Xie Goudan laughed at her. Of course, Zhu Yuan didn't follow her.

Xie Zheng's eyes were smiling, so that she scratched and scratched for a while before holding her paw, and changing the subject: "Well, we should go to the palace and be scolded."

Zhu Yuan was grabbed by her hand, and angrily took her head to his chest and knocked twice: "Why should I go in and be scolded?" She did nothing wrong.

Xie Zheng helplessly, let go of her hand, and turned to support her forehead: "I'm going to be stupid."

"Bah, I won't be stupid if you are stupid!"

Xie Zheng touched her forehead: "Now that you are out of anger?"

Zhu Yuan made a face at him and ran into the back room.

Xie Zheng shook his head, and followed slowly—he took a break today. Originally, the two of them planned to go to Zhuangzi and wander around. They all wore everyday clothes. If you want to enter the palace, you can’t change into a decent dress.

Half an hour later, the two knelt together in the imperial study room, waiting for Emperor Chengjia behind the imperial table to start training.

Emperor Chengjia slowly approved the memorial without raising his head: "Do you know why I called you over?"

With his head down, Zhu Yuan looked at Xie Zheng from the corner of his eyes. The latter nodded comfortingly at her before repliing to Emperor Chengjia: "Go back to the emperor, I don't know the children."

"I don't know?" Emperor Chengjia immediately threw the brush pen, "You kid! The superintendent sees the sky impeaching the two of you in the court, it's okay for you to hide in the Ministry of Rites and pretend to be stupid?! I think you, the lord, is too carefree ."

Xie Zheng was slightly surprised: "How dare you pretend to be stupid? It's just that the child is in a humble position and doesn't need to go to court. Naturally, I don't know how to impeach the officer." With the deduction of the prince status, he is just a small official in the Ministry of Rites, and he is not qualified enough. Upcoming.

Emperor Chengjia was choked so hard that he stood on the steps and began to scold him: "You don't need to go to court, you can toss it hard? You are a prince at any rate, and you are impeached by the supervisor every day. Are you honest?"

Xie Zheng didn't take it seriously: "Say a few words that don't hurt or itchy, just take care of them."

Cheng Jiadi:...

Zhu Yuan, who was listening, was secretly happy. It turned out that Xie Goudan was unrelenting in violating his father.

Emperor Chengjia on the ranks is still reprimanding Xie Yu: "It seems that if I teach you a lesson, it doesn't hurt or itchy?"

"Erchen dare not." Xie Zheng admitted his mistake obediently.

Emperor Chengjia snorted again, then gave up, and said in a slow tone: "You two have enough things to mess with, it's okay to take a good look at the account books and check the cash register? Isn't it good to mess around with what women's college?" Yuan wants to run an academy, how can it attract so many impeachment complaints?

Zhu Yuan was surprised. Is this to stop her from opening a college?

Xie Zheng said that it was too early to open the academy... Could it be that this situation was foreseen?

Before she could think clearly, she listened to Xie Zheng.

"Father's remarks are bad. The opening of academy is good for all ages, so why should it be stopped because of those rumors? If the ministers are reduced to the look of others, then the minister, the prince, is not appropriate."

Emperor Chengjia was slightly angry: "Are those rumors and rumors? What do you say from the outside, I can't control, what the supervisor said, don’t tell me you don’t know!"

Xie Zheng raised his eyebrows: "I would like to hear the details."

Emperor Chengjia glared at him: "You just pretend." He stretched out his finger to hold him, "The academy affairs, I stopped immediately, your wife is not sensible, are you not sensible?"

Zhu Yuan was anxious and wanted to speak, but Xie Zheng, who was next to him, held her through his sleeve.

"Father, dare to ask me what's wrong with opening a college?"

"It's very wrong." Emperor Chengjia didn't get angry. "Look at the college outside. Who is not a well-known scholar who is in charge? The round girl is a few kilograms, dare to learn from others to open a college? Open a girls' college, I am afraid it is not waiting for others to joke Your house is that, that—"

He did not go on.

