Xie Zheng continued to be busy, and Zhu Yuan was also lacking in skills.

All shops are accustomed to doing well. Zhuyuan only needs to check monthly and quarterly, and make plans for the next quarter, so he can let go every day.

In the past few months, Zhuangzi has successively sold paper and pens, and the paper mill will only supply Liaozhai and Zhuozhuo paper needs.

The printing factory has expanded its scale in recent years. It not only prints "Dayan Monthly" and "Zhuzhuo", but also prints various books in Liao Zhai, but also receives social orders. Whoever wants to publish a collection of poems and who wants to make a manuscript only needs to give Money, print it all, love to print a few copies and print a few copies-as long as the money is in place.

Needless to say the two monthly magazines, because of the low cost of publication, many northern and southern distributors will take them to other places for wholesale. Not to mention "Zhuzhuo", the "Dayan Monthly" with imperial examination content has now exceeded one hundred thousand monthly prints-in view of the large volume, Zhu Yuan still took the lead and reduced the price of one issue to 15 articles.

There is also advertising revenue. Adding up, you can earn hundreds of thousands of taels every month after eliminating costs.

Don't underestimate a few hundred taels. You can buy a small house in the capital.

Besides, Zhu Yuan has more than one business.

Let’s talk about Liao Zhai, Xie Zheng has tossed such a big stall. From bookboys to administrators, from dozens of people, every monthly salary and bonus are several hundred taels. You can’t really make a lot of money by selling books. , I am afraid that even the dividends for Emperor Chengjia cannot be taken out.

After Zhu Yuan took over, let them start with cultural and creative products, and also placed rows of bright and clear glass showcases, small fans, small writing brushes, small abacus, small booklets, etc. in the courtyard, foyer and other places where Liao Zhai originally received the manuscript. Forbidden steps to pendants, from ornaments to bookmarks, from wood to jade carvings, all kinds, and even a few inscriptions and paintings written by Emperor Chengjia are embedded, making them beautiful and exquisite.

Originally, Emperor Chengjia really didn't like the tens of liang of dividends from Liao Zhai. After the cultural and creative products came out, they were sold to the whole country, and the monthly income directly doubled several times. After Zhu Yuan took over, he gave him a quarterly dividend for the first time, which amounted to thousands of taels, which made him think that this girl had robbed him, so he was asked to check it before he knew about it...

And because of this, someone from behind whispered in front of him that the Yuanguan shop was inappropriate, and he didn't pay any attention-this girl managed well and couldn't be buried.

Then there are Liuli Factory and Jewelry Factory. Needless to say these two, for three years, Zhu Yuan has made a lot of money from these two shops.

Encouraged by high bonuses, the managers and craftsmen of these two factories produced various patterns one after another, and the products they produced were sold to the north and south.

The glass factory has developed vigorously in the past two years. In more than three years, the glass showcases manufactured by the glass factory have been spread across all major shops in the capital, and various bookcases and lockers with glass have entered the homes of all large households.

Every once in a while, Zhuyuan would pack several new products from the Glass Factory and Liuli Factory and send them to the palace. Emperor Chengjia and Concubine Shu must have them. Even Xie Qi got cheaper, and the prince’s courtyard was better placed.

The New Year's Day will let the craftsman fill a few unique pieces into the palace.

In addition to these, Zhu Yuan will prepare a few more and leave it to Concubine Shu to be a favor.

Among other things, this makes Concubine Shu a very long face in the palace and is very kind to Zhuyuan.

There are also bicycles. Although riding bumps, the wheels can be replaced by a craftsman. They have been sold a lot over the years.

There are also leisure small stacks and budding schools, although they don't earn much, they also have so many things.

In addition, Zhu Yuan helped to formulate marketing strategies for restaurants, north-south grocery stores, grain shops...

Lin Lin always earns several thousand taels a month.

