Xie Zheng still muttered to himself what the cabbage is. Zhu Yuan has already recounted the gossip he heard today briefly, and concluded: [Poor three princes, it feels like the cabbage in the field. 】

Xie Zheng: ...Why do you mention this word again?

He squeezed his eyebrows and asked: [What does the little cabbage mean? 】

[We have a folk song here, and the lyrics are like this: Little cabbage~~Dilihuang~~Two or three years old~~No mother~~~I'm afraid that my father will marry a stepmother~~]

Xie Zheng:...

If it wasn't through the paper... he bit his back tooth socket and changed the subject: [~What do you mean]

I always see him use "~", occasionally two, occasionally three, or more, I always feel that it is not serious.

[It can mean prolonged voice, but also can express cheerful emotions~~~Look at it~~~is it very vivid~~~]

It's so expressive. Xie Zheng looked at the wavy line of ecstasy and felt his head grew.

[By the way, how long have you walked from Beijing to Luzhou? Upside down on the road? Did you vomit? How much ash did you eat? 】

A lot of problems came down. Xie Zheng's head hurts even more. Well, just don’t talk about his well-known things...

[It must be the case if you travel by land] In other words, bumps and dust are common.

[So, hurry up with your cement! Dams can be repaired. Isn’t it a trivial task to repair bridges and pave roads? 】

Put it lightly. [Where is the money? 】

Zhu Yuan rolled her eyes: [Big brother, you can collect money! You look for the kind of road with a lot of business travel, wait for the road to be repaired, set up a toll station, and charge when you bring goods and carts through! 】

Xie Zheng:...

[This is a blockade and robbery. 】

Zhu Yuan refuses to accept: [What do you love me, how can it be called robbery? 】She is insidious and good at temptation, 【You think, merchants pull a group of goods, from one state capital to another state capital, five, six, seven or eight days is less? After so many days, do you want to eat or drink? Do you want to eat the animal pulling the cart? Do you need money for accommodation? If the road is not peaceful, then ask the team guards to guard or something, don’t you have to ask for money? 】

[But if the cement road is repaired, it will be smooth and silky, a hundred miles a day! It can be done in a day or two between the state capitals. How much food rations and accommodation costs have to be saved, and the price is to pay a little bit of travel expenses! Don’t you want to change you? 】

Xie Zheng was startled.

[If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't fix the cement, I would like to repair the road. 】 Zhu Yuan was deeply moved, 【Only you can only toss about an official like you. 】

Cement requires iron powder. In this era, iron is a war material, which is controlled by the court and cannot be obtained by ordinary people like her.

Xie Zheng regained his senses, squinted his eyes, and said slowly: [Since you are in the capital, there must be some ways, so it's not difficult to get some materials. 】

Zhu Yuan raised her eyebrows: [Who said I was in the capital? 】

[The story of the three princes is well known to all people in Beijing. If you have not just arrived in the capital, you have just made friends with powerful people. Otherwise, how do you know the royal rumors? 】

Oh, is this a idiom? Zhu Yuan sneered: [I think you are in a hurry. Are your cement materials ready? Iron needs to be ground into powder, limestone needs to be high-purity, and it needs to be calcined~ Is the coal used for the calcining material done? 】

Xie Zheng:...

The N-th confrontation test, the dog egg defeated!

After the Goudan brother was so speechless, Zhu Yuan continued to practice calligraphy happily.

The days returned to peace again.

Except for switching from Wuxian to Luzhou, except for not seeing Zhu Xiuqi, life is the same as in Wuxian.

Only the person who supervised her calligraphy practice changed from Zhu Xiuqi to Zhu Tingzhou.

Every day I practice calligraphy, piano, read books, take medicine, play with my younger brother, and walk with my mother to talk...

Oh, yes, I have to accompany Zhu Tingzhou to the question.

During the period, he accompanied Zhang Jingshu to the Qin Mansion for several visits. I don't know if Mrs. Xin really likes her, or just to make the best of the landlord's friendship, she even invites them to have a meal in the mansion every other time, so naturally she also met the young and promising Luzhou guard Qin You.

However, these are trivial matters.

The old doctor Mrs. Xin invited was very good. After taking medicine for more than half a month, Zhu Yuan's first menstruation in Luzhou finally came.

Although she was still cold and aching, she no longer felt retching and unable to swallow.

At this point, Zhang Jingshu and her were completely relieved and settled down to continue taking medicine and conditioning.

Xie Zheng at the other end was in a completely different state.

On the second day after arriving in Luzhou, he was plunged into crazy busyness.

He didn't need to be so busy.

