Xie Zheng put down the book and asked An Fu and others to find out who else lived in the inn, paying particular attention to those with unusual words and strange behaviors.

A few people in Anfu saw him sinking like water, and they were frightened. Except for those who stayed behind, all the others scattered and looked around.

When everyone left, Xie Zheng rolled his sleeves and rubbed the ink himself, and began to follow the words of this Peppa.

【how do I say this? 】

How could Zhu Yuan, who was far away in Luzhou, think that he would make such a misunderstanding? Seeing his reply, he immediately elaborated on today's affairs with excitement—of course, it was a hit.

Xie Zheng distilled the center from a lot of words: on the street, relatives, old women, giving food...

It seems that what they saw and heard was not the same thing at all.

Xie Zheng's eyebrows were slightly relaxed.

Zhu Yuan is still struggling to write a book: [Although it is for the good of the elderly, there are thousands of ways to help, how can anyone directly ignore or ignore it? In vain, this guy has been reading books for so many years, without turning his head, like a nerd as a whole, I am so angry! 】

[Your charity is nothing but a drop in the bucket. It is of no avail. When you leave in a crowd, the beggar should do whatever it takes. It is also common sense that he will not save it. ] Being bothered by beggars, Xie Zheng had a rare patience and talked to her a lot.

[I understand the truth, but you can't be like this. Don't take evil for small things, don't take good things for nothing. How can you not care because good and evil are too small? 】

Xie Zheng dumb: [naive]

Zhu Yuan angrily: [How innocent? Respecting the old and loving the young is a basic human quality. If you can't even do this, are you still a human being? 】

[Canglin knows the etiquette for the real, and knows the honor and disgrace of the food and clothing. Food and clothing are a problem for the people, and respecting the old and loving the young is nothing but a piece of paper. 】

【……you're right! ] Zhu Yuan is ashamed. She is narrow. [So, it's still a matter of the court. As long as the imperial court gives some strength, there will be no such situation. 】

Xie Zheng:...

This Peppa is somewhat similar to those sour Confucians who instruct the country. And this kind of people is either self-satisfied, or young.

I don't know which item he occupied?

It happened that An Fu came over to reply, but Xie Zheng didn't continue.

Both of them were struggling, and after a short chat, they rested separately.


The house where Zhu’s stayed temporarily has been cleaned in advance. After they move in, they only need to put the luggage away, and then buy some odds and ends.

Just rushing all the way, especially Zhu Yuan vomiting all the way, Zhang Jingshu put his mind down and let everyone rest for a good day.

On the third day after arriving in Luzhou, they went to the Qin Defense Mansion as a guest. One is to give gifts. After all, someone else rents out the yard and cleans it, and the other is to ask the doctor.

Because it was not Xie Mu, Qin Defense was not at home, so Zhang Jingshu only brought Zhu Yuan to the banquet.

Qin Shoubei’s wife, whose surname is Xin, is a hearty and generous young woman. After meeting them, after the greeting, Madam Xin complained: "I have heard from our family father several times that Mrs. Zhu. In our house, you are all I’m an old friend, why come here with so many gifts?"

"It's all worthless things, you don't dislike it." Zhang Jingshu smiled, pulled Zhu Yuan away, and introduced to her, "This is my girl, with a single name in a round character." Then let Zhu Yuan call people.

I wish Yuanfu blessed my body and called out aunty.

Mrs. Xin's eyes lit up, and she took her hand and exclaimed: "Oh, this girl is really cute, and it makes me feel sorry to look at it. I can't wait to **** it and raise it at home after seeing it twice."

Zhang Jingshu was busy and humble: "Madam is absurd. The little lady is very stubborn. If it is really at your house, I am afraid it will annoy you."

Mrs. Xin covered her mouth and smiled: "Sister, you're too modest. Where can you be naughty from the little girl's family?" She introduced each other during the greeting. She was a few years younger than Zhang Jingshu, so she called herself a younger sister.

Several people entered the house while chatting, took their seats in order, and the servants offered tea.

Zhang Jingshu picked up the tea and sipped it, and then smiled at the topic just now: "It's not naughty, or there are so many ghost ideas, and she takes her brothers and sisters to make trouble all day."

Mrs. Xin was immediately happy: "So I want to keep her even more." After that, she turned back to tease Zhuyuan, "Yuanyuan, right? Auntie has a little sister and a little brother at home. Will you stay with them for two days? "

Zhu Yuan glanced at Zhang Jingshu who was smiling, and generously refused: "Sorry aunt, we are the first to come back in Luzhou, the land is unfamiliar, and my father is not here, I have to accompany my mother and them."

Mrs. Xin joked: "Don't you cry if you leave your mother?"