When Xie Zheng came back, he received the bank account book from An Qing, and he stayed for a while - before he left, there was no such amount.

Because he was at ease with Zhu Yuan, he hadn't asked about his business status in the past three years. Who knows...

Fortunately, Zhu Yuan knew that most of his money was spent in the dark, so the recovered money was not openly deposited in the bank and replaced with bank notes. Instead, it was piled up in the backyard of Zhuozhuo Bookstore. After Xie Zheng came back, he quietly transported it away. .

However, no matter how low-key it is, it cannot hide the fact of making money.

Not to mention anything else, just the dividends paid to Emperor Chengjia could not be hidden from others.

This is just Liao Zhai.

Everyone can guess how much money Xie Zheng has in his hands.

Regardless of how Emperor Chengjia looked at them, Xie Chen and Xie Yu's eyes were red with blood.

In the three years that Zhuyuan has been tossing business, Xie Chen has not been idle.

Digging people, buyers, taking advantage of recruiting people into various factories, offices...everything.

An Qing, who is in charge of personnel affairs, has always had a headache and reported to Zhuyuan, but only got a perfunctory remark of "whatever they want".

Anqing can only intensify the investigation and try to find out the family status of the admissions... But there are omissions, and we must guard against it. There will always be a few fish that slip through the net.

In the past three years, in addition to the few shops in Zhuyuan's hands, many glazed shops and glass shops have sprung up like mushrooms in the capital and the surrounding cities.

There are even a few more publications in the capital, such as "Dayan Zatan", "Looking at the World" and so on.

The shop managers underneath were indignant and worked hard to develop new products and improve technology.

The nonchalant Zhu Yuan is happy to see it happen.

After Xie Zheng came back, he naturally discovered this situation and asked her angrily: [Why didn't you hear you mention this? What did Anqing do? 】

He clearly left enough manpower for Anqing. No matter how bad it is, there are still a few hidden lines, enough to destroy these people's workshops. Why is there no way to deal with it and let it grow stronger?

What did Anqing do? Has Zhu Yuan suffered a lot of grievances in recent years?

Zhu Yuan was puzzled: [Progress can only be achieved when there is competition. We earn a lot, and we will not earn less in the future. There is no need to stare at some guys who get nothing for nothing and do not want to make progress. When our technology goes up, they want to share a piece of the pie, and they really can only share what we eat. There is no need to stare at them, brother, take a long-term view~~]

Xie Zheng stared at the text for a moment, then sighed for a while, and said sincerely: [Mr. Page has a good mind] It's always so different.

Zhu Yuan laughed: [Of course, young man, learn something~]

Xie Zheng:...

In these terms, it was last year's winter.

After Zhu Yuan put the college affairs on his agenda, countless pairs of eyes stared at her.

After all, it is going to open a girls' college in the suburbs, for fear of hurting the reputation of these children.

After thinking about it, Zhu Yuan chose the small courtyard at the back of Zhuozhuo Bookstore-because Xie Zheng returned to Beijing, Anqing and others who had originally lived in the backyard of Zhuozhuo Bookstore moved to the palace.

If there are more than a dozen people, this yard is enough. But if it were to be a college, the place would be a bit small.

Now that cement is becoming more and more mature, Zhuangzi's steel technology is also up...

If so, Zhu Yuan decided to build a two-story building-no matter how tall she was, she wouldn't be relieved. Whether the current steel technology can support high-rise buildings is hard to say. Craftsmen have never built houses with cement.

As soon as she had money in her hands, she unceremoniously bought a lot of cement from the Qin family, and then bought a lot of bricks-blue bricks are too expensive, and she wants to let people study red bricks later!

First, let the craftsman explore and build a small building in Zhuangzi. In order not to make mistakes, she even went to Zhuangzi with Xie Zheng.

Fortunately, the effort pays off, except that some corners are not flat, the bathroom drainage is not good, and the windows are a bit crooked... it is still quite good.

