Facing Elder Ding's tears of gratitude, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue had to put a lot of effort into giving up the old man's idea of ​​inviting them to his home, because the purpose of their coming to the compound was to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Wang Xinsheng and Mr. Guo Ming.

Mr. Ding didn't feel particularly disappointed, "Okay, if you need help in the future, just let me know."

Although Lao Ding's family is not without male grandchildren, and the eldest son and second son are full of children, this child is the lifeblood of the younger son and daughter-in-law. He is also the treasure of Lao Ding's family, and he is held in his hands carefully.

Under the premise of not harming the interests of the country and the people, as long as Feng Qingxue says something, his old Ding family will go through fire and water, even if they die.

"Don't worry, if we encounter difficulties, we will definitely come to you." Feng Qingxue was not polite at all, and at the same time appeased Mr. Ding's regret that he had no repayment, "You can't turn us away by then."

"It's too late to welcome her to the whole family, so how can she turn her away? We have agreed not to be polite."


After watching Mr. Ding and Cui Shaoyuan leave, the couple heard someone calling them as soon as they lifted their feet.

They looked back and saw that they were acquaintances again.

Lu Shuai came up with sweat profusely and panted: "I say, Comrade Qingxue, you and Comrade Lu Jiang are really shameless. They came to the capital and didn't let us hear anything. If I hadn't just been in Lao The leaders heard about Comrade Qingxue saving several children, but I didn’t know you were here.”

Lu Jiang saluted him with a military salute and quickly supported the old man to help him calm down.

"We didn't mean to disturb anyone. We just wanted to come and leave quietly. We didn't expect you to know about it." Feng Qingxue blinked her eyes. She didn't know if it was because of her pregnancy. She had become stupid recently and forgot about Chen Xueniang. What happened in the capital was only remembered when I saw Lu Shuai. Chen Xueniang's things had to be handed over to her, and it was not okay to keep them here. .

Lu Shuai said unhappily: "We are all looking forward to your coming, how can we say it is an intrusion? Where is Xibao? Where is Fubao? Didn't he come with you? Xiaobao misses brother Xibao and sister Fubao every day."

On the way to the capital from Huaihai City, his son and his wife heard something said by Chen Xueniang, which established Xibao's status in their family.

Chen Xueniang said that although her name means snow, she doesn't like to enjoy snow because she remembers that she was sold to a brothel by her parents on a snowy day, and she was cold to the core.

On the day she picked up Han Ye, Chen Xueniang didn't go to enjoy the snow. She dreamed of Xibao the night before. Xibao shouted for flowers. The next day, she went to Shifo Mountain to walk in the snow and pick plum blossoms. She remembered that there were old people in Shifo Mountain. Mei, because the old leader once visited Shifo Mountain and gave instructions to turn the barren mountains into green mountains, Shi Foshan survived all the movements.

Regardless of whether Chen Xueniang's words are true or false, the Lu family will believe whatever Chen Xueniang says, and they firmly believe that Xibao is a little lucky star.

Feng Qingxue didn't know what was going on and had to answer the same answer repeatedly, "Xibao didn't come, and neither did Fubao."

Although Xibao is not around, his name appears frequently.

When meeting them, they ask Xibao first, which makes them very embarrassed as parents and they feel that they are not as popular as Xibao.

They say they love each other, shouldn't everyone look at Xibao differently just because they are on good terms with them? Why is it the other way around now?

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