Zhu Yuan smiled: "Auntie wants to think like this, I can't help it~"

Mrs. Xin was surprised: "You little girl is not afraid of life at all... How old is this year?"

"Eleven years old."

"Oh, it's almost time to talk about it." Madam Xin smiled at Zhang Jingshu, "I see this temperament, it can hold the place, it's the material for the mistress."

Zhu Yuan couldn't answer these words, so she hung her head and pretended to be shy.

Zhang Jingshu shook her head: "I was delayed a few years ago. I brought it around to teach last year." He sighed, "Now her body is...I'm very sad, where can I still think about others."

Mrs. Xin looked at Zhu Yuan carefully after hearing the words, and said: "Your letter is very serious, but the little girl looks pretty good, is it really that serious?"

Zhang Jingshu's face was even more sad: "I have seen a lot of doctors, and they said they were too young to make up for it. They looked ruddy, but they were really empty. I'm only eleven years old. I didn't say anything about it last month. It hurts so much..." She said, her eyes were red, "Don't talk about how the child suffers, just in case, in the future..."

Xu was in front of Zhu Yuan, she didn't say any further.

Mrs. Xin understood his hidden words. My daughter’s family is nothing more than worrying about offspring.

She sighed and patted the back of Zhang Jingshu's hand: "Don't worry too much. Although Luzhou is a little poorer, there are still a lot of good doctors. Yuanyuan is a young man. As long as she is properly trained, she must be no different from ordinary people."

"hope so……"

Before the words were finished, a maid hurried in, blessed her body first, and then leaned to Mrs. Xin to whisper a few words.

Zhang Jingshu lowered her head to pretend to taste tea.

Mrs. Xin waved away the maid and said, “The doctor is here.” Seeing Zhang Jingshu’s stunned, she explained, “It’s better to take care of your body sooner or later. When you received Lord Zhu’s letter, our father had already sent someone there. Pay attention to those doctors who are good at gynecological care. I knew that you were coming over today. I had already sent someone to invite that doctor over. He was already waiting in the front yard."

Zhang Jingshu was pleasantly surprised: "This, this..." He didn't delay his effort at all, so he invited the doctor over?

"Don't do this, go around, go to see the doctor, and see how our round body is more suitable!" Mrs. Xin waved her hand and led them to the outer courtyard.


"...The false fire and the cold, it's not a big problem." The long-bearded old doctor Shu Shu Shu wrote a recipe and handed the paper to Zhang Jingshu, "First I eat this recipe for ten days. After ten God, the old man will come back for a follow-up visit and make adjustments at that time."

Hearing that it was not a big problem, Zhang Jingshu was completely relieved and asked, "How long will I take this medicine before and after? Will it harm my body?"

The old doctor stroked his long beard: "If it's fast, it's one month, if it's slow, it's three months."

Mrs. Xin frowned: "Can't you hurry up?"

"You have to take a strong medicine soon. The children's family can be adjusted properly to make it easy for ordinary people. Too hasty is not beautiful."

Too. Mrs. Xin stopped to say more.

Zhang Jingshu was already very happy: "It's already much faster than I thought. As long as Yuanyuan's body gets better, it doesn't hurt to spend more time."

The old doctor stroked his long beard: "This is the truth. After taking the medicine, I will give you a few more dietary prescriptions. If you think about it, take one or two times. Your body will be better and you will not get sick easily."

Zhang Jingshu was completely relieved now.

Zhu Yuan is even more excited. As long as she thought of the needle-stabbing abdominal pain, she couldn't wait to kowtow to the old doctor in front of her.

After sending off the old doctor, Mrs. Xin smiled and said, "Is it more at ease now?"

"It's a lot of help from you and Master Qin." Zhang Jingshu wiped the corners of her eyes, "If it weren't for your help, my family Yuanyuan wouldn't know how to suffer!" After finishing speaking, she hurriedly pushed Zhuyuan to make her say something nice. thank.

Zhu Yuan immediately opened her mouth and blew a long string of rainbow farts to Mrs. Xin, which made her smile.

"Look at this little mouth, it's as sweet as wiping honey!" Madam Xin squeezed Zhuyuan's face lovingly, then turned to ask Zhang Jingshu, "The more I look at you, the more Yuanyuan likes it... Years old, do you have any plans?"

Zhu Yuan blinked and looked at Zhang Jingshu. The latter patted her head and replied, "Not yet."

"Where are you going to look for? You can't find it in Wuxian, wherever you go. You will be helpless if you leave in the future."

This is a serious talk about marriage. Zhu Yuan had to bow her head, twist her clothes and pretend to be shy, listening with her ears upright.