The supervision of the construction of the embankment should have been presided over by Chen Zhenghao, the minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Xie Zhengyuan did not intend to go beyond his authority. As Peppa said, he came here only to prevent someone from cutting corners, embezzling and cheating-he didn't allow him to toss for a long time by a bunch of old officials.

However, people are not as good as heaven.

This event started late, and the rainy season in Luzhou has arrived.

Luzhou is located in the lower reaches of the river, where silt is accumulated and the river bed stands high. In the autumn and winter, the water flows smoothly and irrigates the wild.

Ke Luzhou has a rainy season from two to March every year. If you are lucky, the rain water is evenly dispersed, the river water is discharged in time, and there are high embankments, the people and the fields are naturally safe.

If it encounters that rainy year, the rushing rain drops and the river surges, the river bank will be vulnerable.

But God doesn’t say which year is big or small. Therefore, even if Luzhou’s rivers are not lacking dikes every year, the first thing in each term of Zhizhou’s appointment is to build strong river dikes, nothing else. Only during the tenure, the river bank can be stable.

In this era, sand, soil and gravel were mostly used to build dams. The sand, soil, and gravel particles dug from elsewhere were filled with sack and tied tightly, one bag next to each other on the embankment, densely packed, and the embankment was so wide and high that it looked mighty and domineering.

Just looks.

In the face of natural disasters, these gravels are nothing but worms that shake trees. When the **** is missing, it is still necessary. The only difference is how often.

Missing the embankment once is a catastrophe. The people will always suffer, and the officials of the state government will not run away from their responsibilities.

Before Xie Zheng arrived in Luzhou, it had been raining for more than half a month in Luzhou.

When they patrolled the embankment, the river had already covered half of the embankment, the water was turbid, and the sand could be seen in a handful.

The others were fine. Zhang Huiqing, who was with him, had a big change in expression. He hurriedly asked Xie Zheng to start work as soon as possible.

Xie Zheng had expected it a long time ago, but he didn't remember the exact time, and with his proof, he no longer hesitated, and simply waited for the minister of engineering Chen Zhenghao to come to preside, and immediately decided to start the work.

Luzhou Zhizhou originally wanted to whistle a few words, but Xie Zheng swept his eyes coldly, and stopped speaking.

Say it again. The man in front of him is His Royal Highness, although he has no rights and no position at a young age, but he is here to repair the river. If it is repaired, everyone will be happy, if it is not repaired, there will be the prince in front of the pot...... Isn't it wonderful?

If so, he will follow the good.

Knowing the state does not cause trouble, everything is easy to talk.

In order to fix the cement before the water level of the river rises, Xie Zheng led Zhang Huiqing, Luzhou Zhizhou, and even Luzhou officials, all busy.

The allocation, procurement, processing of materials, construction of blast furnaces, recruitment of personnel... all kinds of pieces, many and complicated.

In order to ensure that there are no omissions, Xie Zheng made a similar version with reference to the process control table used by Page to open the store a few days ago. The entries are clear and the responsibility is personal. Even Zhizhou is convinced.

After doing one by one, there was no trace of error.

When the iron powder escorted by Chen Zhenghao was in place, he was immediately pulled to the blast furnace for calcination and mixing. The minister of the Ministry of Industry has not yet reacted, and the dam has already been mixed with cement.

Fortunately, the heavens were beautiful, and in the few days when the cement was applied, God only drizzled intermittently. Although the cement solidified slowly, it dried out slowly.

As soon as the cement came out of the blast furnace, it was immediately transported to the river, where it was stirred and pasted onto the dam.

Every link is composed of two groups of people. Every day at twelve o'clock, there are people who bring food and drink. When tired, rest on the spot, wake up and work... The nervous and busy state lasted until mid-July.

The dam on this side keeps thickening, and the river on the other side continues to rise. When the dam is completed, the turbid river water has risen to the upper part of the dam.

In order to prevent accidents, and at this time, the dam had changed from Zhang Xu wide to more than two meters wide. After Xie Zheng discussed with Chen Zhenghao, Zhang Huiqing and others, people stopped.

As early as when they started to paste the cement, the people along the way talked a lot, and the cynical swearing and scolding, saying that their gang of dog officials had their consciences muddled by shit, and they even fooled the people with mud.

Naturally, the words could not reach Xie Zheng's ears, so he didn't know it, and he still directed everyone to work step by step.

When the dam was stopped and the cement dried out, the silt dam, which was originally piled up with sacks of sand and soil, had turned into a gray stone wall.

Xie Zheng also let people pull several bullock carts to go up there. The frame was still pressed with boulders. The big water buffalo weighing a thousand catties plus the frame and stones walked side by side on the dam, dart dart hooves. The sound and the sound of rutting, calm as thunder, shocked everyone's hearts back into their stomachs.