That's it, it has already caused a sensation to everyone in Zhuangzi-if the house is so built, wouldn't it be afraid of fire?

It was rejected by Xie Zheng.

"No sense of beauty."

Zhu Yuan is not angry: "I will talk about the design sense later, isn't it necessary to be stable and strong and increase the space? With the original house, how can so many houses be packed." She squinted at him, "Otherwise, our house Donate half of the yard? That's definitely enough, and there is no need to renovate."

Xie Zheng:...

Seeing that he was silent after touching his nose, Zhu Yuan gave up.

With this experience, a lot of things will follow.

Zhuyuan directly let people build three small buildings in the small courtyard. The three buildings were separated on three sides to form a concave shape. Together with the inverted house in the front yard, the concierge, and the small atrium, they enclose a private space.

The three small buildings are not big, one dormitory building, one classroom, library and dining hall on the first floor, and the last one is a comprehensive building, dance studio, piano room, painting room, etc.

There is also a playground behind the small building, where daily exercise activities are available.

It took so much effort to squeeze a college into a Sanjin courtyard.

After tossing like this, Chengjia passed by in sixteen years.

Stepping into the twelfth lunar month, the small buildings of the academy have begun to see scale.

The unique and weird house naturally attracts many curious visits and inquiries.

It was heard that Princess Su was planning to open a women's college, and everyone was in an uproar.

The news quickly reached the ears of interested people.

Before entering the New Year's Pass, rumors began to spread in Beijing.

"Have you heard? Princess Su plans to open a women's college."

"Women's ignorance is virtue, and to open a women's college is simply a risk to the world!"

"Doesn't this Princess Su only like to make money? Why go to Daoteng Academy again?"

"With so many princesses, this princess Su is the most interesting. Is she setting up a college to teach a bunch of clever women?"

"If you are young, just open an enlightenment school, and go to the tossing academy. Is she worthy?"


Not only did rumors spread from the outside, Emperor Chengjia in the court also began to receive various complaints:

Sued King Su regardless of his back house, fearing the inside;

Sued the princess Su, who was full of copper and stinky, and was not worthy of virtue, and tried to open a women's college in vain to harm others;

Suing the concubine Su to bewitching and deceiving the Lord, so that King Su has no future in his talents and cleanliness;

There was even a lawsuit against the princess Su who stayed in the mansion for a year without doing anything, yet she became jealous and monopolized the princess...

Emperor Chengjia couldn't bear the disturbance. After being said to by the supervisor again, he was so annoyed that he had to call Xie Zheng and his wife into the palace, intending to scold him.

In recent years, Zhu Yuan entered the palace more often, but it was the first time that Emperor Chengjia summoned him. So after she heard about it, she would definitely ask Xie Zheng what was going on.

Hearing that it might have something to do with the jump up and down of the supervisor recently, she laughed angrily and turned to An He who was waiting on the side: "Go, let people go outside to fill up some rumors, and say that Princess Su is reincarnated as a vixen——"

Xie Zheng frowned and held her down: "Don't talk nonsense." There are too many unusual things about Zhuyuan in his family. Outsiders only say that she is smart, but if she blows the wind to a certain place, who knows how others can use it? Since ancient times, the technique of being disgusted has been repeatedly banned...

Just in case, he would never let these rumors appear.

Zhu Yuan squinted at him, pulled down his paw, and said angrily: "Otherwise? Let these guys slander me indiscriminately?"

"It can't be regarded as slander."

Zhu Yuan stared at him.

Xie Zheng gave a light cough, "Aren't they all facts?"

Zhu Yuan grinned his teeth and asked him gloomily, "Which one?"

"Except for the first one." Xie Zheng had a smile in his eyes, "This king is just being charmed, so why can I say that?"

The implication is that what charms the lord, what copper is full of smell, what kind of jealousy... are all facts?

Zhu Yuan:...

Dog man! !

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