"No." Xia Zhi turned the booklet on the desk upside down, but found no trace, "Girl, did you read it wrong?"

Zhu Yuan followed her step by step, hesitated for a moment when she heard the words, poked her head out carefully, and glanced over her at the table.

In order to show that what he said was true, Xia Zhi picked up the half-copy book on the table and handed it to her: "Hey, it's very clean." She was not convinced, "The servants and maids clean every day, so how come there are bugs! "

I wish Yuan's eyes.

[...A demon or a ghost...]

Zhu Yuan shivered, and immediately retracted behind her back.

Xia solstice was at a loss, and then carefully looked at the paper in his hand, there was nothing. She wondered: "Girl, what's the matter?" Why is it like seeing a ghost?

Zhu Yuan was stunned and probed again—the line of ink words was disappearing word by word.

She swallowed and looked towards the summer solstice.

The latter looked dumbfounded.

She can't see.

Zhu Yuan opened her mouth and swallowed it, hesitated for a moment, walked out, and smiled strongly: "It's okay, maybe I read it wrong." Look around, point to the ink stain on the table, and say, "I was not careful just now. Dirty the table, go and wipe the kerchief."

The topic changed abruptly. Xia Zhi was stunned and nodded: "Okay." Put down the paper and went out to get the cleaning tools.

Zhu Yuan ignored her and stared at the rice paper with ink marks. The vigorous ink characters that appeared strangely and disappeared literally just now were completely gone.

......Perhaps, she is blinded?

"Girl?" Xia Zhi, who came back with a rag, saw her standing still, suspicious, "What's wrong with you today?"

"Ah? It's okay." Zhu Yuan returned to his senses and waved his hand. "Hurry up, I have to copy it and send it to Daddy for inspection."

Xia Zhi looked at her a few times and saw that she had moved the papers and books on the table, so she had to suppress her doubts and start to clean up.

Zhu Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Girl, you spilled ink on these two sheets, do you want to copy it again?"

Zhu Yuan saw it, but it was not, they were all smeared by Mo Tuanzi. She was depressed: "I can't see what I wrote, I must copy it again." All blamed the strange ink characters.

Xia Zhi thought for a while, and asked in a low voice, "Why don't you tell the master?"

"Forget it." Zhu Yuan shook her head, "Just two or three pages, just copy it again. Go ahead."

"Yes." Xia Zhi put everything on the table back and took the rag and walked out.

Zhu Yuan was left alone in the room again.

It was the end of the time, the sun that had just rained was bright and warm, and the sun shone in through the open windows, making the room bright.

In this big day... shouldn't those dirty things come out and make noise?

Surely not. Zhu Yuan took a deep breath and tried to convince herself.

After she finished her mental development, she returned to the table carefully, took out a clean piece of rice paper and spread it out, then turned out the county annals to be copied again, and began to copy.

"...Every rivers and lakes flood or enter Haizikou, or Sancha River, but Niutun River is too low, and can't let it go--"

[People from Wuxian County, Suizhou] Vigorous fonts resurfaced.

Zhu Yuan was shocked.

How does it know? !

Is it monitoring itself?

Turning her eyes, she fell on the content she had just copied, and Zhu Yuan had an epiphany—yes, because she had been copying county chronicles.

This thing, you can see what she copied!

That said, it...

Zhu Yuan stared at the piece of paper. Is it trapped inside?

She thought for a while, moved the other books away, pinched the porcelain cup with only half a cup left, and poured it down carefully.

The paper instantly dampened, and the ink and scratches she wrote slowly faded away.

Zhu Yuan had the courage, quickly lifted the paper, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it into the wastebasket.

There was no change in the whole process.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Just in case, she kicked the waste paper basket outside: "Summer solstice, the paper basket is full. Take it to the kitchen and burn it."


Watching the summer solstice go far, I wish Yuanshen refreshed and turned back to the house, sat on the seat, and pulled out the new rice paper——


Zhu Yuan: "..."

Where does the dirty stuff come from, it's endless, right? !

Zhu Yuan was angry and scared, biting her nails, her mind turned sharply, frantically trying to find a way.

She glanced across the bookshelf, her eyes lit up.


"--Cough cough cough!" Xie Zheng, who had just sipped a sip of tea, almost choked to death.

"His Royal Highness!" An Rui hurriedly stepped forward, stroking his back and receiving a cup.

After a long while, Xie Zheng finally came over and said: "Nothing." He waved his hand to let him back down and looked at the rice paper on the table.

It's still the crooked ink character, but the content is different. It's changed from the county annals to——

The Lotus Sutra.

Xie Zheng was dumb.

The thing on the other side was so courageous—all the scriptures were turned over and copied, so it was so scared.

It doesn't seem to be a dirty thing.

Xie Zheng tapped the desktop lightly, concentrating on it.

Since they are all humans, why do they communicate with him?

Is it because of him--

"His Royal Highness." An Rui, who changed his tea cup again, stepped forward again and interrupted his thoughts.

Xie Zheng looked up.

An Rui pointed out and whispered: "Yu Rong is here, it's the empress who has something to do."

An Ping, who was guarding the door, was blocking a girl dressed as a palace attendant—it must be Yurong.

Because he had only made a fire a few days ago, Anping must not dare to let people in at will now. The girl seemed to have a temper, so she reprimanded Anping loudly when she caught Anping, even he could hear a little bit here.

Xie Zheng frowned: "Go and ask what's the matter."


Xie Zheng bowed his head again.

The Lotus Sutra is still slowly emerging word by word.