The rain is getting richer, and with the continuous rain in the upper reaches, the water level of the river bed keeps rising, everyone has been evacuated. Even the residents near the dam and downstream have been ordered to leave.

Less than three days after the cement dam was built, Luzhou ushered in heavy rain again.

At that time, the water of the river had passed half of the dam, and the rain began to rise visibly.

Everyone waited fearfully.

On the second day of the torrential rain, the rain showed no signs of abating, so Xie Zheng ordered Luzhou Zhizhou to start counting Luzhou’s grain storage and sealing up the major grain shops in the city, preparing for the worst.

On the third day of the torrential rain, Xie Zheng led people to station on a high **** near the riverbed. The needles dropped quietly in the old house temporarily requisitioned.

The little officials in charge of checking the water level of the riverbed stood firm in front, and every once in a while, someone rushed back to report.

It has risen, and the water level has risen again!

Rising, the water level is approaching the highest level of the river bank!

It has risen, and the flood has begun to overflow the river bank!

Everyone's heart was raised immediately.

Another news report, the small official ran back, drenched, and his voice panicked: "The report-the flood came out, flooded the field and can't make it!!"

Everyone shook in their hearts.

Xie Zheng looked serious, and asked in a deep voice, "Is there any embankment?"

"Yes, yes, is it missing?" This is the key! !

The little official wiped his face indiscriminately, shook his head and said, "No, there is no shortage. It's just that the water is too big and overflowing!"

Everyone sighed in relief.

Then someone laughed and cursed: "Look at what you said, the flood water will overflow, what's so fuss about!" As long as there is no shortage of the river bank, the little water flowing out can not hurt people and animals. When the water is gone, you can continue to live.

The little official scratched his head and dared not say anything.

This torrential rain lasted for three days, until the evening of the third day, the rain gradually reduced.

The summer sun went down in the evening, just after the unity hour, the rain finally stopped.

The water flowing over the embankment flooded the surrounding fields to the knees, but the embankment was not lacking from beginning to end.

When it was Xu, the water in the fields slowly receded.

No matter what, this first hurdle is over.

Xie Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, went back to his residence, freshened up quickly, stuffed a bowl of noodles and fell asleep.

Sleep well all night.

Early the next morning, Xie Zheng was awakened by the muttering voice. Before he could react, he heard An Fu whispered in surprise, "Really?"

"An Fu?" Xie Zheng frowned and asked.

"Hey, master!" An Fu hurriedly opened the door and came in, "Are you awake? The slave is waiting for you."

"Who was here just now?" Xie Zheng squeezed his eyebrows to make himself sober.

"Back to the master, it was from the river bank to report the news." An Fu's mouth was almost grinning to his ears, and he couldn't help but report with excitement, "The water level of the river bed has gone down, our cement river bank has succeeded!"

"Oh?" Xie Zheng replied casually, "That's great." He got out of the bed slowly, opened his hands, "Change clothes."

"Yes." An Fu picked up his clothes and began to change his clothes, "Master, you were so worried that you couldn't eat it yesterday. Why are you not excited at all after hearing the good news today?"

Xie Zheng squinted at him: "Don't you know that the rain stopped and the water subsided last night?" What's so exciting.

An Fu kept moving in his hands, with an unconcealed smile on his face: "Last night it was just the water in the fields that had retreated. How can it be the same?"

"The rain has stopped. Since the water has begun to recede, it is only a matter of time before the water in the riverbed recedes, so why be excited?"

"Yes, it's a slave who hasn't passed the world."

That being said. Xie Zheng changed clothes to wash, and after breakfast, he still went to the dam.

Many people ran up the dam to check.

There are a lot of Luzhou prefects, several adults from the Ministry of Industry, small soldiers, and even Luzhou residents.

As soon as Xie Zheng appeared near the dam, he heard a shout, "The three princes are here", and then he knelt in front of him.

"The Three Princes have boundless merits!"

"The three princes are kind!"

"The three princes will never forget their great grace!"


Some people even started to wipe their tears.

Xie Zheng paused and frowned.

After hearing the news, Zhizhou was busy making people drive away the people, and then salute him.

Xie Zheng glanced at him coldly: "My lord is easy to calculate."

When he came out of the capital, he acted in a low-key manner. An Fu Anrui changed his words to call his master. How did ordinary people know that the prince was here? As long as people with brains think about it, they know that Zhizhou has done something.

However, it is also true that after experiencing the torrential rains that have been rare in the past few years, Zhizhou panicked and spread the news to the people privately, letting everyone know that the construction of the dam was the responsibility of the prince. If the dam is missing, his pot will be smaller. ...