But the two kneeling underneath both understood his unfinished words-all women's academy, how is it different from that brothel restaurant?

Zhu Yuan couldn't hold back at the moment, and whispered: "The wise see wisdom, and the adulterous see fornication."

Cheng Jiadi:...

Xie Zheng:...

The latter coughed lightly and added: "Father is relieved of his anger, Yuanyuan is just outspoken."

The implication is that there is nothing wrong with speaking too directly.

Cheng Jiadi:...

It's better not to say this!

He glared at the back of Zhu Yuan's head, who was pretending to be a quail, and continued: "What kind of mess, no matter what—"

"Father, the academy is nearing completion, there is absolutely no reason to stop now."

Emperor Chengjia was angry: "Who doesn't know that you two have a lot of money in your hands? You are not short of this yard!"

Xie Zheng didn't change his face: "Be diligent in the country, and thrifty at home."

Emperor Chengjia stared at him: "Don't be crooked"

"Father," Xie Zheng interrupted him, "If the academy is headed by a famous scholar, can this academy be opened?"

Emperor Chengjia was stunned and frowned: "Who do you want to hire as the head of the mountain? Who can you hire?"

There are only a handful of prestigious ladies, and there are very few prestigious and talented ladies.

People have to be willing to come out to be the mountain leader.

Xie Zheng categorically said, "Yuanyuan deserves it."

"... I really didn't say anything wrong from the outside." Emperor Chengjia gave him an angry look.

"Puff--" Zhu Yuan quail-shaped hurriedly covered her mouth.

Xie Zheng:...

He said helplessly: "I made my father laugh." Without waiting for Emperor Chengjia to speak, he then pulled the topic back. "I think there are several reasons for Yuanyuan to be the head of the college."

Emperor Chengjia hummed: "Let's listen." See what flowers he can tell.

"Yuanyuan is full of poems and books, full of economics, and talented, how can he not be?" Xie Zheng has a natural expression, as if he is not praising his wife.

Zhu Yuan blushed at the side.

Emperor Chengjia was also shocked: "I never knew you were so thick-skinned?"

Xie Zheng gave a light cough, did not answer, and continued: "Yuanyuan is Mr. Peppa, under the tutelage of Mr. Jin Yong, I wonder if this reputation is loud enough?"

Zhu Yuan:...

Cheng Jiadi:...

In the past few years, Mr. Jin Yong and Mr. Page have accumulated a lot of book fans. At the beginning of the year, Liao Zhai also compiled the manuscripts of "Swordsman" into a book, published it as a book, and sold it to the north and south.

And Mr. Page is serializing "The Story of a Peasant Girl Cultivating Immortal". Every issue of "Shining" is published. The sound of the "jingle bells" of the newspapers all over the city is enough to see that women and children in Beijing are most sought after by them. Even the concubine in the palace talked about it all day long.

If Zhu Yuan is Mr. Peppa and he is also under the tutelage of Mr. Jin Yong, then she can really sit down as the leader of the mountain!

Emperor Chengjia was shocked and couldn't help but look at the back of Zhu Yuan's head.

Xie Zheng went on to say: "Father, remember that he asked his son, who on earth proposed to start "Dayan Monthly"? It is Yuanyuan.

Emperor Chengjia widened his eyes and blurted out: "Impossible, how old was this girl back then?"

Zhu Yuan immediately tightened his nerves.

"Eleventh." Xie Zheng said calmly, "If Erchen had not been fortunate enough to go to Luzhou, perhaps there would be no "Dayan Monthly" in the world."

Zhu Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Xie Goudan is good, no one will check what he said when he met him back then. Even after checking, Zhu Tingzhou, the only eyewitness, was on her side.

It's just that... She glanced at the **** and maid serving in the hall, and it seemed that her talent would not be concealed in the future!