The strength is unstable, the font is indefinite, and it is crooked... It looks like a person who has just learned the calligraphy, presumably not very old.

And get in touch with county chronicles...

Xie Zheng pondered for a moment and wrote: [The Lotus Sutra is useless to me]

The ink on the paper stopped.

Xie Zheng raised his eyebrows.

Without waiting for him to write anything, the ink word "swish" popped out——

[Stop bluffing! The Lotus Sutra is useless, I still have the Huayan Sutra, Shurangama Sutra, and Great Prajna Sutra... If you dare to do anything, I will copy the sutras one by one a hundred or eighty times! ! ! There is always a cure for you! ! ! 】

Exclamation marks crazily piled up, the ink words scribbled unattainably, clearly showing Zhu Yuan's excitement.

The opposite Xie Zheng saw that the opposite was constantly drawing dotted lines, and he couldn't guess a few points, and immediately curled his lips.

[Wait and see]

【! ! ! 】

Xie Zheng happily wrote down, just as An Rui came in, he asked casually: "How?"

"His Royal Highness, Empress wants you to come over."

The corners of Xie Zheng's lips were instantly evened.


"...I heard that you punished someone a few days ago?" The glamorous woman who was sitting on her head frowned. "You are too young, so why do you act so impulsively?"

It's almost half a month, and it's only now...Which concubine loses face because of this? Xie Zheng said: "I am a dignified son, how can I teach my servants impulsively?"

That's right, the beautiful woman in front of him is his biological mother and one of the four concubines in the harem, Concubine Shu.

After hearing what he said, Concubine Shu's expression became more unhappy: "I didn't say that you can't punish, how to punish is also learned. Did you shoot someone with a stick when you came up like this? Look at the boss and second child. It is to punish people, so why do they gain the reputation of being kind, generous and compassionate? They killed them! Are you, are you going to **** me off?"

Xie Zheng didn't take it seriously: "Isn't Erchen still letting people give medicine to Anfu?"

Speaking of this, Concubine Shu became angry: "If you don't beat people to death, you don't even need to send medicine! You are so hostile, how do others see you and me? Especially your father... you do this Do you know that it is self-destructing the Great Wall?"

If Xie Zheng heard nothing, he picked up the tea cup and scratched it, taking a sip of the tea.

Concubine Shu scolded: "Talking to you, have you listened?"

Xie Zheng put down the tea cup and looked at her: "You called me here specifically for this?"

Concubine Shu's face was ugly: "What is ‘just’, isn’t it a big deal?"

Xie Zheng nodded: "It's really big." Standing up, "My son will go back and reflect on it."

Concubine Shu was shocked.

"Right," Xie Zheng seemed to think of something, glanced at the red silk next to Concubine Shu, and said, "Mother concubine, you are generous and righteous. You are used to the girls who dare to go to the prince's residence and yell and behave--"

"The servant girl dare not!" The red silk face changed drastically, and he knelt down with a "puff", "The servant girl knows wrong, please forgive me!"

Xie Zheng raised his eyebrows, and sat down again: "It seems that the mother and concubine are going to discipline the subordinates, and it is just right for the children to observe and observe."

Concubine Shu's face was pale.

The result is naturally unachievable.

Xie Zheng was thrown out of Zhaochun Palace by the angry concubine Shu, and was fined to copy the Book of Rites ten times.

Xie Zheng walked slowly back to the prince's residence, leading the worried An Rui slowly.

There are so many outsiders, An Rui doesn't dare to talk too much. At this moment, he entered his study room, and he started to babble: "His Royal Highness, why are you having trouble with your empress? After all, that is your mother and concubine——"

"Because it is the mother concubine, there is no need to be too restrained."

An Rui stopped talking.

Xie Zheng strolled to the desk.

The weird ink characters still gradually emerged. It's just that the content has been changed and replaced with another scripture.

Xie Zheng was dumb. It's really persevering.

"His Royal Highness, no matter what, it's always good--"

"Nothing." Xie Zheng waved his hand, "Go out and wait."

Seeing his indifferent expression, An Rui had to swallow the words of persuasion and walked out silently.

Xie Zheng's mood was actually pretty good. Before he even sat down, he grabbed the sheep's hair and dropped the ink on a blank rice paper——

[It seems you are quite free]

! ! ! !

Zhu Yuan, who had diligently copied nearly two classics, almost didn't break her brush.

Poke the brush into the inkstone and turn it around twice. After dipping enough ink, she pressed it against the paper, and brushed it with the momentum of painting the wall——

[You are busy, busy reincarnation! 】I don’t know where the lonely ghosts come from. Frightening her is not counted, but even laughing at her? !

[Speaking so viciously, but no parents teach me]

[You have no father, no mother, no elders! You go quickly! Roll away]

[Do you know who you will talk to again]

[Hehe, I care about you--]


There was a cruel hit on the head, and Zhu Yuan exhaled in pain. She quickly raised her head and met Zhu Xiuqi's unhappy expression.

The latter knocked on the rice paper on the table: "Let you copy the county annals, what do you write?"

Zhu Yuan was startled, and looked down subconsciously.

Most of the vigorous ink writing written by the boy on the opposite side has faded, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Excluding the unfinished half-line of Buddhist scriptures on the paper, the rest are all huge curse words.

It's ugly.

Zhu Yuan: "..." It's miserable.

Sure enough, Zhu Xiuqi said angrily: "It seems that the county annals are not suitable for you. First copy the "Book of Rites" ten times, and learn what is meant by ‘Don’t speak up’!"

Zhu Yuan: "..."

She is wronged, she is more wronged than Dou E! ! !

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