When he heard that Xibao didn't come, Lu Shuai, like everyone else, was immediately disappointed.

"Not here? Why didn't you bring him here? If you leave him in your hometown, will anyone take care of him? You parents are so generous. You leave your child in your hometown and come out to play by yourself." Lu Shuai felt sorry for Xibao.

Feng Qingxue was helpless, "We are going home to take care of them, so we came to say goodbye to the teacher."

Lu Shuai reacted instantly, "Are you leaving now? Teacher? Who is it?"

"Doctor Guo Mingguo is my master." Feng Qingxue first answered the latter question, and then the previous one, "We have been in the capital for a long time, and we can't stay any longer. Before we leave, I want to meet Sister Xue Niang, please Do you know where she lives?"

The Lu family half-believed Chen Xueniang's words, but it was true that Chen Xueniang saved Han Ye's life.

Therefore, Lu Shuai knew where Chen Xueniang lived.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue got Chen Xueniang's address. After saying goodbye to Guo Ming and his wife and Wang Xinsheng, they headed straight to their destination without stopping. As expected, they saw Chen Xueniang standing at the door of their house talking to Zheng Jinrui.

"Director Zheng?" Feng Qingxue recognized Zheng Jinrui at a glance, the former deputy director of Chen Xueniang's textile factory.

Feng Qingxue was the deputy director of the factory a few years ago, but Feng Qingxue didn't know whether he had become a full-time employee now.

Zheng Jinrui greeted them warmly, "I just arrived in the capital, why is Comrade Qingxue here too?"

"We were preparing to leave the capital and return to our hometown after meeting Sister Xue Niang." Feng Qingxue directly stated her plan, "Director Zheng's appearance is surprising. Isn't the textile factory busy? Or are you coming to the capital on a business trip?"

Zheng Jinrui smiled and said: "It doesn't matter to me whether the textile factory is busy or not. I have been transferred to the capital now. By coincidence, Comrade Chen Xueniang and I work in the same department and we both work in the department store, so I came to find Comrade Chen Xueniang. Ask about the living habits of the people in the capital. What’s more, you’re here after just a few words.”

Feng Qingxue was stunned, what a coincidence?

Sometimes coincidences are brought about by God, and sometimes coincidences are man-made.

Zheng Jinrui didn't change his job early or late, but he was transferred to the capital a month after Chen Xueniang left, and he appeared in the same unit so coincidentally. No matter how you think about it, it's incredible.

Turning to look at Chen Xueniang, although she was over forty, some fine lines had appeared in the corners of her eyes, but it still did not detract from her elegance and beauty.

The top names in the past are still outstanding even when they are gray-haired.

Chen Xueniang was very happy to see Feng Qingxue. She held her hand and said, "Let's go and sit at my house. There are a lot of people here. Comrade Zheng Jinrui, you don't have to be shy. Come and sit inside. It's too crowded outside." It’s hot and it’s too hot.”

"Okay, okay!" Zheng Jinrui agreed very simply and neatly.

So, Chen Xueniang and Feng Qingxue walked in front, and Zheng Jinrui and Lu Jiang walked behind.

This is a single-family house with three main rooms, a kitchen and a toilet. However, you don’t have to live with others. You can eat whatever you want. Chen Xueniang is very satisfied and is very grateful to the Lu family for their hard work.

Chen Xueniang described to Feng Qingxue what happened after arriving in the capital, and while talking, she entered the house.

Zheng Jinrui pulled Lu Jiang and stood in the yard without following him.

"Comrade Lu Jiang, I want to ask you something!" Zheng Jinrui knew Feng Qingxue, so he naturally knew Lu Jiang. Moreover, Lu Jiang is now the acting commander of the border defense force and is considered a celebrity among the cadres of Huaihai City.

Lu Jiang was stunned, "What's the matter?"

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