Xie Zheng threw the pen again.

"Go to Siji to get a set of criminal laws and come back." He said solemnly.

"Huh?" An Rui was a little confused. Why do you suddenly want a criminal law? Without trial--

Xie Zheng swept over coldly: "What are you doing in a daze?"

"The minion is here, now!" An Rui hurriedly withdrew, retreating to the door and ran away.

Xie Zheng retracted his gaze and continued to watch someone's nonsense on the table.

[...Or the court is not strong enough. 】

Xie Zheng frowned and raised his pen: [Where is this?]

【To get rich, build roads first. If the imperial court works hard and repairs the road, it will make more money, and the people will not be so poor. 】

Build roads before getting rich? Where's the argument? Xie Zheng thought for a long time but didn't come up with it, so he simply went down and said: [There are roads in every state, capital and county, Yu]

[Come on, what's that way——] The other party suddenly stopped.

Xie Zheng was about to ask a question, when he saw the ink on the paper quickly came out.

[Wait, who are you? I'm here to speak ill of the court, you won't turn around and sell me, will you? 】

Xie Zheng dumb: [No]

【Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. I don't know who you are, but you know that I am in Wuxian. Wuxian is so big. Who knows if you will sue me backhand. The ancestors confessed, the heart of defense is indispensable. 】

[If I tell you, how can I explain the source]

[It seems so. 】

[Go on]

[Actually, I don’t need to say more, don’t you know if you take a look outside? Can the road built by the court be called a road? A good day is dusty, and when it rains, it is muddy. It doesn't take a year or a half for it to be pitted. Maintenance costs are high and impractical. Of course, no economy can develop. 】

Xie Zheng Qingmao: [You want to pave the stone road]

[The cost is higher, okay? Are you stupid as a court? 】

[Then what do you suggest? 】

The other party seemed to wake up: [What are you doing? Are you a court official? 】

Xie Zheng pondered for a moment, and said: [One white body, no officials and no jobs]

[Then what do you rely on for food? 】

[Prosperous family, worry-free food and clothing]


Xie Zheng stared at a few small dots on the paper, after a little thought, he understood the meaning, and couldn't help but curl his lips: [Continue]

Zhu Yuan, who was far away in Wu County, rolled her eyes.

【forget it. I'm done here. 】


[As far as we are talking about this paper, it's boring to say it. 】

General Xie Zhengji: [You will not]

[Fart, if I can't, the whole Dayan Dynasty will not find a second meeting. ] The other party wrote down a row of materials, [I'm talking about cement roads. Use stones, sand, water, and cement, and mix them in a certain proportion. After they dry, they will be flat and solid. The driving pressure is not a problem for more than ten years. 】

[What is cement] It is impossible to just add water and mud, otherwise the road is just a mixture of sand, gravel and mud, which is not much different from now.

[One] The other party paused for a moment, seeming to think about the words, and finally summarized it directly, [After drying things that are hard and extraordinary, adding stones and sand can save costs. 】

Xie Zhengwei: [Do you know how much it costs to build a dirt road? Not to mention what the cement is and how much money is needed to make it, it will cost a lot of money to transport the sand and stones from other places...

The person on the other side is estimated to be young, so he can be proud of himself with a little bit of ink.

Forget it, he was too idle, and even started chatting with him.

He put down the brush.

[Spend it once and then leave it alone for more than ten years. Isn’t it very economical? The current road is repaired every year, every year you spend money, which one spends more money and which spends less money, it is good at a glance. 】

Xie Zheng lifted the paper and squeezed it into a ball and threw it into the brazier.

[Aside from other things, if you encounter war and transport your luggage faster than others, you will have won more than half. 】

Xie Zheng moved for a while.

[Young man, take a long-term view! 】

Xie Zheng raised his pen again: [How to make cement]

【do not know. 】

Xie Zheng:...

Fortunately, the other party added another sentence: [However, I know what material is used for cement. 】

[Since you don’t know cement, how do you know that the cement road is solid]

[Joke, I can write, do I have to know how to make brush and paper first? 】

Xie Zheng's forehead blue veins jumped.

[But... Although I have never made cement, I even know the materials that I need. It is nothing more than clay, limestone, and iron ore powder. 】

Iron ore powder is even needed. Xie Zheng was speechless: 【Labor people hurt money】

[Cut, what do you know...]

"His Royal Highness." An Rui reported at the door, "You got back the criminal law you wanted."

Xie Zheng returned to his mind and threw a few written rice papers on the table into the brazier: "Come in."


"No ceremony." Emperor Chengjia waved his hand to Xie Zheng who was saluting, "Come here, sit down."

"Yes." Xie Zheng got up and walked to the next place to take a seat. "Father called the sons and ministers to come, but is there something to order?"

Emperor Chengjia raised his eyebrows: "It's okay to ask you to come over and talk?"

Xie Zheng looked down: "Erchen has no intention of this."

Deshun, the attendant of Emperor Chengjia, brought tea.

Xie Zheng nodded at him, and the latter smiled and quietly retreated behind Emperor Chengjia.

"I heard that you don't like to visit your mother and concubine recently and have been talking to me several times." Chengjia Emperor was curious, "What did you do to make her so angry?"

Xie Zheng didn't care: "Erchen doesn't want to listen to her talk."

Emperor Chengjia was speechless, picked up the tea cup, scratched the tea lid, and changed the subject: "I heard you were reading the Criminal Law recently? Why are you suddenly interested in this?"

