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: In the second round, Xie Zheng KO.


The next day, I wish the family are ready. Thinking that they hadn't visited the county town very seriously after they came to Wuxian, Zhang Jingshu simply took the whole family with them and went out together.

She held Zhu Tingfang and took a car with her aunt Yinhuan, Zhu Yuan and Zhu Ying took a car, and the maid had a servant, and the group went out shopping mighty.

Not to mention how excited Zhu Ying was, Zhu Yuan, a bun who had never seen the ancient world, looked out eagerly through the car window.

The road in front of the official residence was paved with stone slabs, and when you exit the official residence, turn into the main street, and the road becomes a dirt road. There are row upon row of tiled houses on both sides, and there are more and more pedestrians, and the noise is heard.

It is like a picture scroll that has been in the museum for many years, unfolding slowly, simple and vivid, remote and illusory.

Zhu Yuan seemed to see the familiar high-rise buildings, busy traffic, and shadows, looming, overlapping with the scene in front of him.

For a moment, she didn't even know if it was reality or imagination--


I wish Yuan a quick return to God. There was still a dusty dirt road, or pedestrians in long gowns with hair tied, or low-rise tiled bungalows... not imagination, nor ancient paintings.

I wish Yuan Qingling. Well, it's been so long, what else can be entangled——


The sleeve was pulled down.

Zhu Yuan turned her head and met Zhu Ying's wronged little eyes.

Their family is looking good. Zhu Yuanyuan had a fat baby. She suffered a serious illness some time ago, and the flesh on her face was a little bit less. The smell of this beauty came out.

The little Zhu Ying, white and delicate, so wronged, Baba looked at Zhu Yuan, and immediately turned Lolita’s appearance and the old aunt’s inner Zhu Yuan into a cute look.

She quickly turned back and asked what was wrong.

Zhu Ying pursed her lips: "You ignore me."

Zhu Yuan hastily apologized: "It's my sister, I just lost my mind." I asked for it right away, "Did you see anything funny just now?"

Zhu Ying immediately became happy, Barabara began to tell her what she had just seen.

I wish Yuanan Le, children are just cheating.

But after a few words, the frame stopped.

The two immediately stopped talking, and their faces were filled with excitement.

"Eldest girl, second girl, here." Xia Zhi's voice came from outside, and then the car door was opened.

Zhu Yuan took the lead to go out, and before the summer solstice was sent to the car bench, he jumped down and frightened the summer solstice by the car. Before she could say anything, Zhu Ying came out from behind, leaping like she was, but fortunately her maid was staring, and hurriedly rushed to hug her and didn't let her fall.

"Oh my aunt, what should I do if I fell?"

Xia Zhi also looked at Zhu Yuan angrily.

At this height, can an eight-year-old child fall? ! Zhu Yuan stuck out her tongue and took up Xiao Zhuying's hand: "Go, let's go ahead." Before the two maidservants could speak, she dragged people on the wet mud and ran forward.

"...Be brighter, take advantage of the quiet here, you seize the opportunity to have a son." Zhang Jingshu was talking to her aunt Yinhuan in a low voice.

Yinhuan seemed unhappy: "There are two young masters in our family."

"That didn't come out of your belly." Zhang Jingshu sighed, "You don't know what's going on in the main house. You don't have a son by your side. You are always a little shorter than others when you go back. It's better to be outside. Over the past two years, I have worked hard to give birth to a son."

Yinhuan was silent.

Zhang Jingshu glanced at her twice: "I know what you are worried about. As you said, I have two sons. What else is there to be afraid of? You put your heart in my stomach and you are born."

Just as the sisters Zhuyuan and Zhuyuan arrived, Zhang Jingshu suppressed the topic and said to the girls, "Follow the adults later, don't run around, you know?"

Sister Zhuyuan nodded quickly.

Zhang Jingshu was not relieved, and he instructed several people all over the summer solstice before leading them into the cloth shop with the wide open gate.

Although they are family members of the county magistrate, whether it is Zhang Jingshu or Zhu Xiuqi, they are not the kind of bullying and overbearing people. Naturally, they don't have any privileges to go out shopping and shopping—for example, they can buy and shop at random.

With the opening of the store to do business, there will naturally be other customers, and there are many more.

Zhu Yuan found out only after entering the shop, it is no wonder that Zhang Jingshu had to ask so repeatedly.

