"Uncle Zhou," Zhu Yuan, who was holding a few books, probed his head toward the study, "what about my father? Are you still busy?"

Lao Zhou, who was waiting outside the study, bowed and said, "Three girls." He was an old servant who followed from Zhu's family, and his name for Zhu Yuan was based on the order of Zhu's generation.

"Hey," Lao Zhou's smile faded a little, "Three girls, my lord has stayed up late these days, and everyone has lost a lot of weight... You can persuade him later."

Zhu Yuan frowned: "Stay up late? Didn't my mother persuade you?" She now goes to bed and gets up early every day, and she doesn't live in the same yard with her parents. She really doesn't know that her father stays up all night.

Lao Zhou sighed: "Where can I persuade you." He squinted, "Three girls, the lord loves you the most, go and say, you can definitely—"

"Lao Zhou, what are you whispering outside? Is Yuanyuan here?" Zhu Xiuqi in the room asked.

Lao Zhou immediately fell silent.

Zhu Yuan made a face and pushed the door in.

"Father, I brought the transcript." Zhu Yuan put the booklet in his hand on the table, "It's rare to rest, why are you still busy in the office?"

Zhu Xiuqi did not answer. He glanced at the booklet she had brought, frowning slightly: "You copied so many books in half a month?"

Zhu Yuan shrank her neck: "I want to write better, so I write slowly."

Zhu Xiuqi looked at her suspiciously, put aside his pen, picked up the top one at random, opened it, and in the next instant, he frowned.

Zhu Yuan felt a little bit in his heart. This is showing the horse-

"The word you..."

Zhu Yuan tightens his nerves.

"Void and weak, crooked and crooked!" Zhu Xiuqi frowned, "I didn't care about you for only half a year, why didn't your handwriting make any progress?"

Just not improving? Zhu Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the hard work during this period has not been in vain. She took out the reason she had thought of earlier: "I read "Huangzhou Hanshi Tie" a few days ago, and I think the running script is better, and I want to learn something--"

"Naughty!" Zhu Xiuqi rolled up the book and pointed at her forehead.

Zhu Yuan screamed, and covered his forehead to protest: "Where is the idiot? How nice is the running script——"

"If you don't learn to walk, learn to run first." Zhu Xiuqi reprimanded.

Zhu Yuan was dissatisfied: "It will be better to practice more." Seeing his black face, he immediately changed his words, "I was wrong, I was wrong, I changed it back, I will change back to lower case today!" Anyway, she was not sincere. Want to learn running script-running script is so difficult, she wouldn't be so stupid.

Zhu Xiuqi's expression is slightly calmer: "You are unstable now, so you should practice the lower case first. If you still like it in the future, it will not be too late to practice."

Zhu Yuan nodded repeatedly.

"Also," Zhu Xiuqi turned around and knocked on his desk, "I will show me the manuscripts copied every day."

Zhu Yuan said, "Do you want it every day?"

"You don't look at your handwriting..." Zhu Xiuqi snorted, "What happened to you being lazy when your brother was absent during this period of time? If I stare at you, you won't be able to shake the sky."

Zhu Yuan wrinkled her nose: "You are so busy, do you have the time to read it?" After receiving the stare, he immediately started to start the topic, "Isn't spring ploughing over? Why are you still so busy?"

Zhu Xiuqi snapped her forehead: "Children's family, don't worry about so many."

"I care about you~~ You stay up all night every day, so how can your body stand it?" Zhu Yuan said coquettishly, and then complained, "Besides, you weren't the county magistrate on the first day. Why are you still so busy after being here for half a year?"

Regardless of her handwriting, I wish Xiuqi to return to the usual gentleness: "Everything is difficult at the beginning. Wushan County is thousands of miles away from Fuyang County. The customs and customs are very different. How can we act and do the same... It should also be busy."

Zhu Yuan blinked his eyes: "They are all in charge of people, what else can be different?"

Zhu Xiuqi sighed: "Wushan County has not harvested the spring grains and the autumn grains are gradually exhausted. Some people can't make it, so there are those who commit crimes..." He glanced at his young and innocent daughter and swallowed it. If I said, I changed my mouth and said, "As a county magistrate, how can I be free?"

Zhu Yuan is not an ordinary child, and she understands it when she hears it. She frowned: "Wushan County is so poor? The county official said that the products here are rich."

Zhu Xiuqi sighed: "The country rattles the soil, and the folk customs are weak."

Zhu Yuan is at a loss. What do you mean?

Zhu Xiu smiled and explained it concisely. To the effect is nothing more than saying that the folk customs of Wushan County are not honest and honest, and the small nights are rampant.

Zhu Yuan scratched his head: "Then what should I do? Do I have to be busy dealing with these annoying things every day?"

"Since I became this parent official, I will do my best." Zhu Xiuqi touched her head, "Come slowly."

That won't work. If she is tired of her handsome father, who will pay her? Zhu Yuan bit her nails and fell into thought.

Zhu Xiuqi ignored her, put down the manuscript, turned his attention back to business again, and said casually: "If there is nothing wrong, you will go back and continue—"

"Father!" As if thinking of something, Zhu Yuan leaned on the table excitedly, "Since the folkway is not honest, why not put up a list of punishments or something?"

Zhu Xiuqi took the stroke of the pen: "Punish the evil list?"

"That's right." Zhu Yuan's eyes sparkled, "Hang up the names of those offenders, and list all the crimes of their birthplaces. No matter where they are, they can be seen directly at the entrance of the market. People who come and go can see it at the market. Find a literate scream...As long as these people have a little shame, they will definitely be embarrassed to commit another crime."

Zhu Xiuqi frowned and began to think seriously.