It's just that people are not as good as heaven. Who knows that the cement solidified by the powder can actually stop the monstrous flood.

Therefore, as soon as Xie Zheng said this, he was a little embarrassed.

Xie Zheng didn't care about him either. He walked up the dam from the reserved step and found Chen Huiqing, and asked him, "Have you checked? Is there any festering leak?"

Chen Huiqing lost weight during this period of time. Hearing the question, he was excited and shook his head repeatedly: "No no, the minister has already checked it from beginning to end. This dam is very strong, and there is no trace of water mark! "

Xie Zheng let out a sigh of relief and nodded: "That's all right." Chen Zhenghao turned his head and walked over quickly, and said, "Master Chen, the next finishing and inventory work will be left to you."

Chen Zhenghao was astonished: "What does your Highness say? These are all your way..."

Xie Zheng waved his hand: "You were responsible for Luzhou's affairs. The last few days were just a matter of urgency. Now that the flood has subsided, you will naturally leave the next affairs to you to arrange." Without waiting for him to speak, then He said again, "I need to go to Luzhou if I have something to do. If something is wrong here, please send someone to send me a letter."

Chen Zhenghao was stunned, and handed over: "Then, it's better to be respectful than an official."

Xie Zheng nodded, turned and left.

Along the way, many people kept kowtow.

An Fu Anrui was very excited when she heard it, and when she looked at Xie Zheng, whose face was as deep as water, neither of them dared to say anything.

After finally getting away from the crowd, An Fu couldn't restrain himself, and asked in a low voice: "Master, why are you going to Luzhou suddenly?"

Xie Zheng glanced at him, and said inexplicably, "I am only fourteen years old this year."

An Fu Anrui glanced at each other, both faces blank.

Xie Zheng no longer explained.

Early the next morning, without informing anyone or saying farewell, Xie Zheng quietly left Luzhou with An Fu Anrui and the guards.


Seven days later, Luzhou.

Xie Zheng, who had just arrived in Luzhou, had a good night's sleep, got up early, and practiced a few strokes with his sleeves in his sleeves. Peppa, who was on the opposite side, called the sun to come out to the west.

Cough, too busy in Luzhou, he hasn't picked up a pen in recent months.

[I thought we were disconnected, but I didn’t expect to be able to call. 】

What a messy metaphor. Xie Zheng couldn't laugh or cry, and casually explained: [Busy the other day. 】

[Luzhou dyke? Is it fixed? 】

[Yes, it's done. 】

[Oh, congratulations~~ It seems that we are going to rise up step by step next. Look at your words like a dragon and a phoenix, so you are in a good mood! 】

[Thanks to you. 】

[That is, remember to help understand the imperial examination questions in the future-eh, let's not talk about it, here is someone! 】

Xie Zheng smiled, uncovering the paper and kneading the ball, continuing to practice calligraphy.

He was practicing calligraphy here, and the writing on the other side was also continuing, but somebody was around, just immersed in writing, looking at the content, it should be doing scripture interpretation again.

Xie Zheng raised his eyebrows, his teasing heart suddenly rose, and he commented on the side of his question.

[Improper quotation, please quote here...]

[The wording is incorrect, the original meaning here is...]

[Nonsense, Mencius has a cloud...]


After a few of them came down, the handwriting on the opposite side became thicker and heavier. However, there are people around him who seem to be staring, and they dare not write half a word.

One interpretation, one comment, and this pleasant unilateral teaching came to an end until the interpreter re-drawn the last circle.

Xie Zheng smiled at the corner of his mouth and put down the pen, with his hands behind his back, planning to go out for a while, and buy some gifts for his second uncle and second uncle.

When things were almost the same, he thought that the children of his second uncle's family were still young, and he probably preferred snacks, so he simply picked a dim sum shop that looked pretty good and planned to buy some.

As soon as he entered the door, he bumped into a teenager who had trot out.


The opposite boy fell directly into a **** pier, the paper bag in his hand was smashed, and the snack rolled out, even the paper in his hand was scattered and spread all over the floor.

Xie Zheng was better, he only staggered two steps before being supported by An Rui Anfu at the back.


"Sorry, sorry, I was anxious for a while and hit Xiongtai!" The voice of the young man in the changing voice was a little harsh.

Xie Zheng waved his hand: "Nothing." He glanced at the paper on the floor, his eyes condensed suddenly--

The handwriting is too familiar, and even the content in it happens to be the Scripture essay he annotated this morning.

He looked suspiciously at the teenager who was timidly cleaning up.

Is it... Peppa?

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