiaohua graduated from high school. Why read so many books, so that you can be pointed at by others, you stinky old ninth?"

Tian Jun's face froze.

His most proud strength was hit by his good brother without any hesitation, which made him very dissatisfied, and he retorted to Sun Jifa:

"You know nothing. How can you comment on the affairs of scholars? That was wrong before, and it has been corrected for two or three years now!"

Liu Quanyou on the side shook his head and said,"Reading is not fun, it's better to pick corn."

Tian Jun's mouth twitched, and he was too lazy to pay attention to Liu Quanyou, this fool

"Tian Jun, although the truth is not pleasant to hear, having studied is really not an advantage now."

He Qiang also shook his head to deny Tian Jun's statement.

During the period after the founding of the People's Republic of China, people with knowledge were really not so popular.

Why are technical secondary schools so popular in this era?

Isn't it because technical secondary schools are not just teaching like high schools, but focus on letting students learn skills!

High school graduates are just students, but technical secondary school graduates are different, they are called technicians!

In later generations, technical school students are the object of ridicule. They are basically linked to low education. They can only find ordinary workers at the bottom level of employment. Their social status is almost equal to no status. During festivals and holidays, they say that they are If you do your own work, you will definitely not get a word of praise.

But in the 1970s and 1980s and even before, the nature of technicians was different.

This was a collective era when workers were the masters of the family. Becoming a state worker not only represented an honor, but also meant having a stable job, which was directly equivalent to a career system in the future.

Therefore, compared to studying in high school for three years and attending a technical school, becoming a worker in a state-owned enterprise after graduation was the most sought-after route for most families.

To put it bluntly, it was all about the money.

But Tian Jun didn't understand. He was just very dissatisfied with He Qiang, his buddy, for not supporting him, and complained in a low voice:

"Why can't you study? My dad can be an accountant because he can write and calculate!"

He Qiang sighed and said,"Your dad took you to Xiaogang Village, and people knew that your dad was the accountant in the village. Then she still didn't plan to be friends with you. Don't you think the reason is obvious?"

Tian Jun frowned and his face gradually became ugly.

But he couldn't understand. Accounting is a very respectable profession in rural areas. How could it be despised?

"That shouldn't be the case. Where is the problem?……"

Tian Jun fell into self-doubt for a moment.

He Qiang scratched his chin and said,"Don't you know what the reputation of the four of us in the village was before? You are an adult and you still don't have a proper job.

Do you think girls will be impressed? He lives with you, not with your father.

If you can't take over the job in the future and you can't farm, who will do it then? Isn't it that she will do it when she marries you? Do you think she will still be willing to talk to you? You said you can read, so can you make money from reading?"

What are the good conditions that Tian Jun mentioned? Do they have anything to do with making money?

If you can't make money, even if you are a college student, you will still be unpopular.

Sun Jifa listened and nodded, and said to Tian Jun with a smile:"Look, what's the use of you reading so many books? Isn't Qiangwa still much more awesome than you! You think about things all day long, and I have earned dozens of dollars in the canteen! Do you think that if you find a proper job, you will be despised?"

This time, Tian Jun rarely responded to Sun Jifa, but said to him seriously:

"Do you think I should find something to do?"

Sun Jifa didn't know shit. He was just pretending to be cool by following He Qiang's lead. When faced with his good friend's question, he just opened his mouth and yelled:

"Of course, think about how idle the lazy people in the village are. When we used to eat from the same pot, who in the village didn't despise us? The woman has suffered for several years in the countryside. Her family must choose someone who can make her live a good life. How can people trust you like this now?"

After hearing this, Tian Jun immediately fell into his own world, standing there with his eyes out of focus and muttering to himself.

The three of them couldn't hear what he was mumbling, so they just sat aside and started bragging.

Liu Quanyou looked at Tian Jun and muttered to Sun Jifa:"I think you can't find a wife. Look, Tian Jun is so stupid to want to find a wife! Qiang Waer can't have fun with us even if he finds a wife. It's really bad!"

Sun Jifa rolled his eyes:"That's because you don't understand how good it is to sleep with your wife in your arms. If you don't want to find one, don't pull me. I'll ask you to find a beautiful city wife in the future, and then move to the county to live. Whoever wants to stay in the countryside can stay!"

Liu Quan looked at Sun Jifa with a foolish look on his face, and said with regret:"You are also a fool. What's so good about a wife? My brother found a wife, but he can't go out to play at night and is often scolded by my sister-in-law!"

Sun Jifa:"……"

Forget it, you can’t explain it to a fool!

He Qiang on the side also joked:"When you get married, you will know how wrong you are!"

Only a green hand like Sun Jifa would have such fantasies.

"No, Qiangwa, what are you laughing at? You have a wife, do you still think that Liu Quan is right? Fine, I'll talk to Xiaohua later, and you just wait to be locked out."

Sun Jifa threatened He Qiang angrily.

He Qiang pouted and said,"You will know whether it is beautiful or not when you sleep with your wife in your arms in the future. You haven't even had sex yet, you know nothing."

Sun Jifa retorted,"Why can't you understand? Sleeping with your wife in your arms is definitely better than sleeping alone!"

He Qiang sneered, turned his head away, too lazy to pay attention to this idiot, and turned to look at Tian Jun.

At this time, Tian Jun seemed to have come back to his soul, looked at He Qiang with burning eyes and said:

"Qiangwaer, I have to find a job!"

He Qiang nodded, and then said,"Go ahead."

Tian Jun blushed, and then hesitantly said,"I can't find a decent job by myself. Can you help me find a good job?"……"

He Qiang did not refuse Tian Jun's request.

In the future, Tian Jun will become so famous that he will even be received by the government. It is definitely a sure win to invest in him when he needs it most. In this day and age, you have to rely on your own people to do business.

But apart from being trustworthy, it is hard to say about the ability of your own people.

It is also a good thing for He Qiang that Tian Jun can join in at this time!

For both of them, this is a good thing to help them in times of need!

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