Xie Zheng next to him said again: "Father, in this way, Yuanyuan can be the head of the academy in this district?"

Emperor Chengjia wiped his face in a daze for a long time, and sighed: "Let's do it, do it, you can toss it yourself!"

Both Xie Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks Father," the two said in unison.

Emperor Chengjia waved his hand and said, "Forget it, what else? You two have been married for almost a year, why haven't you heard anything?"

Zhu Yuan was stunned. After thinking about the meaning of his words, Xin immediately raised it.

Xie Zheng also paused and said, "Erchen has his own plan."

"I plan to plan! I think you are still not counted!" Emperor Chengjia frowned, turned his back and glared at Zhu Yuan, "I remember that Concubine Shu seemed to have given him several beauties a few years ago. Three, where did it go?"

Xie Zheng gave a light cough.

"Shut up and let her speak!" Chengjia Dinu pointed to Zhu Yuan.

"...Don't dare to deceive the emperor." Zhu Yuan lowered his body. "The four were in charge of painting, and now they are in charge of Zhuozhuo Bookstore and Leisure Inn."

Cheng Jiadi:...

He couldn't believe it: "Those who are given to you by your elders, are you throwing them to the shop?"

Zhu Yuan was a little guilty: "This, to take care of the shop for the prince, can also be regarded as sharing the worries for the prince...?"

"..." Emperor Chengjia smiled angrily, and turned back to teach Xie Zheng, "You look at it, you look at it, no wonder the rumors outside, you princess, really good--"

"Father." Xie Zheng interrupted him quickly, "Please be careful for the sake of your ministers."

Emperor Chengjia almost died out of anger: "I think you have been dazzled by these affections. You are twenty-two after the Chinese New Year, and there is nothing under your knees. Even if you have a son and a half in the future, you will be thin... you How will major things happen in the future?"

"I am now close to knowing the fate, how many years do you want me to wait?!"

Xie Zheng is the prince, how will major things happen in the future? No matter how big it is, it means going one step further and inheriting the throne.

Take a step back, dignified emperor, why wait for a prince’s heir?

What Emperor Chengjia said was no different from Prince Li Huanghuang.

The attendants Deshun and Deqing turned pale in fright, but Emperor Chengjia did not express his position, and they did not dare to drive the eunuchs out, so they trembled and began to listen to these masters continue to speak.

Zhu Yuan is not stupid, she also understands.

Xie Zheng is ambitious. Since I was a teenager, I have been working hard for the supreme throne...

Now that Emperor Chengjia utters such words, Xie Zheng, I am afraid that he will...

She stared at the complicated patterns on the carpet, but the whole person seemed to be soaked in the ice and snow, cold and uncomfortable.

On the other hand, Xie Zheng was also shocked by Emperor Chengjia's meaningful words.

He had confidence in himself, but he did not expect to hear Emperor Chengjia's intention on such an occasion.

The huge ecstasy drowned his mind.

He clenched his fist, suppressed his excitement, kowped his head, and said: "Children speak with political achievements, and children are just icing on the cake."

"Fart!" Emperor Chengjia burst out a scolding on the spot, "I will say it straight now, I will see your offspring next year, one is at least one, two or three are fine, four or five is not too much. ! Otherwise, I am not a son of you!"

In short, Xie Zheng must have concubines and heirs, otherwise--

The throne changed hands.

How would Xie Zheng choose?

How would the ambitious Xie Zheng choose? Is there any suspense?

Zhu Yuan smiled miserably-unexpectedly, the sweetness between her and Xie Zheng lasted less than a year...

In this backward ruined place, even the earth dragon of the imperial study was not well done, and there was no heat at all, and she was still kneeling on the ground, making her shiver with cold.

Still modern.

As Zhu Yuan thought, the carpet pattern in front of her slowly became blurred.

Where no one can see, a touch of sparkling light fades into the thick and gorgeous carpet and disappears without a trace.

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