Just listen to Zhang Jingshu: "I discussed with my master earlier that when the term of office in Wu County expired, I took her back to the capital to see others."

"That's good." Mrs. Xin nodded again and again, "My daughter, I still have to put it under my nose." After a pause, she smiled, "If I don't have a good one, I have a good candidate."

Zhang Jingshu was surprised, and said, "Sister might as well speak up."

Mrs. Xin gave a light cough: "You also know that our Qin family has a concubine Shu. She has two princes under her knees, the eldest ranked third, who has just turned fourteen-"

Introducing the prince? Zhang Jingshu was taken aback.

Even Zhu Yuan was stunned. Good guy, she just came to see the doctor, why did she even get married? She is only eleven years old! !

Perceiving their surprise, Mrs. Xin waved her hand: "Let's listen to me." She sighed, "Don't look at the prince's name, it sounds loud, but our prince is really pitiful."

Listen to gossip. Zhu Yuan had forgotten to twist the hem of her dress, and almost moved her ears.

Mrs. Xin lowered her voice: "Mrs. Shu was favored as soon as she entered the palace. She had a lot of bleeding when she gave birth to the third majesty. She almost didn't get through, and her body broke down. She was ill for half a year. There were so many colors in the palace, the emperor naturally couldn’t guard her, turned his head and left her behind. The family couldn’t help either... During those days, the empress was really filled with medicine scum, and she was too miserable. Fortunately, after a few years of hard work, her body finally improved a lot. When she re-petted again, gave birth to a young son, and was promoted to Concubine Shu, her life would be much better..."

These are no secrets, and Zhang Jingshu has also heard about it. It's just, good point, why do you mention this?

"You think, the same son, this situation is completely different, what would you do?"

Zhang Jingshu couldn't answer this.

Fortunately, Mrs. Xin didn't think about what she could say. She just continued: "This person, I am most afraid of thinking too much. If you think about it, it will be easy..." She lowered her voice, "I heard that the person regarded the Three Highnesses as Those who are in conflict with me are suppressed, and...plus the emperor’s affairs are busy...Anyway, our three majesty is a nanny and an **** as a elder. I saw it last time and didn’t even smile. Poor..."

"Anyway, our master has already spoken, we must help pay attention to the marriage of the third highness."

The master in her mouth refers to the biological father of Concubine Shu, the grandfather of the three princes, the third grade Taichang Temple Qing, and Qin Mingye Qin.

Having said that, Zhang Jingshu still hesitated: "This... is the prince after all, how can Yuanyuan be able to afford it?"

"Hey, what is high and low, our Qin family is not a big family, and there is also a concubine Shu?"

Zhang Jingshu thought for a while, and smiled reluctantly: "I can't do this. I have to ask my father when I look back."

"Of course." Madam Xin touched Zhuyuan's head, "I'll just say that, even if I really want to talk, it's still early..."

This topic stopped for a while, and the two changed to chat about some customs in Luzhou and Wuxian.

Zhu Yuan thought it was over.

Physical things have turned for the better, so I can recover from illness in the future. Even though Zhu Tingzhou was mentioned to practice calligraphy when he got home, Zhu Yuan's mood was still beautiful.

Therefore, as soon as she saw the dog egg appear, she immediately rushed to say hello excitedly.

[Dogdangodan! Let me tell you, I heard a big gossip today! 】

The ink characters on the opposite side were not affected at all, and they wrote their own things smoothly.

[Hey, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. I didn't expect that a dignified man would live like no father or mother. It's too miserable. 】

The vigorous ink calligraphy and strokes have a meal: [What's the situation? 】

[Oh, I thought you cared about your dam. Why are you suddenly interested again? 】

Xie Zheng, who was far away in Luzhou, jumped on his forehead: [Say] There is a lot of nonsense about this guy, if you put him in front of him, he would have been kicked by him long ago.

[I see, you have cement now... Do you want to be promoted, do you want to become a Beijing official? That’s why I want to know that in the palace——] Before he finished speaking, Zhu Yuan felt that something was wrong. [No, you painted the Luzhou **** a few days ago, and you said far away...Ah! Are you a Beijing official? ! Luzhou now? ! 】

The corner of Xie Zheng's eyes twitched. Careless.

[Hehehe,] Zhu Yuan is very excited, [It seems that the day of picking up the horse is just around the corner! 】

Xie Zheng squeezed his eyebrows, and brought the topic back: [Talk about the prince first]

[You are still thinking about this...] Zhu Yuan now cares more about Brother Goudan's vest, and replied casually, [In fact, it's nothing, but I heard that the dignified three princes turned out to be a little cabbage. 】

Thanks to the third prince Zheng:...

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