"I heard that all the ways to make money are in the criminal law, so he became curious to see how to make money."

"The way to make money-cough cough cough!" Emperor Chengjia coughed.

Hude Deshun hurried forward to caress, Xie Zheng also hurriedly got up to help.

Emperor Chengjia quickly came over and waved at them: "Nothing."

The two were relieved.

Emperor Chengjia looked at Xie Zheng: "What are these words?"

Xie Zheng looked back: "I have a few days of translating the criminal law, and I feel the same."

Emperor Chengjia: "..." He frowned, "Are you short of money?"

Xie Zheng dumbly said: "My son is in the palace every day, and there is no place to spend money. Why is there a lack of money?"

Emperor Chengjia frowned: "That's good, how do you study ways to make money?"

"No, just to see if this statement..." Xie Zheng considered the words, "Feasible."

"……How is the result?"

Xie Zheng nodded: "Feasible."

Cheng Jiadi: "..."

Xie Zheng's lips curled up: "That's why there is a criminal code, isn't it?"

Emperor Chengjia wiped his face: "I heard that you punished some people a few days ago, and now I look at the criminal law..." He knocked on the table and asked him, "You are not too young, do you want to go? The Ministry of Justice's experience?"

Xie Zheng was stunned, then he pondered for a moment, and said: "If the father really wants his son to practice, he has a place to go."

"Oh?" Emperor Chengjia looked unpredictable, "Where do you want to go to practice?"

Xie Zheng smiled: "Ministry of Engineering."


After copying the "Book of Rites" ten times, I have to copy the county annals again, plus watching the vigorous ink writing of Brother Gou Dan every day, Zhu Yuan feels that his font seems to be really much better, at least not getting bigger and smaller.

My hands are sore.

Today, Zhu Xiuqi was not at home, and Zhu Yuan simply gave herself a vacation and ran to cultivate relationships with her mother, sister, and brother.

Four or five-year-old Zhu Tingfang was at the time for fun, and Zhu Ying was the kind of obedient and well-behaved. Zhu Yuan took the two children all over the yard and made a noise in the yard.

Zhang Jingshu sat in the room and settled the accounts. Hearing another burst of laughter, he raised his head and looked out through the open window, with a gentle smile on his face.

Aunt Yinhuan, who was sitting on the other side doing needlework, was also led to look out. Turning back, she just saw her smile, and then smiled and said, "The big girl is much more cheerful these days."

Zhang Jingshu smiled and nodded: "It turned out to be too quiet."

"Hey, this is good," Yin Huan sighed. "The child should be more skinny. If it is too quiet and has little activity, it is easy to get sick."

Zhang Jingshu remembered the fearful days, and sighed: "No, fortunately, I survived."

Yin Huan hurriedly comforted her: "Don't think too much, it's not too good now. Take the second girl and the young master with them, and they are a lot more lively."

Zhang Jingshu smiled: "Indeed." After looking outside, she thought for a while and ordered the maid, "Go and see a few children. If they sweat, take them down to wipe and change clothes."


Soon, Zhu Ying and Zhu Tingfang were taken by the maid to scrub and change clothes.

Zhu Yuan ran in, picked up her cold cup of tea, and poured it down.

Zhang Jingshu jumped: "How can you drink herbal tea?" Then he scolded the maid, "Don't hurry up and give the girl a cup of warmth."

Zhu Yuan waved his hand: "It's okay, it's so hot, you can't die if you drink it hot." After finishing Zhang Jingshu's speech, she sat down beside her.

"It's not good to be cold and sweaty. You won't be so self-willed in the future." Zhang Jingshu took the clean veil from the maid's hand, pulled her over, and wiped her forehead, neck and back of her neck in turn, rubbing back while chatting. Murmured, "Why don't you wipe your sweat? What should I do if I catch a cold?"

Zhu Yuan let her toss around obediently, and her mood was complicated. The joy of family relationship that I have never enjoyed in my previous life, I did not expect to be realized in this other world...

After she finished wiping, she picked up the abacus again, Zhu Yuan couldn't help but glanced at the account book in front of her and asked, "Mother, haven't you finished the account yet?"

Zhang Jingshu smiled: "How can it be so fast...You are not young anymore. You should almost follow the school housekeeper. Let's see how I manage the accounts first."

Zhu Yuan naturally has no objections.

Zhang Jingshu talked to her account book about the household expenses, monthly firewood, rice, oil, salt, fruits and vegetables, and seasonal fabrics...

Zhu Yuan was speechless, looked around, leaned close to her, and asked in a low voice: "Mother, you spend so much every month, can your father's salary support it?"

Zhang Jingshu touched her head: "Don't worry, our family still has some money, and the main house will send us some money every year." She sighed, "No matter how bad, there is still my dowry. It will leave you hungry and cold."

Zhu Yuan was shocked.

She's the magistrate of the magistrate, she's still chewing the old? Maybe even have soft rice?

She guessed it was difficult at home, but she didn't expect it to be so difficult...

She looked at the maid-in-law around her, and her voice became a little lower: "Mother, our family is so difficult, why do we still raise so many people?" Meals alone cost a lot of money.

Zhang Jingshu smiled and said: "They still have food with us. If they are sent off, they will really suffer. Our family has not reached that point, of course we have to support them."

Zhu Yuan pouted her lips secretly. Okay, think of a way to make money.

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