Although they didn't use the privileges, there were a bunch of maids and maids with them in the frame team. The store had seen this battle. Therefore, as soon as they entered the door, the shopkeeper greeted them personally, and with a smile, they led them to the inner room to take a seat, and they wanted to see what materials and clothes they had brought.

Zhuyuan, who was eating cakes and drinking tea, experienced the joy of VIP for the first time.

However, happiness is always short-lived.

Soon she and Zhu Ying were called in front of Zhang Jingshu and they put on pieces of clothes and fabrics to show the two elders the colors and fabrics to see the style...

After trying all the clothes brought by the cloth shop, Zhang Jingshu and Zhang Jingshu were satisfied, letting Sister Zhuyuan let them dangle in the store by themselves, and were going to look at the clothes of Xiaotingfang and Yinhuan.

It seemed that the process just now was repeated, and Zhu Yuan hurriedly took Zhu Ying and ran away.

Of course, there are maids behind.

Zhu Yuan didn't want to run far, so she watched the excitement outside.

Most of the people who come and go in the cloth shop are women, and there are not many daughter-in-laws and girls' houses. At the time when the weather was getting warmer, people put on bright summer shirts. Looking around, there was a lot of excitement, and it was not at all noticeable that Zhu Xiuqi said that the green and yellow were missing.

"Sister, what are you looking at?" Zhu Ying followed with her head.

Zhu Yuan chuckled: "I see a pretty lady."

Zhu Ying blinked: "Why look at Miss Sister?"

"Because it is beautiful." The beauties of this era are all pure and natural. It's really beautiful. "Go, let's go and look outside."

Zhu Ying and others have no objection.

Zhu Yuan is full of nostalgic enthusiasm. How many people in the whole world can have the privilege of seeing the human landscape of two different eras? She can.

Therefore, she went out, as if carrying countless modern people's longings and feelings on her back, aspiring to reward her, she was inexplicably excited.

However, at the moment when he stepped out of the gate of the cloth workshop, all his feelings and longings were wiped out——

When they first came, the door of the cloth shop had just been sprinkled with water, and there were no other problems except for the dirty soles.

After so long, the thin layer of wet mud has dried out long ago.

As soon as Zhu Yuanfu stepped out of the gate, a gust of wind was facing her, engulfed in dust and sand, and instantly fascinated her eyes.

Zhu Yuan:...

Forget it, what's so good about the low house on the dirt road.

Zhu Yuan wiped her face silently, turned around, and returned to the house with a bewildered Zhu Ying.

After Zhang Jingshu and Zhang Jingshu finished choosing fabrics and clothes, they went to the shop next door to buy some snacks, and the group went back home.

I didn't even use lunch outside.

Sitting in the car, Zhu Yuan sighed secretly. It seems that the family economy is not so rich...

The younger siblings are still young, and they can still eat delicious snacks after visiting the two shops. It is very satisfying. They chattered all the way until they eat, and Zhu Yuan has long ears when he hears them. The reason for the book is that the soles of the feet have been greased after using rice.

After entering the study, he found that the "dogdan" brother was still copying the Book of Rites.

[Good noon~~] Zhu Yuan found that the wavy line drawn with a brush was particularly ecstasy.

The vigorous ink calligraphy paused: [Same as good]

[Why are you still copying the "Book of Rites"? Are you fined too? Have to copy it several times? 】

The vigorous ink characters ignored her again.

Zhu Yuan pouted her lips. She could tell that this brother Goudan was very arrogant, and if it hurt his face, he simply ignored him.

[Forget it, I know you won't answer. Let's talk about some constructive topics. I think you are very old-fashioned, and you should be quite old, so give me some advice. 】

A pause in ink. Xie Zheng, who was far away in the capital, touched his face. Are you young?

Of course, Zhu Yuan didn't know what he was thinking, but just wrote down.

[Do you have any way to make money? 】

This time the ink word touched her: [Do you lack money?]

[Lack, a big lack! I can’t eat the food, the listener is sad, the listener shed tears...]

The ink character stopped again.

Zhu Yuan sighed and sighed: [It seems impractical to ask you, should I look for the criminal law and study it carefully? 】

[Why the Criminal Law]

[Because, as the old saying goes, the way to make money is in the criminal law. 】

Xie Zheng:...

Where does the old saying come from? What a daring little bastard.

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