Zhu Yuan thought about it and became more excited: "Since there is a punishment for evil, you can also get another one who promotes good people and good deeds every day. Two-pronged approach, going hand in hand, accumulating over time, it is certainly not difficult to change customs and customs!" Oh my god, this time is not for nothing. , Yili idiom is so happy to say!

Zhu Xiuqi seemed to figure out something, and nodded: "It's a good idea. I'll discuss it with Mr. Wang." Mr. Wang is his assistant.

Zhu Yuan nodded repeatedly.

Zhu Xiu's face was stern: "Don't you hurry back to copy the book?"

Zhu Yuan stuck out her tongue and ran away.

After leaving the yard, she was sure that she could not see the study, so she was relieved.

The calligraphy level is temporarily passed, and in the future...

The little face still with baby fat flashed a little dazed.

Alas, what's next, let's talk about it later. She is now a child, so she can copy books and study hard.

In the study, Zhu Xiuqi shook his head and muttered to himself: "A serious illness, but a bit more lively."

Lao Zhou, who came over to add tea to him, happened to hear him and said with a smile: "It's nice to be livelier. After all, it's your eldest daughter. In the future, you will marry your eldest daughter. This kind of temper is more suitable."

"That's what I said..." Zhu Xiuqi sighed. "She didn't like to learn calligraphy and reading. She practiced calligraphy for a few years and even wrote this virtue. How is this good?"

Lao Zhou comforted him: "The third girl is still young, and she has been lying down for almost half a year, not in a hurry."

"It can only be so."


Xie Zheng still maintained the habit of training martial arts in the morning.

After getting a painful sweat, I took a shower and changed clothes, and my whole body was relaxed a lot.

Walking into the study, Xie Zheng stopped at the desk.

An Rui, who was waiting close, followed cautiously, and the atmosphere did not dare to gasp.

Xie Zheng only paused for a moment, then slowly opened the booklet on the table——

White paper and black characters are clearly distinguished; correct lowercase letters, fine pens. It's a so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-general system.

Is this finally quiet?

Xie Zheng's tense nerves loosened slightly. He sighed lightly and said, "Make tea."

An Rui whispered, and stepped back to prepare tea.

Xie Zheng glanced at the desktop.

Without his instructions, no one would dare to mess around with the objects in the study, and the old books on this table were piled up a little messy, all of which he had flipped through these days.

Xie Zheng picked up the book casually, took a seat, and Shen Xin began to read it.

When An Rui came in with tea, the boy behind the large desk was already immersed in the book.

The sunlight in the late spring and early summer came in from the window, bright and translucent, full of warmth, and the youth with slightly cooler facial features were also set off as warm as jade.

An Rui was startled.

"Knock, knock." Xie Zheng said lightly, keeping his sight on the page, "cha."

An Rui instantly regained consciousness: "Yes." He walked over quickly, put down the tea tray, poured the tea, and put it to his hand gently, "Your Highness, tea."

Xie Zheng picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "How about Anfu?"

An Rui shuddered and said nervously: "The minion, the minion hasn't been to visit yet."

Xie Zheng raised his head and glanced at him: "I have time to go and see. If he is not dead, ask him if he wants to live."

What if you want to live? Don't want to live, so what? An Rui did not dare to ask.

The host in front of him was only fourteen years old and hadn't changed his voice. His voice was a bit indefensible, but he didn't have any youthful vigor, even coldly scary.

Fortunately, Xie Zheng didn't plan to play dumb riddles either. He turned a page slowly and said: "If you want to live, give him some medicine, and find a little **** to take care of him."

Is this the meaning of the past? An Rui was overjoyed and knelt down with a puff: "The servant would like to thank Your Highness for An Fu!"

Xie Zheng waved his hand, indicating that the topic was over.

"Huh!" An Rui Ma slipped up and stood on the side, with a little bit of joy on his face, and finally no longer the jealous and cautious look just now.

Xie Zheng didn't care about him and continued to read the book calmly.

The sound of turning pages gently, and the occasional sound of adding tea, made the study more quiet and peaceful.


Xie Zheng, who was twisting a page of paper, was about to turn it over. With a sudden force, the page was torn off immediately, breaking the tranquility of the study.

"Your Royal Highness?" An Rui bluffed and hurried over.

Xie Zheng, who was holding the paper, closed his eyes and opened them again, and his face was already calm. He stuffed the paper into the booklet and handed it to An Rui. He said, "Go and get Si Ji to change it."


Xie Zheng waved his hand: "Go out and wait."

An Rui hesitated, and said, "Yes." He bowed and hurried out.

After waiting for someone to go out, Xie Zheng's gaze moved to the desktop.

After a short pause, he picked up a copy again and opened it-the familiar, crooked writing brush really slowly appeared again, and then disappeared one by one.

Just like the past half a month.

Rao is his calm mind, and at this moment, he couldn't help but burst out a low curse.

It's almost endless.

Because of the strange appearance of this ink character, he has not acted rashly.

Now, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Xie Zheng took a deep breath, pulled a piece of clean rice paper, ignoring the ink characters that kept appearing on it, picked up the pen and dipped the ink, and steadily dropped the pen——

"You Dan—"


The word "Yes" was not finished yet, and the ink words that kept appearing stopped abruptly, and a thick ink mark was pulled out at the end of the brush stroke, crossing the entire page diagonally, interrupting his writing.

Then, these weird ink characters and scratches gradually disappeared, leaving only one and a half characters on the rice paper that he had not finished.

Xie Zheng squinted his eyes.

Very good, it seems that the other side... really has something.

He picked up the pen again, and finished his unfinished words.

"Which evildoer are you?"

Strong and vigorous, strong and strong on the back of the paper, it is a good word that has been soaked for many years.

Zhu Yuan, who was far away in Wu County, screamed and ran out: "Help—"

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